North Carolina and South Carolina

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North Carolina and South Carolina

North Carolina and South Carolina Summary Table of Ecoregion Characteristics

45 P I E D M O N T Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation Land Use and Land Cover Area Elevation Surficial and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean (square / Moisture Regimes Mean annual Mean annual Temperature miles) Local Relief (inches) (days) January (feet) min/max; July min/max (F) 45a. Southern 1320 Dissected irregular plains, some 730-1912 Quaternary to Tertiary clayey, Ultisols (Kanhapludults, Cecil, Pacolet, Madison, Thermic / Udic 52-65 185-220 29/49 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Deciduous forest, mixed Inner Piedmont low to high hills, ridges, and / micaceous clay, quartz-rich, and Hapludults); on floodplains Rion, Grover, Cataula, forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pasture, some cattle isolated monadnocks; low to 100-400 sandy clay saprolite; Precambrian, Inceptisols (Dystrudepts) Hiwassee; on floodplains 65/87 oak, black oak, mockernut and pignut and hay production, apple moderate gradient streams with Cambrian, and Ordovician gneiss, and Entisols (Udifluvents, Chewacla, Cartecay, hickories, some Virginia pine and orchards. mostly cobble, gravel, and sandy schist, granite, and amphibolite. Fluvaquents) Toccoa, Enoree. shortleaf pine; on more mesic sites substrates. beech, northern red oak, tulip poplar, red maple, some hemlock. 45b. Southern 12708 Dissected irregular plains, some 180-1510 Quaternary to Tertiary clay, Ultisols (Kanhapludults, Cecil, Appling, Madison, Thermic / Udic 44-56 190-230 29/50 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Outer Piedmont low rounded hills and ridges; / micaceous clay, sandy clay and Hapludults, Kandiudults), Pacolet; on more mafic forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pine plantations, low to moderate gradient streams 100-300 sandy saprolite, with rock outcrops Alfisols (Hapludalfs); on rocks Wilkes, Mecklenburg, 67/89 oak, black oak, mockernut and pignut pasture, urban; hay, cattle, with mostly cobble, gravel, and and joint-block boulders; floodplains Inceptisols Iredell, Enon, Davidson, hickories, some Virginia pine and dairy, and poultry sandy substrates. Precambrian to Paleozoic schist, (Dystrudepts) and Entisols Lloyd, Winnsboro; on shortleaf pine; on more mesic sites production; some barley, gneiss, granite, metavolcanic rock, (Udifluvents, Fluvaquents) floodplains Chewacla, beech, northern red oak, tulip poplar, oats, and wheat. amphibolite, metagabbro, Toccoa, Enoree, Cartecay. red maple. metadiorite, phyllite, and quartzite. 45c. Carolina 6454 Dissected irregular plains, some 165-1188 Quaternary to Tertiary silty to clayey Ultisols (Kanhapludults, Georgeville, Herndon, Thermic / Udic 44-49 185-210 29/51 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Slate Belt hills, linear ridges, and isolated / saprolite; Precambrian to Cambrian Hapludults), Inceptisols Tatum, Badin, Goldston, in north, forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pine plantations, monadnocks; low to moderate mostly 100- felsic to mafic metavolcanic rock, (Dystrudepts) Misenheimer, Cid 200-230 67/89 oak, black oak, southern shagbark pasture; cattle, hay, and gradient streams with mostly 300, some metamudstone, meta-argillite, in south hickory, mockernut and pignut poultry production, some boulder and cobble substrates. areas to 500 phyllite, schist, some Paleozoic hickories, some Virginia pine and public land (Uwharrie and gabbro, diorite, and granite. shortleaf pine; on monadnocks Sumter National Forests). (Uwharries) chesnut oak; near coastal plain boundary some longleaf pine- shortleaf pine-loblolly pine-hardwoods forest. 