2. Posting a Notice Thereof on the Township Bulletin Board

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2. Posting a Notice Thereof on the Township Bulletin Board

February 14, 2001

The monthly meeting and re-organization of the Greenwich Township Planning Board was held on the above date and was called to order by Lloyd Foss, Vice-Chairman, at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, PL, 1975, adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act by:

1. Mailing a notice of scheduled meetings of the Greenwich Township Planning Board to the Express-Times, Phillipsburg Free Press and the Star-Ledger. 2. Posting a notice thereof on the Township bulletin board. 3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk.

Board members present: Robert Zelley, Dominick Esposito, Boyd Edwards, James Adams, Dave Barretto, Doris Rayna, Ken Hoser, Lloyd Foss, Greg Wovna, Helio Carvalho. Also present were Michael Finelli, PE and William Edleston, Esq. Absent was Michael Valente.

Doris Rayna made a motion, seconded by Elio Carvalho, to adopt the minutes of the January 10, 2001 meeting. Motion carried with an affirmative “aye” vote.


Warren County Planning Department:

1. Review of LDLJ Associates (Larken) conceptual plans. Comments were generated. 2. Review of North Central Realty Company, Minor Subdivision. Comments were generated.


1. Notification that Bretti-Phil has filed a TWA Application with NJDEP. 2. Attorney Edleston’s review of proposed Ordinance 2001-01 and 2001-02. Page 2 February 14, 2001

A gift was presented to Leonard Chavkin thanking him for his service and dedication to the township as a member of the planning board.

Application #214-00, Greenwich Center, Phase II, Preliminary Site Plan, Block 26, Lots 2 & 33, second completeness review. This application was originally deemed incomplete at the December 2000 Planning Board meeting. This application was again heard for completeness at the January 2001 Planning Board meeting and, again, was deemed incomplete.

Additional information was submitted by the applicant and upon Michael Finelli’s recommendation, in a report dated February 9, 2001, Dave Barretto made a motion, seconded by Doris Rayna, that Application #214-00, Greenwich Center, Phase II, be deemed complete. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:

IN FAVOR: Zelley, Adams, Barretto, Esposito, Edwards, Hoser, Rayna, Wovna, Carvalho, Foss. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINED: None.

Michael Ligorano, Esq., attorney for the applicant, had requested that the subcommittee formed to review Phase I, Greenwich Center, meet with the Board’s professionals to review Phase II. The following members were appointed by Lloyd Foss: Michael Valente, Dave Barretto, Robert Zelley and Greg Wovna.

Application #214-00, Greenwich Center, Phase II, Minor Subdivision, Block 26, Lots 2 and 33. The applicant, Bretti-Phil, is proposing a subdivision of Block 26, Lot 2 and Lot 33. The result of the proposed subdivision will be the creation of one (1) additional parcel. At this time, three (3) lots, Lots 2, 2.01 and 33 comprise the overall parcel under consideration. Lot 2.01 was recently subdivided as part of the Greenwich Center, Phase I.

The applicant has complied with all applicable checklist items and has requested no waivers. Therefore, based upon Michael Finelli’s recommendation, in a report dated February 9, 2001, Helio Carvalho made a motion, seconded by Dave Barretto, to deem complete Application #214-00, Greenwich Center, Phase II, Minor Subdivision. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:

IN FAVOR: Zelley, Adams, Barretto, Esposito, Edwards, Hoser, Rayna, Wovna, Carvalho, Foss. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINED: None. Page 3 February 14, 2001

Application #215-01, North Central Realty Company, LLC, Block 15, Lot 2, Route 57, Initial Completeness Review. The property contains 76.5 acres and the applicant’s engineer, Liz Calhoun, PE., stated that the applicant has proposed to subdivide the property into two (2) lots and a remainder for a total of three (3) lots. A variance for lot frontage is being requested. The proposal is to subdivide two (2) large parcels on either side of the portion of the property, which will retain the existing buildings and the Sunshine Tree and Landscaping business.

The applicant has complied with all applicable checklist items and has requested no waivers. Therefore, based upon Michael Finelli’s recommendation, in a report dated February 9, 2001, Dave Barretto made a motion, seconded by Robert Zelley, to deem complete Application #215-01, North Central Realty Company, Minor Subdivision. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:

IN FAVOR: Zelley, Adams, Barretto, Esposito, Edwards, Hoser, Rayna, Wovna, Carvalho, Foss. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINED: None.

