Planning and Environment Act 1987 s6

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Planning and Environment Act 1987 s6

Planning and Environment Act 1987 CASEY PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C189


Who is the planning authority? This amendment has been prepared by the Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority), which is the planning authority for this amendment. The Amendment has been made at the request of the Metropolitan Planning Authority and City of Casey.

Land affected by the Amendment The Amendment applies to the subject land (the Precinct) identified in the Casey Central Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan area, as well as a strip of land along the western boundary of the precinct (part of the Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road reserve), in the City of Casey and shown in Map 1 below. The Precinct is approximately 60 hectares in area. The Precinct is located to the east of Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road, south of the former Glasscocks Road alignment and north of the future Rosebank Drive extension in Cranbourne North. The existing municipal tree reserve located along the former Glasscocks Road alignment is included within the precinct boundary.

Map 1- Land affected by the amendment What the amendment does The Amendment will implement the Casey Central Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) by introducing Urban Growth Zone Schedule 10 (UGZ10) to the Casey Planning Scheme and rezoning the Precinct to UGZ10. More specifically, the amendment proposes the following changes to the Casey Planning Scheme:  Insert Schedule 10 to Clause 37.07 Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) into the Casey Planning Scheme and rezone the Precinct to UGZ10. The schedule sets out the land use and development controls for the precinct. The schedule requires land use and development within the amendment area to be generally in accordance with the Casey Central Town Centre PSP;  Rezone a strip of land adjacent to the western boundary of the precinct from UGZ to Road Zone Category 1 (RDZ1).  Delete the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 14 (DPO14) from the Precinct;  Delete the Development Contributions Plan Overlay Schedule 6 (DCPO6) from the Precinct;  Apply the DCPO11 to the Precinct;  Amend the Schedule to Clause 52.01 to require a 5.97% public open space contribution from subdividers within the amendment area;  Amend the Schedule to Clause 52.17 to include the Precinct as a scheduled area;  Amend the schedule to Clause 66.04 to require a referral to the Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority) for subdivision; and construction of a building or carrying out works in the Core and Transitional retail areas and Corporate Centre where the value of the building or works is in excess of $500,000; and  Amend the Schedule to Clause 81.01 to include one new incorporated document titled ‘Casey Central Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan, November 2015’

Strategic assessment of the Amendment

Why is the Amendment required? The amendment introduces planning provisions to implement the State Planning Policy Framework with regard to the growth of Melbourne by facilitating new urban development, associated infrastructure provision, biodiversity and open space outcomes. A planning scheme amendment is the most appropriate method for managing the proposed urban growth and associated development as the matters relate to land use and development outcomes. The planning scheme amendment allows for urban development outcomes specific to the land resulting in more certain and efficient regulation. The amendment provides a balanced outcome in favour of net community benefit. The certainty provided by the amendment in terms of land use, development and infrastructure outcomes provides for a transparent and informed investment environment while delivering a clear picture for the future of the land for the existing community. The amendment provides employment, housing and services for new residents and workers in a manner that minimises disruption to the existing nearby communities. The amendment will facilitate the development of approximately 94,000 square metres of commercial floor space and 17,500 square metres of retail floor space, providing opportunities for over 5,200 new jobs at full development of the precinct. In addition to employment generating land uses, the amendment will facilitate the development of approximately 2,600 dwellings, accommodating approximately 5,800 new residents at full development. The amendment complements, and in some cases replaces, existing provisions of the scheme. In particular, the amendment streamlines and integrates processes for infrastructure provision and housing diversity on smaller lots. The amendment does not duplicate any management provisions for the land and development in other acts or regulations.

How does the Amendment implement the objectives of planning in Victoria? The amendment implements the following objectives of planning in Victoria under Section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987:  To provide for the fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use and development of land Economic and sustainable use and development of land Casey Central Town Centre PSP will facilitate the development of a new town centre that brings employment, residential and community land uses to greenfield land in Cranbourne North. Employment will be generated through a combination of retail and commercial uses. Retail will be split between the Transitional Retail area immediately south of the existing Casey Central shopping centre and the Core Retail area, a ‘high street’ style shopping strip, formed along a southerly extension of The Strand. Two commercial areas, referred to as Corporate Centre in the PSP, are located to the east and west of the ‘core retail’ area and will be the focus for office based employment. Two local parks will be located within the Precinct (including Central Park, a large local park located adjacent to the Civic Facilities area in the centre of the Precinct) along with a pocket park, two linear parks and two urban plazas, providing future residents, visitors and workers with passive recreation opportunities. The residential areas of the Precinct will be developed at a density appropriate for a town centre setting, achieving a long-term average density of approximately 90 dwellings per net developable area (residential). Fair use and development of land The Precinct Infrastructure Plan (PIP) at Appendix 4.1 of the PSP sets out the infrastructure and services required to meet the needs of future development within the precinct. The items and services will be provided through a range of mechanisms including but not limited to the existing, incorporated Cranbourne North Precinct Structure Plan Development Contributions Plan (June 2011), applied to the precinct through the DCPO11. Orderly use and development of land The precinct is a logical infill development opportunity, with suburban conditions already existing or under construction on surrounding land. The precinct will provide much needed employment land for office-based commercial uses, along with higher density housing, adding to the diversity of dwelling stock in the area.

