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Paulding County School District s1

East Paulding High School

School Improvement Plan 2016 -2017

Jason Freeman, Principal Cliff Cole, Superintendent 2 East Paulding High School Improvement Action Plan

SMART Goal 1: During the 2016/17 school year, East Paulding High School will increase the overall number of students from developing and proficient to distinguished of standardized assessments by 2% from the End of Course Percentiles by performance in 2015 (9th Lit -39, Am Lit – 30, Biology –26, Physical Science – 11, US History – 32, Economics – 22, Coordinate Algebra – 30, and Analytic Geometry – 15) as measured by Georgia Milestone Assessments.

Strategy/Initiative: Teacher collaboration with a focus on data analysis.

3 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source District Goal Professional Learning: Professional Learning State DOE EAC, State August PL agenda, sign in sheets, School Leaders 1,2 will be provided to teachers and with SLDS, DOE (T 2016 – Dec and PD Express, Demonstrate: administrators to increase student Math Silvers) 2016 Collaboration logs Understanding the GSPS Prof achievement by emphasizing collaboration workshops, Department importance of data Learning 1- on data analysis that is content specific PL Budget, Chairs driven instruction. 6, Curr 1 -3 professional learning. Also, using pre and Universal Teachers post data from Universal Screening. Screener, Demonstrate: Title II Understanding of data collection of student assessments and use through instruction in the classroom. Students Demonstrate: Engagement of learning based upon their readiness for the material presented.

4 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal Planning: Professional learning and planning PL Sourcebudget, Admin. and December PL Sign in , agendas, and walk School Leaders 1,2 will be provided during common planning Curriculum department 2016 – May through observations, Demonstrate: A collaboration logs. periods (if scheduled), before/after school, Dept., Title II chairs 2017 focus of GSPS Prof early release days, and specified workshops days schedule Aug – implementing Learning 1- and conferences, and Title II days. and ELA/Math professional 6, Curr 1 -3 attendance Jan – SS learning on PLC’s Nov - and making a Science priority to attend meetings. Teachers Demonstrate: Students Demonstrate: District Goal Implementation: Teams will utilize a Universal Admin. and August Lesson plans template, data School Leaders 1, 2 common lesson plan template which will Screener, department 2016 – May results, collaboration logs Demonstrate: support varied levels of academically teacher chairs, and 2017 Teachers GSPS Curr 1 challenging the students based on needs. made teachers, Demonstrate: -3, Instr. 2- assessments PLC groups Collaboratively 4, Pre/Post assessments, universal screening planned lessons Assessment data results, and informal data checks. i.e. with 2-4 ticket out the door to determine appropriate predetermined instruction for students Teachers will align questions and classroom expectations with TKES standards. activities for the students. Students Demonstrate: Engagement of learning based upon their readiness for the material presented.

5 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal & Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence District Goal Monitoring: UniversalSource Primary August Observations, lesson plans, and School Leaders ____ Administration will check lesson plans, Screener, admin. over 2016 – May feedback, and collaboration Demonstrate: logs. conduct walk – throughs while providing teacher the dept., 2017 Feedback with – glow vs grow During walk- GSPS Curr 1 feedback to teachers. Also, administration made department statements throughs will look -3, Instr. 2- and department chairs will attend assessments chairs, and for the use of 4, 6, collaboration sessions as meeting calendars Calendar teachers academically Leadership are provided by each department. challenging lessons 2-6 and assessments that benefit all students. Teachers Demonstrate: The ability to analyze data from given assignments and assessments for instruction. Students Demonstrate: Students will participate in lessons, assignments, and assessments.

6 East Paulding High School Improvement Action Plan

SMART Goal 2: East Paulding High School will increase DOK level instruction by 3% from our previous focus walk data rating of 21% from spring of 2015 as measured by the district focus walk data on 2016-2017.

Strategy/Initiative: To provide an academically challenging environment.

District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal and Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source District Goal Professional Learning: PL Budget, EAC, admin., Aug 2016 PL sign in sheets, lesson School Leaders 1,2 Professional learning will provide training Title II days Teacher(s) – Dec plan template Demonstrate: and support for all teachers to develop Universal 2016 Teachers GSPS Prof higher order questions, understanding DOK Screener, Demonstrate: Learning 1- levels, and to develop higher order tasks. Reading Teachers will 6, Curr 1 -3 and assessments with universal screener endorsemen demonstrate an and literacy strategies for all subjects. t (RESA) understanding of DOK levels with its appropriate use in the classroom.

