Compilation by Eduard Hovy, from Data Provided by Andrew Philpot

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Compilation by Eduard Hovy, from Data Provided by Andrew Philpot

1/7/2000 Compilation by Eduard Hovy, from data provided by Andrew Philpot

A collection of terms and their `definitions' from BLS, Census, and NAICS. The terms come first, one per line, followed by some kind of separator (usually), and then either directly by a definition or by some additional term-specifying terms.

Compiled from: 1997 NAICS Definitions CENSUS database metadata

Gasoline: See Motor Gasoline (Finished).

Motor Gasoline (Finished): A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons with or without small quantities of additives, blended to form a fuel suitable for use in spark-ignition engines. Motor gasoline, as defined in ASTM Specification D-4814 or Federal Specification VV-G-1690C, is characterized as having a boiling range of 122 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point to 365 to 374 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent recovery point. "Motor Gasoline" includes conventional gasoline; all types of oxygenated gasoline, including gasohol; and reformulated gasoline, but excludes aviation gasoline. Note: Volumetric data on blending components, such as oxygenates, are not counted in data on finished motor gasoline until the blending components are blended into the gasoline.

Conventional Gasoline: Finished motor gasoline not included in the oxygenated or reformulated gasoline categories. Note: This category excludes reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB)as well as other blendstock.

Oxygenated Gasoline: Finished motor gasoline having an oxygen content of 1.8 percent or higher, by weight. This product is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) emissions in areas with higher-than-acceptable levels of carbon monoxide, i.e., "nonattainment areas." These nonattainment areas are identified by EPA on the basis of detailed CO measurements and States are required to submit plans to improve air quality [State Implementation Plans (SIP)]. Such a program may, at the State's discretion, address an area larger than its officially-designated nonattainment area(s). Note: For data on sales of oxygenated gasoline, any gasoline meeting the oxygen content specification and intended for use within the area designated by a SIP is counted as oxygenated gasoline. For data on production and supply of oxygenated gasoline, gasohol is included in the oxygenated gasoline category, regardless of where it is sold. Oxygenated gasoline excludes reformulated gasoline, oxygenated fuels program reformulated gasoline (OPRG), and reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenated blending (RBOB).

Reformulated Gasoline: Finished motor gasoline formulated for use in motor vehicles, the composition and properties of which meet the requirements of the reformulated gasoline regulations promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 211(k) of the Clean Air Act. Note: This category includes oxygenated fuels program reformulated gasoline (OPRG) but excludes reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB). Gasoline Grades: The classification of gasoline by octane ratings. Each type of gasoline (conventional, oxygenated, and reformulated) is classified by three grades - Regular, Midgrade, and Premium. Note: Gasoline sales are reported by grade in accordance with their classification at the time of sale. In general, automotive octane requirements are lower at high altitudes. Therefore, in some areas of the United States, such as the Rocky Mountain States, the octane ratings for the gasoline grades may be 2 or more octane points lower.

Regular Gasoline: Gasoline having an antiknock index, i.e., octane rating, greater than or equal to 85 and less than 88. Note: Octane requirements may vary by altitude. See Gasoline Grades.

Midgrade Gasoline: Gasoline having an antiknock index, i.e., octane rating, greater than or equal to 88 and less than or equal to 90. Note: Octane requirements may vary by altitude. See Gasoline Grades.

Premium Gasoline: Gasoline having an antiknock index, i.e., octane rating, greater than 90. Note: Octane requirements may vary by altitude. See Gasoline Grades.

Motor Gasoline (Total): For stock level data, a sum including finished motor gasoline stocks plus stocks of motor gasoline blending components but excluding stocks of oxygenates.

Motor Gasoline Blending: Mechanical mixing of motor gasoline blending components, and oxygenates when required, to produce finished motor gasoline. Finished motor gasoline may be further mixed with other motor gasoline blending components or oxygenates, resulting in increased volumes of finished motor gasoline and/or changes in the formulation of finished motor gasoline (e.g., conventional motor gasoline mixed with MTBE to produce oxygenated motor gasoline).

Motor Gasoline Blending Components: Naphthas (e.g., straight-run gasoline, alkylate, reformate, benzene, toluene, xylene) used for blending or compounding into finished motor gasoline. These components include reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending (RBOB) but exclude oxygenates (alcohols, ethers), butane, and pentanes plus. Note: Oxygenates are reported as individual components and are included in the total for other hydrocarbons, hydrogens, and oxygenates.

Gasohol: A blend of finished motor gasoline containing 10 percent or less by volume of alcohol (generally ethanol but sometimes methanol). See Oxygenated Gasoline.

Octane Rating: A number used to indicate gasoline's antiknock performance in motor vehicle engines. The two recognized laboratory engine test methods for determining the antiknock rating, i.e., octane rating, of gasolines are the Research method and the Motor method. To provide a single number as guidance to the consumer, the antiknock index (R + M)/2, which is the average of the Research and Motor octane numbers, was developed.

Oxygenates: Substances which, when added to gasoline, increase the amount of oxygen in that gasoline blend. Ethanol, MTBE, ETBE, and methanol are common oxygenates.

Aviation gasoline (Finished): A complex mixture of relatively volatile hydrocarbons with or without small quantities of additives, blended to form a fuel suitable for use in aviation reciprocating engines. Fuel specifications are provided in ASTM Specification D 910 and Military Specification MIL-G-5572. Note: Data on blending components are not counted in data on finished aviation gasoline.

Naphtha-Type Jet Fuel: A fuel in the heavy naphtha boiling range having an average gravity of 52.8 degrees API, 20 to 90 percent distillation temperatures of 290 degrees to 470 degrees F., and meeting Military Specification MIL-T-5624L (Grade JP-4). It is used primarily for military turbojet and turboprop aircraft engines because it has a lower freeze point than other aviation fuels and meets engine requirements at high altitudes and speeds.

Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel: A kerosene-based product having a maximum distillation temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and a final maximum boiling point of 572 degrees Fahrenheit and meeting ASTM Specification D 1655 and Military Specifications MIL-T-5624P and MIL- T-83133D (Grades JP-5 and JP-8). It is used for commercial and military turbojet and turboprop aircraft engines.


Distillate Fuel Oil: A general classification for one of the petroleum fractions produced in conventional distillation operations. It includes diesel fuels and fuel oils. Products known as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 diesel fuel are used in on-highway diesel engines, such as those found in cars and trucks, as well as off- highway engines, such as those that power railroad engines and agricultural machinery. Products known as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils are used primarily for space heating and electric power generation.

No. 1 Distillate: A light petroleum distillate that can be used as either a diesel fuel (see No. 1 Diesel Fuel) or a fuel oil (see No. 1 Fuel Oil).

No. 1 Diesel Fuel: A light distillate fuel oil that has distillation temperatures of 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 975. It is used in high- speed diesel engines generally operated under frequent speed and load changes. It includes type C-B diesel fuel used for city buses and similar transportation use. See No. 1 Distillate.

No. 1 Fuel Oil: A light distillate fuel oil that has distillation temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 396. It is used primarily as fuel for portable outdoor stoves and portable outdoor heaters. See No. 1 Distillate.

No. 2 Distillate: A petroleum distillate that can be used as either a diesel fuel (see No. 2 Diesel Fuel) or a fuel oil. See No. 2 Fuel Oil.

No. 2 Diesel Fuel: A fuel that has distillation temperatures of 500 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and 640 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent recovery point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 975. It is used in high speed diesel engines that are generally operated under uniform speed and load conditions. It also includes Type R-R diesel fuel used for railroad locomotive engines and Type T-T for diesel-engine trucks and automobiles. See No. 2 Distillate.

Low Sulfur No. 2 Diesel Fuel: No. 2 diesel fuel that has a sulfur level no higher than 0.05 percent by weight. It is used primarily in motor vehicle diesel engines for on-highway use.

High Sulfur No. 2 Diesel Fuel: No. 2 diesel fuel that has a sulfur level above 0.05 percent by weight.

No. 2 Fuel Oil (Heating Oil): A distillate fuel oil that has distillation temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and 640 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent recovery point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 396. It is used in atomizing type burners for domestic heating or for moderate capacity commercialburner units. See No. 2 Distillate.

No. 4 Fuel: A distillate fuel oil made by blending distillate fuel oil and residual fuel oil stocks. It conforms with ASTM Specification D396 or Federal Specification VV-F-815C and is used extensively in industrial plants and in commercial burner installations that are not equipped with preheating facilities. It also includes No. 4 diesel fuel used for low- and medium-speed diesel engines that conforms to ASTM Specification D975.

No. 4 Diesel Fuel: See No. 4 Fuel.

No. 4 Fuel Oil: See No. 4 Fuel. Kerosene: A light petroleum distillate that is used in space heaters, cook stoves, and water heaters and is suitable for use as a light source when burned in wick-fed lamps. Kerosene has a maximum distillation temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point, a final boiling point of 572 degrees Fahrenheit, and a minimum flash point of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Included are No. 1-K and No. 2-K, the two grades recognized by ASTM Specification D 3699 as well as all other grades of kerosene called range or stove oil, which have properties similar to those of No. 1 fuel oil. See Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel.

Residual fuel oil: The heavier oils, known as No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils, that remain after the distillate fuel oils and lighter hydrocarbons are distilled away in refinery operations. It conforms to ASTM Specifications D396 and D975 and Federal Specification VV-F-815C. No. 5, a residual fuel oil of medium viscosity, is also known as Navy Special and is defined in Military Specification MIL-F-859E, including Amendment 2 (NATO Symbol F-770). It is used in steam-powered vessels in government service and inshore powerplants. No. 6 fuel oil includes Bunker C fuel oil and is used for the production of electric power, space heating, vessel bunkering, and various industrial purposes.

Sulfur: A yellowish nonmetallic element, sometimes known as "brimstone." It is present at various levels of concentration in many fossil fuels whose combustion releases sulfur compounds that are considered harmful to the environment. Some of the most commonly used fossil fuels are categorized according to their sulfur content, with lower sulfur fuels usually selling at a higher price. Note: No. 2 Distillate fuel is currently reported as either 0.05% or lower for on- highway vehicular use or greater than 0.05% for off- highway use, home heating oil, and commercial and industrial uses. Residual fuel, regardless of use, is classified as having either no more than 1% sulfur or greater than 1% sulfur. Coal is also classified as being low- sulfur at concentrations of 1% or less or high-sulfur at concentrations greater than 1%.


Coal and Related Terms

I. Coal: A readily combustible black or brownish-black rock whose composition, including inherent moisture, consists of more than 50 percent by weight and more than 70 percent by volume of carbonaceous material. It is formed from plant remains that have been compacted, hardened, chemically altered, and metamorphosed by heat and pressure over geologic time.

Coal Rank: The classification of coals according to their degree of progressive alteration from lignite to anthracite. In the United States, the standard ranks of coal include lignite, subbituminous coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite and are based on fixed carbon, volatile matter, heating value, and agglomerating (or caking) properties.

Lignite: The lowest rank of coal, often referred to as brown coal, used almost exclusively as fuel for steam- electric power generation. It is brownish-black and has a high inherent moisture content, sometimes as high as 45 percent The heat content of lignite ranges from 9 to 17 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral- matter-free basis. The heat content of lignite consumed in the United States averages 13 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis (i.e., containing both inherent moisture and mineral matter).

Subbituminous coal: A coal whose properties range from those of lignite to those of bituminous coal and used primarily as fuel for steam-electric power generation. It may be dull, dark brown to black, soft and crumbly, at the lower end of the range, to bright, jet black, hard, and relatively strong, at the upper end. Subbituminous coal contains 20 to 30 percent inherent moisture by weight. The heat content of subbituminous coal ranges from 17 to 24 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis. The heat content of subbituminous coal consumed in the United States averages 17 to 18 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis (i.e., containing both inherent moisture and mineral matter). Bituminous coal: A dense coal, usually black, sometimes dark brown, often with well-defined bands of bright and dull material, used primarily as fuel in steam-electric power generation, with substantial quantities also used for heat and power applications in manufacturing and to make coke. Bituminous coal is the most abundant coal in active U.S. mining regions. Its moisture content usually is less than 20 percent. The heat content of bituminous coal ranges from 21 to 30 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral- matter-free basis. The heat content of bituminous coal consumed in the United States averages 24 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis (i.e., containing both inherent moisture and mineral matter).

Anthracite: The highest rank of coal; used primarily for residential and commercial space heating. It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often referred to as hard coal, containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter. The moisture content of fresh-mined anthracite generally is less than 15 percent. The heat content of anthracite ranges from 22 to 28 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis. The heat content of anthracite coal consumed in the United States averages 25 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis (i.e., containing both inherent moisture and mineral matter). Note: Since the 1980's, anthracite refuse or mine waste has been used for steam electric power generation. This fuel typically has a heat content of 15 million Btu per ton or less.

Coal coke: See coke(coal).

Coal financial reporting regions: A geographic classification of areas with coal resources which is used for financial reporting of coal statistics.

* Eastern Region. Consists of the Northern Appalachian Coal Basin. The following comprise the Eastern Region: Alabama, eastern Kentucky, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and West Virginia.

* Midwest Region. Consists of the Illinois and Michigan Coal Basins. The following comprise the Midwest Region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and western Kentucky.

* Western Region. Consists of the Northern Rocky, Southern Rocky, West Coast Coal Basins and Western Interior. The following comprise the Western Region: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Coal-producing regions: A geographic classification of areas where coal is produced.

* Appalachian Region. Consists of Alabama, Georgia, Eastern Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

* Interior Region (with Gulf Coast). Consists of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Western Kentucky.

* Western Region. Consists of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Coal stocks: Coal quantities that are held in storage for future use and disposition. Note: When coal data are collected for a particular reporting period (month, quarter, or year), coal stocks are commonly measured as of the last day of this period.