 To provide for the protection of natural and man-made resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity Stormwater flows will be managed through the Integrated Water Management requirements and guidelines at 3.7.1 of the PSP. Plan 10 of the PSP nominates drainage pipe, retarding basins and overland flow paths necessary for managing stormwater conveyance in the precinct.  To secure a pleasant, efficient and safe working, living and recreational environment for all Victorians and visitors to Victoria The amendment will facilitate the development of a new town centre planned around a future urban structure that provides a range of employment and housing opportunities along with retail to support the working and residential population. The PSP also identifies the necessary infrastructure and open space to service the proposed future growth. Four hectares of land for civic facilities has been identified in the land budget and on the future urban structure, to be purchased by the City of Casey for the provision of an integrated community facility, regional library and indoor sports facility.

 To protect public utilities and other assets and enable the orderly provision and coordination of public utilities and other facilities for the benefit of the community The amendment nominates a network of future and existing infrastructure which is of sufficient capacity to ensure development within the Precinct is adequately serviced by sewer, water, electricity and gas. Requirements have been included within the PSP and the UGZ10 to ensure development in the vicinity of the APA high pressure gas main (running east-west along the Precinct’s southern boundary) considers the location of the asset during construction, and the safety of future residents, visitors and workers in the design, density and use of buildings. As an outcome of a Safety Management Study carried out by APA Group (gas pipeline operator) as part of the preparation of the PSP, a number of sensitive land uses have been prohibited within 55 metres of the gas pipeline easement. A construction management plan requirement has been included within the UGZ schedule to ensure appropriate measures are taken to minimise risk of damage to the pipeline during nearby construction and works. The layout of the Precinct’s future urban structure encourages transport choice and a reduction in private car use through the nomination of a network of pedestrian and bicycle paths. Bus capable connector and arterial roads are also nominated on the plan.

 To facilitate development in accordance with the above objectives The amendment will facilitate new urban development in Melbourne’s South East that will improve the supply and diversity of housing and employment land and provide opportunities for a range of retail and community services, along with the infrastructure and open space needed to support a liveable and vibrant centre.

 To balance the present and future interests of all Victorians The PSP incorporated into the Casey Planning Scheme under this amendment will provide a framework for the delivery of houses, jobs and services for the existing surrounding community as well as future residents and workers. Infrastructure nominated in the PSP has been planned to a sufficient level to cater for future demand.

How does the Amendment address any environmental, social and economic effects?

Environmental Effects Development of the land following the incorporation of the PSP will alter the existing market garden landscape dramatically by changing the storm water flows, increasing the urban population and increasing traffic flows. The development of the land will also bring urban development in proximity to an existing high pressure gas pipeline. Each of these matters has been addressed in the preparation of the amendment to facilitate the town centre. In particular:  Stormwater will be managed through an integrated system including two retarding basins and a network of pipes to manage flows in accordance with the Surface Water Management Strategy commissioned to support the preparation of the PSP.  A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (GHD) was commissioned by the City of Casey in May 2006 to support the preparation of the Casey Central Development Plan. The report recommends further testing prior to development for sensitive uses (e.g. residential). Appropriate requirements have been included in the UGZ10 requiring permit applications to include an environmental site assessment prepared to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. A Safety Management Study was carried out by APA Group (the gas pipeline operator) in conjunction with the MPA and the City of Casey. The study concluded that the PSP and UGZ10 should include requirements to minimise safety risks relating to land use and development in proximity to the pipeline. These requirements have been included as requested. A range of sensitive uses have been prohibited within the easement and within 55 metres of the easement. A mandatory requirement has been included within the UGZ10 for the preparation of a construction management plan to ensure appropriate measures are taken to minimise risk of damage to the pipeline during nearby construction and works.  A remnant patch of Heathy Woodland totalling approximately 0.2 hectares in area is located within the precinct, and can be removed as part of the development of the Precinct.

