Arkansas Department of Education s8
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Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994 Federal Application Budget Code: Federal CFDA 84.186A Federal Source of Funds: 6781 Revenue Classification: 45971 FY 2001-2002 - 70% Base Grant
Item 1.School District/Cooperative LEA No.______
Address County ______City ______Zip Code ______
Telephone No. ( ) Fax No. ( ) ______Superintendent or Co-op Director’s Name E-mail ______Program Director’s Name Email ______Item 2.Fiscal Agent ______Item 3.Federal Funds Allocated for 2001-2002 $ ______2000-2001 Carryover $ Total Budget Amount (Current Allocation Plus Carryover Funds) $ ______
Item 4.Please Check One
______Continuation Plan ______Revised/Amended Plan ______New Plan
Item 5.Principles of Effectiveness
Please check the year the School District/Cooperative last conducted a needs assessment to obtain objective data about the drug and violence problems in the school and communities served?
1999 2000 2001 Specify Other
Did the School District/Cooperative design and implement its activities based on research or evaluation that provides evidence that the strategies used prevent or reduce drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior?
Yes No
Has the School District evaluated its program periodically to assess its progress toward achieving its goals and objectives and used its evaluation results to refine, improve, and strengthen its program and to refine its goals and objectives as appropriate?
Yes No
Prepared in Accordance to 20 U.S.C. 5962 (P.L.103-382), INS-07-04-002R ADE Form No., Revised 9/01
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994 FY 2001-2002 - 70% Base Grant Federal Source of Funds: 6781 Revenue Classification: 45971
New Budget Revised/Amended Budget ______Federal Funds Allocated for 2001-2002 $ ______2000-2001 Carryover $ ______Total Amount (Current Allocation Plus Carryover Funds) $ ______
NOTE: Please provide information that will describe how the current allocation and the carryover funds will be expended in 2001-2002. The total of items to be purchased should not exceed the total amount available. Only approved items should be purchased. Do not put an amount of funds on a line without a justification or a rationale for spending. All Budget Amendments should be made before January 31, 2002.
Category Rationale Item 1 Object 100 Employee Salaries
$ Regular Certified Employees $ Regular Non-Certified Employees $ Substitute Teachers Pay $ Workshop Stipends Administration Cost $ Telephone Services (Calls) $ Materials & Supplies $ Maintenance & Operations
Item 2 Object 200 Employee Benefits
Item 3 Object 300 Purchase Services
$ Consultant Service
Item 4 Object 500 Conference Training/Fees/Registration
$ LEA Drug Education Coordinator $ Teachers $ Students $ Other (Specify)
Category Rationale Item 5 Object 600 Purchased Property
$ Instructional/Classroom Materials
$ TOTAL (OBJECT 600) Item 6 Object 700 Other Purchased Services
$ Capital Expenditures
$ GRAND TOTAL (current allocation plus carryover)
1. Expenditures may not exceed the grand total amount for any column or object classification of an approved program by more than 10% of such total amount (EDGAR, Section 80.30). 2. Expenditures not described or approved in the comprehensive program description will not be allowed. 3. Please specify Other. If this is not clarified, it will not be approved. 4. Compensation for employees who work after school or sponsor Peer Teams is considered salary rather than stipend. 5. Do not pay for services prior to completion or delivery of services. 6. Every local recipient funded under this Title shall, in any publication or public announcement, clearly identify any program assisted under this as federal programs funded under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994. 7. Proper documentation such as inventory list, timesheets, financial ledgers must be maintained at the local school district/cooperative level. 8. Any employee paid by SDFSC funds that is not a full-time employee must keep a comprehensive timesheet.
If the school district has over the 25 percent of the original allocation as carryover, the school district must provide a letter of justification. A written approval must be received from this office in order to keep the funds.
A revised Budget Description Sheet must accompany the Budget Amendment Form. All Budget Amendments should be made before January 31, 2002. Amendments can be made if the scope of the project is not changed.
****************************************************************************************** FOR ADE USE ONLY
Approved Disapproved Date ADE Official Signature
COMMENTS: FY 2000-2001, 70% Base Grant
Comprehensive Local Drug and Violence Prevention Program Goals and Objectives
School District/Cooperative LEA # New Plan Amended/Revised Plan
Although only one goal statement should be addressed on each sheet, additional sheets may be used, if needed, to list the necessary objectives to meet a particular goal. Each objective listed should be reflected on the Budget Description sheet, if there is a cost.
Program Goal:
Performance Person Evaluation/ Grade Cost of Each Strategies/Activities Data Source(s) Indicator(s) Responsible Assessment Level(s) Objective (Benchmarks) Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994 FY 2001-2002 - 70% Base Grant
The applicant hereby assures the Arkansas Department of Education that:
1. The applicant will comply with all provisions of P.L. 103-382, Title IV, Part A, of 1994.
2. The applicant will have in place a comprehensive local drug and violence prevention program in Grades K- 12. 3. The applicant agrees to target resources for students and schools with the greatest need affected by drug use and violence, as one of the primary themes. Also, the applicant will provide assurances that the grantee agrees to enforce, adopt, and implement guidelines and policies on student conduct; Pro-Children Act, (indoor smoking) and Gun-Free Schools.
4. The applicant will establish or designate a local or regional council on drug abuse education and prevention composed of individuals who are parents, teachers, students, officers of state and local government, business persons, medical professionals, and representatives of the law enforcement on drug abuse education and prevention. The applicant has involved the Advisory Council in planning this program. [Section 4115 (a)(2) (A)]
5. The federal funds made available under this part shall be used to supplement, and not replace state and local funds for prevention activities.
6. The applicant agrees to keep such records (inventory, timesheets, etc.) and provide information to the Arkansas Department of Education as may reasonably be required for fiscal audit and program evaluation, consistent with the responsibilities of the Arkansas Department of Education under this part. [Sections 76.730 to 734 of EDGAR]
7. The applicant will cooperate with the Arkansas Department of Education's evaluation effort by annually assessing the original objectives of the comprehensive local drug and violence education program and evaluating the effectiveness of the alcohol and drug and violence education program among students in each school. [Section 4113 (b) and 4113 (d)]
8. The applicant agrees to implement the U. S. Department of Educations Four Principles of Effectiveness: Principle 1: Conducting Needs Assessments, Principle 2: Setting Measurable Goals and Objectives, Principle 3: Effective Research-Based Programs, and Principle 4: Program Evaluation.
By signing in the designated area below, the applicant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this application. These Assurances are part of the project grant application. A duly authorized representative of the Applicant must certify by his/her signature that the organization will comply with the provisions of the applicable laws, regulations, and policies related to the project.
Typed Name and Title ______
Signature of Certifying Representative ______(Please use blue ink for signature.) Superintendent/Cooperative Director
Applicant School District/Cooperative ______
Date Submitted ______