Coke (coal): A solid carbonaceous residue derived from low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile constituents are driven off by baking in an oven at temperatures as high as 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit so that the fixed carbon and residual ash are fused together. Coke is used as a fuel and as a reducing agent in smelting iron ore in a blast furnace. Coke from coal is grey, hard, and porous and has a heating value of 24.8 million Btu per ton. Coke (petroleum): A residue high in carbon content and low in hydrogen that is the final product of thermal decomposition in the condensation process in cracking. This product is reported as marketable coke or catalyst coke. The conversion is 5 barrels (of 42 U.S. gallons each) per short ton. Coke from petroleum has a heating value of 6.024 million Btu per barrel.

Coking coal : Bituminous coal suitable for making coke. See coke (coal).

Metallurgical coal: Coking coal and pulverized coal consumed in making steel.

Petroleum coke: See coke (petroleum).

Steam coal: All nonmetallurgical coal.


211 Oil and Gas Extraction

Industries in the Oil and Gas Extraction subsector operate and/or develop oil and gas field properties. Such activities may include exploration for crude petroleum and natural gas; drilling, completing, and equipping wells; operating separators, emulsion breakers, desilting equipment, and field gathering lines for crude petroleum; and all other activities in the preparation of oil and gas up to the point of shipment from the producing property. This subsector includes the production of crude petroleum, the mining and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands, and the production of natural gas and recovery of hydrocarbon liquids.

Establishments in this subsector include those that operate oil and gas wells on their own account or for others on a contract or fee basis. Establishments primarily engaged in providing support services, on a fee or contract basis, required for the drilling or operation of oil and gas wells (except geophysical surveying and mapping) are classified in Subsector 213, Support Activities for Mining.

21111 Oil and Gas Extraction

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating and/or developing oil and gas field properties and establishments primarily engaged in recovering liquid hydrocarbons from oil and gas field gases. Such activities may include exploration for crude petroleum and natural gas; drilling, completing, and equipping wells; operation of separators, emulsion breakers, desilting equipment, and field gathering lines for crude petroleum; and all other activities in the preparation of oil and gas up to the point of shipment from the producing property. This industry includes the production of crude petroleum, the mining and extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands, the production of natural gas and the recovery of hydrocarbon liquids from oil and gas field gases. Establishments in this industry operate oil and gas wells on their own account or for others on a contract or fee basis.

211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) the exploration, development and/or the production of petroleum or natural gas from wells in which the hydrocarbons will initially flow or can be produced using normal pumping techniques, or (2) the production of crude petroleum from surface shales or tar sands or from reservoirs in which the hydrocarbons are semisolids. Establishments in this industry operate oil and gas wells on their own account or for others on a contract or fee basis.

211111 1311 Coal gasification at mine site

211111 1311 Coal liquefaction at mine site

211111 1311 Coal pyrolysis

211111 1311 Crude petroleum from oil sand

211111 1311 Crude petroleum from oil shale

211111 1311 Crude petroleum production

211111 1311 Gas, natural, extraction

211111 1311 Kerogen processing

211111 1311 Lease condensate production

211111 1311 Natural gas production

211111 1311 Natural gas, offshore production

211111 1311 Offshore crude petroleum production

211111 1311 Offshore natural gas production

211111 1311 Oil and gas field development for own account

211111 1311 Oil and gas field exploration for own account

211111 1311 Oil shale mining and/or beneficiating

211111 1311 Petroleum, crude, production (i.e., extraction)

211111 1311 Shale, oil, mining and/or beneficiating

211111 1311 Stripper well production

211111 1311 Tar sands mining


211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the recovery of liquid hydrocarbons from oil and gas field gases. Establishments primarily engaged in sulfur recovery from natural gas are included in this industry. 2111121321 Butane, natural, mining

2111121321 Casing-head butane and propane production

2111121321 Condensate, cycle, natural gas production

2111121321 Cycle condensate production

2111121321 Ethane recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Fractionating natural gas liquids

2111121321 Gas, natural liquefied petroleum, extraction

2111121321 Gas, natural, liquids, extraction

2111121321 Gas, residue, extraction

2111121321 Gases, petroleum, liquefied, extraction

2111121321 Gasoline, natural, production

2111121321 Isobutane recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Isopentane recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), natural

2111121321 Liquid hydrocarbons recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Liquids, natural gas (e.g., ethane, isobutane, natural gasoline, propane) recovered from oil and

2111121321 Natural gas liquids (e.g., ethane, isobutane, natural gasoline, propane) recovered from oil and

2111121321 Natural gasoline recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Oil line drip, natural gas liquid

2111121321 Petroleum gases, liquefied, recovering from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Propane recovered from oil and gas field gases

2111121321 Residue gas production

2111122819 Sulfur recovered from natural gas

======Access_Constraint,Available_Characteristics,Link from Access_Constraint to Available_Characteristic. Relationship statements: An Access_Constraint may control access to one or more Available_Characteristics. An Available_Characteristic must have one and only one Access_Constraint.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Access_Constraint,Survey_Map,Link from Access_Constraints to Survey_Map intersection. Relationship statements: An Access_Constraint may control access to one or more Survey_Map records. A Survey_Map must have one and only one Access_Constraint.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Access_Constraint,Administered_Component,Association between Access_Constraints and Administered_Components. Relationship statements: An Administered_Component must have one or more Access_Constraints applied to it. An Access_Constraint may control access to one or more Administered_Components.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Administered_Component,Status,"Several types of status are associated with administered components, e.g. administrative, registration, availability, etc. This relationship associates the administered component with a status_type/value pair. Relationship statements: An Administered_Component must have one or more Statuses. A Status may be associated with one Administered_Component.",Identifying,,One-to-One- or-More (P)

Administered_Component,Pointer_to_Object,Association between Pointer_to_Object and Administered_Component. Some administered components require pointers to objects stored on remore servers. These pointers might be URL's to gif or html files. Relatioship statements: An Administered_Component may use one or more Pointer_to_Objects. A Pointer_to_Object may point to one or more Administered_Components.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Citation,Administered_Component,Link from Citation to Administered_Component. Relationship statements: A Citation may provide reference for one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component may be referenced in one and only one Citation.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Class_or_Table,Method,Association between Class_or_Table and Method. Classes contain methods (behaviors) as well as data. Even in the relational model. a method can be asociated with an entity through a relationship with another entity containing pointers to methods. Relationship statements: A Class_or_Table may use one or more Methods. A Method must be used by one or more Class_or_Tables.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Class_or_Table,Field_or_Column,Association between Class_or_Table and Field_or_Column. Classes (in OO design) and tables (in relational databases) contain fields or columns. Relationship statements: A Class_or_Table must contain one or more Field_or_Columns. A Field_or_Column may be contained in one or more Class_or_Tables.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Component_Type,Administered_Component,"Link from Component_Type and Administered_Component. Each administered component belongs to exactly one component type, e.g. data set, data element, document, etc. Relationship statements: A Component_Type may clasify one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component must be classified by one and only Component_Type.",Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Conceptual_Domain/3,Data_Element_Concept/2,"Link from Conceptual_Domain to Data_Element_Concept. Data element concepts have conceptual domains ""representing"" them. Relationship statements: A Conceptual_Domain may ""represent"" one or more Data_Element_Concepts. A Data_Element_Concept must have one and only one Conceptual_Domain.",Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More Conceptual_Domain/3,Value_Meaning,Conceptual domains are sets of value meanings. Relationship statements: A Conceptual_Domain must be composed of one or more Value_Meanings. A Value_Meaning may be a member of one or more Conceptual_Domains.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Conceptual_Domain/3,Value_Domain,The association between Conceptual_Domain and Value_Domain. Relationship statements: A Conceptual_Domain must be a set of the meanings of the allowed values in one or more Value_Domains. A Value_Domain must associate the set of meanings of its allowed values with one and only one Conceptual_Domain.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Conceptual_Domain/3,Conceptual_Domain_Contains_CD,Link between Conceptual_Domain and Conceptual_Domain_Contains_CD. Conceptual domain is the child of (possibly) many conceptual sub- domains. Relationship statements: A Conceptual_Domain may be the child in one or more Conceptual_Domain parent-child pairs. A Conceptual_Domain parent-child pair must contain one and only one child Conceptual_Domain.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Conceptual_Domain/3,Conceptual_Domain_Contains_CD,Link between Conceptual_Domain and Conceptual_Domain_Contains_CD. Conceptual domain is the parent of (possibly) many conceptual sub- domains. Relationship statements: A Conceptual_Domain may be the parent in one or more Conceptual_Domain parent-child pairs. A Conceptual_Domain parent-child pair must contain one and only one parent Conceptual_Domain.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Contact,Distribution_Information,Link from Contact to Distribution_Information. Relationship statements: Contact may provide information about one or more Distribution_Informations. Distribution_Information must have one and only one Contact to provide information.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One- or-More

Contact,Access_Constraint,"Association between Contacts and Access_Constraints. Contacts provide information about the use, meaning, and applicability of Access_Constraints. Relationship statements: Contact may provide information about one or more Access_Constraints. Access_Constraints must have information by one or more Contacts.",Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Contact,Citation,Link from Contact to Citation. Relationship statements: Contact may provide orgination information for one or more Citations. Citation must have origination information provided by one and only one Contact.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Contact,Administered_Component,Association between Contact and Administered_Components. Relationship statements: Contact may provide information about one or more Administered_Components. Administered_Components must have one or more Contacts for providing information.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Contact_Address,Contact,Association between Contact_Address and Contacts. Relationship statements: Contact_Address may provide the location of one or more Contacts. Contact may be located at one or more Contact_Addresses.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Contact_Telephone,Contact,"Association between Contact_Telephone and Contacts, including voice, fax, and TDD/TTY. Relationship statements: Contact_Telephone may provide telephone contact information for one or more Contacts. Contact may be reached by telephone at one or more Contact_Telephones.",Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Context,Administered_Component,"Association between Context and Administered_Component. Administered_Component has a Context in which it is valid, meaningful, or defined. Relationship statements: Context may be associated with one or more Administered_Components. Administered_Component must have one or more Contexts.",Many-Many,,Many-to-Many Context,Contact,Link from Context to Contact. Relationship statements: Context may define area of expertise of one or more Contacts. Contact may have area of expertise specified in one and only one Context.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

DAN_Map,Administered_Component,Link from DAN_Map to Administered_Components. DAN_Map uses the Table of Contents process model outline to classify Administered_Components. Relationship statements: DAN_Map may classify one or more Administered_Components. Administered_Components may be classified by DAN_Maps.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Category,Survey_Map,Link of Data_Category with Survey_Map. Associates the Data_Category with mapping of available data for a specific time period. Relationship statements: A Data_Category may categorize one or more Survey_Maps. A Survey_Map must be categorized by one and only one Data_Category.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Details,Available_Characteristics,Association between Data_Details and Available_Characteristics. Relationship statements: Data_Details must have one or more Available_Characteristics. Available_Characteristics must be available for one or more Data_Details.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Data_Dictionary,Data_Dictionary_Entry,Links Data_Dictionary_Entry's to a Data_Dictionary. Relationship statements: Data_Dictionary must contain one or more Data_Dictionary_Entry's. Data_Dictionary_Entry must be contained in one and only one Data_Dictionary.,Identifying,,One-to-One- or-More (P)

Data_Dictionary,Data_Set,Associates a set of data elements (Data_Dictionary) with a Data_Set. Relationship statements: Data_Dictionary must describe one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set must be described by one and only one Data_Dictionary.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Data_Dictionary,Format,Association of Data_Dictionary to Format that describes layout of files. Relationship statements: Data_Dictionary may be associated with one or more Formats. Format must be associated with one and only one Data_Dictionary.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Dictionary,Class_or_Table,Association of Class_or_Tables with Data_Dictionary's. Relationship statements: Data_Dictionary may define one or more Class_or_Tables. Class_or_Table must be defined by one or more Data_Dictionary's.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Data_Dictionary_Entry,Field_or_Column,Association of Data_Dictionary_Entry's with Field_or_Columns. Relationship statements: Data_Dictionary_Entry may be associated with one or more Field_or_Columns. Field_or_Column may be associated with one and only one Data_Dictionary_Entry.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Element/2,DE_Derived_from_DE,Data_Element is derived from many Data_Elements. Relationship statements: A Data_Element may be the parent (derived Data_Element) in one or more Derived Data_Element parent-child pairs. A Derived Data_Element parent-child pair must contain one and only one parent (derived) Data_Element.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Element/2,Data_Details,Association of Data_Elements to Data_Details: A list of Data_Element - Data_Set pairs that require Available_Characteristics. Relationship statements: A Data_Element may be part of one or more Data_Details. Data_Details must use one and only one Data_Element.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Element/2,Question,Associates a Question in a questionnaire with a Data_Element. Relationship statements: A Data_Element may be used for one or more Questions. A Question must use one or more Data_Elements.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Data_Element/2,Data_Dictionary_Entry,Links Data_Element to Data_Dictionary_Entry. Data_Elements are the entries (or items) in Data_Dictionary_Entry. Relationship statements: A Data_Element may have one or more Data_Dictionary_Entry's. A Data_Element_Entry must use one and only one Data_Element.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Element/2,DE_Derived_from_DE,Data_Element is the input to the derivation of many other (derived) Data_Elements. Relationship statements: A Data_Element may be the child in one or more Derived Data_Element parent-child pairs. A Derived Data_Element parent-child pair must contain one and only one child Data_Element.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Element_Concept/2,Data_Element/2,Links Data_Element_Concepts to Data_Elements. Relationship statements: Data_Element_Concept may be the conceptual part of one or more Data_Elements. Data_Element must use conceptual framework from one and only one Data_Element_Concept.,Non- identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Set,Data_Details,Links Data_set to Data_Details. A Data_Set needs Data_Details listed for some of the Data_Elements in it. Relationship statements: A Data_Set may have one or more Data_Details. A Data_Details must have one and only oe Data_Set.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Set_Type,Data_Set,Link for Data_Set_Typeto Data_Set. Realtionship statements: Data_Set_Type may classify one or more Data_Sets. Data_Set must be classified by one and only one Data_Set_Type.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Data_Type,Value_Domain,Links Data_Type to a Value_Domain. Relationship statements: A Data_Type may specify one or more Value_Domains. A Value_Domain must be specified by one or more Data_Types.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Derivation_Type,Formula,The Derivation_Type linked to a Formula. Relationship statements: A Derivation_Type may classify one or more Formulas. A Formula must be classifed by one and only one Derivatin_Type.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Derivation_Type,DE_Derived_from_DE,Links Derivation_Type to DE_Derived_from_DE. Relationship statements: A Derivation_Type may classify one or more DE_Derived_from_DE's. A DE_Derived_from_DE must be classified by one and only one Derivation_Type.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Descriptive_Statistics,Data_Details,Linking Descriptive_Statistics with a Data_Details: the use of a Data_Element in a particular Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Descriptive_Statistics may describe one and only one Data_Details. A Data_Details may be described by one and only one Descriptive_Statistics.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-or-One (Z)

