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Procura Health Management Systems s1

Generic AR Export

Procura® Health Management Systems

Contact Procura Corporate Office: 1112 Fort St., Suite 600 Victoria BC, Canada, V8V3K8 Phone: 1.877.776.2872 FAX: 250.380.1866 [email protected]

Software version Procura 8.0

Documentation version 8.0

Last Update Date 2014-08-01

Copyright © 1992-2014. All rights reserved.

Develus Systems Inc.

Any technical documentation that is made available by Develus Systems Incorporated is the copyrighted work of Develus Systems Incorporated and is owned by Develus Systems Incorporated. Information contained here is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Develus Systems Incorporated. This documentation is furnished as part of the licensed software program it describes and is subject to all the terms and conditions of the license agreement. No copyright of the documentation is hereby transferred. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information in this documentation. Develus Systems Incorporated accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions contained herein. The software and/or databases described in this document are furnished under a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software and/or databases may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or non-disclosure agreement. The Purchaser may make a backup copy of the software for backup purposes only. No part of this manual and/or databases may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use, without the written permission of Develus Systems Incorporated. TRADEMARKS: Procura and Procura Community Health Systems is a registered trademark of Develus Systems Incorporated. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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This document is submitted by Procura (incorporated as Develus Systems Inc.) in good faith guided by the principles described herein. This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract or an offer to contract. Copyright of this document is retained by Procura. Procura hereby grants the intended recipients (known hereafter as the “Customer”) unlimited rights to copy and distribute this document to evaluation staff and advisors under the following conditions: 1. The Customer will consider this information to be confidential and proprietary to Procura and will not release this document to any persons, other than internal evaluation staff and advisors, without first obtaining Procura’s express written permission. 2. The Customer agrees that all information contained in this document, and any additional information supplied by Procura, is confidential and proprietary to Procura and is presented solely for use by the Customer for the purposes of review and analysis. The Customer agrees that other use thereof, including disclosure of this information to third parties, is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of Procura, except under the following conditions, where all conditions must be present: a. The express, prior written consent of Procura has been requested and received; b. The disclosure of information is for the sole purpose of review and analysis; c. All third parties are explicitly named, including: i. Given and Surname, ii. Affiliation to the Customer, iii. Employer and/or contractor name, iv. Position and title; d. A written agreement is signed by the Customer and Third Parties to respect the proprietary and confidential nature of Procura and all related documentation; e. The Customer will send a copy of said written agreement to Procura prior to the disclosure of the information; and f. The Customer will not make any reference to Procura® , or any customers of Procura that are disclosed herein in any literature, promotional materials, brochures or sales presentations without the express written permission of Procura. The Customer will not assign or transfer any rights and privileges contained in this document without obtaining written consent of Procura. Procura respectfully requests that should any of the above noted conditions be deemed unacceptable to the Customer, that a representative of the Customer immediately contact Procura for discussion and revision of the conditions before proceeding with the document review. Please contact: Director of Customer Service Phone: 1.877.776.2872 ext. 6425 Email: [email protected]

AR Interfaces | confidentiality_and_distribution_limitations.htm

Table of Contents Generic AR Export...... 1 Facility Codes...... 1 Funder Agency/Client Reference Labels...... 2 Funders...... 3 Revenue Codes...... 4 Tax Rates...... 5 The Generic AR Export Form...... 6 To Run the Generic AR Export...... 8 Appendices...... 9 To Add FARLs for the Generic AR Export...... 9 To Add an ERL as a client identifier for the Generic AR Export...... 12 To Add an Order Map FARL with a Value of Customer for the Generic AR Export...... 13 To Add an Order Map FARL with a Value of Job or Funder Only for the Generic AR Export...... 14 To Attach Revenue Codes for A/R Exports...... 16 To Define Billing Tax Information for A/R Exports...... 17 To Select Facility Codes for A/R Export Departments...... 19 Account Data Record Layouts and Field Mapping...... 20 Export File Requirements...... 22 Billing Data (Invoice) Export Requirements...... 25

iv Generic AR Export

Facility Codes

In order to run the Generic AR export, your System Administrator must specify a departmental Facility Code to act as a business key. This will provide easier support for report development should multiple departments be deployed for a selected company. If a common Procura database is being implemented for multiple companies, where each company is comprised of one or more departments, it is recommended that the facility code be used to define the Franchise ID or Branch ID for the department, (i.e., replicate the facility code to a company code wherever possible).

