Third Grade Curriculum and Assessment Map
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CAMPBELLSVILLE ELEMENTARY Third Grade Curriculum and Assessment Map 2011-2012
Baugh, Collins, Horn, Sharp Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map First Grading Period Third Grade Baugh, Collins, Horn, Sharp Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Test Dates STAR Reading T-Pro Writing Mid-Term ThinkLink STAR Math Assessment Grades ASSESSMENT Guided Comprehension Strategy: Variety of Fix-It Up Word Strategies Comprehension Strategy: Preview/Predict/Prior Knowledge Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Genres: Fiction Reading Prefixes and Suffixes Grade Level Phonics: Continue: Multi-syllable Words Genres: Fiction Prefixes and Suffixes Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Craft and Structure: Context clues, summarize, monitoring comprehension Craft and Structure: Text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world Character, setting, plot, theme compare and Contrast Word Work Phonics: (VC-CV; Long vowel diagraphs, plurals s and –es, adding Phonics: vowel sound in ou, ow, oi, and oy; ending –le; v/cv, -ed, -ing, -er, and -est, vowel sound in ball) vc/v; compound words; vowel oo, ew, ue, ui, u) Grammar What is a sentence/non-sentences; Types of sentences: Nouns (common and proper) statements, questions, commands, and exclamatory sentences Nouns as subjects, Nouns as plurals and –s, add -es Writing Intro: Writing Vocabulary/Writing Traits Focus: Ideas/Prewriting Simple sentences/compound and complex sentences Paragraph Writing -- topic sentences, supporting details, Types of Sentences closing sentences and types of paragraphs Punctuation Define writing process—Planning and Brainstorming Transactive Writing: Web quest and Feature Article on Ecosystems (Science Connection) Poems: “I Am” and “Name Poem” Debate: Governor Choice (Social Studies Connection) Math connection: Creating Addition and Subtraction Number stories Math 0-18 addition 0-18 2-digit 3-digit 2 & 3 digit 2 & 3 digit 2 & 3 digit 2 & 3 digit and rounding subtraction Addition and addition and addition with addition with subtraction addition with and rounding Subtraction subtraction regrouping regrouping with regrouping and Rounding rounding and rounding and rounding regrouping and rounding and rounding Science Inquiry Mini Unit: Earth Science: Unity and diversity/Energy Scientific Method /Teach Non- (Interdependence) Transformations Fiction Text Features Social Building Community/Rules, Consumerism/Economics/Wants Consumerism and budgeting Government and Voting Laws and Citizenship; Conflict and Needs Studies Resolution (field trip to bank) CHAMPS Procedures/Non-fiction Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map Second Grading Period P4/P5 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Test Dates Report Card Mid-term ThinkLink Grades Assessment Begin week 10 – Week 14 Week 15 Guided Comprehension Strategy: Monitoring comprehension /Ask Comprehension Strategy: Author’s Purpose Reading questions/Activate and Connect Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Prefixes and Suffixes Prefixes and Suffixes Genres: Reader’s Theatre, Plays Genres: Non-Fiction Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Craft and Structure: Literal and figurative language, point of view, Craft and Structure: Non-fiction Text features, main idea and similes, metaphors, and foreshadowing details, cause and effect Word Phonics: Blends (thr, squ, str, spl) Prefixes (un-, re-, mis-, Phonics: Consonant sounds /j/ and /k/; vowel sound dis-) suffixes (-y, -ish, -hood, -ment) /augh/, /al/, /ough/, and /ou/; contractions; irregular Work Diagraphs (sh, th, ph, ch, tch) plurals Grammar Nouns with –ies, Special plural nouns, singular possessive Verbs, verbs in present, verbs in past, special verbs (linking nouns, plural possessive nouns verbs), helping verbs, Focus: Organization/Drafting Focus: revising, editing, publishing Writing Literary Writing: Fall Poem/Narrative Literary Writing—Social Studies connection Myth—Pick an animal and write a story about how it Student Choice: Illustration of students favorite political changed the life of the Native American Tribe (Social person – Social Studies connection Studies Connection) Native American Poem (Social Studies Connection) Creating Multiplication and Division Number stories (Math connection) 2 & 3 digit 0, 1, 2 3, 4, 5 6, 7 8 9, 10 1 digit by 2- 1 digit by 2- Math addition with Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication Multiplication digit digit regrouping and Division and Division and Division and Division and Division multiplication multiplication and rounding facts facts facts facts facts and division and division Science Life System Endangered Ecosystems Matter -- Atoms/Solids, Liquids, and Gases Food Chains/Food Webs/Recycling Social Government and Voting Geography Geography Cont. Historical Perspective: Native Studies Americans Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map Second/Third Grading Period P4/P5 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Test Dates STAR Reading STAR Practice: CAT Otis Lennon Mid-term ThinkLink Assessment Math Assessment grades Report Card Weeks 19 - 23 Week 24 Guided Comprehension Strategy: Drawing Conclusion/Generalize/Inference Comprehension