Social and Economic Effects  The PSP anticipates residential development at a long term average density of approximately 90 dwellings per net developable area, providing medium and higher density housing, providing greater housing choice in an area dominated by housing at traditional suburban densities.  The PSP envisages significant commercial (94,000sqm) and retail floorspace (17,500sqm) along with civic, entertainment and leisure facilities that are expected to yield over 5,200 new jobs for Casey Central Town Centre.  Bus capable connector and arterial roads will be provided in the Precinct, giving residents access to bus services for the wider area. The bus capable roads in the Precinct take into account the Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) along Narre Warren – Cranbourne Road and Glasscocks Road.  The Precinct will have an anticipated population of 5,800 accommodated in a range of medium and high density dwelling types. The Casey Central Town Centre PSP will set out the infrastructure needed to support this new population growth. Four of the transport projects identified within the Precinct Infrastructure Plan will be constructed using funding allocated via the Cranbourne North Precinct Structure Plan Development Contributions Plan. The remaining transport project (Glasscocks Rd/The Strand signalised intersection) will be developer funded. The proposed integrated community facility and indoor sports facility will be funded by the City of Casey.

Does the Amendment address relevant bushfire risk? The land subject to the amendment is not within an identified bushfire prone area.

Does the Amendment comply with the requirements of any Minister’s Direction applicable to the amendment?

Direction No. 1 – Potentially Contaminated Land A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (GHD) was carried out for the Precinct. The Phase 1 report recommended that a detailed investigation of the environmental status of the soil and groundwater conditions would be required in order to develop the site for a ‘more sensitive use’ e.g. residential (GHD, May 2006). The UGZ10 has been drafted to include a provision requiring further testing as part of any application to use or develop land for a sensitive use within the precinct.

Direction No. 9 – Metropolitan Strategy The amendment implements the growth area elements of the metropolitan strategy. The amendment will facilitate the urban development of land within the Urban Growth Boundary of metropolitan Melbourne. The land is nominated as an Activity Centre within Plan Melbourne.

Direction No. 11 – Strategic Assessment of Amendments This direction seeks to ensure a comprehensive strategic evaluation of a planning scheme amendment. This Explanatory Report addresses the requirements outlined in this direction.

Direction No. 12 – Urban Growth Areas Part 4, 5 and 6 of Ministerial Direction 12 requires that when preparing an amendment to introduce or change provisions in a schedule to the UGZ, a planning authority must evaluate and include in the explanatory report a discussion about:

 How the amendment implements any Growth Areas Framework Plan applying to the land The South-East Growth Corridor Plan (GCP) applies to the Precinct. Casey Central is identified as a Major Town Centre within the ‘existing urban area’. The precinct will be developed with medium and higher density housing along with employment opportunities and retail and community services – ultimately functioning as a highly accessible, high amenity town centre. ’How does the amendment accord with the Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines (October 2009)? Objective one: To establish a sense of place and community The Precinct will provide for infill development complementing the surrounding urban area, whilst retaining a sense of neighbourhood and community in itself due to the Precinct’s small size. The Casey Central Town Centre will be a highly accessible neighbourhood with housing, employment, recreation and community facilities, all integrated with surrounding existing and future urban areas. The Precinct will have good pedestrian connectivity, along with an open space network, shared paths and off-road bike paths.

Objective two: To create greater housing choice, diversity and affordable places to live An important new approach to housing diversity has been developed and introduced through the MPA’s more recent PSPs. Provisions in the PSP deliver a comprehensive guide to delivering diversity that provides for a range of densities across the PSP area. This allows for increased choice to homebuilders and purchasers to build a house of the size they want in the location they want while meeting policy goals seeking higher dwelling densities in growth areas. The Precinct has a much higher than average dwelling density of 90 dwellings per hectare of net developable area (NDA) compared to the State planning policy aim of 16 dwellings per hectare of NDA. This density is consistent with the expectations of an activity centre with a long development timeframe. The higher dwelling density will primarily deliver townhouses and apartments within the Precinct. The provision of employment, retail and civic facilities, along with a high level of pedestrian permeability and access to the future bus network will encourage reduced reliance on the private vehicle.

Objective three: To create highly accessible and vibrant activity centres The Precinct has been planned to respond to this objective, with a high level of pedestrian permeability, significant commercial and retail floor space, a ‘high street’ style retail area, civic facilities, open space and access to public transport.

Objective four: To provide for local employment and business activity The PSP specifically encourages local employment and business activity through the inclusion of commercial and retail floor space and the use of the applied Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and Commercial 2 Zone (C2Z).