AR Interfaces | HT_-_Facility_Codes.htm

1 Generic AR Export Funder Agency/Client Reference Labels

There is a variety of Funder Agency/Client Reference Labels (FARLs and ERLs) that your System Administrator can define to instruct the export to proceed accordingly.

AR Interfaces | HT_-_Funder_Agency_Reference_Numbers.htm

2 Generic AR Export Funders

In order for the Generic AR export to automatically generate the Accounts Receivable accounting number for the order, your System Administrator must activate the Generate ID checkbox for the Accounts Receivable Interface for the Funder. However, in order to prevent users from changing the number manually, they should de-activate the Modifiable checkbox. This will ensure that the number is generated correctly and that there is no chance for duplication.

AR Interfaces | HT_-_Funders.htm

3 Generic AR Export Revenue Codes

In order to run the Generic AR export, your System Administrator must define all billing rate records with a Revenue Code, which corresponds to the income (revenue) account for your third-party financial system. This provides for mappings that will allow the billing rate records to be distributed to the appropriate code on the Chart of Accounts so revenue is distributed to the appropriate GL account. Keep in mind that the export groupings will assume that the grouping organizes by the specified option and by the applicable revenue code.

Procura billing charge records that are generated as billable tax records are not associated directly with a billing rate record. Therefore, the account number that is associated with the tax for the Procura system or department GL will be used for mapping to the corresponding tax account in the General Ledger.

AR Interfaces | HT_-_Revenue_Codes.htm

4 Generic AR Export Tax Rates

Before you can run the Generic AR export, your System Administrator must define the Tax Rates in system setup. Procura billing charge records that are generated as billable tax records are not associated directly with a billing rate record. Therefore, the GL account number that is associated with the tax is used for mapping to the corresponding tax account in the General Ledger.

AR Interfaces | HT_-_Tax_Rates.htm

5 Generic AR Export The Generic AR Export Form

The Generic AR Export form enables you to export billing information into a generic accounts receivable financial system format.

Batch (the billing batch you want to work with) Show All Batches (displays all billing periods in the table) Billing Periods (a table from which you can check the boxes that correspond to the billing periods you want to export)

Export Client Number (activates a drop- Export Funder and Order Data (specifies that funder/order records down box that enables you to specify the within the billing period will be exported) (the A/R account number will be client reference number you want to export generated for these orders if one is not already assigned) to the Client Number Custom field ) (this number must be validated for at least one of Export All Accounts (creates account records for all orders that belong the departments for the billing batch) (this to departments to which the user has access) (can be used to facilitate box is only available if the Export Funder quick ramp-up for new installations, as balance-forward information can and Order Data box is checked) be entered after the account records have been exported) (this box is only available if the Export Funder and Order Data box is checked) Generate Numbers for New Clients (specifies that the export will generate client Accounts Receivable Account (the A/R Account number) (this number numbers for new clients by randomly must match the A/R Account number already set up in the financial generating a 9-digit number and by verifying system) (maps to the invoice transaction’s ACCT field) that it is unique for all departments for Export Billing Data (specifies that billing data will be exported using which the user has access) (for clients who generic invoice transaction mappings) (allows users to choose not to have billing data in range, the export will export billing records, (e.g. to only export account data) determine if the selected client reference number exists and whether it has a value) Flag Invoice Records to be Printed (specifies that the "PRINT (this box is only available if the Export INVOICE" flag in the invoice layout will be set to True) (this box is only Client Number box is checked) available if the Export Billing Data box is checked)

6 Generic AR Export

Write data in Upper Case (specifies that the file layout will be generated in uppercase)

File Path (the location in which the export files will be stored) File Name (the file that will contain the exported information) Display Results when done (specifies that the results of the export will be displayed upon completion) (if errors or new orders are generated, the validation file will be displayed; if no errors are generated, the export file will be displayed) Flag Records as Exported (specifies that records will be marked as having been exported) (if you recalculate the billing batch after export, the flags that were previously marked to the records will be cleared) (this box is only available if the Export Billing Data box is checked) Ignore Previously Exported Records (specifies that records that have already been flagged as exported will be excluded from the export) (this box is only available if the Export Billing Data box is checked)

Export (exports the data) Validate (checks the export setup to ensure that it is valid)

AR Interfaces | The_Generic_AR_Export_Form.htm

7 Generic AR Export To Run the Generic AR Export

1. Go to Imports/Exports | AR/GL | Generic AR Export. The Generic AR Export form is displayed.

2. From the Batch drop-down box, select the batch you want to work with. 3. If you want to display in the Billing Periods table the billing periods for closed batches, click the Show All Batches checkbox. 4. In the Billing Periods table, click the checkboxes that correspond to the billing periods you want to work with.