Distribution_Information,Administered_Component,Linking Distribution_Information with an Administered_Component. Relationship statements: A Distribution_Information may describe the distribution for one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component may have its distribution described by one and only one Distribution_Information.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero- or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Documentation,Contact,Links Documentation to Contact to provide instructions about how to get in touch with Contacts. Relationship statements: Documentation may have instructions about one or more Contacts. Contact may have instructions about it from one or more Documentations.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Documentation,Geography,Links Documentation to Geography to provide descriptions of geographic detail. Relationship statements: Documentation may describe one or more Geography's. Geography may be described by one and only one Documentation.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One- or-More

Documentation,Distribution_Information,Links Documentation to Distribution_Information to provide instructions and ordering information for Distribution_Information. Relationship statements: Documentation may provide instructions for one or more Distribution_Informations. Distribution_Information may have instructions provided by one and only one Documentations.,Non- identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Documentation,Access_Constraint,"Linking Documentation to Access_Constraints. Allows for a description of the laws, rules, or guidelines that define the constraint. Relationship statements: Documentation may describe one or more Access_Constraints. Access_Constraints may be described by Documentation.",Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Documentation,Administered_Component,"Association between Documentation and Administered_Component. Documentation is used to describe designs, specifications, procedures, reports, results, analyses, etc for Administered_Components. Relationship statements: Documentation may describe one or more Administered_Components. Administered_Components must be described by one or more Documentations.",Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Documentation_Type,Documentation,Association of Documentation_Type with Documentation. Relationship statements: Documentation_Type may classify one or more Documentations. Documentation must be classified by one and only one Documentation_Type.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One- or-More

Emprise,System,Association between System and Emprise. Systems implement parts of the work for an Emprise. Relationship statements: An Emprise may be implemented by one or more Systems. A System may help implement one or more Emprises.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Emprise,Data_Set,Links the Data_Sets used as input by Emprises. Relationship statements: Emprise must use as input one or more Data_Sets. Data_Set may be used as input by one or more Emprises.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Emprise,Data_Set,Links Emprise to the Data_Sets it produces. Relationship statements: Emprise must create one or more Data_Sets. Data_Set may be created by one and only one Emprise.,Non- identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-One-or-More (P)

Emprise,Product,Association between Emprise and the Products it creates. Relationship statements: An Emprise may creat one or more Products. A Product may be created by one or more Emprises.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Enumerated_VD,Value_Map,"Link an Enumerated_VD with a Value_Map, i.e. links the enumerated domain with its permissible value - value meaning pairs. Relationship statements: An Enumerated_VD must identify one or more Value_Maps. A Value_Map must be identified by one and only one Enumerated_VD.",Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)

FGDC_Major_Theme,Major_Theme_Hierarchy,Links child Major_Theme to Major_Theme_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Major_Theme may be child of one or more Major_Theme_Hierarchies. Major_Theme_Hierarchy must have as a child one and only one Major_Theme.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

FGDC_Major_Theme,Major_Theme_Hierarchy,Links parent Major_Theme to Major_Theme_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Major_Theme may be parent of one or more Major_Theme_Hierarchies. Major_Theme_Hierarchy must have as a parent one and only one Major_Theme.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

FGDC_Major_Theme,Theme,Links Major_Themes to Themes. Every Theme must have a Major_Theme. Relationship statements: A FGDC_Major_Theme may be part of one or more Themes. A Theme must contain one and only one FGDC_Major_Theme.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More FGDC_Minor_Theme,Minor_Theme_Hierarchy,Links parent Minor_Theme to Minor_Theme_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Minor_Theme may be parent of one or more Minor_Theme_Hierarchies. Minor_Theme_Hierarchy must have as a parent one and only one Minor_Theme.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

FGDC_Minor_Theme,Theme,Links Minor_Themes to Themes. Relationship statements: A FGDC_Minor_Theme may be part of one or more Themes. A Theme may contain one and only one FGDC_Major_Theme.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

FGDC_Minor_Theme,Minor_Theme_Hierarchy,Links chilld Minor_Theme to Minor_Theme_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Minor_Theme may be child of one or more Minor_Theme_Hierarchies. Minor_Theme_Hierarchy must have as a child one and only one Minor_Theme.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

Field_or_Column,Field_or_Column,Recursive relationship linking Field_or_Columns to sub - Field_or_Columns. Relationship statements: Field_or_Column may contain sub - Field_or_Columns. Field_or_Column may be contained in one and only one parent Field_or_Columns.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Format,Field_or_Column,Links Format with the Field_or_Columns. Relationship statements: A Format must contain one or more Filed_or_Columns. A Field_or_Column may be specified in one and only one Format.,Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Format,Data_Set,Links the Format to a Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Format must specify one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set may be specified by one and only one Format.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Formula,Data_Element/2,Association of Formula with derivation of Data_Elements. Relationship statements: A Formula must specify the derivation of one or more Data_Elements. A Data_Element may be part of a derivation specified by one or more Formulas.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Frame,System,Association between Frame and System that maintains it. Relationship statements: A Frame must be maintained by one or more Systems. A System may maintain one or maore Frames.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Frame,Data_Set,Links a Frame to a Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Frame must have one and only one Data_Set. A Data_Set may describe one and only one Frame.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or- One-to-Exactly-1

Frame,Sample,Link between Frame and the Samples drawn from it. Relationship statements: A Frame may be the superset of one or more Samples. A Sample must be drawn from one and only one Frame.,Non- identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Keyword,Administered_Component,Association between Keyword and Administered_Component. Relationship statements: A Keyword may point to one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component may be pointed to by one or more Keywords.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Label_Type,Question,The association between Label_Type and Question. Relationship statements: A Label_Type may classify sections of a questionnaire containing one or more Questions. A Question must be contained in sections classified by one or more Label_Types.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Machine,Pointer_to_Object,Link from Machine to Pointer_to_Object. Relationship statements: Machine may be server for one or more Pointer_to_Objects. Pointer_to_Object must have one and only one Machine.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More Method,Application,Links Method with Application. Relationship statements: A Method may be implemented by one or more Applications. An Application may implement one and only one Method.,Non- identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Methodology,Technique,Links Methodology with Technique. Methodology is the theory and Technique is the algorithm implementing the theory. Relationship statements: A Methodology may be the structured approach for one or more Techniques. A Technique must be the algorithm for one and only one Methodology.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Object_Class,Object_Class_Hierarchy,Links child Object_Class to Object_Class_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Object_Class may be child of one or more Object_Class _Hierarchies. Object_Class _Hierarchy must have as a child one and only one Object_Class.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Object_Class,Object_Class_Hierarchy,Links parent Object_Class to Object_Class_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Object_Class may be parent of one or more Object_Class _Hierarchies. Object_Class _Hierarchy must have as a parent one and only one Object_Class.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

Object_Class,Data_Element_Concept/2,Links the Object_Class with a Data_Element_Concept. Relationship statements: An Object_Class may be a component of one or more Data_Element_Concepts. A Data_Element_Concept must contain one and only one Object_Class.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to- Zero-One-or-More

OMB_Number,Administered_Component,Links the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) number to an Administered_Component. Relationship statements: An OMB_Number may certify one and only one Administered_Component. An Administered_Component may be certified by one and only one OMB_Number.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-or-One (Z)

Permissible_Values,Value_Map,Links Permissible_Value to Value_Map. Relationship statements: A Permissible_Value must identify one or more Value_Maps. A Value_Map must be identifed by one and only one Permissible_Value.,Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Permissible_Values,PV_Hierarchy,"Links Permissible_Values to PV_Hierarchy. Some value domains have a hierarchical structure, and there exists value levels, such as NAICS or SIC codes. The relationship links the levels. Relationship statements: A Permissible_Value may be the parent value for one or more PV_Hierarchy's. A PV_Hierarchy must use as a parent value one and only one Permissible_Value.",Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Permissible_Values,Geography,Association between Geography and Permissible_Value. (This logical relationship actually stands for two similar many-to-many relatinships between these two entities.) Relationship statements: A Permissible_Value may be described by one or more Geographys. A Geography may describe one or more Permissible_Values.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Permissible_Values,PV_Hierarchy,"Links Permissible_Values to PV_Hierarchy. Some value domains have a hierarchical structure, and there exists value levels, such as NAICS or SIC codes. The relationship links the levels. Relationship statements: A Permissible_Value may be the child value for one or more PV_Hierarchy's. A PV_Hierarchy must use as a child value one and only one Permissible_Value.",Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Permissible_Values,Available_Characteristics,Links Permissible_Values with Available_Characteristics. Relationship statements: A Permissible_Value may have one or more Available_Charactistics. An Aailable_Characteristic must be associated with one and only one Permissible_Value.,Identifying,,One-to- Zero-One-or-More Planning_and_Design,Survey_Instance,"Links Planning_and_Design with Survey_Instance. Relationship statements: A Planning_and_Design may be a design for one or more Survey_Instances. A Survey_Instance may be designed by one and only one Planning_and_Designs. Note: One of the relationships linking Planning_and_Design to Survey, Survey_Instance, and Emprise must be completed.",Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Planning_and_Design,Data_Element_Concept/2,Association between Planning_and_Design and Data_Element_Concept (the conceptual part of data elements). Relationship statements: Planning_and_Design must use one or more Data_Element_Concepts. Data_Element_Concept may be used in one or more Planning_and_Designs.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Planning_and_Design,Emprise,"Link for Planning_and_Design to Emprise. Relationship statements: A Planning_and_Design may be the design for one or more Emprises. An Emprise may be designed by one and only one Planning_and_Designs. Note: One of the relationships linking Planning_and_Design to Survey, Survey_Instance, and Emprise must be completed.",Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One- to-Zero-One-or-More

Planning_and_Design,Survey,"Links Planning_and_Design with Survey. Relationship statements: A Planning_and_Design may be a design for one or more Surveys. A Survey must be designed by one and only one Planning_and_Designs. Note: One of the relationships linking Planning_and_Design to Survey, Survey_Instance, and Emprise must be completed.",Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Pointer_to_Object,Application,Links Pointer_to_Object to Application. Relationship statements: A Pointer_to_Object may point to one and only one Applications. An Application may be pointed to by one and only one Pointer_to_Object.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-or-One (Z)

Product,Data_Set,Association between Product and Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Product must be generated from one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set may generate one or more Products.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Program,Program,Recursive relatinship linking Programs to other Programs. Relationship statements: A Program may contain one or more other Programs. A Program may be contained in one and only one parent Program.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Program,Survey,Links Program with Surveys. Relationship statements: A Program must identify groups of one or more Surveys. A Survey may be a member of one and only one Program.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-One-or-More (P)

Property,Data_Element_Concept/2,Links the Property with a Data_Element_Concept. Relationship statements: An Property may be a component of one or more Data_Element_Concepts. A Data_Element_Concept must contain one and only one Property.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero- One-or-More

Question,Question,Recursive relationship linking Question to sub - Questions. Relationship statements: A Question may contain one or more sub - Questions. A Question may be contained in one and only one parent Question.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Question,Question_Map,Association between Question and Question_Map. This relationship documents the flow of questions throughout a questionnaire. Realtionship statements: A Question must follow one or more Question_Maps. A Question_Map must preceed one or more Questions.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Question,Response_Choice,Association between Question and Response_Choice. Relationship statements: A Question must contain one or more Response_Choices. A Response_Choice must be contained in one or more Questions.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many Question,Question_Map,Links Question to Question_Map. Relationship statements: A Question may identify one or more Question_Maps. A Question_Map must be identified by one and only one Question.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Questionnaire,System,Association between Questionnaire and System entities. Relationship statements: A Questionnaire must be implemented by one or more Systems. A System may implement one or more Questionnaires.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Questionnaire,Question,Association between Questionnaires and Questions. Relationship statements: A Questionnaire must contain one or more Questions. A Question may be contained in one or more Questionnaires.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Questionnaire,Question_Map,Link Questionnaire to Question_Map. Relationship statements: A Questionnaire must identify one or more Questioin_Maps. A Question_Map must be identifed by one and only one Questionnaire.,Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Representation_Class,Value_Domain,Links Representation_Class to Value_Domain. Relationship statements: A Representation_Class may classify one or more Value_Domains. A Value_Domain must be classified by one and only one Representation_Class.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Response_Choice,Question_Map,Links Response_Choice to Question_Map. Relationship statements: A Response_Choice must identify one or more Question_Maps. A Question_Map must be identified by one and only one Response_Choice.,Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Response_Choice,Value_Map,Association between Response_Choice and Value_Map. A Response_Choice must be associated with one or more Value_Maps. A Value_Map must be associated with one or more Response_Choices.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Role,Contact,Association between Role and Contact. Relationship statements: A Role may identify one or more Contacts. A Contact must be identified by one or more Roles.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Sample,Data_Set,Links Sample with Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Sample must have one and only one Data_Set. A Data_Set may represent one and only one Sample.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero- or-One-to-Exactly-1