45e. Northern 4266 Dissected irregular plains, low to 360-2035 Quaternary to Tertiary sandy clay Ultisols (Kanhapludults, Clifford, Fairview, Halifax, Mesic / Udic 45-55 170-200 25/48 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Inner Piedmont high hills, ridges, and isolated / saprolite and micaceous clay to silty Hapludults), Inceptisols Toast, Bannertown, Stott forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pasture; hay, cattle, monadnocks; low to moderate 150-700 clay saprolite; Cambrian gneiss, (Dystrudepts) Knob, Rhodhiss, Westfield, 65/87 oak, black oak, mockernut and pignut poultry, and tobacco gradient streams with mostly schist, and amphibolite, some Woolwine hickories, some Virginia pine and production. cobble, gravel, and sandy Ordovicican and Precambrian gneiss shortleaf pine; on monadnocks chesnut substrates. and granite. oak; on more mesic sites beech, northern red oak, tulip poplar, red maple, hemlock. 45f. Northern 2705 Dissected irregular plains, some 130-600 Quaternary to Tertiary sandy clay Ultisols (Kanhapludults, Cecil, Pacolet, Madison, Thermic / 44-46 185-210 28/49 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Outer Piedmont low rounded hills and ridges; / and sandy saprolite with rock Hapludults); on floodplains Wedowee, Rion, some Udic forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pine plantations, low to moderate gradient streams 100-250 outcrops and joint-block boulders; Inceptisols (Endoaquepts, Georgeville and Nason in 67/89 oak, black oak, mockernut and pignut pasture; tobacco, cattle, with mostly cobble, gravel, and Cambrian gneiss, schist, Dystrudepts) Eastern Slate Belt area; on hickories, some shortleaf pine and hay, and poultry sandy substrates. metavolcanic rock, and floodplains Wehadkee, loblolly pine; near coastal plain production; urban. metamudstone, some Pennsylvanian Chewacla; some coastal boundary some longleaf pine-shortleaf to Permian granite. plain soils on uplands near pine-loblolly pine-hardwoods forest. 65m. 45g. Triassic 1418 Dissected irregular plains, some 190-1000 Quaternary to Tertiary red sandy Ultisols (Hapludults), Mayodan, Creedmoor, Thermic 44-48 180-220 27/49 Mixed oak forest, oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Basins low rounded hills and ridges; / loam to silty clay decomposition Alfisols (Hapludalfs); on White Store, Pinkston, (Mesic in Dan forest. Mostly white oak, southern red forest, pine plantations, low to moderate gradient streams 100-300 residuum; Triassic sandstone, floodplains Inceptisols Polkton, Spray, Chewacla; River Basin) / 66/88 oak, black oak, mockernut and pignut pasture, urban. with mostly sand and clay conglomerate, mudstone, shale, (Dystrudepts) in Dan River Basin Clover, Udic hickories, some Virginia pine and substrates; relatively wider some minor coal, Jurassic diabase Lackstown, Easthamlet, shortleaf pine; on more mesic sites floodplains. dikes and sills. Wolftrap, Dan River beech, northern red oak, tulip poplar, red maple; some bottomland hardwood forest (bottomland oaks, red maple, sweetgum, green ash, American elm). 45i. Kings 289 Hills and linear ridges, some 490-1690 Quaternary to Tertiary micaceous Ultisols (Hapludults, Tatum, Georgeville, Thermic / Udic 47-49 190-220 28/50 Mixed oak forest and oak-hickory-pine Mixed forest, deciduous Mountain irregular plains; moderate / saprolite, quartz-rich saprolite; Kanhapludults), Inceptisols Herndon, Badin, Goldston, forest; Piedmont monadnock forest forest, some pine gradient streams with bedrock, 200-500 Precambrian quartz-sericite schist, (Dystrudepts) Manteo 66/88 (chestnut oak, white oak, scarlet oak, plantations and pasture. boulder, cobble, gravel, and sand metavolcanic rock, quartz-pebble post oak, mockernut and pignut substrates. metaconglomerate, quartzite, hickories, Virginia pine, shortleaf pine); Cambrian sericite schist, phyllite, some Virginia pine dominated 45 P I E D M O N T Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation Land Use and Land Cover quartzite, marble, amphibolite. woodlands on high ridges.

