Will Rogers Middle School
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Mr. Freund Rio Americano High School Classroom Policies and Procedures Pre-Cal
Course Description:
In this two-semester course, students will study Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry and its application to the real world. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the content to pass the course.
The standards for this course are the California Math Analysis and Trigonometry Mathematics Standards as approved by the California Board of Education.
Students who earn a C or better in Pre-Calculus will be prepared for Calculus. High School students who pass this course with a “D” or better will receive 10 credits in higher mathematics.
Class Policies
1. Each student has the responsibility to be prepared. a. Be prepared daily with all the necessary materials:: - Math Textbook - 3 pencils (mechanical pencils work well) so that sharpening of pencils during class is not an issue - homework if it’s due.
2. Each student has the responsibility to be prompt. a. Be prompt in everything you do in the classroom. b. Be seated in your desk and prepared to work when the bell rings. c. Consequences for tardies are outlined in the student handbook.
3. Each student has the responsibility to be respectful. a. Be respectful with your hands, words and actions to students, teachers, the classroom environment and to your self. b. Raise your hand when you want to speak or ask questions. c. Stay in your seat during instruction so that instruction is not disturbed and follow the teacher’s directions. d. Keep cell phones stowed away at all times. If you have a unique situation, please ask me. 4. Each student will respectfully follow these additional classroom policies. a. Gum, food, candy, or drinks (except bottled waters) are not permitted in the classroom unless directed by the teacher. b. Everyone is expected to assist each other during clean up at the end of the period. c. Personal honesty and integrity are expected. You will do your own work. Parents will be notified for violations of personal honesty or integrity, a referral will be given and a score of zero will be given. d. You will adhere to all the class rules as well as rules of the school which are outlined in your student handbook.
The consequences for not following any of the rules are as follows:
1. Non verbal warning 2. Verbal warning 3. Detention 4. Phone call home. 5. Referral
1. (3) Pencils or mechanical pencil 2. Math textbook, notebook for notes, homework, etc. 3. Ruler 4. Pencil sharpener 5. Calculator (optional)
Beginning of Class
Students start the class not the teacher! Do not wait for the bell to ring or to be told to attend to work.
Please follow these procedures: 1. Walk into the classroom quietly and proceed to get out your needed materials: sharpened pencils, textbook, notebook, and any homework if it’s due. 2. Place any homework that is due in the homework folder for your period. 3. Retrieve any returned work from the same homework folder for your period. 4. You may write any homework problems that proved difficult for you on the board. 5. As soon as the bell rings attendance will be taken. All the materials listed above must be out and on your desk. Time is an important factor for all of us and you must be responsible for learning. End of the Period
The bell does not dismiss you; the teacher dismisses the class.
When your teacher tells you class is over and you are given instructions to get ready to go, please do the following:
1. Straighten your area. 2. Quietly get your backpack ready. 3. Quietly sit at your desk, in your chair. 4. When everyone is ready and seated then the class will be dismissed.
Homework will be given on most nights. Although the time to complete the assignments will vary depending on the students’ level of understanding, students should expect to spend about 30 minutes to an hour on each homework assignment. Time will often allow for students to begin their homework at the end of class. Late homework is rarely accepted. An excused absence or other extenuating circumstance will be accommodated.
Students can receive participation points for solving homework problems on the board or answering questions that are posed during the lecture. A running tally of participation points will be kept and you may check on these points at any time.
Personal Responsibility/Citizenship
1) For every 3 tardies, your citizenship grade will fall one full letter grade. 2) For every cut, after your 1st truancy, your citizenship grade will fall one full letter grade. 3) Other: Sleeping in class, frequently being off task or other inappropriate behavior in the classroom may lower your citizenship grade at the discretion of the teacher.
Finals, Tests and Quizzes
Again, personal honesty and integrity are expected. You will do your own work. Parents will be notified for violations of personal honesty or integrity, a referral will be given and a zero grade will be given. A final will be given at the end of each semester. Tests are given periodically.
Grading Policy
Final/Tests/Quizzes -- 80% Homework ------10% Participation ------10% Grading Scale
100 to 90 A 89 to 80 B 79 to 70 C 69 to 60 D Below 60 F
Sharpening Your Pencil
Sharpening your pencil is done before class begins. Never get up to sharpen your pencil during instruction. The reason for having 3 sharpened pencils is to ensure that you have a pencil in case one breaks. Again, mechanical pencils work well.
What Do I Do If I have a Question?
Raise your hand quietly and wait quietly to be acknowledged. Ask sensible questions at an appropriate time. If you need to approach me before class, then approach one student at a time please.
When May I Use The Restroom?
The restroom is to be used between classes. If it is an emergency, raise your hand to ask permission.
Guest Teacher Procedures
1. All school Rules Apply. 2. All classroom policies and procedures apply. 3. Follow the guest teacher’s instructions even if you disagree. Do not argue or debate. 4. Specific actions such as rude comments or defiance will result in an office referral. 5. Remember that your guest teacher expects these procedures and policies to be followed.
Hallway Behavior/Assembly Procedure
You must always walk in the halls and be respectful at all times. All classroom rules apply. When walking to the assembly, be aware of your teacher and keep your voices in conversation mode. Be cooperative and respectful of all adults in charge. Most especially, show respect to the performer or presenter. Parents, your support at home will be very much needed and appreciated. Please feel free to send a note or call the school if you have any issues or concerns.
Please read these policies and procedures, go over these policies and procedures together with your child, then sign and fill out the information at the end of this information packet. Please return the signature section with your child as soon as possible. If the policies and procedures are adhered to, then we can look forward to a successful and fun year. Thank you very much and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
My signature acknowledges that I have read and understand the policies and procedures of Mr. Freund’s classroom.
Period ______
Student Signature ______
Student Name (Please print) ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ______
Home Phone Number ______
Work Phone Number ______(please indicate if alright to call)
Email ______