Westwood Regional Board of Education
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1. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Cafeteria, Ketler Elementary School.
3. Roll Call
4. The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Westwood Regional Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be sent to the following announcing time and place thereof:
Westwood Borough Hall, Westwood Public Library, Township of Washington Administration Building, Township of Washington Free Public Library, The Record, Community Life, Pascack Press.
5. Motion: that approval be given the Minutes of the Private Executive Session of 2/7/08 and the Work Session Minutes of 2/7/08.
6. Superintendent’s Report
7. President’s Report
8. Business Administrator’s Report
9. Student Representative’s Report
10. Old Business
11. AGENDA FORUM (Pursuant to Board Policy 0167 – Public Participation in Board Meetings)
During this portion of the meeting the residents are invited to address the Board on any topics specifically addressed in this agenda. Other items may be presented, during the Open Forum portion of the agenda, usually held at the Board’s monthly work session meetings. The Board requests that individuals address the Board, give name and address, and asks that all remarks be directed to the Board. The Board wishes to remind all attendees at its meetings that while it subscribes without reservation to the principle of keeping the community completely informed, by policy it cannot allow public discussion of personnel matters. Each speaker’s statement will be limited to five (5) minutes in duration and must specifically address items from the agenda. The Agenda Forum will be limited to one hour in duration. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 2
A. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Emily Diego, twelfth grade student on being selected as Westwood High School Student of the Month for January 2008.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above student for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Arielle Kase, eleventh grade student, on being named as Westwood High School Student of the Month for January 2008.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above student for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
C. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Karli Schneeloch, eighth grade student, on being named as Westwood Junior High School Student of the Month for January 2008.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above student for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
D. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Sarah Nelson and Garrett Eucker, eighth grade students, for being accepted into the Region 1 Junior High Honors Choir, and Wyatt Beekman, ninth grade student, for placing first on Oboe in the intermediate band and first in orchestra for the Northern NJ Region 1 Band.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above students for these accomplishments, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present these students with a suitable certificate of recognition. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 3
E. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Carly Dugan, third grade student, Ketler Elementary School for her donation of $100.00, which will be used to purchase a reading rug for the school’s library.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, thanks the above student for this donation, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
F. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Jenna Frazza, fourth grade student, George Elementary School on having her book review published in Scholastic News Magazine.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above student for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
G. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Richard Panzer, eleventh grade student, on earning the distinction of Eagle Scout.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above student for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
H. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Zachary Wolff, a Westwood Regional High School graduate, on earning the distinction of Eagle Scout.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Westwood Regional Board of Education, on behalf of itself, hereby congratulates the above individual for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the individual with a suitable certificate of recognition. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 4
A. Report
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Clarification of Unit Petition agreement with the Westwood Education Association, per the list dated February 19, 2008.
C. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of substitute teachers for the 2007-08 school year, per the list dated February 19, 2008. Source of Funds: Various
D. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given movement on the guide for staff members per the negotiated Westwood Education Association agreement for the 2007-08 school year, per the list dated February 19, 2008. Source of Funds: Various
E. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Barbara Constantine, Lunch Aide/Substitute Aide, Brookside School, per the list dated February 19, 2008. Source of Funds: 11-000-262-110-10
F. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the resignation of Frances Yates, Classroom Aide, Brookside School, be accepted effective February 29, 2008.
G. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Michelle Oppelt, Grade 2 Leave Replacement, George School, per the list dated February 19, 2008. Source of Funds: 11-120-100-101-06
H. Any Personnel/Negotiations addendum items will be considered at this time.
14. FINANCE: Mrs. Koski, Ch.
A. Report
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to staff to attend out of district conferences per the attached list dated February 19, 2008.
C. Motion: WHEREAS, Eileen Mosolino has been elected President of the Board of Education;
WHEREAS, Geoffrey W. Zoeller, Jr. has been appointed Superintendent of Schools and Board Secretary; and
WHEREAS, Keith Rosado has been appointed School Business Administrator; and
WHEREAS, Debbie Carpino has been appointed Treasurer of School Monies;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education establish the following bank accounts at Commerce Bank, Westwood, New Jersey, and that Commerce Bank is hereby requested, authorized, and directed to honor all checks, drafts, and other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of the Board of Education in the following accounts when bearing the true or approved facsimile signature indicated: Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 5
Payroll Account – 3450604945 One Signature Required - Treasurer of School Monies or Business Administrator or Superintendent
Payroll Agency Account – 3450604953 One Signature Required – Treasurer of School Monies or Business Administrator or Superintendent
Unemployment Account – 3450604961 One Signature Required – Treasurer of School Monies or Business Administrator or Superintendent
Capital Reserve Account Three Signatures Required - Board President and Treasurer of School Monies and Business Administrator or Superintendent
Budget Account – 3450605143 Three Signatures Required – Board President and Treasurer of School Monies and Business Administrator or Superintendent
Cafeteria Account – 3450605372 Three Signatures Required – Board President and Treasurer of School Monies and Business Administrator or Superintendent
Student Activities Any Two of the Following – Principal or Superintendent or Business Administrator
H.S. – 3450605356 Berkeley – 3450604996 Brookside – 3450605003 George – 3450605313 Ketler – 3450605321 Washington – 3450605348
Athletic Account – 3450605135 Any Two of the Following – Principal or Business Administrator or Superintendent
Whit Bread Account – 3450604988 Any Two of the Following – Board President or Superintendent or Business Administrator
Scholarship Account – 3450605364 Any Two of the Following – Business Administrator or Superintendent or Principal
D. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the 2008-09 Election/Budget Calendar.
E. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the drawing of ballot position for Candidates will take place on March 5, 2008 at 4:00 P.M. in the Board of Education Conference Room located at 701 Ridgewood Road, Township of Washington. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 6
F. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that approval be given to establish the School Board Election date on April 15, 2008 during the hours of 2:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
G. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, invoices for materials received and services rendered for the 2007-08 school year for February in the amount of $1,281,847.63 be approved for payment in accordance with the lists reviewed by the Board.
H. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Air Systems Maintenance, of 718 Jefferson Avenue, Kenilworth, NJ 07033, for the 2008—2009 school year to provide Maintenance of Temperature Controls and HVAC and Associated Work throughout the district.
Air Systems Maintenance, 718 Jefferson Avenue, Kenilworth, NJ 07033 Mechanic Rate: $69.00 (Prevailing Wages) Helper Rate: $43.50 (Prevailing Wages) Material Mark—up: 5% (Same as 2007-2008)
I. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Allied Service of N.E., Inc., of 437 Kingsland Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, for the 2008— 2009 school year to provide Maintenance of Freezer and Refrigeration Repairs and Associated Work throughout the district.
Allied Service of N.E., Inc., 437 Kingsland Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Mechanic Rate: $74.00 (Prevailing Wages) Helper Rate: $54.00 (Prevailing Wages) Material Mark—up: 20% (Same as 2007-2008)
J. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Arrow Tree Service Inc., of 188 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ 07675, for the 2008— 2009 school year to provide Certified Tree Expert Services throughout the district.
Arrow Tree Service Inc., 188 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ 07675 1-Certified Tree Expert: $120.00 (Prevailing Wages) 3-Man Crew: $270.00 (Prevailing Wages)
K. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Bill Muro Plumbing and Heating, Inc., of 724 Blanch Avenue, Norwood, NJ 07648, for the 2008—2009 school year to provide Plumbing Services and Associated Work throughout the district. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 7
Bill Muro Plumbing and Heating, Inc., 724 Blanch Avenue, Norwood, NJ 07648 Mechanic Rate: $105.00 (Prevailing Wages) Helper Rate: $68.00 (Prevailing Wages) Material Mark—up: 20% (Same as 2007-2008)
L. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Westwood Truck Center, of 16 Hooper Street, Westwood, NJ 07675, for the 2008—2009 school year to provide Plumbing Services and Associated Work throughout the district.
Westwood Truck Center, 16 Hooper Street, Westwood, NJ 07675 Mechanic Rate: $50.00 (Prevailing Wages) Helper Rate: $50.00 (Prevailing Wages) Material Mark—up: 50% (Same as 2007-2008)
M. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following resolution:
The Westwood Regional School District exercises its option to renew its current bid with Systems Electronic, Inc., of 224 Fairview Avenue, Prospect Park, NJ 07508, for the 2008— 2009 school year to provide Fire Alarms, Exiting Lighting, Clocks and Associated Work throughout the district.
Systems Electronic, Inc., 224 Fairview Avenue, Prospect Park, NJ 07508 Mechanic Rate: $89.81 (Prevailing Wages) Helper Rate: N/A Material Mark—up: 25% (Same as 2007-2008)
N. Any Finance addendum items will be considered at this time.
15. CURRICULUM/PROGRAMS: Mrs. Gregory, Ch.
A. Report – New Jr./Sr. High School Master Schedule – Thomas A. Gorman, Principal
B. Any Curriculum/Programs addendum items will be considered at this time.
16. LEGISLATION/POLICY: Mrs. Mountain, Ch.
A. Report
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Board approve as a 2nd reading the following Policies:
Number Title
5112 Entrance Age 5200 Attendance 5230 Late Arrival and Early Dismissal 5305 Health Services Personnel 5306 Health Services to Nonpublic Schools 5307 Nursing Services Plan 5308 Pupil Health Records Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 8 5320 Immunization 5332 Do Not Resuscitate Orders 5500 Expectations for Student Conduct 5511 Dress and Grooming 5512 Hazing 5512.01 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying 5512.02 Cyber-Bullying 5513 Care of School Property 5514 Student Use of Vehicles 5570 Sportsmanship 5611 Removal of Students from the General Education Program for Weapons/Firearms Offenses 5615 Suspected Gang Activity 5700 Pupil Rights
C. Any Legislation/Policy addendum items will be considered at this time.
17. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Mrs. Schaadt, Ch.
A. Report
B. Any Special Education addendum items will be considered at this time.
A. Report
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Board approve Facilities Usage requests pursuant to Board Policy 7510, per the list dated February 19, 2008.
C. Any Buildings and Grounds/Long Range Planning addendum items will be considered at this time.
A. Report
B. Any Athletics/Performing Arts addendum items will be considered at this time.
20. TECHNOLOGY: Ms. Firriolo, Ch.
A. Report
B. Any Technology addendum items will be considered at this time.
21. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Mr. Liddy, Ch.
A. Report
B. Motion: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to receive and file the board communications as per the attached list.
C. Any Public Relations addendum items will be considered at this time.
Motion: that this meeting be adjourned and the Board meet in Private Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of personnel, negotiation, and litigious matters. The decisions Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 9 which emanate from these discussions will be disclosed to the public when formal action is taken by the Board. Agenda, Regular Meeting, February 21, 2008 Page 10 COMMUNICATIONS
1. Letter from C.B.O. expressing thanks and appreciation to the Board for their support for the NJCH Workshop.