2. Click the button at the end of the File Path textbox and browse for the location in which you want your exported client file stored. 3. Fill in all other required information. 4. Click Export.

AR Interfaces | To_Run_the_Export.htm

8 Appendices

To Add FARLs for the Generic AR Export

Custom Reference #1 Users may enter a Funder-Agency reference number called "CUSTOM1" and enter the label of one Funder-Client reference number. The export will match the label to the Funder-Client reference number’s label. This cross-reference will then be used to write each Order’s reference number value to the first Custom Field that is described in the export file layout. Allows for the transfer of payment source references to the financial system so that they may be referenced in in that system as well as in Procura.

Custom Reference #2 Users may enter a Funder-Agency reference number called "CUSTOM2" and enter the label of one Funder-Client reference number. The export will match the label to the Funder-Client reference number’s label. This cross-reference will then be used to write each Order’s reference number value to the second Custom Field that is described in the export file layout. Allows for the transfer of payment source references to the financial system so that they may be referenced in in that system as well as in Procura.

9 Generic AR Export Funder Type Users will have the option of entering a Funder-Agency reference number that will map to the "Funder Type" field. If no Funder Type is defined in Procura, the "Funder Type" field will be ignored when Order export is performed. May be used by the financial system for reporting purposes.

Invoice Prefix Users will have the option of configuring a Funder-Agency reference number called "Invoice Prefix", which will be attached to each Invoice Number that is exported to the financial system. If no Invoice Prefix is created, the Procura Invoice Number will be exported. Procura's invoicing module increments invoice numbers independently for each Funder and Department. By attaching an Invoice Prefix, invoice numbering can be forced to be distinct per Procura Funder. Keep in mind that this option does not fully satisfy a "unique invoice number" methodology for multi- Department implementations where Funders authorize services for several Departments. However, this option and the use of unique Department Facility codes will enforce the "unique" rule if it is an essential requirement. If the financial system validates against unique Invoice Numbers, performing this one-time setup activity is beneficial.

Client Charge Account

10 Appendices Procura billing charge records that are generated to bill for Client Charges are not associated directly with a Billing Rate Record. As such, the user will have the option to configure a Funder-Agency reference number called "Client Charge Account" that will be used to distribute client charge transactions to a specific financial system’s income/revenue account. The value will be drawn from the Source Funder’s Client Charge Account reference rather than from the Funder that is billed for the client charge ("Target" Funder). If no Client Charge Source Account is defined, the system will apply the Revenue Code for the Order’s Default Rate. This logic will allow users to define independent client charge income accounts and distribute the income independently by the original Funder. Users will then be able to determine the total income that was derived from Client Charges based upon the originator of the business. This capability should support financial reporting requirements for some jurisdictions where contracted service providers are required to submit quarterly reports of client fees billed.

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Adding_FARLs_for_the_Generic_AR_Export1.htm

11 Generic AR Export To Add an ERL as a client identifier for the Generic AR Export

This ERL can be defined as a client or patient identifier in your third-party financial system. Procura will generate this number for all new clients. The number can be used to support cross-references of multiple account records to a common client, which might help to complete accounting activities when clients go off service. Keep in mind that, in cases where Procura is implemented following a previous data conversion, an ERL might already be mapped from the source of the conversion data, (e.g., a personal health care number).

1. Go to Maintenance | Billing Setup | Funders. The Funder/Provider Module form displays. 2. Select from the table the funder you want to work with. 3. Click Edit. The Provider/Funder Information window displays the General tab. 4. Click the References tab. 5. Click Add above the Client table. The Funder/Client Reference Fields window displays.

6. In the Label textbox, type the name by which you want your identifier to be referred. 6. In the Description textbox, type a description for the reference field. 6. In the Reference Number 1 textbox, type the number that identifies your client. 6. Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window. 6. Repeat steps 5-9 for each client you want to work with. 6. Click OK to return to the Funder/Provider Module form.

12 Appendices To Add an Order Map FARL with a Value of Customer for the Generic AR Export

By default, the Generic AR export utility will create single level account records for all orders that belong to the funder. It will assume that all orders are distinct customer records in your third-party financial system. However, your System Administrator can configure a FARL called Order Map to identify the mapping relationship between Procura's Funder:Order entities and the corresponding entities of your financial system. This FARL enables the selection of the structure of mapping to better support business objectives for the management of invoice data in the Accounts Receivable system.

