Kansas Junior Classical League

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Kansas Junior Classical League

Kansas Junior Classical League Convention 2009

Salvete, Magistri!

I wish to extend to you an invitation to attend the annual convention of the Kansas Junior Classical League to be held at Lawrence High School on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Please plan to attend with a crowd of enthusiastic Latin students! Enclosed you will find information regarding the activities being held. We ask that you send us final numbers of how many students you will have participating in each activity by March 27. Some events will be held at the same time, so be careful when signing up your students. There will be a $10.00 fee for each student that will cover the costs of breakfast and lunch1. Also, please include an alphabetized list of students you will be bringing to the convention, separated by Latin levels (I, II, and advanced) by April 17. Please register quam celerrime! We are asking that academic tests and your lists of students be sent to Jeanne Cummings at Olathe East High School, 14545 W. 127th Olathe, KS 66062. Forms must be postmarked by April 17. Registration forms and fees are to be sent to Jason Lichte at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66046. Forms must be postmarked by April 17. If you have any questions or comments, please call me. I look forward to seeing all of you at this year’s KJCL convention.

Vobis gratias ago, Jason Lichte 785-330-2498 [email protected]

1 Nota Bene: All schools, teachers, and students must be members in good standing of the American Classical League and the Junior Classical League, respectively. Activities: 1. Spirit Orientation and Costume Contest (each school prepares a 2-3 minute skit) 2. Certamen Rounds (skill levels I, II and advanced. Each school is allowed a maximum of one team per level; each team consisting of four students. 3. We will also have an Open Certamen in which students from different schools can compose a team, and whose victories do NOT count toward the final scores. 4. Tug-o-War 5. Art (2D[watercolor, painting, etc] and 3D [statues, mosaics, etc]) 6. Sight-reading (skill levels I, II and advanced 7. Oratory (skill levels I, II and advanced 8. Dodge ball 9. Academic Decathlon (general Latin knowledge, not open to Level 1 students) 10.Written tests to be given before the day of the convention. Categories of this test are listed on the next page. Attached are more specific instructions for the test. *Activities in bold will be going on at the same time (11:00 a.m.-noon) *Italicized activities will be going on at the same time (9:45 a.m.-11:00 a.m.)

If you have any questions regarding the format of competitions or the convention itself or to request copies of written tests, feel free to contact Jason Lichte.

Directions to Lawrence High School: Take I-435 to HWY 10. Hwy 10 will turn into 23rd street as soon as you get to Lawrence. Turn right (north) on Louisiana. Turn left on 19th street and left again into the parking lot. 2009 KJCL TEST INSTRUCTIONS

The individual registration form lists academic tests that the students can take. These tests are to be given by the classroom teacher prior to the day of the convention. Please use the following guidelines in administering and mailing the convention tests.

 A packet will contain one copy of each test option.  This year test options include the following:

Derivatives (all levels take the same test) Roman Life (all levels take the same test) Roman History (all levels take the same test) Mottoes, Quotes, and Abbreviations (all levels take the same test) Mythology (all levels take the same test) Grammar (different test for each level) Reading Comprehension (different test for each level) Vocabulary (different test for each level)

 Each student may take tests in no more than three categories.  Only students who have registered for the convention should take the tests.  Teachers must supply students with individual scantron sheets for each test taken.  Scantrons must include the following information:

Student Name School Test Name Level of Latin

 Any scantrons missing any of the above information will not be graded.  If the level is not included on the scantron, the test will be graded at an advanced Latin level.  Students must use the same name on the scantron as on the registration form.  Each student must take tests on the level of Latin s/he is enrolled in or the highest level achieved if he/she is no longer in a Latin class.  Teachers should make copies of each test as needed.  Teachers must administer the tests.  Teachers must guard or destroy the tests after the students have taken them. Do not allow students to keep the tests.  Teachers must mail the scantron answer sheets to Jeanne Cummings.

Jeanne Cummings Olathe East High School 14545 W. 127th Olathe, KS 66062

 Test scantron answer sheets must be postmarked no later than April 17.  Scantrons postmarked after April 17 will be graded but will not be eligible for awards or sweepstake points.

N.B. All students who are members of KJCL may take state tests for state awards as long as they have registered for the convention and paid the fees. However, only students who are attending the convention may receive points that count toward sweepstakes points.

Kansas Junior Classical League 2009 Convention Preliminary School Registration

Sponsoring Teacher ______

School ______

School Address______

School Phone # ______School Fax # ______

Teacher’s Home Phone # ______

E-Mail Address ______

My chapter and attending students are 2008-2009 paid members of both KJCL and NJCL. I understand that my school cannot participate in the state convention if both KJCL and NJCL dues have not been paid.

I will bring ______students

Amount enclosed ($10 per person) $ ______

Make checks payable to KJCL. Money and registration must be postmarked by April 17 to Jason Lichte at Lawrence High School, 1901 Lousiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66046 (785-330-2498). Please list the number of students you will be entering in each of the following activities and note that bolded activities are going on at the same time (11 a.m.-noon) and italicized activities will be going on at the same time (9:45 a.m.-11a.m.).