63 M I D D L E A T L A N T I C C O A S T A L P L A I N Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation Land Use and Land Cover Area Elevation Surficial and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean (square / Moisture Regimes Mean annual Mean annual Temperature miles) Local Relief (inches) (days) January min/max; (feet) July min/max, (F) 63b. Chesapeake- 2226 Low, flat plains and peninsulas; 0-25 Late Pleistocene marine sand, silt, Ultisols (Endoaquults, Tomotley, Roanoke, Thermic / 48-55 210-230 32/52 Wet hardwood forest (bottomland Cropland with wheat, corn, Pamlico Lowlands poorly drained with swamps, / and clay. Umbraquults), Inceptisols Perquimans, Pasquotank, Aquic oaks, tulip poplar, sweetgum, maple, soybeans, potatoes, cotton, and Tidal some low gradient streams with 5-20 (Humaquepts), Alfisols Hyde, Deloss, Portsmouth, 69/88 swamp tupelo); mesic mixed and peanuts; evergreen Marshes sandy and silty substrates, a few (Endoaqualfs), Histosols Cape Fear, Wasda, Roper, hardwood forest (beech, tulip poplar, forest, mixed forest, large lakes; estuaries and sounds. (Haplosaprists) Arapahoe, Yonges, Argent, maple, oaks, sweetgum); some pond forested wetlands, pine Dorovan, Currituck pine woodlands and longleaf pine; plantations, pasture, marsh. tidal and nonriverine cypress-gum swamps. 63c. Nonriverine 1692 Low, broad flats and interstream 5-50 Holocene peat and silty to clayey Histosols (Haplosaprists), Pungo, Dare, Belhaven, Thermic / 50-56 210-235 32/54 Pocosins (fetterbush, ti-ti, inkberry, Forested wetlands, Swamps and divides, poorly drained, a few / swamp deposits, Pleistocene marine Inceptisols (Humaquepts) Ponzer, Dorovan, Wasda, Aquic pond pine); pond pine woodland; evergreen forest, mixed Peatlands lakes, low stream density; 5-25 sand, silt, and clay. Scuppernong, Roper, 69/89 Atlantic white cedar forest; forest, some cropland and channelized drainage is Torhunta, Croatan nonriverine swamp forest (bald pine plantations. common. cypress, pond cypress, swamp tupelo, loblolly pine, red maple). 63d. Virginian 63 Barrier islands, dunes, beaches, 0-30, some Holocene beach and dune sand, saline Entisols (Sulfaquents, Bohicket, Carteret, Thermic / 48 220-230 33/52 Salt and brackish marshes (cordgrass, Marsh, forested wetland, Barrier Islands lagoons, estuaries, tidal marshes. dunes to 60 marsh deposits of sand, silt, clay, and Psammaquents, Currituck in tidal marshes; Aquic saltgrass, rushes); tidal freshwater evergreen forest, urban, and Coastal / peat. Quartzipsamments), Corolla, Newhan, Duckston 69/87 marsh (cordgrass, sawgrass, cattail, wildlife habitat, beaches, Marshes 5-30 Histosols (Haplosaprists) on beach dunes and flats. wild rice); maritime shrub (wax recreation, fish and myrtle, yaupon); maritime dry shellfish production. grassland (saltmeadow cordgrass); maritime evergreen forest (live oak, sand laurel oak, loblolly pine); dune grass (beach grass, sea oats). 63e. Mid-Atlantic 2755 Flat plains on lightly dissected 2-100 Pleistocene and Pliocene marine Ultisols (Paleaquults, Rains, Lynchburg, Thermic / 46-50 200-230 30/52 Mesic pine flatwoods (longleaf pine, Pine plantations, cropland Flatwoods marine terraces; swamps, low / sand, silt, and clay. Paleudults, Albaquults, Goldsboro, Leaf, Craven, Aquic, Udic loblolly pine, oaks, hickories, with peanuts, cotton, corn, gradient streams with sandy and 5-75 Hapludults) Lenoir, Noboco, Pantego 68/89 bluestem); wet pine flatwoods soybeans, tobacco, wheat, silty substrates. (longleaf pine with loblolly or pond chickens, and hogs; pine); pine savanna (longleaf pine, pasture, mixed and pond pine, bluestem); pond pine deciduous forest. woodland; some oak-hickory and mixed forest. 