South Dakota Teachers As Advisors Lesson Plan
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CAREER CRUISING ROAD MAP Get on the road to your career! The state of SD and Emery School has a great “vehicle” you can use to navigate through the twists and turns to your future career—Career Cruising! Follow this guide to help you get to know the twists and turns of this great new software. Check off your progress as you go, so you know where you are on your “trip”!
_____1. Go to Career Cruising and use your username and password to access your personal portfolio. When you hit “Start Career Cruising”, you’ll be on a page that looks like this:
TRAVEL KEY! If you ever get “lost”, go to the top menu bar and just click your way back home. In that menu, you can go to: Main Matchmaker A Careers Schools Portfolio Contact Us and the “i” –-helpful information We’ll look at each of these parts now! fjkj00ff0uufdsfjklsjflkjsflksjflksjflksjf
Spend a few minutes looking over all of the neat features on this page. You’ll find an interview and a photo essay on a specific career, along with a career focus section, a five-question career quiz on some lesser-known careers, and other quick links.
_____2. Go to the “Matchmaker” tab. TODAY, we’re just going to look at this feature. Don’t start the quiz. In the next session, you’ll be able to match up your personal interests to careers.
_____3. Now, click the “Careers” tab, and take a couple of minutes to explore this feature. You’ll be able to find careers by the name of the career, by the school subjects you like best, by the career cluster you’re interested in, and by the “Career Selector”. This is one of the most interesting exploration tools in this tab—be sure to look at the different factors you can plug in to narrow down career choices. _____4. If you click on the next menu item—“Schools”, you’ll have the same variety of tools exploration tools. Take a few minutes to look at the first three—schools, programs and school selector. You’ll be able to look at financial aid in other advisor-advisee sessions.
_____5. The last menu item we’re going to look at today is one of the most fun & helpful parts of this software. It’s the Portfolio tab—and it’s what will personalize this trip! It looks like this:
The menu bar at the side will give you a lot of options to KEEP exploration work you do in Career Cruising.
Take a few minutes and see the information you’ll be able to save as you work through this portfolio.
Notice the “Portfolio Completion Status” bar under your “Welcome” sign: This will automatically keep track of what percent of the activities you’ve completed. By the end of the –you’ll have 100%!
Take a few minutes and sight-see through this tab—there’s a lot to see and do!
_____6. Finally, click on the “Search” menu tab. This is the place you can stop for information as you cruise along the career planning road!
Great mileage! You’ll get re-fueled for the second leg of the Career Cruising trip at the next A2A session when you’ll find the perfect matches for your personal interests. Have a good trip!