Comet™ Change Log for January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010

Comet Changes in 2011:

2010-12-09 (Z8)  Avail format 5 now shows blank cells for situations where there are two contracts for the same title, right and territory covering different rights. The Format 5 report also has clearer display of non- exclusive available windows.

Territory Title Licensee w e i l a V y

c r V i r a V r e l T t

l o p T i a

e e c e y y e d n r i a a h T P V A P F France Immortal Bird A A A A A A UNITED KINGDOM Dancing Around The Maypole Acorn Intl. S S S S A UNITED KINGDOM Dancing Around The Maypole Dazio Film R A UNITED KINGDOM Hope Springs Eternal Acorn Intl. A A A A N A UNITED KINGDOM Immortal Bird Canal Extra ~ A A H A A Europe

 The Format 5 report also has clearer display of non-exclusive available windows.

 The Contract Summary report (in the Contracts tab of a Comet contract) has a new format option, with the option for an alternate user template based on either the original template or the new format.

 Report 103, Title Information Report, has more room for synopsis

 Reports 116 and 4 have output to Excel option

 Format 4 Single Row All rights re-labeled as Format 5

2010-11-29  Rights collapse process starts on last completed contract ID, which is an advanced setting. If Comet is closed, the process may be re-run and will default to complete only the last contract collapsed.

201-11-17 Z6

 Report 155 has a title name filter on the general report screen. o If left blank, all titles are reported. o If a title is selected and the report has no receipts, a report will be displayed that shows the title name, 0 amounts, no error messages, and a message “There were no receipts for the selected title and receipt date range. “

 Performance improvements to these reports  The following reports, which all share the same underlying queries and filters, have been performance optimized. a. 113 Titles Shipped Report (Query and Excel Output) b. 124 Titles Shipped Report (Report by Customer) c. 126 Shipments by Customer with Contract/Month Subtotal  The reports have a contract number filter on the report filter screen as well.

2010-11-15 We have a setting for the Comet loader which will replace the user’s MDE app file every load. This will keep the temporary file size minimized for best Comet performance as well as eliminate problems as a result of user’s exiting Comet while processing or due improper shutdown. Enabling the replace option will take about 1-2 extra seconds to load Comet.

To set up this option: 1. Download the latest Comet update file and update Comet as normal. The update file is available at Unzip the contents to the shared Comet\Update folder on your server.

2. Open the Comet app folder on the user’s desktop, normally C:\CometRights or C:\Program Files\CometRights 3. Open the file CometRun.ini and add the text shown below anywhere in the text file, typically under the “CometPath=” setting:

Always Replace Comet=Yes

4. Close and save the file. Note: Your CometPath will be different from the one shown. 5. Open the Comet shared Update folder and find the file CometRun.exe. 6. Copy and replace the user’s C:\CometRights\CometRun.exe (or C:\Program Files\CometRights\CometRun.exe)

2010-11-10 Z5 Comet has improvements to the automated e-mail notification module. To accomidate scheduled tasks launching Comet in conjunction with the “Always Replace Comet” option, if the advanced setting “Scheduled Task Notification Mode” =YES, then 1. Comet will open the notification screen on launch 2. Set the timer to run in 1 minute 3. run the report 4. send the e-mails 5. close Comet.

A scheduled task to launch CometRun.exe needs to be created. We recommend running it a few hours before users arrive for the day and during a period your backup is not running.

2010-10-28 Z1  Link to actual contract in interest tracking popup error fixed.

2010-10-28 Y4  Report 211 has option to show languages  Improvements to rights group collapse functions  Contract level sales period now shows up on avail report format 1 if option selected. Previously, only the right category level sales period end date was appearing on the report. 2010-10-21 V  New button #48 in updates and patches will combine redundant rights groups in all contracts  Also, in Contract Misc. Misc subtab, Comet has command button to collapse/combine rights within the contract

2010-10-11U  Improvements to the Rights Remap function

 Format 4 condensed avail report has option for color coding

2010-10-07T  Fix to Excel 2007 filename glitch, where .xlsx added appended to the filename or reports that were re- run.

2010-10-01S2  Comet has a new avail report setting to adjust the size of the thumbnail graphic images, overriding the Comet computed values. Comet attempts to have the thumbnails reach the edge of the cell, but if the thumbnail spills into the next cell, the thumbnails will not move with the cell if it is sorted. The variable is “Avail Thumbnail Size Adjustment” in the Comet advanced settings. 1.00 is no change.

2010-10-01S  Comet always prompts for a currency update with a new frontend release even if there are no SQL changes. Previously, Comet would only prompt during SQL updates.  Fix to avail format 4: Holdbacks were showing up as “Available since [future date]. This has been changed to show “Holdback until [future date]”

 There are two new variations of the Comet Avail Report format 4, one combines the rights on a single row (as does Format 1), the other adds the title code and territory code. They can be run by clicking on the last option and the button at the bottom of the screen.