63g. Carolinian 557 Barrier islands, dunes, beaches, 0-30, some Holocene beach and dune sand, saline Entisols (Sulfaquents, Bohicket, Carteret, Thermic / 50-56 240-260 35/53 Salt and brackish marshes (cordgrass, Marsh, forested wetland, Barrier Islands lagoons, estuaries, tidal marshes. dunes to marsh deposits of sand, silt, clay, and Psammaquents, Hobucken in tidal marshes; Aquic saltgrass, rushes); maritime shrub (wax evergreen forest, urban, and Coastal 100 peat. Hydraquents, Corolla, Newhan, Duckston, 72/86 myrtle, yaupon); maritime dry wildlife habitat, beaches, Marshes / Quartzipsamments) Fripp on beach dunes and grassland (saltmeadow cordgrass); tourism, recreation, fish 5-30 flats. maritime evergreen forest (live oak, and shellfish production. sand laurel oak, loblolly pine); dune grass (sea oats, bitter panic grass, cordgrass, beach grass). 63h. Carolina 11510 Flat plains on lightly dissected 2-195 Pleistocene and Pliocene marine Ultisols(Paleaquults, Goldsboro, Lynchburg, Thermic / 46-53 210-240 33/55 Longleaf pine-wiregrass; xeric sandhill Pine plantations, mixed Flatwoods marine terraces; swamps, low / sand, silt, and clay; Tertiary sand, silt, Paleudults, Endoaquults, Rains, Coxville, Wahee, Aquic, Udic in the scrub (longleaf pine-turkey oak- forest, forested wetlands, gradient streams with sandy and 5-75 clay, and limestone, some Cretaceous Albaquults, Hapludults), Bladen, Argent, Coosaw, north, 70/90 wiregrass); pond pine forest and cropland of cotton, corn, silty substrates; Carolina bays. sand, silt and clay. Alfisols (Endoaqualfs), Noboco, Baymeade, 230-250 woodland; some oak-hickory and soybeans, wheat, peanuts, Spodosols (Alaquods), Woodington, Leon, Kureb, in the mixed forest. tobacco, blueberries; Entisols Yauhannah, Yemassee, south production of hogs, 63 M I D D L E A T L A N T I C C O A S T A L P L A I N Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Vegetation Land Use and Land Cover (Quartzipsamments), Ogeechee, Croatan broilers, and turkeys; some Histosols (Haplosaprists) public land, wildlife habitat. 63n. Mid-Atlantic 2193 Major river floodplains and 2-130 Holocene alluvial silt, clay, and Inceptisols (Endoaquepts, Johnston, Muckalee, Thermic / 46-54 210-240 32/54 Southern floodplain forest. Includes Forested wetlands, Floodplains and associated low terraces; low / gravelly sand, local swamp deposits Dystrudepts, Humaquepts), Masontown, Congaree, Aquic, some in the cypress-gum swamp (water tupelo, deciduous forest, some Low Terraces gradient streams with sandy and 5-25 and organic muck; some late Entisols (Udifluvents), Dorovan, Chastain, Johns, Udic north, 69/90 swamp tupelo, bald cypress, pond cropland on larger terraces. silty substrates, oxbow lakes, Pleistocene alluvial and estuarine Ultisols (Hapludults, Kenansville, Roanoke, 230-250 cypress) and bottomland hardwood ponds, swamps. sand and silt. Umbraquults, Endoaquults), Lumbee, Paxville, Meggett, in the forest (bottomland oaks, red maple, Alfisols (Albaqualfs) Tawcaw, Chewacla, south sweetgum, green ash, bitternut Hobcaw hickory).