Richard Rogers, applicant, stated that the The Sunshine Tree business is planning to grow their own shrubbery and trees so they need the acreage. Michael Finelli stated that currently, Sunshine Tree and Landscaping have an application before the Board of Adjustment for a recycling center. If granted, the public will be able to bring in tree and tree parts and then will be turned into mulch.

Boyd Edwards made a motion, seconded by Robert Zelley to schedule a Public Hearing on March 14, 2001, on Application #215-01, North Central Realty Company. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:

IN FAVOR: Zelley, Adams, Barretto, Esposito, Edwards, Hoser, Rayna, Wovna, Carvalho, Foss. OPPOSED: None. ABSTAINED: None.

Medarex – informal presentation. Leon Gordon, Director of Engineering Services, made a presentation to the Board of what is proposed for the vacant Koh-I-Noor building and adjacent property.

Yashwant Deo, Ph.d., Senior Vice President, Operations, R&D and Regulatory Compliance, stated that Medarex is a biotechnology company to develop medicines for cancer and debilitating disease and infectious diseases. These medicines, essentially, augment your own immune system to help the body fight diseases. The products that Page 4 February 14, 2001

Medarex makes are called antibodies and the uniqueness about the product is that they are very specific.

Corporate headquarters are located in Princeton, NJ and operations facility are located in Annandale, NJ. All of the operations are in the United States. Medarex will just be using the existing building at the present time. Medarex has been in New Jersey for 11 years and over the years, the company has grown quite rapidly going from about from eight (8) people to 160 people. As Medarex expands, more space is needed. Medarex has purchased the vacant Koh-I-Noor building and the 110 acres adjacent to Koh-I-Noor. In the next couple of years, the plan is to expand the labs and offices and then introduce the manufacturing area.

The plans for the Greenwich facility are essentially to expand our operations and to produce products for clinical research. The products that are produced are injected into people’s veins. They are regulated by USDA, FDA and every regulatory department in the world when they are sold. The operation is a very clean operation and does not involve any chemicals. The operation is similar to Johnson and Johnson.

The majority of the people who work in the facility are graduates, scientists, physicians, etc.

A power point presentation was shown illustrating some of the development plans for the site. Mr. Gordon stated that Medarex’s intention is to develop one of the buildings of 75,000 sq. ft. into a laboratory office complex within which the company would do their development work and some of the discovery work that Medarex is currently doing. The other building will be utilized for manufacturing a fermentation process with the necessary support to produce the product. A phased development of the property is proposed. Medarex is currently looking to relocate their existing development staff by the summer and developing 45,000 sq. ft. of the existing 75,000 sq. ft. building. They would continue their development to fit out the remainder of that building and fully occupy the building by the year’s end. At the same time planning a small fermentation with the necessary support infrastructure to be installed in the manufacturing building. That would be completed, essentially, by the middle of next year.

Medarex’s plan is to phase in additional manufacturing capacity on an annual basis accumulating with the full fit out of the facility by the end of 2003. The site could be developed as a campus, which would allow the company to do quite a bit of what they plan to do in the future.

Questions by the board:

1. How is waste to be disposed of? Answer: Mr. Gordon stated that they have a number of techniques that they are looking at currently. The waste will be Page 5 February 14, 2001

hauled off to Wastewater Treatment Plants that have already acknowledged that they would accept the waste. That would occur on a daily or weekly basis depending on the volume generated. Rough estimate of waste would be 25,000 gallons per week. There are septic leach fields on the property, which are licensed strictly for sanitary waste.

2. How many employees will be hired. Answer: Mr. Gordon stated that one of the reasons Medarex moved to Greenwich was that they made a commitment to the area and their employees like living close to Clinton. Medarex would not impose more than a 30-minute drive from Clinton when they were evaluating sites. About 50 employees that will probably be located by the middle of this year. Longer term, the building is being configured for approximately 150 people.

3. What type of employees are they looking for? Answer: The mix of employees is consistent with the type of work that Medarex does. In development, most of the people that are active on the laboratories are scientists. People with specialized skills in fabrication are the type of people that will be hired in the facility.

4. Hours of operation. Answer: The development center will operate, essentially, on a 9 to 5 basis although researchers have some strange hours. It will be open 5 days a week, although there will be some occupancy on Saturday and Sunday because some experiments run through the weekends. Manufacturing and fermentation will be a 24 hour, 7 day a week operation for most of the year.