Sample,Survey_Instance,Links Sample with Survey_Instance. Relationship statements: A Sample must be used by one or more Survey_Instances. A Survey_Instance must use one and only one Sample.,Non- identifying,No Nulls,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Sample,Sample,Recursive relationship linking Sample to sub - Samples. Relationship statements: A Sample may contain one or more sub - Samples. A Sample may be contained in one and only one parent Sample.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Series,Administered_Component,Limks Series with Aministered_Component. Relationship statements: A Series may categorize one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component may be categorized by one and only one Series.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Series,Citation,Links Series with Citation. Relationship statements: A Series may categorize one or more Citations. A Citation may be categorized by one and only one Series.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero- or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Series_Type,Series,Links Series_Type with Series. Relationship statements: A Series_Type may classifiy one or more Series. A Series must be classified by one and only one Series_Type.,Identifying,,One-to- Zero-One-or-More Service,Machine,The association between Services and Machines. Relationship statements: A Service may be available on one or more Machines. A Machine must have available one or more Services.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Status_Type,Status,Links Status_Type with Status. Relationship statements: A Status_Type may classifiy one or more Status's. A Status must be classified by one and only one Status_Type.,Identifying,,One-to- Zero-One-or-More

Subject,Administered_Component,Subjects classify or describe Administered_Components. Relationship statements: Subject may classifiy or describe one or more Adminstered_Components. Administered_Components may be classifed or described by one or more Subjects.,Many-Many,,Many-to- Many

Survey,Survey_Map,Links Survey to Survey_Map. Relationship statements: A Survey may identify one or more Survey_Maps. A Survey_Map must be identified by one and only one Survey.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Survey,Survey_Instance,Links Survey to Survey_Instance. Relationship statements: A Survey may have one or more Survey_Instances. A Survey_Instance must be the data collection activity for one and only one Survey.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Survey_Instance,Survey_Instance,Recursive relationship linking Survey_Instance to sub - Survey_Instances. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance may contain one or more sub - Survey_Instances. A Survey_Instance may be contained in one and only one parent Survey_Instance.,Non- identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Survey_Instance,Data_Quality,Links Survey_Instance to Data_Quality statement. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance must have one or more Data_Quality statements. A Data_Quality statement must describe one and only one Survey_Instance.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-One-or-More (P)

Survey_Instance,Data_Set,Links Survey_Instance to Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance must create one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set may be created by one and only one Survey_Instance.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-One-or-More (P)

Survey_Instance,Product,Association between Survey_Instance and Product. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance may generate one or more Products. A Product must be generated from one or more Survey_Instances.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Survey_Instance,Available_Characteristics,Links Survey_Instance to Available_Characteristics. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance may identify one or more Available_Characteristics. An Available_Characteristics must be identified by one and only one Survey_Instance.,Identifying,,One-to- Zero-One-or-More

Survey_Instance,Questionnaire,Association between Survey_Instance and Questionnaire. Relationship statements: A Survey_Instance must use one or more Questionnaires. A Questionnaire may be used by one or more Survey_Instances.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Survey_Map,Application,Asociation between Survey_Map and Application. Relationship statements: A Survey_Map may use one or more Applications. An Application may be used by one or more Survey_Maps.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

System,Survey_Instance,Association between System and Survey_Instance. Relationship statements: A System may implement one or more Survey_Instances. A Survey_Instance must be implemented by one or more Systems.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many System,Application,"Association between System and Application. An Application is the actual software, where a System is a named process. Relationship statements: A System may be associated with one or more Applications. An Application may be associated with one or more Systems.",Many-Many,,Many-to- Many

System,Data_Set,Association between System and Data_Set. Relationship statements: A System may implement one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set must be implemented by one or more Systems.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

System,Sample,Association between System and Sample. Relationship statements: A System may implement one or more Samples. A Sample must be implemented by one or more Systems.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

System,Question,Association between System and Question. Relationship statements: A System may create and manage one or more Questions. A Question must be created and managed by one or more Systems.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

System,System,Recursive relationship linking System to sub - Systems. Relationship statements: A System may contain one or more sub - Systems. A System may be contained in one and only one parent System.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

System,Product,Link to Product from System. Relationship statements: A System may produce one or more Products. A Product may be produced by one and only one System.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Technique,System,Association between Technique and System. Relationship statements: A Technique may be implemented by one or more Systems. A System may implement one or more Techniques.,Many- Many,,Many-to-Many

Technique,Sample,Link from Technique to Sample. Relationship statements: A Technique may produce one or more Samples. A Sample must employ one and only one Technique.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One- to-Zero-One-or-More

Technique,Formula,Link from Technique to Formula. Relationship statements: A Technique may be used by one or more Formula. A Formula may use one and only one Technique.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Technique,Descriptive_Statistics,Association between Technique and Descriptive_Statistics. Relationship statements: A Technique may be used for one or more Descriptive_Statistics. A Descriptive_Statistics may employ one or more Techniques.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Theme,Subject,Association between Theme and Subject. A Theme must be associated with one or more Subjects. A Subject may be composed of one or more Themes.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Time_Frame,Survey_Map,Link from Time_Frame to Survey_Map. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be valid time for one or more Survey_Maps. A Survey_Map must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame,Citation,Link from Time_Frame to Citation. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be valid time for one or more Citations. A Citation must be valid during one and only on Time_Frame.,Non- identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame,Value_Meaning,Link from Time_Frame to Value_Meaning. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be valid time for one or more Value_Meanings. A Value_Meaning must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More Time_Frame,Permissible_Values,Link from Time_Frame to Permissible_Values. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be valid time for one or more Perrmissible_Values. A Permissible_Value must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame,Administered_Component,Link from Time_Frame to Administered_Component. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be the valid time for one or more Administered_Components. An Administered_Component must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame,OMB_Number,Link from Time_Frame to OMB_Number. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame amy be valid time for one or more OMB_Numbers. An OMB_Number must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame,PV_Hierarchy,Link from Time_Frame to PV_Hierarchy. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame may be valid time for one or more PV_Hierarchy's. A PV_Hierarchy must be valid during one and only one Time_Frame.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Time_Frame_Type,Time_Frame,Link from Time_Frame_Type to Time_Frame. Relationship statements: A Time_Frame_Type may categorize one or more Time_Frames. A Time_Frame must be categorized by one and only one Time_Frame_Type.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Unit_of_Measure,Value_Domain,Link from Unit_of_Measure to Value_Domain. Relationship statements: A Unit_of_Measure may describe one or more Value_Domains. A Value_Domain may be described by one and only one Unit_of_Measure.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Universe,Frame,"Links Universe with Frame, i.e. links the concept with the actual units for creating samples. Relationship statements: A Universe may define one or more Frames. A Frame must be defined by one and only one Universe.",Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Universe,Data_Set,Link from Universe to Data_Set. Relationship statements: A Universe may define the scope of one or more Data_Sets. A Data_Set may have its scoped defined in one and only one Universe.,Non-identifying,Nulls Allowed,Zero-or-One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Universe,Data_Element_Concept/2,Association between Universe and Data_Element_Concept. Relationship statements: A Universe may have variables of interest described in one or more Data_Element_Concepts. A Data_Element_Concept may describe variables used in one or more Universes.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Universe,Survey,Link from Universe to Survey. Relationship statements: A Universe may define the target population of one or more Surveys. A Survey must have its target population defined in one and only one Universe.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Universe,Question,Association between Universe and Question. Relationship statements: A Universe may define the scope of one or more Questions. A Question must have its scope defined by one or more Universes.,Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Universe_Type,Universe,Link from Universe_Type to Universe. Relationship statements: A Universe_Type may categorize one or more Universes. A Universe must be categorized by one and only one Universe_Type.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Value_Domain,Data_Element/2,Link from Value_Domain to Data_Element. Relationship statements: A Value_Domain may represent one or more Data_Elements. A Data_Element must be represented by one and only one Value_Domain.,Non-identifying,No Nulls,One-to-Zero-One-or-More Value_Domain,VD_Hierarchy,Links child Value_Domain to Value_Domain_Hierarachy. Relationship statements: Value_Domain may be child domain of one or more Value_Domain_Hierarchies. Value_Domain_Hierarchy must have as a child domain one and only one Value_Domains.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Value_Domain,VD_Hierarchy,Links parent Value_Domain to Value_Domain_Hierarchy. Relationship statements: Value_Domain may be parent domain of one or more Value_Domain_Hierarchies. Value_Domain_Hierarchy must have as a parent domain one and only one Value_Domains.,Identifying,,One-to-Zero-One-or-More

Value_Domain,Data_Element_Concept/2,"Association between Value_Domain and Data_Element_Concept. Relationship statements: A Value_Domain must ""represent"" one or more Data_Element_Concepts. A Data_Element_Concept must be ""represented"" by one or more Value_Domains.",Many-Many,,Many-to-Many

Value_Meaning,Value_Map,Link from Value_Meaning to Value_Map. Relationship statements: A Value_Meaning must identify one or more Value_Maps. A Value_Map must be identified by one and only one Value_Meaning.,Identifying,,One-to-One-or-More (P)


Abstract,A brief description or extract of the document.,Placeholder for pointer to abstract that is in many- to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Pointer_to_Object

Access_Constraints,Controls to accessing this Administered_Component. There may be several types of access control required. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Access_Constraint entities. access_id,Unique identifier for this record., access_id,Unique identifier for this record., access_type,A value signifying who has access to this object., address_id,Unique identifier for this record., address_line_1,"Line 1 - Street name, number, apartment number, etc.", address_line_2,"Line 2 - Street name, number, apartment number, etc.", address_type,Type of address., admin _comp_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., admin _comp_identifier,Unique identifier for this record.,

Admin_Comp,The administered component keyed to this keyword. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to- many relatinship between Keyword and Administered_Component entities. Synonyms must be identified in the intersection entity resolving this relationship. (See also the Subject entity.) admin_comp_version,Unique identifier for this record., admin_comp_version,Unique identifier for this record., Admin_Component,The administered components keyed to this subject heading.,Placeholder for many-to- many relationship between Subject and Administered_Component entities. Synonyms must be identified in the intersection entity resolving this relationship. (See also the Keyword entity.)

Administered_Component/2,The Administered Component this pointer refers to.,Placeholder for many-to- many relatinship with Administered_Component entity.

Administered_Component/3,Access controls to Administered_Components. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Access_Constraint entities.

Administered_Component/4,The Administered_Components this Context applies to. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Context and Administered_Component entities.

Administered_Comps,The adminstered components this is the contact for. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Contact entities.

Adminstered_Components,The objects described by the Documentations. See Note.,Placeholder for many- to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Documentation entities. applicable_standard,Name of applicable standard that mandates or justifies this administered_component.,

Application/2,Survey_Map this Application is associated with. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Survey_Map and Application entities. application-id,Unique identifier for this record.,

Applications,Actual applications associated with this System. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Application entities. archive_flag,Indicator of whether data_set is archived.,

Archive_Supplemental_Information,"Information related to the archiving of this Data_Set, such as special access information. See Note.",This is a placeholder for documents linked to Administered_Component that described the information. arithmetic_mean,A number obtained by adding several quantities together and dividing the sum by the number of quantities. The sample mean.,

Avaliable_Characteristics,The avaliable characteristics for specific data elements in a data set.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Data_Details and Available_Characteristics entities.

Bounding_Coordinates,"Bounding coordinates establish the limits of coverage of a data set expressed by latitude and longitude values in the order western-most, eastern-most, northern-most, and southern-most. For data sets that include a complete band of latitude around the earth, the West Bounding Coordinate shall be assigned the value -180.0, and the East Bounding Coordinate shall be assigned the value 180.0.",Placeholder for the next four attributes defining the bounding coordinates. category_id,"The category of avaliable data, e.g. microdata, macrodata, time series, etc. See Note.",Foreign Key to Data_Category entity. category-id,Unique identifier for this record., category-type,, ce_birth_rate,Birth rate is the frequency with which new units are added in the scope of the survey. This is compared with other periods covered by the survey as an indirect measure of coverage error., ce_death_rate,Death rate is the frequency with which frame or sample units in the scope of the survey die or go out of business. This is compared with other periods covered by the survey instance as an indirect measure of coverage error., ce_duplication_rate,The duplication rate is the frequency with which the enumeration of units or data is found to have been repeated or duplicated., ce_examination_of_OOS_nonexistent_classifications,"This is a study of the causes of error which resulted in the failure to select units properly, that is the ""out of scope"" items for non-existent classifications.", ce_misclassification_rate,"Where a classification scheme is used (for example NAICS for establishment or employment surveys), the misclassification rate is the frequency with which a unit is found to have been classified incorrectly.", ce_other_studies,"This includes any of the following and others: dual coverage independent estimates, match known population units against frame, check frame against alternatives, recheck unit listings, and study of frame components.", ce_out_of_scope_rate,Out of scope rate is the frequency with which frame or sample units are found not to match the selection criteria defining the survey scope., ce_post_enumeration_survey,"This is a second survey done of a sample of the same population, frequently using different data gathering instruments and procedures. The results of the post enumeration survey provides the second estimate for a ""dual system estimate"" or ""capture, recapture"" approach for determining coverage errors.", ce_sample_attrition_rate,The sample attrition rate is the frequency with which units in the sample stop reporting over time., ce_unclassified_rate,"Where a classification scheme is used (for example NAICS for establishment or employment surveys), the unclassified rate is the frequency with which a unit is found to have not been classified.", character_encoding,"What character set applies to format unit ""character."" If not provided, 8 bit ASCII is assumed.", character_encoding/2," What character set applies to record unit ""character."" If not provided, 8 bit ASCII is assumed.", citation_id,Unique identifier for this record., citation_version,The identification used to identify the variant of the original citation., citation_version,The identification used to identify the variant of the original citation., citation-id,Unique identifier for this record., city_name,"Name of city, place, or town (nearest).",

Class_or_Table/2,Class_or_Table the Data_Dictionary uses.,

Class_or_Table/3,Class_or_Table that uses this Field_or_Column as an attribute. See Note.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Class_or_Table entity. Class_or_Table/4,Class_or_Table that uses this Method. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Class_or_Table and Method entities. class_or_table_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Field_or_Column entity. class_or_table_name,Name for class or table., classified_flag,Flag to indicate whether the administered component is classified or not. Yes or No.,"This attribute is used to provide a simple implementation of the ""classified component"" structure in the X3.285 metamodel. This and the use of the Keyword and Subject entities tied to Adfminstered_Component serve to implement that part."

