Chapter 14: the Nation Divided (1846 1861) Review

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Chapter 14: the Nation Divided (1846 1861) Review

Chapter 14: The Nation Divided (1846–1861) review Name:______date:______block:______

1. Disputes over slavery in the 1840s and 1850s resulted in which of the following? • the formation of new political parties • violence in Kansas • the abolition of the slave trade in the nation's capital • all of the above • 2. The Dred Scott decision stated that the U.S. Constitution • protected the rights of slaveholders but not slaves. • protected the rights of African Americans as citizens. • allowed Congress to prohibit slavery in any state or territory. • allowed any person living in the United States to sue in federal court. • 3. Which of the following best describes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850? • The slave trade was banned in the nation's capital. • African Americans who lived in free states were protected from being returned to slavery. • African Americans suspected of having escaped slavery and living in free states were often required to be returned to slavery. • Popular vote would determine whether African Americans suspected of crimes should be arrested. • 4. What was one reason the election of Abraham Lincoln as President further divided the North and the South? • He disagreed with the United States Constitution. • Southerners saw him as an abolitionist who threatened the South. • All the southern states had supported Stephen Douglas in the election. • He was responsible for the execution of John Brown. • 5. What idea did Lincoln suggest in his "house divided" speech? • Slavery needed to be abolished immediately in every state in the Union. • The nation could not remain united with half the states allowing slavery and half prohibiting it. • States had to be allowed to create their own laws on slavery in order to keep the Union together. • Every state in the Union would eventually become a slave-holding state. • 6. The Wilmot Proviso was a reaction to what issue? • Allowing territories gained from the Mexican-American War to become states would restore the Missouri Compromise. • Allowing slavery in territory gained from the Mexican-American War would threaten the balance of free and slaveholding states. • The Free-Soil Party threatened to eliminate slavery in the South. • Northerners disagreed with the Fugitive Slave Act. • 7. Who wrote a book about the cruelties of slavery that further divided the North and the South? • Harriet Tubman • Harriet Beecher Stowe • John Brown • Roger B. Taney • 8. After the Whig party split apart, which political party did many northern Whigs join? • Democratic Party • Republican Party • Free-Soil Party • Constitutional Union Party • 9. Before the Compromise of 1850, many southern leaders felt that • the Kansas-Nebraska Act should be overturned. • there were too many slaveholding states. • the South should secede if California were admitted as a free state. • it was time for the South to agree to a ban on slavery in new territories. • 10. Which of the following events happened first? • Fort Sumter was attacked. • Abraham Lincoln tried to reassure the South in his Inaugural Address. • Seven southern states seceded from the Union. • Jefferson Davis was elected president of the Confederacy. • 11. Stephen Douglas is most closely associated with the idea of • abolition. • cessation. • annexation. • popular sovereignty. • 12. Which of the following statesmen wanted to compromise on the issue of slavery? • John C. Calhoun, David Wilmot • Henry Clay, Daniel Webster • Martin Van Buren, David Wilmot • John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster • 13. Which of the following used popular sovereignty to decide whether to allow slavery? • California • Kansas • lands gained from Mexico • Wisconsin • 14. Which of the following statements about the Confederate States of America is NOT true? • It was made up of all the southern slaveholding states. • Its first president was Jefferson Davis. • It had its own constitution. • It was formed after Abraham Lincoln was elected President. • 15. The speech of which leader stated that the only ways for the South to preserve slavery were to amend the Constitution to protect states' rights or to secede? • John C. Calhoun • Daniel Webster • Stephen Douglas • Henry Clay • 16. The Constitutional Union Party was formed by • southern Democrats who did not support slavery. • northern Republicans who supported slavery. • southern Democrats who supported slavery. • northern Republicans who did not support slavery. • 17. In 1848, the candidates for President came from which political parties? • Democrats, Whigs, Free-Soil • Democrats, Republicans, Whigs • Republicans, Democrats, Free-Soil • Republicans, Whigs, Free-Soil • 18. In his Inaugural Address in 1861, President Lincoln said, "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of … war." To which group of "fellow countrymen" was he speaking? • all United States citizens • all Southerners • Southerners in the Confederacy • all Northerners • 19. Which of the following was NOT a reaction to John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry? • Southern slaveholders were shocked. • John Brown was executed. • Many northerners celebrated. • A slave revolt broke out. • 20. Which event occurred first? • John Brown led an attack on a proslavery settlement in Kansas. • The Supreme Court decided the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford. • Proslavery and antislavery settlers flooded the territory of Kansas. • The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed.

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