65 S O U T H E A S T E R N P L A I N S Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Land Use and Vegetation Land Cover Area Elevation Surficial and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean (square / Moisture Regimes Mean annual Mean annual Temperature miles) Local Relief (inches) (days) January (feet) min/max; July min/max, (F) 65c. Sand Hills 5147 Dissected irregular plains; 100-720 Quaternary medium to coarse sand Ultisols (Paleudults, Blaney, Candor, Lakeland, Thermic / Udic 44-48 200-220 30/52 Pine/scrub oak sandhill (longleaf pine, Pine plantations, mixed moderate to steep side slopes; / decomposition residuum, loamy sand, Hapludults, Kanhapludults, Gilead, Vaucluse, Ailey, in north, turkey oak, blackjack oak, bluejack oak, forest, pasture, recreation, low to moderate gradient sandy 100-300 sandy loam and sandy clay Kandiudults), Entisols Dothan, Fuquay, Blanton, 215-240 68/90 wiregrass); xeric sandhill scrub some cropland and peach bottomed streams. Seepage and decomposition residuum; Cretaceous (Quartzipsamments) Wagram, Pelion, Alpin, in south (longleaf pine, turkey oak, wiregrass); orchards. groundwater support steady sand, sandstone, and mudstone, Troup, Lucy streamhead pocosin (pond pine, red streamflows and some small, Tertiary sand and clayey sand. maple, tulip poplar, evergreen shrubs). saturated wetlands. 65l. Atlantic 6459 Dissected smooth plains and 50-660 Quaternary sand and clay Ultisols (Kandiudults, Norfolk, Lynchburg, Thermic / 44-49 200-240 31/55 Mesic pine flatwoods (longleaf pine, Cropland and pasture with Southern Loam irregular plains; broad / decomposition residuum, marine Paleudults, Paleaquults) Goldsboro, Rains, Wagram, Udic, some loblolly pine, oaks, hickories, soybeans, corn, wheat, Plains interstream divides and mostly 100-200 sand, silt, and clay; Tertiary and Aycock, Coxville, Aquic 68/90 wiregrass); pine/scrub oak sandhill cotton, tobacco, hogs, and gentle side slopes dissected by Cretaceous sand, clay, and gravel. Orangeburg, Dothan, (longleaf pine, turkey oak, blackjack hay; in SC, peach orchards many small, low to moderate Fuquay, Varina, Faceville, oak, bluejack oak, wiregrass); oak- on The Ridge (Edgefield & gradient sandy bottomed Noboco, Troup, Marlboro, hickory forest (southern red oak, post Saluda counties); some streams; Carolina bays. Blanton oak, hickories, pines); some mesic pine plantations, mixed mixed hardwood forest (beech, tulip forest, forested wetlands, poplar, maple, white oak, red oak, and urban. sweetgum). 65m. Rolling 5182 Dissected irregular plains and 30-460 Quaternary sand and clay Ultisols (Kandiudults, Norfolk, Goldsboro, Rains, Thermic / 44-51 200-220 29/51 Mesic pine flatwoods (longleaf pine, Cropland and pasture with Coastal Plain smooth plains; broad interstream / decomposition residuum, middle and Paleudults, Hapludults, Wagram, Emporia, Coxville, Udic, some loblolly pine, oaks, hickories, cotton, soybeans, corn, divides with gentle to steep side 100-200 early Pleistocene marine sand, silt, Paleaquults, some Lynchburg, Autryville, Aquic 68/89 wiregrass); oak-hickory forest (southern wheat, sweetpotatoes, slopes dissected by numerous and clay; Pliocene clay and sand; Kanhapludults on side Caroline; Cecil, Appling on red oak, post oak, hickories, pines); peanuts, tobacco, hogs, and small, low to moderate gradient saprolite and some Piedmont rock slopes near 45f) side slopes near 45f some mesic mixed hardwood forest chickens; some pine sandy bottomed streams. outcrops on side slopes near 45f. (beech, tulip poplar, maple, white oak, plantations, mixed forest, red oak, sweetgum). and forested wetlands. 65p. Southeastern 2458 Major river floodplains and 15-200 Quaternary alluvial gravelly sand, Inceptisols (Endoaquepts, Johnston, Bibb, Kinston, Thermic / 45-50 200-240 31/54 Southern floodplain forest. Includes Forested wetlands, Floodplains and associated low terraces; low / sandy gravel, silt, and clay. Dystrudepts, Humaquepts), Chewacla, Wehadkee, Aquic, some bottomland hardwood forest deciduous forest; cropland Low Terraces gradient streams with sandy and 5-35 Entisols (Fluvaquents, Chastain, Riverview, Udic 68/89 (bottomland oaks, red maple, and pasture where drained silty substrates, oxbow lakes, Udifluvents), Ultisols Congaree, Roanoke, sweetgum, green ash, bitternut hickory) and protected from ponds, swamps. (Hapludults, Umbraquults, Wickham, Altavista, State, and cypress-gum swamp (water tupelo, flooding. Endoaquults) Cape Fear, Wahee, Tawcaw, swamp tupelo, bald cypress, pond Rutlege cypress).

