Spanish 8 Proficiency Study Guide

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Spanish 8 Proficiency Study Guide


Speaking: (These are ways to maintain your points!)  Do not answer with only a sí/no response  Do not restate what I say exactly  Do not use proper names in isolation (Walmart) unless in Spanish using target culture  Do not use socializing devices except in socializing task (hola, ¿Cómo estás? etc.) unless you say additional info. in Spanish

Socializing: getting acquainted, weekend/ day plans, what you’re going to buy, details of an occasion (time, place), describing person/ likes, invite & accepting or declining an invitation.

Perdón/ perdóneme- excuse me

Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches, hola- good morning/good afternoon/good evening/hello

¿ Cómo te llamas? (inf.) / ¿ Cómo se llama ud.? (formal)- What’s your name?

 Me llamo ______- My name is …

¿ Cómo estás? (inf.)/ ¿ Cómo está Ud.? (f) - How are you?

 Bien/ mal/ así-así- fine/bad/so-so

¿ y tú? (inf)/ ¿ y Ud.? (f)- And you?

¿ De dónde eres tú? (inf)-/ ¿ De dónde es Ud.? (f) – Where are you from?

 Soy de….- I am from….

¿ Dónde vives tú?- Where do you live?

 Vivo en Nueva York/ Newfane etc.

1 ¿ Cuántos años tienes?/ ¿ Cuántos años tiene ud.?- How old are you?

 Tengo trece/ catorce años.- I am 14 yrs. old.

¿ Qué te gusta hacer?- What do you like to do?

 Me gusta…(sing. noun / infinitive)/ Me gustan…(plural noun)- I like …

¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?- What is your phone no.?

 Mi número de teléfono es… (#’s en español )- My phone number is…

Gracias -thanks

De nada- you’re welcome

Mucho gusto/ encantado/Es un placer- Nice to meet you

 Igualmente- likewise

Providing/obtaining information: describing a person, need help with shopping, doing a chore, describe…, discussing food/ hobbies/ trip plans, discussing interests.

¿ A dónde vas?- Where are you going? ¿ Qué vas a hacer?- What are you going to do? ¿ Con quién vas?- Who are you going with? ¿ Por qué vas? – Why are you going? ¿ Cuándo / A qué hora vas?- When / At what time are you going? ¿ Cómo vas?- How are you getting there? ¿ Cuántas personas van?- How many people are going? ¿ Cuánto cuesta(n)?- How much does it (they) cost? ¿ Dónde está (n)…?- Where is (are) ….? ¿ En qué puedo servirte?- How can I help you?

2 Tengo un problema.- I have a problem. Lo siento (mucho).- I’m (very) sorry.

Feelings: discussing foods, things you like / don’t like and why, inviting me to do something, can’t go somewhere because…, what you think of a place/ thing.

Use the verb estar with feelings. Ex: Estoy preocupada.- I’m worried.

nervioso- nervous contento/alegre- happy aburrido- bored cansado- tired enojado- angry deprimido- depressed triste- sad

Estoy enfermo- I’m sick. Tengo fiebre.- I have a fever. Tengo gripe.- I have the flu. Tengo dolor de …- My …. Hurts me.


¡ Qué estúpido!- How stupid! ¡ Qué fantástico!- How fantastic! ¡ Qué importa!- Who cares! ¡ No puede ser!- It can’t be! ¡ No te preocupes!- Don’t worry! ¿ De veras?- really?

Persuasion: talk me out of doing something/ going somewhere, lend me money, get me to go somewhere, you don’t want to do something, you need help.

Es divertido.- It’s fun. No es aburrido.- It’s not boring. Es barato.- It’s cheap. No cuesta mucho.- It doesn’t cost a lot.

3 Te invito.- I’ll treat you. Es interesante.- It’s interesting. Es muy popular.- It’s very popular. Es bonito.- It’s pretty. Es pequeño.- It’s small. Tiene buena comida.- It has good food. Hace buen tiempo.- It’s nice outside. Pero…- but Porque….- because Necesito tu ayuda.- I need your help. Hay chicos/chicas guapas allí.- There are good-looking boys/girls there. Hay…- There is …/ There are…

Problem with Something:

No me gusta (n)…- I don’t like…. Está frío.- It’s cold. Es feo.- It’s ugly. Es demasiado dinero.- It’s too much money. Es ridículo.- It’s ridiculous. Es caro.- It’s expensive. Estoy enfermo.- I’m sick. No tengo dinero.- I don’t have money. Me duele(n)… - My (body part) hurts. No quiero….- I don’t want to…

Extending an invitation:

¿ Quieres acompañarme a…?- Do you want to come with me to…? Te invito.- I’ll treat you/ I invite you. ¿ Te gustaría ….?- Would you like to….?


¡ Claro que sí/ cómo no!- of course Me gustaría…- I would like to…. Sí, me encantaría.- Yes, I’d love to….

4 Declining:

Gracias, pero no puedo.- Thanks, but I can’t. Tal vez otro día.- Maybe another day. Lo siento, tengo otros planes.- Sorry. I have other plans. ¡Qué lástima!- What a shame!

Discussing what you want to do:

Prefiero/ prefieres + infinitivo- I prefer/ Do you prefer….?

Quiero/ Quieres + infinitivo- I want/ Do you want to…?

