Board of Commissioners s8

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Board of Commissioners s8


The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice- President), Commissioner Daniel Ritter, Commissioner Linwood Bartman, and Commissioner Rudy Rivera. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Police Chief David Viola and Solicitor Jeffrey Karver.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Cliff Harze addressed the Board of Commissioners bringing them up-to-date on the spotted lanternfly issue. Adult lanternflies and egg masses have been found in an orchard; researchers have formulated something to attack egg masses. Cutting down the trees is not an answer as the specific tree that attracts them is actually a weed and will merely increase its size and number in a short amount of time. There are mailings going out to sawmills and lumber companies. Metal signs will be distributed to municipalities for installation at their boundaries to notify travelers that they are entering a quarantined Township or Borough. Work crews will be increased this year with 18 full-time people from May through November.

Resident Dorothy Pollock of 32 Elaine Drive and Elizabeth Schrack of 67 Lindy Lane asked to speak to the Commissioners concerning the property maintenance at 34 Elaine Drive. Truck and trailer loads of trash and junk have been removed then the vehicles return loaded with difference junk items and are off-loaded onto the property. CEO Stauffer said he sees the owners making progress with the clean-up and is unaware that additional items are brought onto the property. The residents asked what the time-line is for completion of the clean-up and President Gamler explained the process of sending violation notices and when the District Justice gets involved. Solicitor Karver suggested that CEO Stauffer take photos weekly. CEO Stauffer will continue to monitor the situation.

Resident Mike Hanley of 31 Elaine Drive thanked the Township and its road crew for the great clean up job on the snow removal during the recent blizzard. He also wanted the police Chief to know his department also does a good job.

MINUTES The January 19, 2016 Board of Commissioners Meeting minutes were presented to the Board for their review and approval. Commissioner Bartman commented on a correction to the CEO report and the Manager noted a misspelled name. On a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Bartman, the January 19, 2016 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes were approved with two corrections. Motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORTS President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Customer Balance Summary and Deposit Detail Report then read a list of the payment of bills from the following Township funds for approval. Board of Commissioners February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes 2

General Fund Expense (not report on last agenda) 1/21/16 $15,011.73 General Fund Expense 2/1/16 65,328.43 Payroll Expense 1/29/16 43,740.33 Recycling Fund Expense 2/1/16 4,816.50 HRA Fund Expense 2/1/16 2,645.91

On a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade, approval was given for the payment of the submitted bills. Motion carried.

President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual General Fund statement. The statement was available to the public for review.

POLICE REPORT Chief Viola submitted to the Commissioners then read the police report for the month of January 2016 as follows:

Bechtelsville Colebrookdale Total Criminal Arrests: 0 12 Total Vehicle Arrests: 0 68 Total Written Warnings: 0 12 Total Assists: 0 10 Total Accidents: 0 13 Total Parking Tickets 0 0 Total Incidents (calls) for the Month: 0 613

Total vehicle mileage for the month of January is 6,043. He also submitted a copy of EOY traffic and non-traffic citation and written warning totals for each Officer.

President Gamler noted the Bechtelsville stats were missing from the January report and Chief Viola said he will have that section of the report for them at the next meeting.

Commissioner Spade asked if the Officers check the Walmart parking lot because there are numerous unlicensed vehicles in the lot. Chief Viola will have the Officers look into it.

Chief Viola informed the Board that he anticipates the hiring of a Corporal for the Department will occur by the end of February.

ROAD MASTER REPORT Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners that the Berks County Emergency Services department is gathering damage assessment data from the blizzard of January 22nd and 23rd. She will meet with the Road Master to document the overtime and other costs and submit a report to Berks County for reimbursement.

President Gamler complimented the road crew for the phenomenal job they did during the storm. He heard the same remarks from many residents that they were very happy with how Board of Commissioners February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes 3 the roads were opened and cleaned up.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT CEO Stauffer submitted for review one permit #5317, a garage permit for 57 Valley Road. President Gamler said there was not a PA license number on the application. CEO Stauffer said the contractor called after submitting the permit and gave him his license number.

SEO REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.

PLUMBING, HEATING, HVAC INSPECTOR’S REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.

SOLICITOR’S REPORT Solicitor Karver informed the Commissioners that he received letter dated January 29, 2016 from Tri-Mac Towers’ representative Fred Papa granting the Township an extension of time for a zoning decision on their application as the 45 days from the hearing date expire this day. This allows the company to submit fully executed copies of the Lease and Private Road Maintenance Agreement.

