Ihsa Board Meeting
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Members Present: Donna Miller, Jen Verhulst, Tonya Weber, Shari Fleshman, Marcia Munford, Judy Russell
Ad Hoc Members Present: Ashley Otte, Cathy Swackhamer
Members Absent: Dick Sievers, Melissa Nelson, Julie Lang, Lisa Reid, Paulette Webb
Meeting was called to order by at 9:30 a.m.by Tonya Weber. The mission was read by Tom Rendon .
Agenda Items Agenda Item Discussion/Action Taken/Task Assignment Approval of Agenda Judy Russell moved to approve the agenda. Marcia Munford seconded. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes Jenn Verhulst moved to approve the minutes. Shari Fleshman seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report Fiscal report Marcia Munford moved to accept the fiscal report. Donna Miller seconded. Motion carried. Committee Reports Education Committee Ashley Otte provided a report from the Education Committee. Next steps are to get input on a draft plan for next year.
Finance Committee The committee asked the board for input as they draft next year’s budget. They would like to see money included for marketing expenses. The committee will meet in next two weeks and have a draft budget ready for approval at July board meeting. Old Business Open positions: IHSA Board Friend RVII HSA Ashley Otte will check in with Julie Lang about a potential parent. Donna Miller will talk Parent Position with Carrie Sodders about a potential parent.
Regional Meeting The board discussed the regional meeting held on May 2. The group appreciated recap regional staff coming to Iowa and the good representation by agency directors. New Business Strategic Planning Board members discussed focusing on 1-2 goals for next year. Outside facilitation will be provided by Leslie Merriman, Drake University Head Start. The goal is to have a strategic plan completed by the end of the day. There was discussion about creating a 3-5 year plan instead of annual. The board will survey grantees and include questions like:
What are the strengths of the Association? What more do you need from IHSA? What can be changed to better accommodate your needs? Top 3-5 training needs? (list plans/timing of offering) Face to face v webinar. Ashley Otte will draft questions and send to the board for input.
Discussion was held about how to handle the regional conference gift basket. Judy Russell will have staff put together. Marcia Munford moved to spend up to $100 on gift Regional Conference basket for regional conference. Shari Fleshman seconded. Motion carried.
Ashley Otte will look into “ask me about Head Start” ribbons for badges. The board was asked if travel costs would be covered for the Children’s Champion to attend the regional conference and receive the award. Board members agreed that this expense could not be covered by the current budget. Judy Russell moved not to cover travel expenses for award winners to travel to regional conference. Marcia Munford seconded. Motion carried.
Tonya Weber gave an update about regional awards – only one nomination received from Iowa. The board would like to add this as a discussion topic at a director networking session in the fall. The board’s goal is to target nominations due in January from grantees.
Discussion was held about selling t-shirts. Members agreed that the design should be generic early childhood on front with the IHSA logo on back. Tonya Weber will check Institute with Graphic Edge and report back to the full board in July for a decision.
Sponsorship - Ashley Otte will create sign-up sheet for exhibit table in two hour slots aligned with the overall institute schedule. Cathy Swackhamer will quantify TA system contributions and look into offering a pre-conference day on sensory integration. Leslie Merriman could do colors as a back up.
Annual meeting - the group brainstormed about an engaging activity. The theme will be: What is the power of head start? Each table will do a pendant to hang on lanyard at exhibit table. A planning call was scheduled for June 5. Invite award winners to the annual meeting for recognition.
Judy Russell oved to accept the proposal. Jenn Verhulst seconded. Motion carried.
Admin Services Contract Membership was discussed. Julie Lang and Dick Sievers are going off the board – their consecutive terms are up. Donna Miller and Tonya Weber are eligible to run for Board Membership another term. They will contact Ashley Otte with their decisions. The board would like to target newer directors to run for board positions. The board needs to identify a friend member.
Partner Reports HSSCO See written report.
Iowa AEYC Ashley Otte asked for input from a Head Start perspective about a non-licensure bachelor degree in early childhood education.
T/TA TA is wrapping up the current contract and will begin next year’s contract on July 1. There is currently an open position – please encourage people to apply.
RVII HSA No report.
CDCC No report. Agency Annual Meeting save the date Messages Open board positions Look for a survey to inform IHSA’s strategic plan Next Meeting July 19, 2017, September 22, 2017, November 15, 2017, January 17, 2018, March 21, 2018 Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.