Coding,The process of classifying responses and selecting a code.,Placeholder for document. coefficient_of_variation,"The standard deviation of a distribution divided by the arithmetic mean; sometimes multiplied by 100. It was proposed by K. Pearson (1895) for the purpose of comparing the variabilities of frequency distributions, but is sensitive to errors in the means and is of limited use. Coefficient of variation is abbreviated as ""CV.""",

Coefficient_of_variation_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many- to-many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation. comment,Comment pertaining to administered component., component_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., component_type_id,"The type of administered component, e.g. data set, data element, document, etc. See Note.",Foreign Key to Component_Type table. component_type_name,"Name for the type of administered component, i.e. survey, data element, questionnaire, data set, etc.",

Composite_estimation,Estimation combining several techniques.,Placeholder for document.

Conceptual_Domain/2,The set of value meanings this value meaning belongs. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Value_Meaning entity. conceptual_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., conceptual_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., conceptual_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., conceptual_domain_ac_identifier,The Conceptual_Domain for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Conceptual_Domain entity. conceptual_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., conceptual_domain_ac_version,The Conceptual_Domain for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Conceptual_Domain entity. conceptual_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., conceptual_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., constraint_authority_doc_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., constraint_authority_doc_version,Unique identifier for this record., constraint_designation,"The specific constraint applicable to accessing or using this object, i.e., ""Census Confidential,"" ""Classified SECRET,"" ""Privacy Act Restricted,"" etc.",

Contact_Addresses,Address information for contact. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Contact_Address entities. contact_availability,When Contact person or Contact organization is available., contact_domain,"What in particular is this contact for or knowledgeable about. A given contact may know about the content of a dataset, for example, but may not know about access restrictions or about how the data was prepared.", contact_email,The address of the electronic mailbox of the Contact., contact_fax_phone,The telephone number for a facsimile machine to reach the Contact.,

Contact_for_Access,The individuals or organizations controlling access to or use of this object. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Access_Constraint entities.

Contact_for_Accesses,The access constraints that are maintained by this contact. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Access_Constraint entities. contact_id,Unique identifier for this record., contact_id,Unique identifier for this record.,

Contact_Instructions,"Supplemental instructions on how or when to contact the organization or individual. This may also include what specific information is required in order to get a response (for example, how to identify the particular product, to provide a self-addressed-stamped-envelope, or to include your electronic mailing address or postal mailing address). See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Documentation entities. contact_organization,The organization associated with the object or information of interest,Either contact_person or contact_organization is mandatory. contact_person,"A name of a person. This entity should provide the name of the person associated with the activity being documented. If the Contact type is ""Person,"" this is this individual who is responsible for answering all queries. If the Contact type is ""Organization,"" this is the individual who is most knowledgeable about the subject, but may not be responsible for providing information in response to all queries.",Either contact_person or contact_organization is mandatory.

Contact_Role,Role for contacts. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Role and Contact entities.

Contact_Roles,Role for contacts. See Note., contact_TDD_TTY,The telephone number by which hearing-impaired individuals can reach the Contact., Contact_Telephones,Telephone contact information. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Contact_Telephone entities. contact_type,"Specify ""Person"" or ""Organization."" Indicates whether providing information is the responsibility of a particular individual (indicated by ""Person"" in this field) or of the organization as a whole (indicated by ""Organization"" in this field).", contact_voice_phone,The telephone number to reach the Contact.,

Contacts,Primary and supplemental contacts for this administered component. See Note.,"This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Administered_Component and Contact entities, along with the Registration_Authority logical attribute."

Contacts/2,Contacts located at this Contact_Address. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Contact_Address entities.

Contacts/3,Contacts reachable at this Contact_Telephone. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Contact_Telephone entities.

Context/2,The context in which a name for an adminstered component is defined. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Context and Administered_Component entities. context_description,"The description of the system, database, logical data model, standard document, discipline, organization, company etc in which the subject has meaning.", context_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., context_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., context_language,Language in which the context is defined., context_version,Unique identifier for this record., context_version,Unique identifier for this record., continued,Flag indicating whether item will continue to be valid or used.,Either stop_date or continued is mandatory. corrected_sum_of_squares,The sum of squares corrected for the mean is the total sum of squares divided by the number of observations., country_code,FIPS country code for address, coverage_error/2,"Coverage error is the error in an estimate that results from failure to include specified units in the conduct of a survey (undercoverage), and inclusion of some units erroneously either because of a defective frame or because of inclusion of unspecified units or inclusion of specified units more than once in the actual survey (overcoverage)",This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: birth rate death rate out of scope rate unclassified rate misclassification rate duplication rate sample attrition rate examination of OOS nonexistent classifications post enumeration survey other studies dan_number,Unique identifier for this record., dan_number/2,Unique identifier for this record.,

Data_collection,"Obtaining information from respondents and the conversion of that data into a form, which can be processed.",Placeholder for document. Data_Details/2,The specific data elements in a data set that require a listing of available characteristics..,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Data_Details and Available_Characteristics entities.

Data_Dictionary/2,Data_Dictionary to which the Class_or_Table is associated. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Class_or_Table and Data_Dictionary entities. data_dictionary_entry_id,Data_Dictionary_Entry linked to this Field_or_Column. See Note..,Foreign Key to Data_Dictionary_Entry entity. data_dictionary_entry_id,Unique identifier for this record., data_dictionary_id,Unique identifier for this record.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Class_or_Table entity. data_dictionary_id,Unique identifier for this record.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Class_or_Table entity. data_dictionary_id,Unique identifier for this record.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Class_or_Table entity. data_dictionary_name,Name of the data dictionary.,

Data_Element,The data associated with a response or response choice.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Data_Element entities.

Data_Element/3,The Data_Elements used as input or output in a derivation specified by this Formula. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Formula and Data_Element. data_element_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Data_Element_Concept,Data_Element_Concepts that use this Value_Domain to form Data_Elements. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Data_Element_Concept and Value_Domain entities. data_element_concept_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_concept_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_concept_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_concept_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_element_concept_name,Name of Data_Element_Concept.,

Data_Quality/2,"Information about sampling and non-sampling errors, as well as associated statistical reporting and adjustments intended to quantify and account for these errors.",Placeholder for one-to-many relationship to Data_Quality entity. data_quality_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_quality_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Data_Set/2,"A dataset containing either case level data, aggregation of case level data, or statistical manipulations of either the case level or aggregated survey data, for a single survey instance.",Placeholder for one-to-many relationship with Data_Set entity.

Data_Set/3,Data_Sets created or managed by this System.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Data_Set entities. data_set_abbreviation,"The short name or acronym for the dataset. Typically, the dataset abbreviation is used in a system development environment or to satisfy programming language constraints.", data_set_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_set_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., data_set_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_set_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., data_set_name,The designation of the dataset., data_set_type_id,"Type of data_set, i.e. survey, supplied, emprise. frame, sample, etc.",Foreign Key to Data_Set_Type entity. data_set_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., data_set_type_name,"Name of the type of data set, e.g. survey, frame, etc.",

Data_Sets,Data_sets used to generate the Product. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Data_Set and Product entities.

Data_Types,The Data_Types that specify the the types of values in a Value_Domain. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relatinship between Value_Domain and Data_Type. datatype_description,Describes the parameters of a datatype., datatype_id,Unique identifier for this record., datatype_name,A name identifying the category of datatype.,"May be represented by either a name or an abbreviation or both. The set of datatype categories used in a Registry shall be determined by the registration authority. Possible sets are described by CDIF and ISO/IEC 11404. They need to include non- character representations such as bar code, image and sound."

Definition_of_Universe,Provides information about characteristics that distinguish this population from all other populations. Describes Populations of Interest. See Note.,Part of the documentation associated with the super-type entity Administered_Component. derivation_type,Type of derivation this formula creates. See Note.,Foreign Key to Derivation_Type entity. derivation_type_code,The Derivation_Type associated with this derivation. See Note.,Foreign Key to Derivation_Type entity. derivation_type_code,Unique identifier for this record., derivation_type_name,Name of derivation type., derived_flag,Flag to indicate whether Data_Element is derived.,

Describe_Contacts,The documents associated with the descriptions and instructions for getting in touch with contacts. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Contact and Documentation entities. description,Description of the permissible values., description_id,Unique identifier for this record., description_id,Foreign Key to Descriptive_Statistics entity.,

Descriptions,Documents describing the administered component.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Documentation entity. directory,Full directory name,"For example, this is the full directory path name as in UNIX or Windows. The relative path name is too risky to use reliably."

Disclosure_analysis,"The process of protecting the confidentiality of data. It involves limiting the amount of detailed information disseminated and/or masking data via noise addition, data swapping, generation of simulated or synthetic data, etc.",Placeholder for document. distribution_information_id,Unique identifier for this record., distribution_information_id,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_ac_identifier/2,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_name,The name of the document., documentation_supplied_type,"Indication whether supplier of document is submitting URL, citation, or nothing.", documentation_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_type_id/2,Unique identifier for this record., documentation_type_name,Name of documentation type., east_bounding_coordinate,Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.,

Edits,Brief description of the process used to check for consistency and validity of data provided.,Placeholder for document.

Emprise/2,The Emprises that this System helps implement. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Emprise and System entities.

Emprise/3,The Emprise this Data_Set is used as input for. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Emprise and Data_Set entities. emprise_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., emprise_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., emprise_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., emprise_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Emprise_Dataset,"A dataset containing either case level data, aggregation of case level data, or statistical manipulations of either the case level or aggregated survey data, for multiple Survey instances. The Data_Sets used as input to an Emprise.","Marker for relationship to Dataset entity. Emprise is parent, Dataset is child. Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Emprise and Data_Set entities, used to track the input Data_Sets to Emprises." emprise_name,The designation of the Emprise.,

Emprises,Emprises that gave rise to the data used in the Product. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Emprise and Product entities.

Estimation_models,Rules or methods for estimating the variance of the observed population from the universe of interest.,Placeholder for document. This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: weighting nonresponse adjustment imputation post stratification seasonal adjustment variance estimation composite estimation

Field_Description,"A description of the position and, possibly, the encoding of a set of data on a physical medium.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Field_or_Column entity. field_ending_position,The last position of the field in record units (or field units if applicable) as stored using this format. See Note.,"If field starting position and field length are provided or this is a variable length field, field ending position need not be provided." field_id,"Unique identifier for this record. See Note. A physical area containing, or logical construct defining, a single element of data. Definition of the portion of the format that is repeated.",Foreign Key to Field_or_Column entity implementing recursive relationship. Subfield structure goes only ONE LEVEL DEEP. field_length,The length of the field in record units (or field units if applicable) as stored. See Note.,"If field starting position and field ending position are provided or this is a variable length field, field length need not be provided." Field_Length_Variable,"For a variable length field, what variable contains the length of the field. See Note.",This variable will be defined in the Data_Element entity. It will be another of the fixed format variables described by the other fields in the Field_or_Column entity. field_name,The designation of the field.,

Field_or_Column/2,Field_or_Column that is an attribute in this Table_or_Class. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Class_or_Table and Field_or_Column entities. field_separator,One or more symbols used to separate fields., field_short_name,An abbreviated designation of the field for use in a programming environment or to satisfy programming language constraints., field_starting_position,The beginning of the field in record units (or field units if applicable) as stored using this format. See Note.,"If field length and field ending position are provided, field starting position need not be provided." field_termination_marker,"For a variable length field where the end of the field is indicated by an end of field mark or other indicator, the character or other marker that terminates the field.", field_type,"The type of the field as stored. The types include ""alphabetic"", ""numeric"", ""alphanumeric"", ""bit"", ""encoded"".", field_unit,"The unit (i.e., measure) of length and position for this field entry in the format. This may include ""character,"" ""bit,"" ""byte,"" or ""word."" If not provided, 8 bit characters are assumed. Applies to all succeeding entries for this format until another field unit entry is provided. Note that since a bit is 1 bit long and a byte is generally understood to be 8 bits long, field unit explanation is not needed if these units are chosen.", field_unit_explanation,"How field unit ""character"" or ""word"" is to be understood. Both character and word differ in meaning in different information system architectures. A word may consist of 8, 16, 32, 36, or 64 bits (based on computer architectures used by the Census Bureau). A word may contain 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 characters. A character may contain 6, 7, 8, or 9 bits (again depending on the system architecture) or multiples of 8 bits (depending on character encoding). If not provided, field unit explanation is assumed to be 8 bits for both field unit ""character"" and ""word.""", file_name,Name of a file.,

Flow,The possible previous questions and the next question that are asked in the questionnaire. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Question_Map entities. There must be an attribute in the intersection entity which specifies forward or backward flow.