Objective five: To provide better transport choices The PSP requires delivery of bus capable connector roads that intersect with the Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) on Narre Warren - Cranbourne Road. The PPTN network provides public transport access throughout the municipality. The shared path and off road cycling network is deliberately aimed at providing access to key local destinations but also providing direct routes to urban areas north, south, east and west of the Precinct.

Objective six: To respond to climate change and increased environmental sustainability All of the elements planned for the Precinct, as described in the response to objectives above and below, have sustainability and climate change adaptability built into their design. They provide for:  Reduced travel times to key services and multiple mode and route options for travel including by means other than the currently dominant private car mode;  Management of natural systems, and the effects of development on natural systems, so as to minimise or offset detriment to those systems; and  Efficient use of land for multiple purposes where practicable.

Objective seven: To deliver accessible, integrated adaptable community infrastructure Due to the small size of the PSP in regards to land area and projected population, services such as community hubs, school and sporting facilities will be provided in the adjacent Cranbourne North Development Plan and PSP areas. The PSP does however, nominate four (4) hectares of Civic Facilities to be set aside for purchase by City of Casey for the provision of an integrated community facility, regional library and indoor sports facility.

 How the provisions give effect to the intended outcomes of the Precinct Structure Plan Most provisions in the incorporated document and associated ordinance are designed to be implemented at the subdivision development stage. At this point requirements and guidelines are either designed into subdivision plans (e.g. spatial outcomes), implemented through permit conditions, implemented through referral authority agreements (e.g. essential services) or required to be applied as restrictions on title (e.g. Small Lot Housing Code). In most cases, this provides for a single permission after approval of the PSP which is central to providing certainty and clarity and timeliness in the planning process. The PSP remains the guiding document for neighbourhood development.

 How a translation of the provisions can be achieved, once development anticipated by the precinct structure plan is substantially complete. As discussed above, most outcomes will be delivered through subdivision permit prior to translation of the PSP to standard provisions. Subdivision permits will implement most of the non-standard provisions. An assessment of how development has proceeded and where public land uses have been established closer to the time of translation will provide a better guide to where zone boundaries should be settled. Other than the UGZ, standard provisions are used to implement the plan including development contributions through Schedule 11 to Clause 45.06 and open space contributions through Clause 52.01. These will stay in place until all relevant contributions are collected.

S46M(1) - Direction on Development Contributions Plan This direction seeks to direct planning authorities in relation to the preparation and content of a development contributions plan. The incorporated Cranbourne North Precinct Structure Plan Development Contributions Plan (DCP) applies to the Precinct, therefore no DCP is proposed as part of this amendment. The Cranbourne North DCP provides funding towards three signalised intersections plus land and the first carriageway along Glasscocks Road.

How does the Amendment support or implement the State Planning Policy Framework and any adopted State policy?

The amendment represents an integrated decision making process that balances the conflicting objectives of the relevant State Planning Policies as follows:  Clauses 11.01 Activity Centres, 11.02 Urban Growth, 11.03 Open Space - The amendment incorporates a PSP which sets out the orderly structure for development of a town centre, fulfilling the role of an Activity Centre as nominated in Plan Melbourne. This includes the composition and function of the town centre, taking into account the existing and planned network of centres in the region, bringing zoned land supply to the market for housing and employment and providing land with good proximity to existing and planned amenities, services and infrastructure.  Clause 16.01 Residential Development - Housing in the Precinct will be fully serviced. New residents will have access to services and employment opportunities within the Precinct. The Precinct Structure Plan sets out a range of housing densities that can be accommodated in the Precinct.  Clause 17.01 Commercial - The PSP designates a mix of retail and commercial floor space. Employment uses nominated within the PSP will service the Precinct itself, along with surrounding suburbs of Narre Warren and Cranbourne North.  Clause 18.01 Integrated Transport, 18.02 Movement Networks - The Precinct is well integrated with the existing and planned road network and Principal Public Transport Network. The proposed road network provides a robust structure for traffic and transport movement within and through the Precinct.  Clause 19.02 Community Infrastructure, 19.03 Development Infrastructure – A four (4) hectare parcel of land has been nominated within the PSP for Civic Facilities – this land is intended for purchase by City of Casey and will ultimately be developed with uses including an integrated community facility, regional library and indoor sports facility.

How does the Amendment support or implement the Local Planning Policy Framework, and specifically the Municipal Strategic Statement? The amendment is consistent with and has been prepared in accordance with the Local Planning Policy Framework as discussed below.

