Dmitry Oparin
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Dmitry Oparin Moscow, Russia | 7-916-108-4548 | [email protected]
————————————————————— HIGHLIGHTS —————————————————————
PhD in History Аreas of interest: Arctic anthropology, indigenous peoples, migration, urban anthropology, Islam, Moscow Author of the book “History of Moscow Houses Told by its Inhabitants” (2016) based on the memoirs of the Muscovites More than 20 academic and more than 70 journalistic publications Fieldwork experience in the Canadian Arctic, Western Siberia, Russian Far East and Moscow Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), French (fluent), German (fluent)
————————————————— PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE —————————————————
Senior Lecturer 2011 – Present Department of Ethnology, Moscow State University, Russia Research Fellow 2015 – Present Institute for Social Policy, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Research Project Curator 2014 – Present Bulgakov Museum, Moscow, Russia
Ph.D., History, Department of Ethnology. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2015, Russia Thesis: Variability of the Contemporary Ritual Space in Novoe Chaplino and Sireniki, Chukotka, Russia. M.A., Honours, History, Department of Ethnology. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2009, Russia 2012 – Research Scholarship at CIERA (Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones), Québec (Canada), Université Laval. 2009 – Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Germany), studies in Urban Anthropology and European Ethnology
———————————————— PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONS —————————————————
Selected 2016. Book review. D’une anthropologie du chamanisme vers une anthropologie publications du croire. Hommage à l’œuvre de Roberte Hamayon. Paris: Centre d’études mongoles et sibériennes / l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, 2014 // Sibirskiye istoricheskiye issledovaniya (Siberian Historical Research) (in Russian) 2016. Book review. Krupnik Igor, Chlenov Michael. Yupik Transitions: Change and Survival at Bering Strait, 1900-1960. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2014 // Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, № 63, pp. 145-147 2015. Contemporary onomastic perceptions of the Asiatic Yupik // Sibirskiye istoricheskiye issledovaniya (Siberian Historical Research), № 4: 30-46 (in Russian) 2014. Entrevue avec une aînée Yupik remarquable, Lioudmila Ainana // Cahiers du CIERA "La Représentation et du Leadership des Femmes dans les Régions Circumpolaires". Quebec, Universite Laval, 12: 71-94 (in French) 2013. The Commemoration Rite of Asiatic Yup'ik [Eskimos] and the Contemporary Ritual Space of Novoe Chaplino and Sireniki // Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia, 52 (3): 53-88 (in English) 2013. “It’s not mainstream” Wapikoni Mobile: Cinema of the Quebec Natives // Iskusstvo Kino, № 6: 127-131 (in Russian) 2012. The Commemoration of the Dead in the Contemporary Asiatic Yupik Ritual Space // Études Inuit Studies, 36 (2): 187-207 (in English) 2012. "Ludmila Ainana". Biographic interview with an Asiatic Yupik. Bol’shoi Gorod. 03.08.12. (in Russian) 2011. Book review “Apostle to the Inuit: the journals and ethnographic notes of Edmund James Peck, the Baffin years, 1894–1905 / Eds. F. Laugrand, J. Oosten, F. Trudel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. 498 р.” // Etnograficheskoye obozreniye (Ethnographic review), Moscow. P. 187-189 (in Russian) 2010. "Adaptation of the Contemporary Inuit Society of Nunavut to New Socio-Cultural Realities" // Etnograficheskoye obozreniye (Ethnographic review), Moscow: 89-106 (in Russian) 2010. "Ethnological Research of an Arctic Urban Settlement (Iqaluit, Canada)" // Materials of the Conference. Ethnological Fieldwork. November, 2008, St.Petersburg: 327-340 (in Russian) 2010. “Some Aspects of Social Adaptation in Inuit Traditional Society” // Materials of the International Conference. “Ecce Homo”: His Biological and Social History. November, 2009, Moscow: 195-200 (in Russian)
Monographs 2012. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug // Sever i severyane. Sovremennoye polozheniye korenykh malochislenykh narodov Severa, Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii. ('The North and Northerners. Current Situation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North, Siberia and Russian Far East') // Ed. by N. Novikova, D. Funk. Moscow: Press of Russian Academy of Sciences: 203-221 (in Russian) 2010. “The Problems of Wildlife Management in Nunavut and the Kola Peninsula”. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences (in Russian)