1. Go to Maintenance | Billing Setup | Funders. The Funder/Provider Module form displays. 2. Select your funder from the table. 3. Click Edit. The Provider/Funder Information window displays the General tab. 4. Click the References tab. 5. Click Add above the Agency table. The Funder/Agency Reference Fields window displays.

6. In the Label textbox, type Order Map. 6. In the Description textbox, type a description for the reference field. 6. If you want the value to be printed on all invoices, click the Printed to Custom Invoice checkbox. 6. Type Customer in the Value text box. 6. Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window. 6. Click OK to return to the Funder/Provider Module form.

13 Generic AR Export

To Add an Order Map FARL with a Value of Job or Funder Only for the Generic AR Export

By default, the Generic AR export utility will create single level account records for all orders that belong to the funder. It will assume that all orders are distinct customer records in your third-party financial system. However, your System Administrator can configure a FARL called Order Map to identify the mapping relationship between Procura's Funder:Order entities and the corresponding entities of your financial system. This FARL enables the selection of the structure of mapping to better support business objectives for the management of invoice data in the Accounts Receivable system.

1. Go to Maintenance | Billing Setup | Funders. The Funder/Provider Module form displays. 2. Select your funder from the table. 3. Click Edit. The Provider/Funder Information window displays the General tab. 4. Click the References tab. 5. Click Add above the Agency table. The Funder/Agency Reference Fields window displays.

6. In the Label textbox, type Order Map. 6. In the Description textbox, type a description for the reference field. 6. If you want the value to be printed on all invoices, click the Printed to Invoice checkbox. 6. If you want a customer record to be generated for the funder, with all orders for that funder being created as Jobs in your financial system, type Job in the Value textbox. Otherwise, if you want a customer record to be generated for the funder, but you do not want orders to be exported, type Funder Only in the Value textbox. 6. Click OK to return to the Provider/Funder Information window.

14 Appendices 7. Click the General tab.

12. In the Account Number textbox in the Accounts Receivable section, type the AR Account number that corresponds to your funder. 12. Click the Generate ID checkbox. 12. Uncheck the Modifiable checkbox. 13. Fill in all other required information. 14. Click OK. 15. Click Yes to confirm.

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Adding_an_Order_Map_FARL_of_Job_or_Funder_Only.htm

15 Generic AR Export To Attach Revenue Codes for A/R Exports

1. Go to Maintenance | Billing Setup | Billing Rates Module. The Billing Rates Module form displays. 2. From the Department drop-down box, select the department you want to work with. 2. In the Tables section, select the billing rates table you want to work with. 2. Select the applicable rate record from the Records section. 2. Click Edit. The Billing Record window displays.

6. From the Revenue Code drop-down box in the Regular Rate section, select the revenue code you want to work with. 6. Click OK to return to the Billing Rates Module form. 6. Repeat steps 4-7 for each record for which you want to define a revenue code.

AR Interfaces | Appendix_Attaching_revenue_codes_for_A_R_exports.HTM

16 Appendices To Define Billing Tax Information for A/R Exports

1. On the Maintenance tab, click System Options . The System Options window displays the General tab. 2. Click the Billing tab.

3. Uncheck the Use Department Level Taxes instead of System Level Taxes checkbox. 4. Click the Use Tax One checkbox. 5. In the Invoice/Stmt Description textbox in the Use Tax One checkbox section, type a description of the invoice or statement as you want to be printed on each invoice or statement. 6. In the Rate textbox in the Use Tax One checkbox, type the rate at which you want taxes to be calculated. 7. In the Tax Number textbox in the Use Tax One checkbox, type the tax number for your organization. 8. Click the Use Tax Two checkbox. 9. In the Invoice/Stmt Description textbox in the Use Tax Two checkbox, type a description of the invoice or statement as you want to be printed on each invoice or statement. 10. In the Rate textbox in the Use Tax Two checkbox, type the rate at which you want taxes to be calculated.

17 Generic AR Export 11. In the Tax Number textbox in the Use Tax Two checkbox, type the tax number for your organization. 3. If you want to specify the date on which you want payment processing transactions to begin, to confirm changes when closing a billing batch, use the Transaction Start Date drop-down box. Otherwise, click in the drop-down box and press Delete to remove the existing date.

