Student Government s2

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Student Government s2

Student Government Wright State University December 3, 2013 Week 15  Call to Order: 7:00 pm  Attendance: Sukhmanjit Singh, Rachel Fagan, JB Saul, Karli Lightner, Jennifer Barbadora, Lauren Ouwerkerk, Kaliah Ware, Peyton Jones, Kyle Powell, Zena Fadel, Preeteesh Leo Mylabathula, Emily Bingham, Fady Al-Banna, Megan Ater, Erika Leitz, Jackie Kucirka, Megan Gillespie, Anthony Hinojosa, Jordan Young, Christine Ton, Gabriel Riegle, Casey Babbitt, Sienna Spears, Michelle Callaham, Michelle Coale, Elizabeth Mathews, Matthew Johnson, Andrea Sackett, Megan Gray, Meridith Brackman, Aaron Baker, Estrella Alvarez, Jennifer Benson, Amaha Sellassie, COLA Proxy  Absent: Phillip Logan  Executive Reports o President- Sukhmanjit Singh  Shot a Holiday video, attended Giving Tuesday. The last Board of Trustees meeting honored SG’s work in Raiderthon. Marketing and Communications’ decision on the candidate will be publically released soon. Conservation project to be discussed in the future. o Vice-President- Rachel Fagan  I have attended Vice-President Interviews and worked on transitioning our Graduate School Senator, Samantha. I am also wrapping up my position. o Chief of Staff- JB Saul  Working on getting Cabinet ready to go for end of semester/break. Determining projects for break. Also finishing budget/operations for Raiderthon. o Chief Justice- Karli Lightner  Judicial branch has met to finalize bylaws and met with Gary to discuss changes. The elections schedule is out and we are hoping for 3 people running for each position. o Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora  I have worked on updating the budget with charges for a camera/adaptors for meeting, 2 cases of black ink, Homecoming Game night, COLA Seminar, and the November phone bill. Ordering supplies we are low on before break. Compiling reports and minutes, updating the website with minutes, reports, and resolutions.  Cabinet Reports o Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk  We closed the House Party applications and have been working on updating our budget. We have a new advisor, Elizabeth Beamer. The last meeting of the semester is Wed Dec 4th. Jack Pence will be there to discuss Interim Police Chief and Registration policies. o Assistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware  Attending HOR and SFC. Contacted administration regarding setting new committee times. Relay for Life and House Party in progress. o Director of Academic Affairs- Kyle Powell  Zena worked on the past graduate tuition and we worked on the projected increases for graduate tuition. Leo is looking into a survey regarding Academic success geared for the Fall 2013 semester. Sent an email about Kroger Community Rewards Program. Update on Alcohol immunity, Dental bill. o Director of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie  Candidate for Office of Disabilities is in process. Working with Jeff Trick on fixing handicapped doors on campus. Meeting with a student about interest in the Advisory board. Finalizing Taco Social event. o Director of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham  Amaha and I met with Dir. Of Educational Opportunities to discuss structure of the organization on campus, potential leaders of organization. Working on MLK (to take place January 21st through January 24th )– Contact me to help! Working on resolution to keep Office of Equity and Inclusion on campus (moving off-campus). o Director of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna  Finished evaluation form for International Education Week. Met about the proposal for a grant for inspiring/empowering International women, also connecting with speakers on this topic. Acquiring more information on International tuition. o Director of Public Relations- Megan Ater  Going through 30 GB of video/pictures from Raiderthon and working on the “I support Dance Marathon” promotion. Organizing small projects for associate, putting images on the electronic sign. Updating bulletin board for SG. o Director of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz  Collaborating with Alumni association for February 25th Raider Roundup (Valpo game). Working with UAB on Stress Relief Day. Make your own stress ball at our SG Station and pass out flyers! Meeting on January 14th to discuss additional SA issues. o Associate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa  Attended review training, working on Veterans Voices Course (WWII, Vietnam Veterans utilized in it) in fall. Working on coordinating information from Veterans’ focus groups. o Associate of Athletics- Jordan Young  Met with Brandon Hayes about collaborating on an event for first-years (pizza party? & basketball home game) Working with Erika on Raider Roundup.  Senate Reports o Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt  Working with Dr. LeRoy about possibility of getting a coffee shop at Boonshoft. Attended the Bake Sale, a great networking opportunity with physicians. Attended the Holiday Potluck we put on in support of our faculty. o College of Education and Human Services Senator- Michelle Coale  Attended Meeting of Boards, making changes in E-board. Preparing for how to communicate over break and distributing Raiderthon shirts to dean and administrators. Sustainability Council meeting tomorrow o College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham  Working with DSAB to set up Donuts with the Dean. Getting a group of students to promote Engineering at various high schools in the area. Planning event in January for high school students. o College of Liberal Arts Senator- Proxy  Working on planning cultural Symposium that will take place in the fall 2014. Working with MLK Week and Gender Based Violence Task Force. Hosting Town hall meetings to discuss the issues in the college. (Foreign languages, note taking, study skills, internships, math requirements all discussed here). o College of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews  Nov 20th we worked on a new design for the DSAB equipped with a new application process. Commencement ceremony meeting at 4 tomorrow o College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson  Lunch with the Dean, Meeting of the Boards, planning Bagel Drop event on Monday/ o Commuter Senator- Megan Gray  Housing fair, UAB Christmas, Updating Commuter handbook. Collaborating with student writing a resolution for parking garage. Hospitality services- working on relating/advertising to commuters more effectively. Conducting housing fair survey. o Graduate School Senator- Samantha Romano  Meeting with Sukhman and Rachel to start transition o Lake Campus Senator- Aaron Baker  I have organized files left over from the student government that was established before me. I found ideas for future events and several forms and documents that would be valuable to future student orgs and clubs.  