Me gusta (n)/ Te gusta (n) + infinitivo- I like to/ Do you like to…?

Puedo/ puedes + infinitivo- I can/ Can you….?

Necesito/ necesitas + infinitivo…- I need to/ Do you need to…?

Voy a / Vas a + infinitivo…- I’m going to…/ Are you going to…?

Me interesa (n)/ Te interesa (n) + infinitivo- I’m interested in../ Are You interested in…?

Me encanta(n) / Te encanta + infinitivo- I love to…/ Do you love to..

Me gustaría + infinitivo/ Te gustaría + infinitivo- I would like to …/ Would you like to..?

Quisiera- I would like…

5 Verbs to know:

-ar verbs contestar-to answer dar (yo doy)- to give pasear- to go for a walk sacar-to take out ayudar- to help pagar- to pay for cuidar- to take care of coleccionar- to collect explicar- to explain llamar- to call estudiar-to study desear- to wish practicar- to practice gastar- to spend visitar- to visit regresar- to return tomar- to take/drink/eat pasar- to spend mirar- to watch/look at acabar de + inf.- to have just.. entrar en- to enter cocinar- to cook enseñar- to teach recordar (o-ue)- to remember bajar- to get off/ descend mostrar (o-ue)- to show llegar- to arrive costar (o-ue)- to cost doblar- to turn llevar- to wear/ carry jugar (u-ue)- to play (games/sports) contar(o-ue)- to tell, count, re-tell participar- to participate encontrar (o-ue)- to find/ meet observar-to observe comenzar (e-ie)- to start bailar- to dance cerrar (e-ie) – to close cantar- to sing almorzar (o-ue)- to eat lunch escuchar- to listen to pensar (e-ie)- to think hablar- to speak/ talk pensar (e-ie) + inf.- to plan… hablar por teléfono- to talk on the phone empezar (e-ie) – to begin nadar-to swim merendar (e-ie)- to snack tocar- to play (music/instrument) caminar- to walk invitar- to invite pintar- to paint trabajar- to work terminar- to end/finish comprar- to buy mandar/enviar- to send dibujar- to draw navegar en la Red- to surf the web patinar- to skate usar- to use esquiar-to ski buscar- to look for necesitar-to need tomar el sol- to sunbathe descansar- to rest pasear en el bote- to go boating montar a caballo- to horseback ride viajar- to travel montar/andar en bicicleta- to bike ride celebrar- to celebrate decorar- to decorate preparar- to prepare

6 arreglar- to straighten/ fix planchar la ropa- to iron barrer el suelo- to sweep the floor quitar el polvo- to dust cortar el césped- to mow the lawn quitar la mesa- to clear the table limpiar- to clean lavar los platos- to wash dishes pasar la aspiradora- to vacuum

-er verbs conocer- to know/ be acquainted with a person or place comer- to eat beber- to drink correr- to run comprender- to understand prometer- to promise leer- to read aprender- to learn poner la mesa- to set the table ver (yo veo)- to see hacer (yo hago)- to do/ make traer (yo traigo)- to bring saber (yo sé)- to know info. poner (yo pongo)- to put/place querer (e-ie)- to want/ love entender (e-ie)- to understand poder (o-ue)- to be able to/ can volver (o-ue) – to return volver a + infinitivo- to do something again devolver (o-ue) - to return a present etc.

-ir verbs recibir- to receive preferir (e-ie)- to prefer escribir- to write compartir- to share subir- to go up/ ascend dormir (o-ue)- to sleep abrir-to open vivir- to live asistir- to attend salir (yo salgo)- to leave/ go out repetir (e-i)- to repeat servir (e-i) to serve pedir (e-i) to ask for, order seguir (e-i)- to follow, continue

7 irregular verbs (refer to notes for forms of these verbs) ir- to go decir-to say/tell ser- to be oír- to hear estar-to be tener- to have reflexivos bañarse- to bathe oneself ducharse- to shower oneself lavarse los dientes-to brush your teeth lavarse la cara- to wash your face lavarse- to wash oneself levantarse- to get out of bed peinarse- to comb your hair dormirse (o-ue)- to fall asleep despertarse (e-ie)- to wake up ponerse la ropa (o-ue)- to put on clothes tener expressions tener hambre- to be hungry tener sed- to be thirsty tener calor- to be hot tener frío- to be cold tener miedo- to be afraid tener prisa- to be in a hurry tener razón- to be right tener sueño- to be tired tener suerte- to be lucky tener que + infinitivo- to have to… tener ganas de + infinitivo- to feel like

Note: You should look over your notebook & check for topics you do not know well. Example: question words, adjectives, foods, places, family, weather, seasons, sports, classes, class objects, professions, time, transportation, market vocabulary, chores, rooms of the house , accepting & declining an invitation, animals etc.

8 Format for letter

el ____ de junio (date) # in Spanish (Dear….) Querido/ Querida ______,

Must be at least 30 comprehensible words in Spanish. We are practicing with 50!!! If I don’t understand a sentence or two, you most likely will still have enough words in the word count. Use vocabulary you know and do NOT use any English! Must complete the task. (In other words follow directions!) Cannot count names, numbers in digit form (write out in Spanish), country/city/people’s names or greetings.

Saludos, Your Spanish name


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