AR Interfaces | Appendix_Defining_Tax_Info_for_A_R_Exports.htm

18 Appendices To Select Facility Codes for A/R Export Departments

1. Go to Maintenance | General Setup | Departments. The Department Module form displays. 2. Select the department from which you will be exporting information. 3. Click Edit. The Department Module window displays the General tab.

4. From the Facility Code drop-down box, select the value you want to use as a business key. 4. Click OK to return to the main Department Module form. 4. Repeat steps #2-5 for each department from which you will be exporting information.

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Setting_up_Facility_Codes_for_A_R_Exports.htm

19 Generic AR Export Account Data Record Layouts and Field Mapping

(The column headings for the account list)

TITLE Type Note Procura Mapping TYPE R(4) Identifies data line as an Account Always "ACCT". record. AR ACCOUNT ID C(30) (Required) The "first level" AR Dependent upon Order Map Setting: Account number. 1. For "Funder:Order", AR ACCOUNT ID = [Funder AR Account value]. 2. For "Order Only", AR ACCOUNT ID= [Order AR Account value]; 3. For "Funder Only", AR ACCOUNT ID = [Funder AR Account value]. AR ACCOUNT LEVEL 2 C(30) Required if Order Map Setting is Dependent upon Order Map Setting: "Funder:Order". 1. For "Funder:Order", AR ACCOUNT LEVEL 2 = [Order AR Value of AR ACCOUNT ID is Account value]. repeated in this field if Order Map 2. For "Order Only", AR ACCOUNT LEVEL 2 = [Order AR is "Order Only". Account value]; Value of AR ACCOUNT ID is repeated in this field if Order Map 3. For "Funder Only", AR ACCOUNT LEVEL 2 = [Funder AR is "Funder Only". Account value]. FUNDER CODE C(10) Included for reference purposes. Funder Code. Reserved for internal Procura use. CLIENT LAST NAME C(30) Client Last Name CLIENT FIRST NAME C(20) Client First Name CLIENT MIDDLE NAME C(20) Client Middle Name CLIENT NUMBER C(20) Value of Client Reference Number that is selected on export form. CLIENT SALUTATION C(10) e.g. Mrs, Ms., Mr., etc. Client Salutation CLIENT HOME PHONE P Client Home Phone number. CLIENT DATE OF BIRTH D Client Birthdate CONTACT LAST NAME C(30) Funder or Order Billing Contact Last Name. CONTACT FIRST NAME C(20) Funder or Order Billing Contact First Name. CONTACT TITLE C(20) Funder or Order Billing Contact Title. CONTACT PHONE P Funder or Order Billing Contact Phone. CONTACT PHONE EXTENSION C(10) Funder or Order Billing Contact Phone extension.

20 Appendices BILLING ADDRESS1 C(40) Billing Address1 BILLING ADDRESS 2 C(40) BILLING CITY C(20) BILLING PROVINCE / STATE C(2) BILLING POSTAL/ZIP Z BILLING COUNTRY C(10) BILLING PHONE P The first phone number. If there is a Billing Phone Number, write it, otherwise write the client’s Home Phone number. FAXNUM P The FAX number. If there is a Billing FAX number, write it, otherwise write the client’s FAX number. COORD LAST NAME C(30) The last name of the Community Order Coordinator Last Name. Care Coordinator (e.g. Case Manager) for this client Order. Used if Coord. is an external source. COORD FIRST NAME C(20) The first name of the Community Order Coordinator First Name. Care Coordinator (e.g. Case Manager) for this client Order. Used if Coord. is an external source. COORD WORK PHONE P The Coord. Work Phone. Order Coordinator Work Phone. COORD FAXNUM P The Coord. FAX Number. Order Coordinator Fax Number. FUNNDERTYPE C(20) Your classification for the Funder. Value of Funder-Agency reference. CUSTOM1 C(20) Value of Order’s Funder-Client Reference Number. CUSTOM2 C(20) Value of Order’s Funder-Client Reference Number. ORDER DESC C(40) Order Description. ORDER START DATE D The starting date of the Order. Order Start Date. ORDER CONTRACT DATE D The Order Contract Date (if one Order Contract Date. exists). ORDER STOP DATE D The ending date of the Order. Order Stop Date, provided that the Stop Date is < the Billing Period Stop Date (otherwise leave field empty).

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Account_Data_Record_Layouts.htm

21 Generic AR Export Export File Requirements

The following requirements describe the rules that will be applied when Procura creates export records during the Generic AR export procedure.

