The Regular Meeting of the Somers Village Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President George Stoner at the Somers Village Hall, 7511 12th Street.

Present: President George Stoner, Trustees Al Brokmeier, Jack Aupperle, Dave Geertsen, Karl Ostby. Excused: Trustees Richard Heinisch & Joe Cardinali. Also present: Administrator William Morris, Attorney Jeff Davison & Clerk-Treasurer Tim Kitzman.

All Stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent and Approval of Minutes of Village Board meeting on January 12, 2016 & Vouchers dated 1-14-16 & 1-21-16, Tax Vouchers dated 1-8-16, 1-15-16 & 1-22-16

Trustee Geertsen moved to approve Minutes of the Village Board meeting on January 12, 2016 & payment of Vouchers dated 1-14-16 & 1-21-16, Tax Vouchers dated 1-8-16, 1-15-16 & 1-22-16, second by Trustee Brokmeier. Motion carried 5-0.

Correspondence: None

Citizen Comments

Mark Molinaro, 1011 12th St., Partners in Design, spoke regarding the proposed EVOC track at UW-Parkside. Carl Kirkorian, 502 9th Place, spoke regarding bars on Sheridan Road, snow plowing problems north of CTH ā€œEā€ & lack of functioning security cameras at the waste site. Jim Smith, 1066 22nd Avenue, spoke regarding the proposed EVOC track at UW-Parkside.

Trustee Comments

Trustee Brokmeier stated that the proposed EVOC track would be discussed at the next work session. Trustee Geertsen stated the Board will discuss the concerns on the proposed EVOC track. Trustee Aupperle thanked Mr. Molinaro & Mr. Smith for their comments on the proposed EVOC track. President Stoner complimented the Public Works Department staff for their snow plowing work despite labor shortages.

Tabled: Action on proposed Ordinance No. 16-001 to repeal & recreate Section 1.18 Park Committee

Trustee Geertsen moved to remove from the table, second by Trustee Ostby. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Geertsen moved to waive the first reading of said Ordinance, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Geertsen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 16-001 to repeal & recreate Section 1.18 Park Committee, second by Trustee Ostby. Motion carried 5- 0.

Tabled: Motion to appoint Park Committee members

Trustee Aupperle moved to remove from the table, second by Trustee Geertsen. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Geertsen moved to table, second by Trustee Brokmeier. Motion carried 5-0. Motion to approve Agreement between Kenosha Water Utility & the Village of Somers Regarding Water Service for 4824 Green Bay Road

Trustee Geertsen moved to approve Agreement between Kenosha Water Utility & the Village of Somers regarding water service for 4824 Green Bay Road, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0.

Action on proposed Resolution No. 16-002 Resolution Designating Officials Authorized to Declare Official Intent under Reimbursement Bond Regulations

Trustee Geertsen moved to adopt Resolution No. 16-002 Designating Officials Authorized to Declare Official Intent under Reimbursement Bond Regulations, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0.

Action on proposed Resolution No. 16-003 Endorsement of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Southeastern Wisconsin 2015-2020

Trustee Geertsen moved to adopt Resolution No. 16-003 Endorsement of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Southeastern Wisconsin 2015-2020, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0.

Tabled: Action on proposed Ordinance No. 15-018 to Create Chapter 28 Relating to Removal of Salvageable Non-Structural Materials from Vacated Buildings

Trustee Brokmeier moved to remove from the table, second by Trustee Geertsen. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Geertsen moved to waive the first reading of said Ordinance, second by Trustee Ostby. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Brokmeier moved to adopt Ordinance No. 15-018 to Create Chapter 28 Relating to Removal of Salvageable Non-Structural Materials from Vacated Buildings, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to approve Agreements with Ehlers & Ruekert-Mielke for Preparation of CIP Plan with Ruekert-Mielke Agreement not to exceed $17,500

Trustee Geertsen moved to approve Agreements with Ehlers & Ruekert-Mielke for Preparation of CIP Plan with Ruekert-Mielke Agreement not to exceed $17,500, second by Trustee Brokmeier. Motion carried 5-0.

Approval of Operators License: Alek Zurawski

Trustee Geertsen moved to grant an Operators License to Alek Zurawski, second by Trustee Aupperle. Motion carried 5-0.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Submitted by Timothy L. Kitzman, Clerk-Treasurer

These minutes are not official until approved by the Village Board