I have contacted Dean Mathies about holding focus groups as well as surveys concerning our cafeteria and how to improve it. No response has been given as of 11/26/13.  I will be attending all but one of the holiday events on campus the week of 12/2/13 through 12/6/13. I will be using this time to listen to suggestions on how to improve the campus.  A Facebook account for Wright State Lake Campus Student Government is up and running (! This will help reach students who don’t use twitter. The twitter page is  I have emailed the Dean about our next Welcome Week and the plans for our annual Lake Campus Day are underway. The plans for exactly what we will be doing during Welcome Week are still being Decided. Lake Campus Day in February game (White Out) o Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman  Meeting of the Boards, helping president with reorganization. Continuing work with fashion show. Working on sending issues to the Faculty Senate. Signing of Pledge Wed at 3:30 PM o Residential Senator- Sienna Spears  New Housing Options starting next year: Super single, super double  Collecting pop tabs for the Meredith family and coats for Woods Community Council. o School of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett  Speaking with Students about event for undergraduate students. Spoke about parking grievances and scheduling difficulties for next semester. Electives are an issue that has been brought to faculty. o University College Senator- Estrella Alvarez  Coordinating communication over break with E-Board and accepting applications for UC Advisory board. Worked on an update of TV Guide, budget proposal, and charter.  Committee Reports o Enrollment and Marketing- An assessment of candidates was presented to Pres. And Provost. Should be declaring decision publically soon. o Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee- Reviewing Great Books and English portion for Core requirements. Syllabi do not have stated the required outcomes. o Campus Climate survey- question content and question placement being discussed o Carnegie- Cathy Sayers portion of report o MLK- movie from Ohio State being shown, coordinating transportation to downtown march, discussing activities/speeches in Atrium o Campus Completion- discussing how to get students from beginning to end of college (compiling research) o Undergraduate Curriculum Committee- Review class changes, defined class descriptions, accepted programs of study for Lake Campus.  Report Discussion o Equity and Inclusion moving across campus o UAB Stress Reliever Monday at 11 o Assessment of Parking Garage possibility o Fady: Communicate with Aaron on Lake Campus.  Public Forum: none  Rowdy Bobblehead Award: Jackie Kucirka to Megan Gray  New Business o Vice-President Appointment: Kyle Powell  In favor- unanimous o Over break: Union Market- closed, Hangar open from 8 am to 2 pm o Café Wright open til 10 PM during Exam week o Throwback Game (Discounted food): 50% off o Late Night Breakfast (Hospitality Services): December 9th (next Monday)- 9:30 pm to 11:30 pm; faculty serve late night breakfast o Tim Horton's opens after Christmas Break o Finals Survival (CSA): Finals Survival December 9th and 10th; breakfast on 9th from 9-11 am on 10th 4-6 pm, Commuter Student Lounge o Electronic Cigarettes and Tobacco: Issue inside classes? Distraction?  Advisor Reports o 2 volunteers (Commuters): RCA approached to provide secret shoppers for Hospitality services. Send Gary an email if you are interested o Payment over break: Get an email from Gary outlining the expectations over break in order to be paid o Last Hockey game Fri 10 pm at Kettering vs. Ohio o Men/Women games in December 15th, 20th, 21st and other opportunities over break o Happy Holidays!  Announcements o University College Student Advisory Council- Searching for Members o Gift bags from Dayton Children’s to some of your colleges- go to your Dean, take picture o Good luck on finals! o Tutoring Services- Cram Jam 5 to 10 pm in Café of Library (Chem, Math, Anatomy tutors, Study coaches) o Finals Survival Monday and Tuesday o MLK- get involved! o Streaming live from now on at meetings.  Matthew Johnson moves to adjourn meeting. Meridith Brackman seconds.  In favor- unanimous  Adjournment: 8:16 P.M.

2013-2014 Student Government Members:  Executive Board o President- Sukhmanjit Singh o Vice-President- Kyle Powell o Chief of Staff- JB Saul o Chief Justice- Karli Lightner o Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora  Cabinet o Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk o Assistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware o Secretary of the House- Peyton Jones o Associate of Academic Affairs- Preteesh Leo Mylabathula o Associate of Academic Affairs- Zena Fadel o Director of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie o Director of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham  Associate of Campus Culture- Amaha Sellassie o Director of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna  Associate of International Affairs- Jennifer Benson o Director of Public Relations- Megan Ater  Web and Communications Associate- Amanda Short o Director of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz  Associate of Student Affairs- Jackie Kucirka  Associate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa  Associate of Athletics- Jordan Young o Associate Justice- Christine Ton o Associate Justice- Gabriel Riegle  Senate o Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt o College of Education and Human Services Senator- Michelle Coale o College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham o College of Liberal Arts Senator- Phillip Logan o College of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews o College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson o Commuter Senator- Megan Gray o Graduate School Senator- Samantha Romano o Lake Campus Senator- Aaron Baker o Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman o Residential Senator- Sienna Spears o School of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett o University College Senator- Estrella Alvarez

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