66 B L U E R I D G E M O U N T A I N S Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Land Use and Vegetation Land Cover Area Elevation Surficial and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean (square / Moisture Regimes Mean annual Mean annual Temperature miles) Local Relief (inches) (days) January (feet) min/max; July min/max, (F) 66c. New River 443 Hilly, high plateau, some low 2350-4175 Quaternary to Tertiary sandy to Inceptisols (Dystrudepts, Evard, Ashe, Hayesville, Mesic / Udic 45-55 150-170 21/42 Appalachian oak forest. Includes Deciduous forest, mixed Plateau mountains. Moderate gradient / clayey saprolite, some mafic-boulder Humaquepts), Ultisols Clifton, Chandler, Watauga northern red oak, white oak, and forest, pasture and cropland streams with bedrock, boulder, 500-1200 loamy colluvium; Precambrian (Hapludults, on uplands; Colvard, 58/80 chestnut oak forests; montane oak- with hay, cattle, tobacco, cobble, and gravel substrates. gneiss, schist, and amphibolite. Kanhapludults), Entisols Toxaway on floodplains. hickory forest; cove forests (tulip and Christmas trees. 66 B L U E R I D G E M O U N T A I N S Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Land Use and Vegetation Land Cover (Udifluvents) poplar, basswood, buckeye, yellow birch, beech, hemlock, northern red oak). 66d. Southern 4432 Low to high mountains, gently 850-5500 Quaternary to Tertiary granitic Inceptisols (Dystrudepts, Ashe, Evard, Cowee, Mesic / Udic, 45-60 in 145-190 19-26/38-48 Appalachian oak forest. Includes Deciduous and mixed Crystalline Ridges rounded to steep slopes, narrow / boulder colluvium, loamy colluvium, Humaquepts), Ultisols Chandler, Fannin, Watauga, some Aquic in north; northern red oak, white oak, and forest; large areas of public and Mountains valleys. Steep escarpment at 1000-3500 sandy to clayey saprolite; (Hapludults, Kanhapludults) Plott, Edneyville, Chestnut, narrow 55-62/75-84 chestnut oak forests; montane oak- land (Pisgah, Nantahala, eastern boundary. High gradient, Precambrian granite, gneiss, schist, Edneytown, Porters, floodplains 50-100 in hickory forest; pine-oak/heath and Sumter National bedrock and boulder-bottomed quartzite, metagraywacke, Hayesville, Cashiers, south woodlands (Virginia pine, table- Forests) with some private cool, clear streams. metavolcanic rock, and amphibolite, Saluda, Talladega, Walhalla mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet oak); land; small clearings for some Paleozoic gneiss and quartz on uplands; Tate, Tusquitee, cove forests (tulip poplar, basswood, pasture or orchards on less diorite. Cullasaja on colluvium; buckeye, yellow birch, beech, hemlock, steep land; tourism, Dellwood, Nikwasi on northern red oak). At high elevations, recreation, hunting, and floodplains. northern hardwoods forest (beech, forestry. yellow birch, yellow buckeye, maples). 66e. Southern 37 Low to high mountains, gently 1280-5085 Quaternary to Tertiary sandy shaly Inceptisols (Dystrudepts), Ditney, Unicoi, Cataska, Mesic / Udic 45-50 150-170 20-26/43-47 Appalachian oak forest. Includes Deciduous and mixed Sedimentary rounded to steep slopes, narrow / colluvium and colluvium with Ultisols (Hapludults) Junaluska, Spivey, Tsali northern red oak, white oak, and forest, mostly public land Ridges valleys. High gradient, bedrock 1500-3000 boulders or huge blocks; Cambrian 56-62/76-82 chestnut oak forests; montane oak- (Pisgah National Forest); and boulder-bottomed cool, clear sandstone, siltstone, shale, dolomite, hickory forest; pine-oak/heath tourism, recreation, streams. and conglomerate. woodlands (Virginia pine, table- hunting, and forestry. mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet oak); cove forests (tulip poplar, basswood, buckeye, yellow birch, beech, hemlock, northern red oak). At high elevations, northern hardwoods forest (beech, yellow birch, yellow buckeye, maples). 