7 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal and Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Students Demonstrate:

District Goal Planning: Title II days EAC, admin Aug 2016- Observations, lesson School Leaders 1 Teachers will incorporate higher order for each May 2017 plans with feedback, Demonstrate: questions, tasks, and assessments in lesson content collaboration logs and, Teachers GSPS Cur 1, plans. area, and formative data analysis Demonstrate: Instruction teachers Teachers will be 2-6 able to collaboratively plan the activities, questions, and assessments with the appropriate DOK levels. Students Demonstrate:

8 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal and Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source District Goal Implementation: N/A EAC, admin August Observations, lesson plans with School Leaders 1, 2 Teachers will implement higher order for each 2016 – May feedback, collaboration logs Demonstrate: and, formative data analysis questioning (levels 2-4), tasks, and content 2017 Provide feedback to GSPS Curr 1 assessments during instruction. area, teachers through -3 department lesson plans and chairs and walk throughs teachers Teachers Demonstrate: The use of higher and/or appropriate DOK levels for students during given lessons. Students Demonstrate: The ability to understand DOK levels and complete tasks appropriate for the DOK level.

9 District Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Goal and Action Steps Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning GSPS & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source District Goal Monitoring: N/A EAC, admin Aug 2016- Observations, lesson School Leaders 1, 2 Teachers will use and assess progress in for each May 2017 plans with admin Demonstrate: order to adjust instruction appropriately. content feedback, collaboration Teachers GSPS Curr 1 Administration will conduct walkthroughs area, logs and, formative data Demonstrate: -3, Instr. 2- (TKES) and provide feedback to the teacher. department analysis, data from walk During grading 4, Also, the administration will review lessons chairs and – through practices and Leadership plans weekly. teachers informal and formal 1-6 County walkthroughs will be conducted in assessments to see November to provide feedback and data to if a student is the school. performing at the projected level for DOK. Students Demonstrate: Students will participate in targeted DOK levels for their ability levels.

East Paulding High School Professional Learning Plan

10 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Professional Learning will be provided to teachers Title II EAC Aug 2016 – PLC logs, lesson plans, Teachers and administrators to increase student achievement Universal Admin Team April 2017 walk through data Demonstrate: by emphasizing collaboration with an emphasis on Screener Leadership Collaboratively planned data analysis along with content specific PLC training Team lessons with professional learning Data predetermined Analysis questions and activities training for the students Students Demonstrate: Students will participate in lessons, assignments, and assessments. Universal EAC Aug – Dec Quantile and Lexile Teachers Using pre and post data from Universal Screening. Screener Admin Team 2016 scores Demonstrate: The training Lesson plans ability to analyze data to drive instruction.

Students Demonstrate: The success in completing and understanding tasks required

11 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Title II EAC Aug – February PLC Logs, lesson plans, Teachers Universal Leadership 2017 observations, feedback Demonstrate: The Professional learning will provide training and Screener Team ability to develop support for all teachers to develop higher order PLC training lesson plans, questions, understanding DOK levels, and to Data questioning, and develop higher order tasks and assessments with Analysis assessments with universal screener and literacy strategies for all training higher DOK levels subjects. Reading Students Endorsemen Demonstrate: t Their knowledge of DOK and their ability to participate in the required activities. Title II EAC, ESEP Aug 2016 – Feedback, assignments Teachers Professional learning will be provided to lead March 2017 Demonstrate: paraprofessionals and teachers on PLP’s through PD Students Now. Demonstrate:

Professional Learning will be provided to teachers Title II EAC Aug 2016 – PD Express, Mentor Teachers through a mentor – mentee program. NTI March 2017 hours, mentor time Demonstrate: sheets Students Demonstrate:

12 Cost/ Evaluation of Implementation and Professional Learning Strategy/Support Resources Person(s) Timeline Impact on Student Learning & Funding Responsible Artifacts Evidence Source Professional Learning will be provided in classroom Master Sgt Sept 2016 – Observations, meeting Teachers management with additional coaching for new Greene, Dec 2016 Demonstrate: The teachers and other teachers as needed. EAC, ability to effectively establish classroom rules and procedures. Students Demonstrate: Their ability to feel safe and protected in an academic environment.

You may copy and paste PL action steps from SIP, and also include additional supports that may not be included, such as:  Coaching sessions with Individual Teachers  Mentors  Online Professional Learning Opportunities  Paraprofessional PL Opportunities  Etc…


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