Flows,"The possible previous questions and the next question that are asked in the questionnaire. See Note. Usually, the question to skip to depends on the response.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Question_Map entities. There must be an attribute in the intersection entity which specifies forward or backward flow. format_id,Unique identifier for this record., format_id,Unique identifier for this record., format_id,Unique identifier for this record., format_unit,"The unit of length or positions for all fields in the format. This may include ""character,"" ""bit,"" ""byte,"" or ""word."" If not provided, 8 bit characters are assumed. Applies to all entries for the format unless a field unit entry is provided. Note that since a ""bit"" is 1 bit long and a ""byte"" is generally understood to be 8 bits long, format unit explanation is not needed if these units are chosen.", format_unit_explanantion,"How format unit ""character"" or ""word"" is to be understood. Both character and word differ in meaning in different system architectures. A word may consist of 8, 16, 32, 36, or 64 bits (based on computer architectures used by the Census Bureau). A word may contain 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 characters. A character may contain 6, 7, 8, or 9 bits (again depending on the system architecture) or multiples of 8 bits (depending on character encoding). If not provided format unit explanation is assumed to be 8 bits for both format unit ""character"" and ""word.""",

Formula/2,Formulas used in derivations that involve this Data_Element. See Note.,Placeholder for many- to-many relationship between Formula and Data_Element. formula_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., formula_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Frame/2,Frames created or managed by this System. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Frame entities. frame_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., frame_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., frame_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., frame_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., frame_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., frame_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Frame_coverage,A model of the impact of the frame design on the sampling coverage of the survey.,Placeholder for document.

Frame_data_elements,A particular data item used as a discriminator.,Handled as a many-to-many relationship with Data_Elements

Frame_dataset_id,The frame dataset. See Note.,Placeholder for one-to-many relationship with Data_Set entity. Frame is the parent. frame_name,The designation of this frame., frequency,How often an item is valid.,

Geographic_Code,Geographic code is the value of the geographic entity unit identified.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Permissible_Values entity. Included with Geographic_Place_Name relationship.

Geographic_coverage,"Describes the locations covered by the survey. These may be specified as location names, various FIPS codes for localities, Census map spots, and latitude and longitude ranges and should follow the recommendations contained in the CDDM standard for specifying geographic coverage.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Data_Element_Concept entity.

Geographic_Entity,"Describes the geographic entity(s) for which data is collected, analyzed, and/or presented. See Note.",This is a placeholder for the two attributes that follow. geographic_entity_type,"The type of geographic entity for which data is collected, analyzed, and/or presented. One of: ""Hydrographic,"" ""Legal, administrative,"" ""Statistical, thematic.""", geographic_entity_unit,"The geographic unit(s) of the indicated geographic entity type for which data is collected, analyzed, and/or presented. If Geographic entity type is ""Hydrographic""select from ""Coastal Drainage Area (CDA),"" ""Coastal, estuarine waters,"" ""Drainage basin,"" ""Estuarine Drainage Area (EDA),"" ""Fluvial Coastal Drainage Area (FCDA),"" ""Fluvial Drainage Area (FDA),"" ""National water quality assessment program study site,"" ""Port,"" ""Waterbody,"" ""Wetlands,"" free text. If Geographic entity type is ""Legal, administrative,"" select from ""United States,"" ""American entity trust land,"" ""American indian reservation,"" ""American indian reservation with trust land,"" ""Alaska native village,"" ""Alaska native regional corporation,"" ""Congressional district,"" ""Consolidated city,"" ""County,"" ""Incorporated place,"" ""Minor civil division,"" ""Neighborhood,"" ""Outlying area,"" ""School district,"" ""State,"" ""Voting district,"" ""ZIP code,"" free text. If Geographic entity type is ""Statistical, thematic"" select from ""Alaska native village statistical area,"" ""Block,"" ""Block group,"" ""Census county division,"" ""Census designated place,"" ""Census tract or block numbering area,"" ""Central city,"" ""Central place,"" ""Consolidated metropolitan statistical area,"" ""Division,"" ""Enumeration district,"" ""Metropolitan statistical area,"" ""National forest,"" ""National monument,"" ""National park,"" ""Primary metropolitan statistical area,"" ""Public domain,"" ""Region: national,"" ""The world,"" ""Traffic analysis zone,"" ""tribal designated statistical area,"" ""Tribal jurisdiction statistical area,"" ""Urbanized area,"" free text.",

Geographic_Place_Name,"Geographic place name is the formal designation of the geographic entity unit identified. Note that if the geographic entity unit identified is represented by a code, this item may not be applicable.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Permissible_Values entity. Included with Geographic_Code relationship. geography_id,Unique identifier for this record., grouped_or_nested,"Indicator whether the Minor_Theme relationship is a ""nesting"" or ""grouping"" of ideas from the minor themes lists.", host,"DNS Name, IP Address, or other IT enabled name for the machine.",

Implementation_overview,Summaries of how the survey will be accomplished.,Placeholder for document. This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: edits quality control data collection NRFU training procedures imputation coding

Imputation,"Where simulated data is substituted based on data from similar respondents adjusted for strata, and other factors.",Placeholder for document.

Imputation_estimation,"Simulated data is substituted based on data from similar respondents adjusted for strata, and other factors.",Placeholder for document. key_code,"An aid to data preparation. This may be a field locator, reference or any other such aid to data preparation.", keyword,Word or phrase used as a key to access objects.,

Keyword/2,Words which are keys to access administered components. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to- many relationship with Keyword entity. keyword_id,Unique identifier for this record., kurtosis,"A term used to describe the extent to which an unimodal frequency curve is ""peaked""; that is to say, the extent of the relative steepness of ascent in the neighborhood of the mode. The measure of the heaviness of the tails or of flatness.", label_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., label_type_name,Name of the type of label.,

Machine/2,"Services (ftp, http, etc) that are available for a particular Machine. See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Service and machine entities. machine_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Service and machine entities. machine-id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Service and machine entities. major_theme_id,A keyword or phrase identifying a major component or main-topic of the cultural and demographic content of the dataset. A minimum of one Major theme per item must be listed; multiple Major themes may additionally be listed. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Major_Theme entity. major_theme_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Major_Theme entity implementing a recursive relationship. This allows building compound themes. major_theme_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Major_Theme entity implementing a recursive relationship. This allows building compound themes. major_theme_name,A keyword or phrase identifying a major component or main-topic of the cultural and demographic content of the item. A minimum of one Major theme per item must be listed; multiple Major themes may additionally be listed., maximum_value,The largest value of the non-missing observations.,

Measurement/observation,A model of the planned observations.,Placeholder for document. median,"The middle value when the values of the non-missing observations are arranged in order of value, and the number of non-missing observations is odd; the mean of the two middle values when the number of non-missing observations is even. The median is that value of the variate which divides the total frequency into two halves. As a partition value it may be defined for a continuous frequency distribution by equation.",

Method/2,Methods used by this Class_or_Table. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Method entity. method_id,Unique identifier for this record., method_id,Unique identifier for this record., methodology_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., methodology_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., methodology_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., methodology_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., methodology_name,Name for the methodology., minimum_value,The smallest value of the non-missing observations., minor_theme_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Minor_Theme entity implementing a recursive relationship. This allows building compound themes. minor_theme_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Minor_Theme entity implementing a recursive relationship. This allows building compound themes. minor_theme_id,A keyword or phrase describing a specific minor component or sub-topic of either the Major theme or previous-level Minor theme(s). Minor themes may be either grouped at one level (same- level entries) or nested (describe previous-level entry(s)). Nesting of Minor themes allows the data producer set to continue elaborating on previous-level entry(s) until he or she feels the component of the cultural and demographic content has been adequately described. See Note.,Foreign Key to FGDC_Minor_Theme entity. minor_theme_name,A keyword or phrase describing a specific minor component or sub-topic of either the Major theme or previous-level Minor theme(s). Minor themes may be either grouped at one level (same- level entries) or nested (describe previous-level entry(s)). Nesting of Minor themes allows the data producer set to continue elaborating on previous-level entry(s) until he or she feels the component of the cultural and demographic content has been adequately described., mode,"The value at which the density of the population is at a maximum. For a sample, the most frequently occurring of the values of the non-missing observations. The mode was originally conceived of as that value of the variate which is possessed by the greatest number of members of the population. Although the idea of the most frequently encountered or fashionable value of the variate is probably very old, it was not generally used in statistics until popularized by K. Pearson (1894). The concept is essentially used only for continuous distributions, although it can be extended to the discontinuous case.",

Mode_of_Data_Collection_Name,"The actual technology used to collect the data (e.g., mail-back paper questionnaire, CATI, CAPI, fax, etc.).","Placeholder for attribute in intersection entity resolving many-to- many relationship between Survey_Instance and Questionnaire. Add foreign key to Technique entity, also. The technique will describe the mode_of_data_collection."

Name,The name of an object or administered component. See Note.,Name is a placeholder to signify that the name of each object is stored in the entity for that object. The reason is that names differ in structure so much that a single attribute cannot handle all the variety.

Nonresponse_adjustment,Statistical adjustment applied to account for non-response (where respondent has been interviewed but refuses to respond).,Placeholder for document.

Nonresponse_design,Statistical adjustment applied to account for non-interview (where a respondent is not interviewed) or partial non-response (where a respondent refuses to answer a particular question or provides an answer that is not relevant to the scope of the question).,Placeholder for document. nonresponse_error,"Nonresponse errors result from a failure to collect complete information on all units in the selected sample. These are known as ""unit nonresponse"" and ""item nonresponse."" Nonresponse errors effect survey results in two ways. First, the decrease in sample size or in the amount of information collected in response to a particular question results in larger standard errors. Second, and perhaps more important, a bias is introduced to the extent that nonrespondents differ from respondents within a selected sample. Nonresponse errors are determined by collecting any or all of the following: unit response rate, weighted unit response rate, item response rate, item coverage rate, refusal rate, distribution of reason for nonresponse, comparison of data across contacts, link to administrative data for nonrespondents, estimate of nonresponse bias.", Nonresponse_follow_up,Non-response follow-up. Follow-up procedures associated with handling full or partial refusal to respond by a respondent.,Placeholder for document. north_bounding_coordinate,Northern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude., number_of_missing_observations,Number of observations for which data was not obtained., number_of_non-missing_observations,Number intended or planned observations for which data was obtained., number_of_observations,Number of all intended or planned observations whether data was obtained or not., object_class_ac_identifier,The Object_Class for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Object_Class entity. object_class_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to Object_Class entity. object_class_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., object_class_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to Object_Class entity. object_class_ac_version,The Object_Class for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Object_Class entity. object_class_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., object_class_name,Name of object_class.,

Observation_models,Models of the data acquisition process.,Placeholder for document. This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: frame coverage sampling measurement/observation nonresponse design official_statistics_indicator,"Indicates that these statistics may be referred to as ""Official Census Statistics."" Generally, this means that an officially approved verification process has been followed and that the Agency stands behind these results.", omb_number,The OMB number authorizing clearance., omb_number_id,Unique identifier for this record., omb_number_id/2,Unique identifier for this record., order_process_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., order_process_version,Unique identifier for this record., origination_title,The title of the cited material., originator,Unique identifier for this record., pe_coding_error_rate,"Where data representing survey responses is coded, the coding error rate is the frequency of improper assignment of codes for the data provided.", pe_edit_failure_rate,The edit failure rate is the frequency with which edit rules are violated. Edit rules may include tests for validity based on the contents of other data fields or a specified range or other permitted content within the data field., pe_following_data_values_through_processing,The data for a sample of respondents is followed through each processing step to determine if the expected results are produced by each operation., pe_imputation_rate,"The rate at which missing data must be provided through imputation, where applicable.", pe_keying_error_rate,The keying error rate is the frequency of keying verification failure., pe_reclassification_rate,"This is the rate at which standard defined codes, such as NAICS, must be reassigned as the result of being erroneously coded.", permissible_value,The actual value., permissible_value_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with PV_Hierarchy. permissible_value_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with PV_Hierarchy. permissible_value_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with PV_Hierarchy. permissible_value_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with PV_Hierarchy.

Planning_and_Design/2,"The Planning_and_Design record that uses this Data_Element_Concept as a ""variable of interest"". See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Planning_and_Design and DEC entities.. planning_and_design_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., planning_and_design_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Planning_and_design_overview,Brief description of the planning and design.,Placeholder for document. poduct_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., pointer_id,Unique identifier for this record., pointer_id,Unique identifier for this record., Pointer_to_Object/2,"Pointers to objects which describe or define this Administered_Component. Pointers to other objects, i.e. gifs, application programs, etc. See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Pointer_to_Object entity. port,Port for connection to the machine., position_in_parent_data_element,"If the Derivation_Type is concatenation or some other positional operation, then this is the position of the Data_Element.",

Post_stratification,Stratification of data based on data collected rather than as a part of sampling.,Placeholder for document. postal_code,Postal code of address., processing_error,"This is the error in final survey results arising from the faulty implementation of correctly planned implementation methods. Processing errors include all post-collection operations, as well as the printing of questionnaires. Most processing errors occur in data for individual units, although errors can also be introduced in the implementation of systems and estimates.",This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: keying error rate coding error rate processing edit failure rate imputation rate reclassification rate following data values through processing product_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., product_name,Name of product.,

Products,The products using this Data_Set. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Product and Data_Set entities.

Products/2,Products generated by this Survey_Instance. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Survey_Instance and Product entities.

Products_from_Emprise,Products derived as a result of Emprises. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to- many relationship between Emprise and Product entities. program_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., program_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., program_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., program_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., program_name,The name of the program., programming_language_format_specification,Presentation or display conversion rule associated with the field from the programming language that specified the format., progress,"The state of the item of interest: update, finished, under revision, current, out of date, under review, etc.", progress_report_date,, property_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., property_ac_identifier,The Property for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Property entity. property_ac_version,The Property for this Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Foreign Key to Property entity. property_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., property_name,Name of property.,

Quality_control,Description of the plan used to measure quality during a field listing procedure.,Placeholder for document.