 The Comet avail report status “Non-Cinematic Title” for series title logic was removed due to exceptions with Public Video in the Cinematic:Non-Theatrical subright, so Comet will compute full Theatrical rights availability for series titles.

2010-09-28 The Comet loader file “CometRun.exe” has a new startup option “Always Replace Comet=Yes” (or no). If set to Yes, the Comet app file is replaced on each load.

2010-09-27 Improvements to the rights setup screen re-mediums and rights setup.

2010-09-21 Sales interest tracking improvements,  search icon added in avail by territory and by title,  disable of title name change and territory name change

2010-09-14 Formatting improvements to Avail Format 2 Word format New generic template released for Avail format 4 report

2010-08-25 By entering a value for “Screened at” in the Title Misc detail tab, this will appear on the Avail Format 2 Word Output. Comet will show one or more records sorted by the earliest date first. 2010-08-23  New button #47 in updates and patches Searches for dates outside the range of 1/1/1950 and 1/1/2100, and provides query views where the dates may be modified.

2010-08-21  There are no longer any limits on the number of titles or territories that can be shown in the Format 1 and Format 4 avail reports if you are using Excel/Office 2007 or Excel 2010. Excel 2003 has a limit of 256 tabs or columns.  Comet will try to output to Office 2003 format for compatibility.  If you would like to force Comet to use Office 2003 with warnings if you have exceeded the record count, change the comet setting “Allow Excel 2007 .xlsx Format” to “No”

2010-08-04 New Report #275, Comet-Computed Royalty Expenses by Title

2010-08-02  Invoice batch screen resized, and Bank account pulldown added to detail  New setting “ShowDatePrintedOnInvoices” available to set to Yes or No. Default is Yes.

2010-07-25  Significant performance improvement on the avails reports, especially with language territories.  Royalty report improvements, formulas used instead of plugged values on Expense Recoupment sheet.

2010-07-23  Security certificate included with the release  Performance improvement on avail report refresh and running.

2010-07-21  Runs and play dates log created in Runs tab in title setup. 2010-07-16G  New contract type “Talent” allows entry, reporting and tracking of talent agreements, including links to contract versions, payments, event and option tracking.

2010-06-14A Internal comments column added to sales interest tracking module Report 262 has option to include 3rd party contracts. Also contract number widened by one character. Royalty report expense recoupment schedule improvements with respect to what is shown in the columns.

Report #274, “Producer Sales Report”, has filter to limit report to one owned rights agreement. Also the territories sold must match one of the territories in the owned rights agreement, or a parent territory in the owned rights agreement, to be included in the report.

2013-06-13B Comet territories have a “do not use” checkbox. Shown in the territory report as well. This will block adding territories to contracts.

2010-06-11A Royalty expense input: Expense entry includes expense description. Heading of General Expense Group changed to Expense Account

If one royalty report is selected in column 1, and column 2 is unchecked, Comet will prepare it instead of popping up message that no reports are selected.

 2010-05-04 o Updates and patches screen allows vertical scroll o New Updates and Patches button 45 adds contract territories to sales interest company default territories for all contracts o New button to auto-add territories for one company added.

 Report #248 includes contract number in output, and moves the currency country to the column after the contract currency amount.  Royalty Analysis report has option to convert all amounts to base currency.  Receipt and Royalty Report screens re-sized for 1280x1024.  Receipt screen invoice filter automatically filtered to receipt company name when moving to new receipt.

 Occasional message “invalid select case” with stop on load problem fixed.

 Comet has the capability to print many avail reports with one click. Here is how it works: 1. Click on the Group Membership icon and create some groups. 2. In each avail report, select what groups they belong to. You can copy and paste groups from one report to another. 3. In the Format 1 section, select the group and click on the button.  Avail report “You have not selected any territories” erroneous message fixed

2010-03-08 51250 Release A

2010-03-05  Report 57 group pulldown defaults to Bank Account without the quotes.  Report 53, “Invoice Summary Report”, opens in a datasheet view as well as a report view, and shows the invoice payment account. New checkbox option to show all invoices or just unpaid invoices.

2010-02-24 With rights re-mapping,  the output location was set as the accounting folder, switched to the Reports folder for all functions.  the most recent filename is updated in the location box on step 1

2010-02-16K  Avail reports has a “Copy to new report” button on the top of the avail report settings screen

 If selecting Special Format 1, if the “Client/AVAIL/SOLD Condensed Format button is unchecked, Comet will display more details than just S/A/N/R for Sold, Available, No rights and Resale.

2010-02-16H  Report 266 Includes all medium license types (optioned, holdback, etc.). Previously, it only included licensed types.