66g. Southern 1677 Low to high mountains, gently 1200-5400 Quaternary to Tertiary arkosic Inceptisols (Dystrudepts, Brasstown, Junaluska, Soco, Mesic / Udic 55-80 150-190 20-27/41-48 Appalachian oak forest. Includes Deciduous and mixed Metasedimentary rounded to steep slopes, narrow / metasedimentary bouldery Haplumbrepts); Ultisols Stecoah, Cheoah, Sylco on northern red oak, white oak, and forest; large areas of public Mountains valleys. High gradient, bedrock 2000-3500 colluvium; Pre-Cambrian (Hapludults) uplands; Spivey, Whiteoak 55-63/76-85 chestnut oak forests; montane oak- land (Nantahala and Pisgah and boulder-bottomed cool, clear metagraywacke, metasiltstone, on colluvium. hickory forest; pine-oak/heath National Forests, Great streams. metasandstone, metaconglomerate, woodlands (Virginia pine, table- Smoky Mountains National slate, schist and sulfidic schist, meta- mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet oak), Park); tourism, recreation, arkose, and phyllite, some Cambrian cove forests (tulip poplar, basswood, hunting, some forestry. sulfidic schists. buckeye, yellow birch, beech, hemlock, northern red oak). At high elevations, northern hardwoods forest (beech, yellow birch, yellow buckeye, maples). 66i. High 316 High mountain ridges and 4500-6684 Quaternary to Tertiary granitic or Inceptisols (Haplumbrepts) Wayah, Oconaluftee, Frigid / Udic 75-100+ 130-140 18/36 Southeastern spruce-fir forest (Fraser Evergreen forest, Mountains moderate to steep slopes. A few / metasedimentary bouldery colluvium; Burton, Craggey, Clingman, fir, red spruce, yellow birch, deciduous forest; mostly small high gradient, bedrock and 1500-2100 Precambrian metagraywacke, schist, Tanasee, Balsam 54/69 rhododendron); northern hardwoods public land (Nantahala and boulder-bottomed streams. metasiltsone, slate, quartzite, and forest (beech, yellow birch, yellow Pisgah National Forests, gneiss. buckeye, maples); grass balds Great Smoky Mountains (mountain oat grass) and heath balds National Park); tourism, (rhododendron). recreation. 66j. Broad Basins 986 Intermountain basins with low 1575-3280 Quaternary to Tertiary sandy, silty, Ultisols (Hapludults, Evard, Cowee, Fannin, Mesic / Udic, 40-55 155-190 24/47 Appalachian oak forest. Mostly dry- Pasture and cropland with mountains, rolling foothills, and / and clayey saprolite with some rock Kanhapludults), Inceptisols Hayesville on uplands; some Aquic in mesic oak-hickory forest (white oak, hay, cattle, corn for silage, moderately broad mountain 250-700 outcrops and joint-block boulders, (Dystrudepts, Humaquepts) Brevard, Braddock, narrow 61/84 southern red oak, black oak, hickories, apples, and tobacco; urban valleys. Moderate gradient quartz-rich saprolite; Precambrian Saunook, Dillsboro on floodplains pines), some chestnut oak forest and suburban, deciduous streams with cobble and gneiss, schist, amphibolite, and terraces and footslopes; (chestnut oak, scarlet oak, northern red forest, mixed forest. boulders, low to moderate quartzite; in southwest, Rosman, Toxaway, oak, hickories, hemlock, red maple, gradient rivers with sand and metasandstone, metasiltstone, schist, Dellwood on floodplains. pines); pine-oak/heath woodlands bedrock substrates. metaconglomerate, quartzite, slate. (Virginia pine, shortleaf pine, pitch pine, scarlet oak). 66k. Amphibolite 130 Low to high mountains, gently 2950-5400 Quaternary to Tertiary mafic boulder Inceptisols (Dystrudepts), Porters, Fannin, Evard, Mesic / Udic 52-65 150-160 21/42 Appalachian oak forest. Includes Deciduous forest, mixed Mountains rounded to steep slopes, narrow / loamy colluvium, granitic boulder Ultisols (Hapludults) Edneyville, Ashe, Tusquitee, northern red oak, white oak, and forest, recreation, hunting, valleys. High gradient, bedrock 1000-2000 colluvium; Precambrian amphibolite, Thunder, Spivey 58/79 chestnut oak forests; montane oak- wildlife habitat. and boulder-bottomed cool, clear gneiss, and schist. hickory forest; cove forests (tulip streams. poplar, basswood, buckeye, yellow birch, beech, hemlock, northern red oak). At high elevations, northern hardwoods forest (beech, yellow birch, yellow buckeye, maples). 