5. Where will biohazardous materials be stored? Answer: Biohazardous materials are not used. Most of the microorganisms that the researchers work with are well known and well characterized. There is nothing in the facility, which would be considered biohazardous. There are no flammable materials or toxic materials. There is nothing that would be listed as hazardous waste. It is a pretty clean operation.

6. Concern regarding lab animals. Answer: Mice are used in the operations. Mr. Gordon is more concerned about the field mice getting into the plant then they are concerned about the mice getting out. The mice are not infected and are not used for experiments. The mice are a resource of a specialized cell, which would create the antibody in its fully human form. The mice are very vital to the operations. The mice come from California. Page 6 February 14, 2001

7. What is the timing to shift the Research and Development into Manufacturing? Answer: That would be up to the partners. The development operation, essentially, characterizes products and puts them through a clinical study to see whether or not it would be commercializing. Once we find that the product looks like it is going to have significant volume that is when we would initiate the production mode. Mr. Gordon feels that Medarex would be ready to initiate production in the middle of next year.

8. What would be the external view of the site? Answer: Mr. Gordon doesn’t feels that one would see anything different than what you would see right now. The operation fits into the confines of the building. The façade of the building will be worked on over the next few years.

9. Two story operations. Answer: That is not envisioned at the present time. Everything that has to be done will fit inside the existing building.

10. Is there any involvement with Environmental Commissions? Answer: They work with the State DEP and are fully compliant with all the laws that are in the State and EPA. Medarex is fully regulated for the R&D and Manufacturing.

11. Zoning regulations. Answer: The facility is fully conforming to the existing zoning. As the site is developed, necessary zoning review will be required.

12. Entrance into Koh-I-Noor was only a temporary entrance. Answer: The land extends down to Route 173 and the road possibly could be continued. Mr. Gordon is aware of the second entrance that was proposed. As the site is developed, that adjacent land that abuts Route l73 needs to be opened up, to some extent, for a second entrance. Medarex would like two entrances: one being a primary entrance for personnel and goods and a secondary entrance so that it is separated from the main entrance.

13. Will there be any visible smoke or steam during the manufacturing process. Answer: No. There are hot water boilers for the air conditioning system and some higher-pressure boilers for water systems. Can’t guarantee that there won’t be some smoke coming out of the top of the boilers. There is no steam coming out or vapors that would be apparent.

14. Visiting the Annandale site. Answer: Mr. Gordon would encourage the members and the township’s Environmental Commission to visit their site.

15. Existing roof mounted sign. Answer: Mr. Gordon has no plans on using it. Page 7 February 14, 2001

16. Any external lights. Answer: Only the lights that are currently on the parking lot. For security reasons, corner lights might be put on the building.

Application No. 216-01, LDLJ Associates (Larken), Block 26, Lot 7, Greenfield Village Major Subdivision, Sketch Plat Review.

Appearing before the Board, on behalf of the applicant, were Steven Robinson, Esq., and Robert Heibell, VanCleef Engineering Associates.

Vice-Chairman Foss announced that two of the Board members, Dominick Esposito and Ken Hoser, are located within two hundred feet of the applicant’s property, so they are unable to sit as a Board member at this time. Mr. Esposito and Mr. Hoser excused themselves from participating in the discussion.

A transcript of Application No. 216-01 has been provided and is attached. I, Elva N. Pomroy, have review the transcript and please note the following corrections:

Page 1, line 12: Floss - should be Foss. Page 6, line 5: Linden Farms - should be Wyndham Farms. Page 23, line 25: 24:3 24:23 25:7, 13, 20 26:3, 24 29:1,5 Dorry Place - should be Dori Place. Page 26:6: Lelan Lane - should be Leah Lane.

Farmland Preservation Plan Element. Michael Finelli made a presentation last year about the Farmland Preservation Element of the Master Plan. It never went to the Public Hearing stage. Reason being there were some questions raised by John Madden and fell through the cracks. The Township has been aggressive in pursing to preserve properties through the PIG grant and we need to move forward to adopt this element as an element to the master plan because it is part of the requirements for the PIG grant. There is no critical time element involved. It should be back on the front burner. Mr. Finelli will provide some documentation.

Mr. Zelley spoke to Dwayne Copley’s office regarding farmland applications. There is nothing else the Township can do. They are all in the County’s hands and they are in negotiations with the landowners. Warren County does not have a dedicated person to handle the applications. Mrs. Rayna stated that every politician, from the Governor on down, claims that they have preserved a lot of land and not one acre in Greenwich Township has been preserved as of this date.

Boyd Edwards made a motion, seconded by Dave Barretto, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

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