REQ ID/Title Requirement Details

Record Creation The export will create one Account or Funder:Order record for each Procura Funder or Order, depending upon the Funder’s Order Map settings.

Attendance Types Attendance Types will not be exported.

Orders with Billing By default, only Orders that have billing information for the selected Period(s) will be exported. Information Note that this requirement can be overridden via user interaction.

File Name The Account export will create an output file and write it in the path. A single file will be used to export Account and Invoice data.

File Type Comma Separated Values (CSV). Record end denoted by carriage return/linefeed. Unless otherwise specified, character fields are left-justified.

Field Types and Notation The "Type" column in the record layouts describes the data type for each field. The maximum field length is displayed enclosed in parentheses "()". Padding of the field is not necessary unless otherwise specified. Following are the field types that are used:

B – Boolean Enclosed in double-quotations. Maximum field length of 1 character. Boolean fields are referenced as T or F (true or false).

C – Character Character fields are enclosed in double-quotations (e.g. "Smith"). (alphanumeric, text) Padding of additional spaces is not required. Commas that are enclosed in double-quotations are interpreted as text within the character field (i.e. they are not considered to be delimiters). Field Type column is written using the following notation: C(n), where: C represents the field type (character); and n is the maximum field length.

D – Date Enclosed in double-quotations. Length is always 8 digits, must be in format YYYYMMDD Example: January 11, 2001 is recorded as: 20010111

N – Numeric No quotations. Explicit decimal. No padding is required. NULL values in Procura will pass a zero in the export file. Field Type column includes accepted decimal value in the following notation: N((s)n,m), where: N represents the field type (numeric);

22 Appendices (s) indicates that this field exports negative values – positive values exclude sign indicator (sign is assumed), note that the sign value uses one position of the whole number portion of the number (left of decimal); n is the maximum length of integer digits (left side of decimal); and m is the maximum length of valid decimal positions. Example: N(10,4), where: This field is of type "numeric", with a total length of 15, of which: 10 digits represent the whole number (left side of decimal), 1 position is reserved for the explicit decimal, and 4 digits represent the decimal portion of the number (right side of decimal).

P - Phone Number Enclosed in double-quotations. Phone Numbers can be in either short or long format: "999-9999" or "999-999-9999", where "9" represents an integer (0-9). For both formats, a dash will follow the phone number prefix, as depicted in the examples. There are two valid lengths for Phone Number fields: 8 characters (short format) or 12 characters (long format).

R – Record Type ID No quotations. Record Type ID fields are the first field in every record. The Generic AR Export uses the Record Type ID to identify the type of record that is being passed. The target system may use this information as a means to trigger specific processing events. Each data record layout lists the required value for records of its type. Field Type column is written using the following notation: R(n), where: R represents the field type (record type ID); and n is the maximum field length.

Z – Postal/Zip Code Postal/Zip Code fields accept one of two formats, where both must be enclosed in double-quotations.

Canadian Postal Code The Canadian format will conform to the Canadian Postal Code standard: "A9A 9A9", where "A" represents a letter (A-Z); and "9" represents an integer (0-9). A space character will follow the third character of the Postal Code.

USA ZIP Code The USA format can be in either short or long format of the ZIP code: "99999" or "99999-9999", where "9" represents an integer (0-9). If the long format is used, a dash (-) will be inserted after the fifth integer.

Notes Regarding Field Types It should be noted that the field types that are listed below were formerly represented as Character (C) fields with

23 Generic AR Export requirements for specific formatting. For customers who have already developed export applications to the previous specifications, the formatting and validation rules have not changed for previous versions of the import. "New" Field Types: P – Phone Number R – Record Type ID Z – Postal/Zip Code

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Export_File_Requirements.htm

24 Appendices Billing Data (Invoice) Export Requirements

The following requirements describe the rules that will be applied when Procura exports billing charge records as "Invoice" transactions type during the Generic AR export procedure.

REQ ID/Title Requirement Details

Record Creation The export will create one invoice transaction record with associated distribution lines for each Order that has billing data. The distribution line(s) will be composed of Procura billing data based upon grouping key words that are defined for each Funder.

Record Types There are two record types in the Billing Data Export:

Invoice Header Records Header Records precede the detailed billing records. The purpose of the Header Record is to prepare the target financial system for a new Account’s invoice items.

Invoice Detail Records Detailed Invoice records follow each Header Record for a given Account. Note that the Grouping logic determines the level of detail that will be passed.

AR Interfaces | Appendix__Billing_Data_Invoice_Export_Requirements.htm


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