66l. Eastern Blue 652 Low mountains and rolling 980-2890 Quaternary to Tertiary silty to sandy Ultisols (Hapludults, Evard, Cowee, Fannin, Mesic / Udic 50-60 170-195 25/48 Appalachian oak forest. Mostly Deciduous forest, mixed Ridge Foothills foothills, gently rounded to steep / clay saprolite; Cambrian biotite, Kanhapludults), Inceptisols Cliffield, Hayesville, Saluda chestnut oak forest (chestnut oak, forest, recreation, hunting, slopes. Moderate gradient 800-1300 gneiss, mica schist, quartzite, (Dystrudepts) on uplands; Greenlee, Tate, 65/86 scarlet oak, hickories, pines); pine- some pasture with cattle, streams with bedrock, boulder, amphibolite, and Ordovician granite. on colluvium; Chewacla on oak/heath woodlands (Virginia pine, hay, some public land cobble, and gravel substrates. small floodplains. table-mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet (South Mountains State 66 B L U E R I D G E M O U N T A I N S Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Land Use and Vegetation Land Cover oak); cove forests (beech, buckeye, Park). basswood, tulip poplar, hemlock). Some dry-mesic oak-hickory forest (white oak, red oak, black oak, hickories, pines, tulip poplar). 66m. Sauratown 25 Low mountains and ridges, 1000-2595 Quaternary to Tertiary quartz-rich Ultisols (Hapludults, Pilot Mountain, Sauratown, Mesic / Udic 48-50 165-185 24/46 Appalachian oak forest. Mostly pine- Deciduous forest, mixed Mountains isolated monadnock, rounded to / saprolite; Cambrian quartzite, quartz- Kanhapludults), Inceptisols Hayesville, Cowee, Ashe, oak/heath woodlands (Virginia pine, forest, public land steep slopes. High gradient, 1000-1400 muscovite schist, and biotite gneiss. (Dystrudepts) Brevard, Greenlee 64/86 table-mountain pine, pitch pine, scarlet recreation (Hanging Rock bedrock and boulder-bottomed oak); chestnut oak forest (chestnut oak, and Pilot Mountain State cool, clear streams. scarlet oak, red oak, hickories, Parks). hemlock, red maple, pines).

75 SOUTHERN COASTAL PLAIN Level IV Ecoregion Physiography Geology Soil Climate Potential Natural Land Use and Vegetation Land Cover Area Elevation Surficial and bedrock Order (Great Groups) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean (square / Moisture Regimes Mean annual Mean annual Temperature miles) Local Relief (inches) (days) January (feet) min/max; July min/max, (F) 75i. Floodplains 146 Major river floodplains and 2-80 Holocene alluvial silt and clay. Inceptisols (Endoaquepts, Chastain, Tawcaw, Thermic / 48-50 240-260 35/58 Southern floodplain forest. Includes Forested wetlands, and Low Terraces associated low terraces; low / Dystrudepts) Chewacla Aquic cypress-gum swamp (water tupelo, deciduous forest. gradient streams with sandy and 5-25 69/91 swamp tupelo, bald cypress, pond silty substrates, oxbow lakes, cypress) and bottomland hardwood ponds, swamps. forest (bottomland oaks, red maple, sweetgum, green ash, bitternut hickory). 75j. Sea Islands / 1987 Barrier islands, dunes, beaches, 0-30 Holocene saline marsh deposits of Entisols (Quartzipsamments, Seabrook, Wando. Cainhoy, Thermic / 48-53 260-280 37/58 Salt and brackish marshes (cordgrass, Marsh, forested wetlands, Coastal Marsh lagoons, estuaries, tidal marshes. / silt, sand, peat, and clay; Holocene Udipsamments, Sulfaquents, Fripp, Ridgeland, Baritari, Aquic saltgrass, rushes); maritime swamp evergreen forest, urban, 5-20 beach and dune sand; Pleistocene Hydraquents), Spodosols Levy; in tidal marshes 72/89 forest (tupelo, red maple, sweetgum, wildlife habitat, beaches, beach and near-shore marine sand. (Alaquods, Alorthods) Bohicket and Capers. bald cypress); maritime evergreen recreation, fish and forest (live oak, sand laurel oak, slash shellfish production. pine, loblolly pine); dune grass (sea oats, bitter panic grass, cordgrass, beach grass).

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