Question/2,A request for information. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Question entity.

Question/3,The questions that associate their collected data with this Data_Element.,Placeholder for many- to-many relationship between Question and Data_Element entities.

Question/4,The Questions that use this Response_Choice. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Response_Choice entities. question_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., question_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., question_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., question_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., question_instruction,Directions to the enumerator or respondent concerning answering this particular question.,

Question_Label,Questionnaire sections associated with this particular question. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Label_Type entities. An attribute of this intersection entity must be the name of the label associated with the question.

Question_Labels,Labels for individual questions. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Label_Type and Question entities. An attribute of this intersection entity must be the name of the label associated with the question. question_text,The question.,

Questionnaire/2,The questionnaires that this question is associated with.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Questionnaire entities.

Questionnaire/3,The questionnaire developed for the survey instance.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Questionnaire entity.

Questionnaire/4,"Questionnaires created, managed, or implemented by this System. See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Questionnaire entities. questionnaire_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., questionnaire_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., questionnaire_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., questionnaire_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Questionnaire_design,"The design (text, order, and conditions for skipping) of the questions used to obtain the data needed for the survey.",Placeholder for document. questionnaire-name,The designation of the questionnaire.,

Questions,The questions using this universe. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Universe entities.

Questions/2,"Questions created, managed, or implemented by this Systems. See Note.", range_of_values,Maximum value - Minimum value., re_cognitive_study,"This is also known as a ""validation study."" A cognitive study entails examining each stage of the data collection from beginning to end to detect error caused by improper operational definitions. This includes a review of data requirements, construction of the questionnaire and survey frame, data processing and editing procedures, nonresponse follow-up, and data aggregation and publication of results.", re_detailed_content_reinterview_study,"The detailed content reinterview study involves canvassing respondents to determine information related to the information sought in the survey. This might include the respondent's understanding of the questions, the likelihood that the respondent reported the correct and complete information sought, the respondent's reaction to the questions asked and the information sought in the survey.", re_edit_failure_rate,The rate (percent of all items recorded) at which edit rules are violated. Edit rules may include tests for validity based on the contents of other data fields or a specified range or other permitted content within the data field., re_interviewer_error_rate,The rate (percent of all items recorded) at which the interviewer fails to record a reported value correctly., re_interviewer_variance_study,A study of the variance of the information gathered by any given interviewer against all the information gathered for the entire survey., re_questionnaire_pretest,"A questionnaire pretest is a study presenting the questionnaire to a small sub- sample of the survey universe and analyzing the results the same way the data will be collected and analyzed. Many problems involving unclear definitions, or the wording of the questions and instructions become clear during this process.", re_records_check_study,A records check study compares survey responses against administrative records., re_response_variance_study,The Response variance study determines the extent of response variation among classes of respondents and evaluates the causes for the variance.,

Registration_Authority,Registration Authorities that are respinsible for this administered component. See Note.,"This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship with the Contact entity, along with the Contacts logical attribute." repetition_count,The number of times the following set of fields is repeated., repetition_termination_marker,"For a repeating set of fields, the character or other marker that terminates the set.", Repetition_Variable,The variable containing the number of times the following set of fields is repeated. See Note.,This variable will be defined in the Data_Element entity. It will be another of the fixed format variables described by the other fields in the Field_or_Column entity. representation_class_id,Representation class of this value domain. See Note.,Foreign Key to Representation_Class entity. representation_class_id,Unique identifier for this record., representation_class_name,Name of representation class.,

Response_Choice/2,"One of possibly several alternative answers. Response choice may be printed on the form, or provided as an alternative to be offered by the enumerator.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Response_Choice entities.

Response_Choice/3,The response choices that are used by this value domain - permissible value - value meaning triple. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Value_Map and Response_Choice entities. response_choice_explanantion,"A definition or other explanation associated with a particular Response choice. Response choice explanation may be printed on the form, or provided by the enumerator.", response_choice_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Value_Map and Response_Choice entities. response_choice_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Value_Map and Response_Choice entities. response_choice_instruction,"Directions to the enumerator or respondent in the event a particular response choice is provided to this question. Response choice instruction may be printed on the form, or provided by the enumerator.", response_choice_key_code,"An aid to data preparation. This may be a field locator, a code to be entered for a particular response choice, reference or any other such aid to data preparation.", response_choice_text,The response choice., response_error,"This is the difference between the values of the data collected and the correct values. Response errors may result from the failure of the respondent to report the correct value (respondent error), the failure of the interviewer to record the value reported correctly (interviewer error), or the failure of the instrument to measure the value correctly (instrument error).",This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: edit failure rate interviewer error rate detailed content reinterview study interviewer variance study response variance study role_id,Unique identifier for this record.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Role and Contact entities. role_name,"Role of contact for person or organization, i.e. supplier, customer, sponsor, subject matter expert, steward, etc.",

Sample/2,Samples created or managed by this System.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Sysem and Sample entities. sample_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., sample_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., sample_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., sample_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., sample_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., sample_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Sample_Data,Data elements related to specific information used in selection of items in the sample. Specific information selected from all information available. See Note.,Handled through relationship to Data_Set and its relationships to Data_Element.

Sample_Documentation,Description and other documentation associated with the sample. See Note.,Handled through Administered_Component many-tomany relationship with Documentation.

Sample_Error,"Statement about sampling error, how it is handled, its effect, and its level.",Handled through Administered_Component many-tomany relationship with Documentation.

Sample_Geographic_Coverage,Data elements related to geographic locations of items in the sample. See Note.,Handled through relationship to Data_Set and its relationships to Data_Element. sample_name,The name of the sample.,

Sample_Selection_Criteria,Criteria used to select the sample.,Handled through Administered_Component many-tomany relationship with Documentation. sample_size,The size of the sample.,

Sample_System,Systems which implement this Sample. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Sample and System entities.

Sampling,"The research strategy of collecting data from a part of a population with a view to drawing inferences about the whole. The ""population"" in this sense is often termed the ""universe.""",Placeholder for information about sampling. Relationship to Survey_Instance and Survey entities allow for reference. sampling_estimation_error,"Sampling error is that part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, which is due to the fact that only a sample of values is observed. Obviously, sampling error does not apply when every entry in a frame, the complete population of interest, is measured (this is a ""census""). An estimate of sampling error can be derived from the particular sample selected for the survey. The standard measure of the accuracy of an estimator is its mean-squared error. The mean-squared error is the expected value of the squared difference between an estimator and the value it is trying to estimate. The mean-squared error is composed of a sampling variance and a square of the bias component. The sampling variance, the uncertainty caused by the fact that data is collected from only a part of the universe, is often estimable from the sampling data itself. Estimation assumptions can result in sources of bias. Provide a paper explaining the following were developed, if appropriate.",This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: sampling varainace estimation bias estimation se_cognitive_study,"This is also known as a ""validation study."" A cognitive study entails examining each stage of the data collection from beginning to end to detect error caused by improper operational definitions. This includes a review of data requirements, construction of the questionnaire and survey frame, data processing and editing procedures, nonresponse follow-up, and data aggregation and publication of results.", se_comparison_to_independent_estimates,"This is also called ""comparisons of data series."" The results of the survey are compared with similar, independent estimates. When the two estimates match up, both are usually presumed accurate. When the two estimates differ systematically, it is an indication that one of the estimates is biased. Sometimes the ""true"" value is considered to be bounded by the two estimates. If there is an indication of bias, one or more of the following procedures is instituted: (1) matching individual respondent records from the two data series; (2) contacting respondents; and (3) contacting the survey managers and data processing specialists to determine the source of the bias.", se_questionnaire_pretest,"A questionnaire pretest is a study presenting the questionnaire to a small sub- sample of the survey universe and analyzing the results the same way the data will be collected and analyzed. Many problems involving unclear definitions, or the wording of the questions and instructions become clear during this process.", se_records_check_study,A records check study compares survey responses against administrative records.,

Seasonal_adjustment,Adjustment based on cyclic analysis.,Placeholder for document. see_bias_estimation,A study of the extent to which a systematic distortion of the results occurred. Supply a value if available., see_sampling_variance_estimation,An approximation of the uncertainty caused by the fact that data is collected from only a part of the population of interest. The choice of sampling variance estimator is dependent on the sampling technique used. Supply a value using one of the following methods.,This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: design based variance replication estimators of sampling variance generalized variance functions taylor series variance see_sve_design_based_variance,A design based estimate of variance depends on how the sample was selected., see_sve_generalized_variance_functions,"A simple mathematical relationship connecting the variance or relative variance of a survey estimator to the expectation of the estimator. If the parameters of the model can be estimated from past data or from a small subset of the survey items, then variance estimates can be produced for all survey items simply by evaluating the model at the survey estimates, rather than by direct computations. This method is designed primarily for multistage sample surveys of households. It is also applicable primarily to dichotomous variables. In general, GVFs are applicable to surveys in which the publication schedule is extraordinarily large, giving, for example, estimates for scores of characteristics, for each of several demographic subgroups of the total population, and possibly for a number of geographic areas. For surveys in which the number of published estimates is manageable, the preference is for a direct computation of variance for each survey statistic", see_sve_replication_estimators_of_sampling_variance,"Random groups, balanced half-samples, and jackknife methods are all types of replication estimator.", see_sve_taylor_series_variance,An estimator based on a Taylor series approximation of the area under the curve describing the sample results., series,The series information used to identify all material associated with the cited material. See Note.,Foreign Key to Series entity. series_date,The date of the issue of the series of which the item is or will be a part., series_id,Foreign Key to Series table., series_id,Unique identifier for this record., series_issue,Information identifying the issue of the series of which the item is or will be a part., series_name,"Name of the series, e.g. 2000 Decennial Census Memo Series.", series_type,The series information used to identify all material associated with the cited material. See Note.,Foreign Key to Series entity. series_type_id,Uniques identifier for this record., series_type_id,Unique identifier for this record. See Note.,Foreign Key to Series_Type entity. series_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., series_type_name,Name of series type.,

Service/2,The avaliable Services for a Machine. See Note., service-id,Unique identifier for this record., service-type,, skewness,A distribution which is not symmetrical. The measure of sidedness., skip_pattern,"Rule to be applied in the event this particular Response choice is provided to this question. For example, this might be a branching instruction or an NRFU instruction.", south_bounding_coordinate,Southern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude., specification_error,"Specification error is error that occurs at the planning and design stage of a survey because data specification is inadequate or inconsistent with the objectives of the survey. It may result from the difference between the quantity to be measured, such as the price or volume of a good, or the number of square feet in a housing unit, and the data collector's ability to obtain this measure. Specification error can result from poorly worded questionnaires and survey instructions or may reflect difficulty of measuring abstract concepts.",This attribute is a general description for the following specific items: questionnaire pretest cognitive study comparison to independent estimates records check study standard_deviation,Square root of the variance of a set of numbers.,

Standard_deviation_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many-to- many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation. standard_error,The positive square root of the variance of the sampling distribution of a statistic.,

Standard_error_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many-to-many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation. start_date,Date at which an item becomes valid or used., state_code,Postal state code for address.,

Status/2,See Note. Status of administered component.,This is a placeholder for many-to-many relationship to status types. The intersection entity (Status) has the actual status values for the status type / administered component pair. status_type,"The type of status reported, e.g. administrative, registration, production, etc.", status_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., status_type_id,Unique identifier for this record. Foreign Key to Status_Type table., stop_date,Data at which an item is no longer valid or used. See Note.,Either stop_date or continued is mandatory. students_t,"This distribution, originally due to ""Student"" (1908), is usually written in the form, as modified by R.A. Fisher (1925): The distribution is, among other things, that of the ratio of a sample mean, measured from the parent mean, to a sample variance, multiplied by a constant, in samples from a normal population. It is thus independent of the parent scale parameter and can be used to set confidence intervals to the mean independently of the parent variance.", subject,Word or phrase denoting a subject.,

Subject/3,The general subject the theme is related to. See Note., subject_id,Unique identifier for this record.,

Subjects,Word or phrase used to narrow searches for useful items. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to- many relationship with Subject entity. sum,The total of values of non-missing observations., sum_of_squares,The sum of the values of each observation multiplied by itself., sum_of_weights,The total of weighted values of the non-missing observations.,

Sum_of_weights_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many-to- many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation. survey_abbreviation,"Abbreviated name for the survey, for instance CPS stands for Current Population Survey.", survey_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record.,

Survey_instance,The particular survey instance that this questionnaire is related to.,Placeholder for many- to-many relationship with Survey_Instance entity.

Survey_Instance/2,Survey_Instances this system develops or implements. See Note.,Placeholder for many- to-many relationship between Survey_Instance and System entities. survey_instance_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., survey_instance_name,The designation of the Survey instance (if not the same as the Survey name). This may be a generic identification (particularly for a Survey instance component) or a name by which this instance of the Survey is differentiated from other instance of the Survey.,

Survey_Instances,Survey_Instances that generate the data used in the Product. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Survey_Instance and Product entities.

Survey_Map/2,Application associated with Survey_Map. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Survey_Map and Application entities. survey_map_access,Unique identifier for this record., survey_map_id,Unique identifier for this record., survey_name,Name of the survey.,

System/2,System used to develop and implement this survey_instance. See Note.,Placeholder for many- tomany relationship with System entity.

System/3,Systems implementing this technique. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with System entity.

System/4,Systems associated with this Appplication. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Application entities. system_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., system_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., system_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., system_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., system_name,Name of the system.,

Systems,The systems which are used to create the data set. See Note.,This is a placeholder for many-to- many relationship with the System entity. Systems/2,"Systems that create, manage, or implement this Questionnaire. See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Questionnaire entities. Provides link to edits for entire questionnaire.

Systems/3,"Systems that create, manage, or implement this Question. See Note.",Placeholder for many-to- many relationship between System and Question entities. Provides link to edits for each question.