Grants 2015-2017. “The resource curse in the circumpolar areas: Russian and international experience in the field of analysis and resolution of conflicts over non- renewable resources in areas traditionally inhabited by indigenous ethnic groups” (with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 15-18-00112, PI Dmitri Funk) 2015. “Ethnographic Field Research of Contemporary Religious Components of Cultural Identity of the Small-Numbered Peoples of the Russian North and Siberia” (with the support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities, project № 15-01-18111, PI Dmitri Funk) 2011. Doctoral Student Research Award. International Council for Canadian Studies. 2007. Wildlife Management in Nunavut and Kola Peninsula (fieldwork grant № 21 provided by the Russian State Foundation)
Fieldwork 2015 (December) Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; theme: the Muslim community of the Surgut region 2015 (October-November) Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug; theme: ritual practices of the Eastern Khanty 2012 (March-May) Chukotka; theme: Ritual space in Novoe Chaplino. 2011 (July-September) Chukotka; theme: Social activism of the indigenous population of Chukotka’s national villages 2008 (September-October) Nunavut, Canada; theme: Renewable resource management in Nunavut 2007 (August-September) Nunavut, Canada; theme: Social adaptation of the Inuit of Iqaluit
Conferences, TED talk at the conference TEDxMoscow 2 seminars, 2016.02. The Asiatic Yupik. Interview for the site Arzamas interviews 2013.03. The Chukchi and the Asiatic Yupik. Interview for the TV Channel “Kultura”, Culture (interview) 2013.03. Contemporary Ritual Space in Chukotka. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Moscow (lecture) 2012.11. Conference Nouveaux Regards sur les Dynamiques Religieuses Autochtones, Université de Montréal, Montréal. 'Contemporary Ritual Space among the Asiatic Yupik' (presentation in English). (report at the conference) 2012.11. Seminar, CIERA (Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones), Université Laval, Québec. 'Espace Public et Rituel parmi les Yupiks Asiatiques' (presentation in French). (lecture) 2012.10. Conference 18th Inuit Studies Conference, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC. 'Commemoration of the Dead among the Asiatic Yupik. Contemporary Ritual in its Diversity' (presentation in English). (report at the conference) 2012.02. Seminar, European University, St. Petersburg. 'Current Socio-Cultural Problems of the Indigenous Chukotkan Population' (presentation in Russian). (report at the seminar) 2012.01. Seminar, Centre d’études mongoles et sibériennes / l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris. 'Socio-Cultural Problems and Local Strategies of the Indigenous Peoples of Novoe Chaplino and Sireniki (Coastal Chukotka)' (presentation in English). (lecture) 2011.10. Conference, Twenty Years Later (1991-2011): The Reshaping of Space and Identity, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Moscow. 'Current Socio-cultural Problems of the Indigenous Chukotkan Population' (presentation in Russian). (report at the conference) 2011.10 Seminar, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Moscow. 'The Current Ethnic Situation in Chukotka' (presentation in Russian). (report at the conference)
Teaching Reading courses (MSU): "Social dynamics in the circumpolar region (Nunavut, Chukotka)", "Methodology in cultural anthropology"
Selected academic 2016. In print. Migration and Contemporary Muslim Space in Moscow. North and journalistic Caucasian Loud Zikr and the Religious Practices of Central Asian “Folk Mullahs” // publications Contemporary Islam 2015. Moscow Tatars in the Changing Muslim Community // Demoscope Weekly, № 629-630, 9-22 February, 2015 (in Russian) 2015. Some Aspects of the Moscow Tatar Religious Life // Islam v sovremennom mire (Islam in the Contemporary World). Vol. 6, № 1: 147-158 “Rauza Kastrova”. Biographical interview with a Moscow Tatar. Bol’shoi Gorod № 14 (280) 10.08.11. 2011. Journalistic project Moscow Ethnic Communities Grants 2015-2016. Higher School of Economics, Migrants in Moscow: integration in the urban space and sociocultural adaptation in the city (PI Ekaterina Denitseva)
