Montrose Area School District
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Mr. Kenneth Gould Mr. Michael F. Ognosky President, Board of Directors Superintendent of Schools
I. OPENING EXERCISES - Led by a Board Member
II. ROLL CALL - Board Secretary
III. OPPORTUNITY FOR VISITORS TO ADDRESS AGENDA ITEMS (Visitors must speak directly into the public microphone for accurate transcription of minutes. Even if the person speaks loud enough to be heard by meeting attendees, they cannot be heard on the tape transcription unless they speak directly into the microphone.)
A. Sean Jones – tennis website
A. Items from members of Board of Directors
A. MINUTES – Mr. Kenneth Gould, Board President (Exhibit A)
162.V A motion is needed to approve the following minutes as submitted: a. April 13, 2004 Curriculum Committee Meeting b. April 16, 2004 Board Meeting c. April 16, 2004 Work Session d. April 17, 2004 Budget Meeting e. April 22, 2004 Budget Meeting
B. FINANCE – Mr. Chris Caterson, Chairperson (Exhibit B)
163.V A motion is needed to approve a list of bills to be paid as submitted.
164.V A motion is needed to approve a contract as submitted.
165.V A motion is needed to approve the Treasurer’s Report for March 2004 as submitted.
166.V A motion is needed to approve a list of 22 Fund bills to be paid as submitted.
167.R A motion is needed to approve a preliminary budget for the 2004-2005 fiscal year in the amount of $______.
168.R A motion is needed to award bids for health supplies, custodial supplies, general supplies, and refuse removal as submitted.
169.R A motion is needed to re-appoint Pennstar Bank, Community Bank and Trust Company, Peoples National Bank, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania INVEST Program as school district depositories during the 2004-2005 fiscal year.
170.R A motion is needed to re-appoint G. H. Harris Associates as delinquent tax collector for the school district during the 2004-2005 fiscal year. Board Meeting Agenda May 14, 2004 Page -2-
B. FINANCE – Mr. Chris Caterson, Chairperson continued
171.R A motion is needed to re-appoint Tara Mowbray as Treasurer of the school district for the 2004- 2005 fiscal year.
C. LEGISLATIVE – Mr. James Blachek, Chairperson
D. TRANSPORTATION – Mr. Raymond Smith, Chairperson (Exhibit C)
172.R A motion is needed to approve late run contractors for the 2004-2005 school year as follows at a cost not to exceed $52,000.00: Route A (Lawsville) Cynthia Conaty Route B (Birchardville) Ronald and LouAnn Kiefer Route C (Little Meadows) Gerald and Beverly Legg
E. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS / SAFETY – Mr. George Gow, Chairperson
F. CURRICULUM – Mr. Shawn Brown, Chairperson (Exhibit D)
173.R A motion is needed to approve the Special Education Plan for 2004-2007 school years as submitted.
174.R A motion is needed to approve Family and Consumer Science, Technical Education, and Computer Science/Business Education textbooks as per submitted lists discussed at the April 13, 2004 Curriculum Committee meeting.
G. EXTRA CURRICULAR – Mrs. Linda LaBarbera, Chairperson
H. POLICIES – Mrs. Linda LaBarbera, Chairperson
I. PERSONNEL – Mrs. Celeste Ridler, Chairperson (Exhibit E)
175.R A motion is needed to employ Marita Mondi as a Lunchroom/Playground Aide at the Lathrop Street Elementary School retroactive to April 26, 2004 at the rate of $6.50 per hour without fringe benefits.
176.R A motion is needed to accept the resignation of Eric Lockwood as Drama Club Advisor retroactive to April 26, 2004.
J. PROFESSIONAL SELECTION – Mrs. Mary Homan, Chairperson (Exhibit F)
177.R A motion is needed to re-appoint the law firm of Sweet, Stevens, Tucker and Katz as solicitor for the school district during the 2004-2005 fiscal year at a fee of $145 per hour for partner adversarial representation, $135 per hour for senior associate adversarial representation, $130 per hour for associate adversarial representation, and $110 per hour for non-adversarial general advice.
