Evaluation of Practice Final
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Evaluation of Practice Final Due 12/10 (20 points)
For this assignment, you will read your classmate’s essay and evaluate it using the P4 attached rubric. You will also write a one-paragraph response explaining your evaluation. The response should be honest but diplomatic and address both what the writer did well and what he/she could improve on.
For this assignment, you will be returning to me: 1. The student essay 2. The graded rubric 3. Two copies of your one paragraph evaluation with both your name and the student number. I will collect both and hand one to the writer.
Here’s the sample comments we reviewed in class last week, included here as it may help guide you in writing your own:
Jane Doe, Paper #24
Based on the WPA Scoring Guide, this paper meets junior-level writing competency. This paper scores a solid 80 and is clearly adequate in every way. The writer has responded to every aspect of the prompt, showing that he or she understands both the reading and the writing task, the structure is functional, examples and details are good, and the prose style, grammar, and mechanics do not distract the reader from what the writer communicates. The difference between this paper and one that would score a 100 is in the details. While the discussion of the strategies is good, this writer needs to demonstrate a greater understanding of how and why the use of analogy and repetition help make the author's argument more effective. Also, a writer of a 100 paper would not just mention, "It is interesting that Singleton says that he is 'tempted to make an analogy,' then includes the analogy, then says, 'but I shall refrain,'" but would analyze why Singleton includes that comment in parenthesis.
Again, the writer's discussion of structure and the premise is good. What would make the discussion of structure better is to focus more on what the author is doing in various parts of the article instead of listing what the author says in a particular order. More important, this writer needed to include, develop, and explain how and why the structure "furthers the aims of the author's argument." The choice of the premise is a basic one, and one that would be necessary for any article suggesting improvements in education. Instead, the writer should hone in on a premise that is specific to this article. P4 Rubric
Evaluator’s Name: ______Paper #:______
This rubric was created using the scoring criteria provided by the university for the WPA. Note this is not what readers use when scoring, but is meant to help break down the individual parts. The 120 points correspond to the 12 points possible on the WPA.
Pts Writing Prompt 0 Virtually nonexistent Give credit for all that apply 20 Score for Examples and Details 5 Identify and provide a brief explanation of the author’s argument (account) Pts Prose style (Academic Writing) 5 Identify and discuss two strategies that the Select one that best fits the essay author uses to support his or her argument 20 Fluent, with varied syntax and diction 5 Describe the overall structure of the reading 15 Good, particularly in terms of syntax and 5 Describe whether (and if so, how) the diction structure furthers the aims of the author’s 10 Demonstrates adequate—if basic—syntax argument and diction 5 Discuss the premise(s) and/or assumption(s) 5 Demonstrates difficulties with syntax and on which the argument is based diction 5 Evaluate whether the argument is 0 Incomprehensible convincing and why 20 Score for Prose Style 30 Score for Writing Prompt Pts Grammar and Mechanics Pts Reading Analysis Select one that best fits the essay Select one that best fits the essay 10 Very good, few errors present 20 Convincing and fully developed 8 Solid, few distracting errors are present 16 Reasonable, credibly presented and well 6 Flaws are noticeable, but few distracting developed errors are present 12 Present, even if minimal 4 Poor, an accumulation of distracting errors 8 Confused, repetitive or underdeveloped is present, possibly interfering with meaning 4 Confused, simplistic or underdeveloped 0 Fails, an accumulation of errors renders the 0 Confused, incoherent, simplistic or essay unreadable underdeveloped 10 Score for Examples and Details 20 Score for Reading Analysis Add Totals in Each Category TOTAL SCORE______Pts Structure Select one that best fits the essay 20 Furthers the aims of analysis 15 Clear, meeting the needs of analysis 10 Functional, yet mechanical 5 Forced, difficult to follow 0 Forced, difficult to follow, rambling or incomplete 20 Score for Structure
Pts Examples and details (evidence) Select one that best fits the essay 20 Ample, providing strong support for the analysis 15 Sufficient support for analysis 10 Support the analysis, but occasionally may be ill chosen 5 Sparse and often ill chosen What does this mean? 100-120: Student does not have to take any additional writing classes at SDSU unless required to do so for their major. 80-100: Student must enroll in an appropriate “W” course. Meets junior-level competency but not Upper Division Writing Proficiency. 0-80: Student must enroll in RWS 280 or 281. Having received a C or better in either class, they must then enroll in an appropriate “W” course.