Fieldwork 2015 May-September – Moscow, among Muslim Central Asian and North Caucasian migrants 2014 May – September – Moscow, among Moscow Tatars Conferences, 2016/01 Migration and Contemporary Muslim Space in Moscow. North Caucasian seminars, Loud Zikr and the Religious Practices of Central Asian “Folk Mullahs”, Higher School interviews of Economics, lecture at the seminar 2015/01 Old and New Muslims. Migration and relations within the Moscow Muslim community, Higher School of Economics, lecture at the seminar 2015/07 Expert interview for the short-cut film Muslim Image-Makers, Made in Moscow, New York Times made-in-moscow.html?smid=fb-share 2014/09 Curator of the “A city of different cultures” conference at the Strelka Institute day-one 2014/01-03 Coordinator of a Lecture Programme on Ethnic Moscow in the 1920- 30s. Moscow Jewish Museum 2013/10 Lecture on the TV Channel Dozhd’ Ethnic Moscow
M.Bulgakov “The House on Bolshaya Sadovaya”, on the history of the house number 10 on Museum project Bolshaya Sadovaya Street (2014 to present) June 2016 – curator of the “People of the the House on Bolshaya Sadovaya” exhibition at the M.Bulgakov Museum (01/07-01/08) March 2014 – April 2015 – curator of the “History of the House on Bolshaya Sadovaya” exhibition at the M.Bulgakov Museum (27/03-27/09); 2014 – present – curator of the “History of the House on Bolshaya Sadovaya” research project (M.Bulgakov Museum) September 2015 – Participated in the round table discussion “Museums: working with local communities”. Organiser: Museum of Moscow. Report: “The local community and the ‘House on Bolshaya Sadovaya’ project” May 2015 – Delivered a presentation at the open seminar for the Memorial research and educational project “Moscow. A Place of Memory”. Researching the history of house number 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya v=4wdjVOm_mZ4
Texts for Igra Regional Studies Museum. Udmurtia Republic. Museum Guide 2014. museum Publication of the museum guide as part of a project run by the V. Potanin charitable guidebooks foundation. Moscow, 2014 (2014) Solvychegodsk Museum of History and Art. Arkhangelsk Region. Museum Guide 2014. Publication of the museum guide as part of a project run by the V. Potanin charitable foundation. Moscow, 2014
Column on Moscow’s Speech and lecture on the methodology of studying Moscow houses, given in Penza at historic houses the Festival of Contemporary Art and Creative Technologies (2013), in Syktyvkar at for Bolshoi the “People of the Forest” Ethno-Festival (2014), and in the Museum of Moscow with Gorod magazine lecture (2015) (2011-2013) Report on the project for the TVTs television station (2015)
4 Strelka Institute Historical and architectural materials for Architecture, 2013. History of the Hotel Ukraina. Media and 2013. History of Khodynskoye Polye. Design (2011-2013) 2011. Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure. Historical Overview. Strelka Institute for Architecture, Media and Design. Moscow, 2011. Chapters: “Recreation and leisure in Gorky Park”, “Monuments of Soviet architecture in Gorky Park”, and “Who built the park”.
Afisha Magazine Series of articles on architecture (2012) “Soviet architecture. The biggest, most beautiful and most forgotten pavilions at the All- Russian Exhibition Centre” 15.03.2012 “Soviet architecture. Recreation and leisure facilities from the age of stagnation”, parts 1 and 2. 18.01.2012 and 19.01.2012.
Kultura.rf Cultural heritage portal created by the Russian Federal Ministry of Culture (2012) Articles: - The Moscow Choral Synagogue - The M.I. Glinka Museum Association - The Russian Ethnographic Museum
Separate Column on Moscow history for Where Moscow magazine (2009-2012) journalistic “Intruders keep out”. Moscow’s closed mansions. Bolshoi Gorod. № 7 (319) materials “The platform remains”. The history of Moscow’s Small Ring railway. Bolshoi Gorod. № 2 (314) 13.02.13 “A New Museum. Resurrection of a Ruin” Proyekt International 24. Moscow, 2010 (March), pp. 26-45 “Ten Factories that Changed the City” Chastny Korrespondent. Moscow, 2010 (March) Interview with David Harvey (Berlin, May 2009). Proyekt International 22. Moscow, 2009 (June), pp. 165-168. Translation from English of David Harvey’s article “Utopias and the Problems of their Realisation”. Proyekt International 22. Moscow, 2009 (June), pp. 158-165