1. There is a new checkbox option to use a modified Avail I format.

2. When clicking on the checkbox marked below, Comet now prompts if you want to have Comet set the options that match the report. Click yes, and Comet will make the settings listed. You can always go back and change them and still run your report, as Comet will not change the options once they are set. a. The report is set to be in color b. The report is set to be “By territory” c. The output is set as “Simplified Client Avail/Sold Only” d. The synopsis will be shown e. The Year of Production will be shown f. The Talent information will be shown g. The Excel scaling is set to automatic (meaning it will use 24%). h. Comet will hide expired contracts i. Only rows with available rights will be shown. j. The report is set to Landscape k. The Director will be shown with the title l. Comet will show the thumbnail images m. Comet will create hyperlinks for the thumbnails, if you have set them up. n. Comet will show all “Resale” as “Available” o. The option to show upcoming sales in the next 12 months as “Available on” (this setting is optional but customers find useful)

2. The Excel header in the margins was removed, since you have the company name in the title

3. Because some of the right categories were too large for your column width, Comet now uses the abbreviated versions of the rights for the headings. It first tries to use the 1. “Short Version”, then if that’s blank, the 2. “Highly Abbreviated Report Name”, then if that’s blank the 3. “Category” which is never blank. To open and review the Rights Setup screen, from the Comet menu, select “Modules>Setup>RightsSetup”


 Bug fixed, column width in avail reports of Synopsis and Talent was set to data width, not synopsis or talent default width.

 2010-01-29 Report #73 “Contracts by Territory” has option to include 3rd party contracts. If option to show report grouped by contract, and Output to Excel is selected, Comet will create an Excel output of the grouped version and the detail version in two separate files.

 2009-01-27 all users can see title inventory under series

 New Awards checkboxes in talent setup for acknowledgement on availability reports

 United Arab Emirates (AED) added as new currency 2010-01-21E New report #273, Royalty Readiness Report, shows status of setup for payments received during a period (using the royalty report effective date)

2010-01-12 Release A

Comet includes an e-mail client for sending e-mail notifications and reports. These settings are required in the Comet advanced settings window, “Local System”. It is necessary to have separate authentication for the SMTP e-mail server (yellow) and the Comet SQL database server (green).

A new table in the Comet server, tblEMailLog, contains the full contents of the e-mail and the send status. Set the “ready to send” column to ON and Comet will re-send the e-mail.

The client is included in the Comet updates as “CometEMailClient.exe”, which normally is installed in the Comet folder. It may be run independently from Comet if desired.

If you would like to install the client using the .NET installer, the install files are located at Installing as an application creates a shortcut in the menu and installs the two pre-requisites, Windows Installer 3.1 and .NET 3.5 SP1 The below settings are located in the Comet advanced settings, Local System. One additional setting is required, the Local General setting “e-mail program= CometSMTPClient

Variable Text Value Comments CometEMailSMTPPassword [Not required if using Windows Your SMTP e-mail password name. If Credentials for SMTP] CometEMailSMTPUseWindowsCredentials is Yes, this value ignored CometEMailSMTPPortNumber 25 Defaults to port 25 if blank, use port 465 for SSL connections

CometEMailSMTPServerAddre EXCHANGE01 Use your exchange server name or your POP server name or IP ss address CometEMailSMTPUserName [Not required if using Windows Your SMTP e-mail user name. If Credentials for SMTP] CometEMailSMTPUseWindowsCredentials is Yes, this value ignored CometEMailSMTPUseWindow Yes Set to Yes for Exchange server, set to No if using an external SMTP sCredentials server CometEMailSQLDatabaseNam Comet The same database name used for Comet e CometEMailSQLPassword [Not required if using Windows Comet SQL Database standard user login. Not required if using authentication] Windows authentication to connect to the Comet SQL Database

CometEMailSQLServerName SQLServer01\Comet The same server\instance name used for the Comet database

CometEMailSQLUserName [Not required if using Windows Comet SQL database standard login user name. Not required if authentication] using Windows authentication to connect to the Comet SQL Database

CometEMailSQLUseWindows Yes Use SQL Windows authentication to connect to the Comet table Authentication 'tblEMailLog' CometEMailUseHTML Yes Format for outgoing e-mail. Set to Yes to use HTML, No for text format CometEMailFromAddress (Example): The E-Mail 'From' address on outgoing e-mail. Some SMTP Servers CometAutomaticNotification@yourdom require that this name is a domain member to prevent relay or alias blocking.  The Comet e-mail notification screen allows re-running the reports over a date range, instead of a single day.

 New report #272 E-Mail log for history of e-mail notifications. (SQL database format only)

 A new Company Type added to the company profile.

 New report #271, Invoice Address by Contract shows the address that will be used for invoicing for sales agreements.

Comet Changes in 2009: