TOTAL ENCLOSED* ($15 Per Player) $______
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Name: ______Phone: (____) ______Address: ______Email: ______City: ______State______Zip: ______TOTAL ENCLOSED* ($15 per player) $______Player’s names in your group (include yourself if you are playing): 1.) ______2.)______3.)______4.) ______5.)______6.)______
I acknowledge that I and my party have read and understand the tournament rules and regulations and agree to abide by them. I further understand that tournament officials and directors reserve the right to deny play in the tournament for any reason during the tournament. (See official rules on web site: Signature: ______
____Due to travel I/We would prefer to be in the 11:00 a.m. preliminary round. (Please arrive no later than 10:00am)
CUT HERE______
PLAYERS KEEP THIS Bottom HALF OF FORM Condensed Rules on Back of this Half
ROOK TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION NOTES and PLAYER NOTES *Early registration with check will be accepted thru Friday, October 16, 2009 by 5 p.m. at Eclectic City Hall, ECEDA, or a member of the Rook Committee.
*Emailed registrations (just include the info requested on this form) will be accepted by email until 5pm October 19th at the address [email protected] . HOWEVER checks for each emailed registered player must be received at the address below by Wednesday October 21st. EXAMPLE: If you are registering yourself and 3 other players by email, then we must receive your check for 4 players ($60) by Wednesday, October 21st.
Make player registration checks payable to: Adullam House OR Children’s Harbor Mail Checks and entry form to: ECEDA, P.O. Box 117, Wetumpka, Al 36092
PLAYER RESPONSIBILITY: (Food and beverage will be provided during the day for Players)
1. Arrive no later than 8:30 am to sign in and receive your partner assignment.(unless you are from more than 1 hour drive away and you have indicated on the form that you have requested to be placed in the 11:00 am preliminary round , then you must arrive no later than 10:00am) 2. Rules overview and table seating will begin at 9:00 am 3. Tournament will begin sharply at 9:30 a.m. and should conclude around 5:30 p.m.
Final Player LATE registration begins at 8:00 a.m. only if player slots are available. On site entry fee: $25.00 Tournament will be held in congruence with the Eclectic Cotton Festival in downtown Eclectic.
CONTACTS: Verdie Nummy (334) 312 - 4746 email: [email protected] Amanda MacDonald (334) 514-5843 email: [email protected]
Player INFO and late-breaking updates will be available at: Alabama Rook Championship
(Corrected) Official rules for Tournament Rook (Kentucky Discard, with eclectic variations):
Partners will be drawn at random by the Rook committee prior to the tournament. Only the top tournament sponsors may 'place a team' (see sponsor sheet). Player team assignments and brackets will be posted at 9 a.m. Saturday morning, the day of the Tournament.
Kentucky Discard is the version of Rook played at most Rook tournaments and clubs, and is a partnership game for four players. The players are organized into two teams of two players each, sitting opposite each other. Players must keep their hands secret from all other players, including their teammate. The object of the game is to be the first team to reach 500 points by capturing tricks that contain cards with point values. If both teams have over 500 points at the end of a round, the team with the higher point total wins. Only certain cards, known as Counters have point value. Each 5 is worth 5 points, each 10 and 14 is worth 10 points, and each 1 is worth 15 points and the Rook Bird card is worth 20 points.
DEALING: The Rook Bird and 1's are included, while the 2s, 3s, and 4s are removed from the deck, for a total of 45 cards. The player who draws the highest card deals. The dealer shuffles the deck well; the player on the right "cuts the cards" if he desires to do so. The cards are dealt one at a time beginning to the dealer's left and then around the table, the fifth card is placed face down in the center of the table to be the first card of the nest. This order is repeated until there are five cards in the nest, then the remainder of the deck is dealt out one at a time to the players. If the deal has been correct, the dealer himself will receive the last card. If any card as high as a ten is exposed during the deal, a new deal is required. If any card, even though it be lower than a ten, is exposed, it is the right of any player to demand a new deal. You can receive a re-deal if you do not have a Counter in your hand. In either case the dealer himself re-deals.
BIDDING: Bidding begins with the player at the dealer's left and continues clockwise around the table. The opening bid must be at least 70 points. and the maximum is 180 points (the sum of the point values of all of the counters). A bid of "Shoot the Moon" gains 500 points when all the Counters are taken but 500 points are deducted if opposing team receives as little as five points. A player wishing not to bid may "pass," and may not reenter the bidding in that hand.
PLAYING: Once all players but one have passed, the highest bidder adds the five cards in the nest to his hand. Any card may be placed in the nest, including Counters. He then names the trump suit and plays the first card or, he may call on his partner to name trumps. Once called on, his partner is then required to name a trump suit and play the first card. The player who takes the last trick captures the nest, and any Counters found in it count as part of his score for that hand.
Any color may be led, and the play moves around the table to the left. Players must, if possible, follow suit (i.e. play the same color that was led). If it is impossible to follow suit, a trump may be played, a worthless card thrown away or, if a player believes that his partner may take the trick, he may play a counter. The highest card of the color led takes the trick, unless this trick is trumped, in which case the highest trump takes the trick.
The person who takes the trick makes the next lead. When you take a trick, place it face down on the table. With the exception of the one just played, tricks may not be reviewed until the hand is completed. .
The Rook Bird card is the highest trump card in the game. As such it takes any trick in which it is played; leading it is treated the same as leading a card of the trump suit, and if trump suit is led and the player holding it has no other trump, he must follow suit by playing the Rook Bird card.
SCORING: When all possible tricks have been taken, each team adds the value of the Counters it captured. If the bidding team failed to make the number of points bid, that team loses a number of points equal to the amount of the bid, and does not make any points for Counters captured in the round. The opposing team receives points equal to the value of any Counters they captured. Each table will select a player to keep score. At the end of each hand, an opposing player will verify points received and initial. The first team to reach 500 points is the winner of the game. Best two out of three 500 point game winners, advance to the next round. The Rook Committee will establish an undisclosed set time to end the overall round. If the score is tied with one game each, and the buzzer goes off in the third game, the team with the most points on the score sheet (not in the hand in play) wins the round and advances.
PENALTIES: A penalty of 40 points is deducted from the score of the partnership of any player who discards the incorrect number of cards to the nest, or makes any "table talk" suggestions to affect the partner's play. If a player "reneges" by playing a card of a different color when he or she could have followed suit, the error may be corrected if discovered before the next trick is taken. If the error is not discovered until later, the hand is ended, and the side that made the error is set back the full amount of the bid, regardless of who made the bid for that hand. The opponents score all the Counters they captured before the error was discovered.
Misdeal. If a misdeal is discovered before three tricks are taken, the cards are withdrawn and re-dealt; the deal passing to the player at the left. If not discovered until later in the game, the dealer (or his side) is set back 40 points for his error, others not scoring. The deal then passes to the left.
If a player "talks across the board" gives a signal, or hand gestures in any way that could be misconstrued as cheating during the tournament, the Rules Committee reserves the right to disqualify any person without a refund.