Certamen: Sight-reading: Level I:_____ Level I:_____ Level II:_____ Level II:_____ advanced:_____ advanced:_____

Tug-o-war:_____ Oratory: Level I:_____ Dodgeball:_____ Level II:_____ advanced:______Open Certamen: Level I:_____ Costume Contest:______Level II:_____ Advanced:_____ Art: 2D:_____ Academic Decathlon:_____ 3D:_____

2009 KJCL LATIN ORATORY Levels ½ and I Ēnituit aliquis in bell ō , sed obsol ē vit in p ā ce; alium toga sed n ō n et arma honestā runt; reverentiam ille terr ō re, alius am ō rem humilit ā te capt ā vit; ille quaesī tam dom ī gl ō riam in p ū blic ō , hic in p ū blic ō partam dom ī perdidit. At prī ncip ī nostr ō quanta concordia quantusque concentus omnium laudum omnisque glō riae contigit! Ut nihil sev ē rit ā t ī eius hil ā rit ā te, nihil gravit ā t ī simplicitā te, nihil maiest ā t ī h ū m ā nit ā te d ē trahitur! Pliny, Panegyricus 4.5-6, abridged Translation: Someone has been glorious in war, but has run out of steam in peace. The toga dignifies another man, but weapons do not. One man has gained respect through terror; another has gained love by humility. One man has squandered in public the glory which he gained at home; another has wasted at home the glory which he gained in public life. But how much harmony and unity of all merits and of all glory are combined in our prince! How nothing is detracted from his seriousness by good humor, nothing from his authority by simplicity, nothing from his sovereignty by his humanity. 2009 KJCL LATIN ORATORY Level II Ēnituit aliquis in bell ō , sed obsol ē vit in p ā ce; alium toga sed n ō n et arma honestā runt; reverentiam ille terr ō re, alius am ō rem humilit ā te capt ā vit; ille quaesī tam dom ī gl ō riam in p ū blic ō , hic in p ū blic ō partam dom ī perdidit; postrē m ō adh ū c n ē m ō exstitit, cuius virt ū t ē s n ū ll ō viti ō rum c ō nf ī ni ō laederentur. At prī ncip ī nostr ō quanta concordia quantusque concentus omnium laudum omnisque glō riae contigit! Ut nihil sev ē rit ā t ī eius hil ā rit ā te, nihil gravit ā t ī simplicitā te, nihil maiest ā t ī h ū m ā nit ā te d ē trahitur! Iam firmitā s, iam pr ō c ē rit ā s corporis, iam honor capitis et dignit ā s ō ris, ad hoc aetā tis ind ē flexa m ā t ū rit ā s, nec sine qu ō dam m ū nere deum fest ī n ā t ī s senectū tis ī nsignibus ad augendam maiest ā tem ō rn ā ta caesari ē s, n ō nne longē l ā t ē que pr ī ncipem ostentant? Pliny, Panegyricus 4.5-7 Translation: Someone has been glorious in war, but has run out of steam in peace. The toga dignifies another man, but weapons do not. One man has gained respect through terror; another has gained love by humility. One man has squandered in public the glory which he gained at home; another has wasted at home the glory which he gained in public life. Finally, no one has yet existed whose virtues are not harmed by some contact with vices. But how much harmony and unity of all merits and of all glory are combined in our prince! How nothing is detracted from his seriousness by good humor, nothing from his authority by simplicity, nothing from his sovereignty by his humanity. Now his stability, now the height of his body, now the grace of his head and the nobility of his face, in addition the firm maturity of his age and, thanks to a certain gift of the gods, his hair, marked by early signs of old age, add to his look of majesty. Don't these things proclaim him far and wide as our prince? 2009 KJCL LATIN ORATORY Advanced Level Saepe ego mē cum, patr ē s c ō nscr ī pt ī , tacitus agit ā v ī , qu ā lem quantumque esse oportē ret, cuius dici ō ne n ū t ū que maria terrae, p ā x bella regerentur. Cum intereā fingent ī f ō rmant ī que mihi pr ī ncipem, quem aequ ā ta d ī s immortā libus potest ā s dec ē ret, numquam v ō t ō saltem concipere succurrit similem huic quem vidē mus. Ēnituit aliquis in bell ō , sed obsol ē vit in p ā ce; alium toga sed n ō n et arma honestā runt; reverentiam ille terr ō re, alius am ō rem humilit ā te capt ā vit; ille quaesī tam dom ī gl ō riam in p ū blic ō , hic in p ū blic ō partam dom ī perdidit; postrē m ō adh ū c n ē m ō exstitit, cuius virt ū t ē s n ū ll ō viti ō rum c ō nf ī ni ō laederentur. At prī ncip ī nostr ō quanta concordia quantusque concentus omnium laudum omnisque glō riae contigit! Ut nihil sev ē rit ā t ī eius hil ā rit ā te, nihil gravit ā t ī simplicitā te, nihil maiest ā t ī h ū m ā nit ā te d ē trahitur! Pliny, Panegyricus 4.4-6 Translation: I have often quietly wondered to myself, Senators, what sort of person and how great should that man be by whose word and gesture are ruled the seas, the lands, peace, and war. Meanwhile, as I was imagining and dreaming up such a prince, whom power equal to the immortal gods befits, it never occurred to me even in my prayers to conceive of anyone similar to this man whom we see. Someone has been glorious in war, but has run out of steam in peace. The toga dignifies another man, but weapons do not. One man has gained respect through terror; another has gained love by humility. One man has squandered in public the glory which he gained at home; another has wasted at home the glory which he gained in public life. Finally, no one has yet existed whose virtues are not harmed by some contact with vices. But how much harmony and unity of all merits and of all glory are combined in our prince! How nothing is detracted from his seriousness by good humor, nothing from his authority by simplicity, nothing from his sovereignty by his humanity.

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