Solicitor Karver informed the Commissioners that Attorney Ober, representing Rod Christel, would like to meet with him for a one-to-two hour meeting. Solicitor Karver asked the Board for permission to have Engineer Sartor attend the meeting as well. Manager Conrad noted that the Township has not received the $1,500.00 escrow to cover the Township Engineer’s costs that Mr. Christel agreed to pay at the Commissioner’s January 4, 2016 meeting.. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Rivera authorizing Attorney Karver and Engineer Sartor to meet with Attorney Ober pending receipt of the escrow from Rod Christel. Motion carried.

Concerning the Debra James zoning appeal, Solicitor Karver filed a petition requesting a stay, to prevent her from going forward with any repairs pending the zoning report.

ENGINEER’S REPORT Engineer Sartor was excused from attending the meeting.

COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT Commissioner Spade informed the Board that the front lighting of the maintenance building has only two of five working lights. He asked the Commissioners to consider approving the purchase of LED fixtures and he will install them in the spring. The Township can apply for a $300.00 rebate from First Energy. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Bartman to authorize the purchase of lighting fixtures at a cost not to exceed $1400. Motion carried.

President Gamler informed the Board that he was approached by two residents concerning the serious accidents occurring at Funk Road and Route 73. The Commissioners discussed the need for guide rails at that intersection as the baseball field is located at that intersection. President Gamler told the residents that the Township would contact PennDOT and he asked Board of Commissioners February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes 4

Chief Viola to document the incidents the past five years to send to PennDOT.

Commissioner Ritter noted he attended the fire company meeting and they are pursuing paying the bills.

MANAGER’S REPORT Manager Conrad asked for a motion to ratify the decision to hire Barry Baus part-time with the road crew. Prior to the blizzard she received a consensus via phone calls to each of the Commissioners to hire Mr. Baus. The was a motion by Commissioner Bartman, seconded by Commissioner Spade to ratify the decision to hire Barry Baus part-time for the road department. Motion carried. The Commissioners also need to decide about the road department needing additional part-time help and President Gamler asked CEO Stauffer if he would consider working part-time. He said he would be available.

The Manager received an email from Berks County Department of Emergency Services (BCDES) that this month’s meeting is intended for the elected officials and their responsibilities. Each month’s training is open to the local emergency management coordinators as part of their required training under Title 35. She left a message with Nathan Babb however, he has not returned the call. President Gamler asked the Manager to contact the Boyertown Manager. He explained to Commissioner Rivera the NIMS training for emergency personnel and elected officials and that there is an on-line course available.

Manager Conrad presented four proposals, from third party code enforcement service companies, for the Board to consider hiring when CEO Stauffer retires at the end of February. Proposals were from LTL Consultants, Technicon, Systems Design Engineering and Keystone Municipal Services, who currently handle the Township’s commercial services.

The Commissioners discussed the job requirements, days to be at the Township office, tasks, fee schedule and considered speaking with other municipalities that use 3rd party services for input. The Manager was asked to provide a spread sheet of hourly rates, travel rates, etc. The Board decided to meet in Executive Session on Monday, February 8th at 7:00 pm to discuss this personnel issue.

COMMITTEE REPORT President Gamler noted the submission of the BMMA meeting minutes from December 28, 2015 and the BAF&R annual report. There were no comments.

OLD BUSINESS There was nothing submitted.

SUBDIVISIONS/LDPs There was nothing submitted to the Board at this time.

NEW BUSINESS There was no new business at this time.

COMMUNICATIONS All communication received since January 19, 2016 was submitted to the Board of Commissioners. The correspondence was available for review by the public. President Gamler Board of Commissioners February 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes 5 informed the public that there is MS4 Stormwater information available in the hallway and encouraged them to take advantage of the available pamphlets and data.

FYI President Gamler acknowledged a thank you letter from Gilmore & Associates, a letter from a resident praising the good work of the road crew opening up and clearing the roads after the blizzard and letters sent to Attorneys Stephen Price and Charles Garner. Manager Conrad informed the Board she and CEO/Zoning Officer Stauffer will be meeting with the newly appointed Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor Charles Garner in the near future. There were no comments.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (NOT SIGNED IN) No one addressed the Board at this time.

ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Board, Commissioner Ritter made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Spade to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie DiSante, Township Secretary

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