Municipal Strategic Statement:  Clause 21.03 Vision – Strategic Framework - This policy provides a strategic framework and vision for Casey. The Framework Plan within Clause 21.03 nominates Casey Central Town Centre as a future activity centre.  Clause 21.09 Building New Communities – The proposed Casey Central Town Centre PSP will provide for services and infrastructure for the new neighbourhood as previously detailed in this report.  Clause 21.11 Employment – The amendment supports this policy as previously detailed in this report.  Clause 21.14 Infrastructure – The objectives of this Clause are supported by the incorporated Cranbourne North DCP which establishes a framework for the cost of new shared development and community infrastructure and ensures the timely delivery of infrastructure to the Precinct.

Local Planning Policies:  Clause 22.05 Residential Development Policy - The objectives of this Clause are supported by the outcomes of the PSP to facilitate a planning framework to guide the orderly development of residential land, as well as identifying infrastructure and open space requirements of this developing residential area.  Clause 22.07 Retail Policy. The amendment supports this policy through applying the C1Z and C2Z to land within the PSP area.  Clause 22.08 Non-Residential Uses in Residential and Future Residential Areas Policy - The PSP is consistent with the objectives of this policy and the future urban structure and UGZ10 schedule have been drafted to avoid any contradictions with the policy.  Clause 22.14 Infrastructure Policy - In support of this policy the Cranbourne North DCP will ensure the timely provision of high quality infrastructure through adequate funding that is fairly distributed across the Precinct.  Clause 22.15 Good Design Policy - Design guidelines within the PSP aim to build a positive image for the City of Casey to attract business, create employment opportunities, attract future residents and instil community pride in existing residents.  Clause 22.17 Stormwater Policy. The PSP will address stormwater management issues as part of the future development.

Does the Amendment make proper use of the Victoria Planning Provisions? The amendment meets the form and content requirements of the Victorian Planning Provisions. Importantly, the application of the UGZ is considered an appropriate tool to apply a suite of Victorian Planning Provision zones to guide future use and development of the site through the specification of conditions and requirements for permits.

How does the Amendment address the views of any relevant agency? The Casey Central Town Centre PSP and the relevant amendment documentation has been prepared in consultation with City of Casey, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (biodiversity), Public Transport Victoria, South East Water, Melbourne Water, Energy Safe Victoria, VicRoads and other agencies. The MPA will continue to work with relevant State agencies during the exhibition of the amendment. Does the Amendment address relevant requirements of the Transport Integration Act 2010? The amendment is likely to have a significant impact on the transport system at a local level. It will require upgrades to nearby parts of the regional road network and will allow the creation of a new local road network that will set the future pattern of development in the Precinct. It will contribute to the development of the bus network in the area. The proposed additions and changes to the existing transport system in and adjacent to the precinct will meet the transport system objectives by:  Providing for an interconnected road system that responds to the likely level of use generated by the precinct and hence facilitating investment in housing and local retail services in the area;  Enabling efficient access to existing and planned employment and services in and around the local area and region through connections to the arterial road network and planned extensions to bus services;  Ensuring the road network minimises impacts on the site’s topography and water flow regimes;  Nominate land for community and recreational facilities to reduce the need for extended travel;  Designing roads that are of a suitable scale and compatible with the expected travel demand;  Integrating the construction of bus stop facilities with the development process to minimise construction costs and provide the opportunity to optimise the location of bus stops and design of roads in relation to bus routes and associated facilities; and  Integrating relevant government bodies involved in the provision of transport infrastructure and services in the decision making process of the amendment.

Resource and administrative costs

 What impact will the new planning provisions have on the resource and administrative costs of the responsible authority? The amendment will have minimum impact on the resources and administrative costs of the responsible authority. The incorporation of the PSP in the Casey Planning Scheme will facilitate the future orderly and proper planning of the area. In most cases a single subdivision permit will capture all of the development requirements for a particular site. Further, the UGZ10 has been structured in such a way that the ultimate translation to conventional Victorian Planning Provisions zones can occur in a timely and efficient manner once the land has been substantially developed. Where you may inspect this Amendment The Amendment is available for public inspection, free of charge, during office hours at the following places: City of Casey Metropolitan Planning Authority Customer Service Centre Level 25, 35 Collins Street Municipal Offices MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Magid Drive NARRE WARREN VIC 3805

The Amendment can also be inspected free of charge at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at .

Submissions Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority. Agency submissions about the amendment must be received by Monday 7 December, 2015. A submission must be addressed to the MPA and sent to:

Metropolitan Planning Authority Amendment C189 to the Casey Planning Scheme Level 25, 35 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Or via email at [email protected]

Panel hearing dates In accordance with clause 4(2) of Ministerial Direction No.15 the following panel hearing dates have been set for this amendment:  Directions hearing: week of 25th March 2016.

 Panel hearing: week of 15th April 2016.

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