Systems/4,The Systems that implement this Emprise. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-may relationship between System and Emprise entities.

Systems/5,The Systems used to maintain this Frame. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Frame and System entities.

Technique/2,Techniques implemented by this system.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between System and Technique entities. technique_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., technique_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., technique_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., technique_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., technique_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., technique_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., technique_name,Name of the technique., telephone_contact_id,Unique identifier for this record., text,Natural language text naming or defining the permissible value. See Note.,This value should be obtained from the associated Value_Meaning of the Permissible_Value as used in the appropriate Value_Domain.

Theme/2,Describes the cultural and demographic content of an item. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to- many relationship between Subject and Theme entities. theme_id,,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Subject and Theme entities. time_frame,The date or range of dates on which the cited material was created and/or promulgated.. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id,Valid time frame for the item. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Vlaid time frame for this value meaning.,Foreing Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Time frame for which the OMB clearance is valid.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Valid time frame for the hierarchy. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Valid time frame for this value. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Valid time_frame for survey_map. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_id/2,Unique identifier for this record., time_frame_type,The date or range of dates on which the cited material was created and/or promulgated. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_type/2,Valid time frame for the hierarchy. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_type_id,Valid time frame for this value. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., time_frame_type_id,Valid time_frame for survey_map. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity. time_frame_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., time_frame_type_id,Type of time_frame. See Note.,Foreign Key to Tme_Frame_type entity. time_frame_type_id,Valid time frame for the item. See Note.,Foreign Key to Time_Frame entity time_frame_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., time_frame_type_name,Name of time_frame_type., toc_num,, toc_title,,

Training_procedures,"Training of enumerators, clerks, their supervisors and other Census personnel.",Placeholder for document. unit_of_measure_id,Unique identifier for this record., unit_of_measure_id,The unit of measure associated with the premissible values in a value domain. See Note.,Foreign Key to Unit_of_Measure entity. unit_of_measure_name,The name of a unit of measure., unit_of_measure_precision,The degree of specificity for a unit of measure.,

Universe/2,"The Universe record that uses this Data_Element_Concept as a ""variable of interest"". See Note.",Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Universe and DEC entities.

Universe/3,The universe describing who answers a question or who the question is answered about. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Question and Universe entities. The dual nature of the use of Universe here requires the many-to-many relationship. universe_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., universe_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., universe_name,Name of universe., universe_type_id,The type of this universe. See Note.,Foreign Key to Universe_Type entity. universe_type_id,Unique identifier for this record., universe_type_name,"Name of universe type, e.g. survey, question, data set, etc.", update_frequency,The frequency with which changes and additions are made.,

Value_Domain/2,Value_Domain for Data_Element_Concept. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Value_Domain and DEC entities.

Value_Domain/3,The Value_Domains whose values are specified by this Data_Type. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relatinship between Value_Domain and Data_Type. value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_identifier,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_ac_version,Unique identifier for this record., value_domain_format,Format of permissible values., value_domain_max_char_qty,Maximum number of characters used to represent permissible values., value_domain_min_char_qty,Minimum number of characters used to represent permissible values., value_domain_name,Name for the Value_Domain.,

Value_Map/2,The Value_Domain - Permissible_Value - Value_ Meaning triple used by this Response_Choice. See Note., value_meaning,,

Value_Meaning/2,Set of value meanings comprising this Conceptual_Domain. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many realtionship between Value_Meaning and Conceptual_Domain entities. value_meaning_id,Unique identifier for this record., value_meaning_id,Unique identifier for this record.,

Variables_of_interest,The name assigned to a particular datum about the population of interest. Specific data elements which have been gathered in the process of carrying out a survey. A Variable of interest is distinguished from other data in that it is one of the data items needed to accomplish the purpose of the survey through which it was gathered (or joined to).,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship with Data_Element_Concept entity.

Variables_of_Interest,The variables of interest associated with this (survey) universe. See Note.,Placeholder for many-to-many relationship between Data_Element_Concept and Universe entities. variance,"An estimation of the population variance, the expected value of the squared difference of the values from the population mean. The sample variance measures how individual observations deviate from the mean. It is the sum of the squares of differences of each observation from the mean divided by the number of observations in the population.",

Variance_estimation,Estimation of the variation to be expected in the responses.,Placeholder for document.

Variance_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many-to-many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation. weighted_sum,A total of non-missing observations that is given a measure of importance relative to other sums.,

Weighted_sum_technique,Technique that describes Weighted_Sum. See Note.,Placeholder of foreign key for non-identifying one-to-many relationship with Technique table. This model shows a many-to-many because there are a total of 6 relatinships needed like this one. The 6 items related to Technique are: Weighted Sum Sum of Weights Variance Standard Deviation Standard Error Coefficient of Variation.

Weighting,"The importance of an object in relation to a set of objects to which it belongs; a numerical coefficient attached to an observation, frequently by multiplication, in order that it will assume a desired degree of importance in a function of all the observations of the set.",Placeholder for document. west_bounding_coordinate,Western-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude.,


Access_Constraint,"Information about any limitation or special rule to be applied in the process of accessing this object (data, dataset, product, or other component). This includes constraints due to security, confidentiality and privacy. It also includes data quality and related warning flags or indicators. This also includes use constraints, i.e., restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the item after access is granted. These include any access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the item.", Administered_Component,"Any object for which it is desirable to store, organize, and track metadata.",

Application,An executable program which may need to be accessed.,

Available_Characteristics,Specific values of variables that are available in a specific dataset.,

Citation,The formal citation used to reference the material which describes the data elements or the formal citation for the survey or program data set,

Class_or_Table,"A class of objects, as in the Object-Oriented paradigm, or a table of rows, as in the relational model.",

Component_Type,"The type of administered component, i.e. data element, survey, questionnaire, data set, etc.",

Conceptual_Domain/3,The set of possible valid values of a data element expressed without representation.,

Conceptual_Domain_Contains_CD,A many-to-many relationship that expresses the containment of one Conceptual Domain within another.,

Contact,Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the subject,

Contact_Address,Address information for contacts and other people or organizations.,

Contact_Telephone,Telephone and other electronic means of communication.,

Context,"The system, database, standard document, or other environment in which the administered component functions and has meaning.",

DAN_Map,Is a look-up table for table of contents section numbers and the associated documentation,

Data_Category,"List of different types of statistical data, e.g. microdata, macrodata, time series.",

Data_Details,"The details describing certain Data_Elements in a Data_Set, i.e. descriptive statistics.",The format for a flat file or the schema for a database must be described in realted entities to this one. This entity is the intersection entity for the many-to-many relationship between Data_Element and Data_Set. Descriptive_Statistics is associated with this entity. The statistics are linked to a data element as it is used in a particular data set.

Data_Dictionary,A set of data elements.,

Data_Dictionary_Entry,The association of a Data_Element and a Data_Dictionary.,

Data_Element/2,A single unit of data that in a certain context is considered indivisible. It cannot be decomposed into more fundamental segments of data that have useful meanings within the scope of the enterprise.,"Data is a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a form that allows them to be collected, organized, processed and stored in a retrievable form for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automated means."

Data_Element_Concept/2,"The human perception of a property of an object set, described independently of any particular representation.",

Data_Quality,"Information about sampling and non-sampling errors, as well as associated statistical reporting and adjustments intended to quantify and account for these errors is reported here. There are both direct and indirect measures of data quality. Direct measures deal with the survey itself, while indirect measures are the result of process evaluations or comparative studies. Planning and design provides documentation of processes put in place to avoid such errors. Many of these measures apply only to establishment surveys and many apply only to longitudinal surveys.",All attributes are placeholders for documents which describe aspects of the quality of a survey and its data.

Data_Set,"Any organized collection of data containing either case level data, aggregation of case level data, or statistical manipulations of either the case level or aggregated survey data, for one or more Survey Instances.",

Data_Set_Type,"The type of data set, i.e. supplied, survey, emprise, frame. sample, etc.",

Data_Type,"A category used to classify the collection of letters, digits, and/or symbols to depict values of a data element based upon the operations that may be performed on the data element.",

DE_Derived_from_DE,A relationship that expresses the fact that a Data Element is derived from another Data Element.,

Derivation_Type,Types of derivations for data elements.,

Descriptive_Statistics,"Information about the statistical characteristics of the data. All statistics described here are available by executing SAS PROCs MEANS, SUMMARY, or UNIVARIATE. All notations and equations are consistent with [SAS pp.4-26].","Definitions of terms used to name attributes for this entity come from ""A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, 5th Edition""."

Distribution_Information,Infomation about how to acquire a particular item (usually a Product).,

Documentation,Descriptive text used to define or describe an object or process,

Documentation_Type,"List of types of documents, used to help classify documents",

Emprise,An identifiable effort NOT specific to a single Survey Instance,

Enumerated_VD,A list of all permissible values in a value domain.,

FGDC_Major_Theme,FGDC Cultural and Demographic major themes. A set of pre-defined major categories of cultural and demographic content.,

FGDC_Minor_Theme,FGDC Cultural and Demographic minor themes. A set of pre-defined minor categories of cultural and demographic content.,

Field_or_Column,"The description of a field in a data set, column of a database, or attribute of an object.",

Format,A description of the order of a set of data elements used in a data set.,

Formula,An entity that represents an algorithm to compute values. Formulas involve input quantities (Data Elements) and produce output quantities (Data Elements).,

Frame,A dataset containing all the cases identified for a Survey Instance based on a Survey's Universe definition,

Geography,The geographic boundaries and coordinates of locations covered by an item.,

Keyword,,Words used for keys to access certain classified objects. Linked to some objects in many-to- many relationship to Administered_Component entity. Label_Type,"Labels (names or identifiers) for different parts of a questionnaire, such as module, section, form, item, etc.",

Machine,A server or a port to a server,

Major_Theme_Hierarchy,Stores the hierarchy necessary to express creating Major_Themes by combining other Major_Themes.,

Method,An action performed on or by a class of objects.,

Methodology,A structured approach to solve a problem,

Minor_Theme_Hierarchy,Stores the hierarchy necessary to express creating Minor_Themes by combining other Minor_Themes.,

Non_Enumerated_VD,A description of the permissible values in a value domain.,

Object_Class,"A set of concepts, abstractions, or things in the natural world that can be identified with explicit boundaries and meaning and whose properties and behavior all follow the same rules.",

Object_Class_Hierarchy,Stores the hierarchy necessary to express creating Object_Classes by combining other Object_Classes.,

OMB_Number,The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance authorization.,

Permissible_Values,Values that make up an Enumerated Value Domain,

Planning_and_Design,"Information about the procedures, processes and methods used in the development of a particular emprise or survey. See Note.","One of the relationships linking Planning_and_Design to Survey, Survey_Instance, and Emprise must be completed."

Pointer_to_Object,"A pointer, such as a URL, to an object",

Product,A finished deliverable of a Survey Instance or Emprise for external use.,

Program,A group of Surveys related by a common theme. A Program can be made of other Programs,

Property,"A classification of any feature that humans naturally use to distinguish one individual object from another. It is any one of the characteristics of an object class that humans use as a label, quantity or description. It has no particular associated means of representation by which the property can be communicated.",

PV_Hierarchy,Specifies supertype/subtype relationships between pairs of permissible values.,

Question,A request for one or more related pieces of information from a Case. A Question can contain other Questions.,

Question_Map,"Intersection entity identifying which questionnaire, question, and response choices go together. The forward and backward flow from a question in a particular questionnaire is associated here.",

Questionnaire,An identifiable instrument containing Questions for a particular Survey Instance,

Representation_Class,A classification of value domains based upon the type of representational form.,

Response_Choice,"One of possibly several alternative answers. Response choice may be printed on the form, or provided as an alternative to be offered by the enumerator.", Role,"Role of contact for person or organization, i.e. supplier, customer, sponsor, subject matter expert, steward, etc.",

Sample,"A dataset containing a subset of a Frame for a particular set of Survey Instances, selected with a specific sampling Technique. For a census, the Sample incorporates the entire Frame.",

Series,The name and other information about a series of related items,

Series_Type,"The type of series, e.g. memo, time series (such as seasonal adjustment), product, etc.",

Service,List of available access services to files on machines,

Status,The state of and maintenance information for the item of interest.,

Status_Type,"The type of status reported, e.g. administrative, registration, production, etc.",

Subject,"Subjects through which users can access different types of information. Types are the Component_Types, i.e. the objects stored in Administered_Component.",This is the first cut at a taxonomy/ontology of terms for use with a repository that implements a physical version of this model.

Survey,An investigation about the characteristics of a given Universe,

Survey_Instance,"An identifiable activity which uses a System(s) to gather and process a set of Data Elements from an identifiable set of cases, for a defined period of time, resulting in one or more specific deliverables.",

Survey_Map,"Links Surveys, Access Constraints, Time Frame, and Data Categories",

System,"An identifiable process, either fully automated or computer assisted, which implements one or more Techniques to produce one or more deliverables. A System can be composed of Systems",

Technique,An identifiable algorithm which is used to implement all or part of a Methodology,

Theme,Describes the cultural and demographic content of an item.,

Time_Frame,The time periods for which an item is valid,

Time_Frame_Type,"Type of Time_Frame. Examples are coverage times, validity times, release and expiration times, etc.",

Unit_of_Measure,A system of measurement.,

Universe,The total defined set of interest to one or more Surveys,

Universe_Type,"The type of universe, e.g. survey, question, data set, etc.",

Value_Domain,"Restricted permissible values. It provides representation, but has no implication as to what data concept the values are associated nor what the values mean.",Used for syntactical integrity checking.

Value_Map,"Map for associating a permissible value, value meaning, and enumerated domain.",

Value_Meaning,The meaning or definition of a Permissible Value,

VD_Hierarchy,Specifies Value Domains as superset/subsets of other Value Domains,

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