178.R A motion is needed to approve teachers based upon enrollment for the 2004 summer school program at the Junior-Senior High School at the rate of $22.00 per hour: a. Janet Ross – Supervisor at the rate of $1,000.00 b. Janet Ross – Social Studies c. Joseph Conigliaro – Mathematics d. Julanne Skinner – Social Studies e. Mary Keihl – Study Skills f. Petrina Gregory – Social Studies, Math, English, Science g. Cheryl Arnold – English h. Mary Jeannette Kelly – English, Study Skills i. Kim Forys – Health, Physical Education j. Jean Allen – Library k. Larry Otis – Driver Education Board Meeting Agenda May 14, 2004 Page -3-
J. PROFESSIONAL SELECTION – Mrs. Mary Homan, Chairperson continued
179.R A motion is needed to approve teachers for the 2004 summer school program at the Lathrop Street Elementary School at the rate of $22.00 per hour for a maximum of 20 hours each: a. Heidi Zenger d. Tracy Dunn b. Dorothy Martin e. Michelle Hawley c. Debra Andre
180.R A motion is needed to approve teachers for the 2004 summer school program at the Choconut Valley Elementary School at the rate of $22.00 per hour for a maximum of 24 hours each: a. Teresa Thorne e. Holly Newman b. Connie Diehl f. Rita Matos c. Heidi Zenefski g. Carolyn Morrison d. Alicia Newman h. Brenda Phillips
181.R A motion is needed to approve special education home instruction teachers for extended school year 2004 at the rate of $22.00 per hour: a. Joyce Kocak c. Ellen DiPhillips b. Kandace Wellman d. Elizabeth Melton
182.R A motion is needed to appoint Holly Newman as a daily emergency substitute elementary teacher effective immediately contingent upon completion of employment requirements.
183.R A motion is needed to approve summer work time for guidance counselors as follows at the rate of $22.00 per hour: a. Laurie Papi, Choconut Valley Elementary School, maximum of 10 days or 65 hours b. Susan Lee, Lathrop Street Elementary School, maximum of 10 days or 65 hours c. Mary Beth Ohmnacht, Junior-Senior High School, maximum of 25 days or 162.5 hours d. Angela Nebzydoski, Junior-Senior High School, maximum of 10 days or 65 hours e. Norma Orner, Jr-Sr High School, maximum of 5 days or 32.5 hours by June 30, 2004 f. New Counselor, Junior-Senior High School, maximum of 5 days or 32.5 hours
184.R A motion is needed to approve the submitted list of graduates for the Class of 2004.
185.R A motion is needed to set graduation on Friday, June 11, 2004 at 6:00 PM at the High School Stadium or in case of inclement weather in the High School Auditorium.
186.R A motion is needed to revise the 2003-2004 school calendar as follows: June 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8, 2004 – Regular, full school days June 8, 2004 – Last day of classes for PM kindergarten students June 9 and 10, 2004 – Act 80 student early dismissals 11:30 AM AM kindergarten students will attend classes June 10, 2004 – Last day of school for students and teachers
A. Friday, May 14, 2004, immediately following Board meeting – Work session, Junior-Senior High School Cafeteria
B. Friday, June 18, 2004, 6:30 PM – Board meeting, Junior-Senior High School Cafeteria
C. Friday, June 18, 2004, immediately following Board meeting – Work session, Junior-Senior High School Cafeteria Board Meeting Agenda May 14, 2004 Page -4-
IX. OPPORTUNITY FOR VISITORS’ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Visitors must speak directly into the public microphone for accurate transcription of minutes. Even if the person speaks loud enough to be heard by meeting attendees, they cannot be heard on the tape transcription unless they speak directly into the microphone.)