Strategy: Author’s Purpose Reading Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Prefixes and Suffixes Prefixes and Suffixes Genres: Realistic Fiction Genres: Poetry Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Fluency: Accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression Craft and Structure: Determine Importance, Summarize and Synthesize Craft and Structure: Stanza, parts of a poem, key ideas and details, craft & structure, integration of knowledge and ideas Word Phonics: schwa, suffixes (ly, ful, ness, less); prefixes (pre-, mid-, over-, Phonics: R-controlled Vowel, Vowel pattern cvvc; cvv; suffixes (-er, out-), Consonant diagraphs, (wr, mb, kn, gn) -or, -ess, -ist), homophones Work Grammar Irregular Verbs; Contractions, Correcting Run-on Sentences, Adjectives Compound Sentences Writing Focus: Rough Draft: (topic, illustrations, details, linking words and Focus: Sentence Fluency/revising/editing/publishing concluding statement) Polishing and Publishing Daily Mini-lessons focus on—strategies procedures for revising, editing and publishing Museum Box: Creating Personal Wellness Plan (Science Connection) Independent writing—students revise edits and publish pieces. Art using area and perimeter graphs (Math Connection) Narrative In your lab group, write your own poem, rhyme, song/rap, or skit about the rock cycle. (Science Connections) Sing: Rock Cycle Song (Tune of Row, Row, row your boat)
Area & Perimeter with Review telling time (hour, half-hour, Measurement: Volume in liters, mass in kilograms, addition and subtraction, Math Multiplication and Division quarter-hour, five minutes) and multiplication, and division for liters, grams and kilograms & word problems teaching telling time to the min. Use rulers to measure ½, and quarter of inch. Science Unity and Diversity: Rocks and Minerals Fossils Wellness Personal Wellness: Stress, management, problem solving, conflict resolution and communication Behavioral choices: diet, exercise, and behavior choices and consequences Social Historical Perspective: Native Historical Perspective Cont. Historical Perspective: Cultures Native Americans Native Americans Studies Americans Campbellsville Elementary--Curriculum and Assessment Map Third Grading Period and Fourth Grading Period P4/P5 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Test Dates STAR Reading STAR Report Card Practice: CAT Otis Lennon Mid-term ThinkLink Math Assessment Grades Assessment Week 25 -32 Guided Comprehension Strategy: Reading Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Prefixes and Suffixes Genres: Plays Fluency: Accuracy, purpose/understanding Craft and Structure: Literal and figurative language, point of view, similes, metaphors, and foreshadowing Phonics: Suffixes (-tion,- sion, -ture), vc-ccv patterns, multi-syllabic words Phonics: Diagraphs, Same Sound, different letters (R-controlled), Word Suffixes -ed, -ing (Double last consonant) Work Months of the Year Editing: Correcting Sentences, , Quotation Marks, Commas (in a series, in Capitalization, Punctuation, Book Titles, Words, abbreviations Grammar dates, quotations, and introductory words) Writing Focus: Conventions/revising/editing/publishing Research projects o Opinion pieces Discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information o Support point of view with reasons Documentation o Intro topic Song: Electricity and Proton, Neutrons, and Electrons (Science o State opinion Connection) o Organize ideas o Provide reasons for opinion o Using linking words to connect opinion and reasons o Provide a conclusion Pretend you are a rain drop—create a poem, rap, skit on your life in the water cycle (Science connection) Measurement Fractions—Identify fractional parts, equal than, less Fraction Review for CC Geometry of 2- Data Math Cont. than, and greater than one, represent on number line, assessment D shapes equivalent fractions Science Weather and Water Cycle Sun, Moon, and Earth Electricity Electricity Social Cultures: Intro: (Historical Perspective) Early Westward Movement Americans (Pilgrims, Constitution, (Lewis and Clark) Studies American Revolution) Campbellsville Elementary—Curriculum and Assessment Map Fourth Grading Period P4/P5 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Test Dates CATS Testing Test of Basic Skills Closing Activities- Report Card Guided Week 33-36 Comprehension Strategy: Poetry Reading Grade Level Phonics: Intro: Multi-syllable Words Prefixes and Suffixes Genres: Student Choice Student read and presentation of favorite author Word Work Phonics: Consonant diagraphs /wh/, /thr/, Phonics: words ending in -y /tch/, /ng/, /gh/; three letter blends Hard and Soft c and g
Grammar Pronouns Prepositions Writing Continue research activities
Celebrate students as communicators!!!
Math DATA 3rd Grade Review Science Forces and Motions Simple Machines Social Westward Expansion (continued) Studies Baugh, Collins, Horn, and Sharp Class Schedule 2011 - 2012 Times Class 8:00 – 8:15 Homeroom 8:15 – 9:15 Block 1 9:20 – 10:20 Block 2 10:25 – 11:25 Block 3 11:30 – 12:00 Block 4 12:05/12:10 – 12:40 Lunch and Movement 12:40 – 1:05 Block 4 Continue 1:10 – 1:55 Activity 2:00 – 3:00 Re-teaching/Computer 2:00 – 2:30 Library Time M- Baugh; T-Collins; W-Horn, Th-Sharp Blocks Times: Baugh = Math, Collins = Social Studies, Horn = Reading/Writing, Sharp = Science