Spring 2014 Syllabus

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Spring 2014 Syllabus

Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Instructor Clarissa Adams Information: [email protected] 404 963-8694 Mondays and Wednesdays 7:30-8:30p, Synchronous Sessions for AP Spanish are mandatory “Please respect these hours.”

Course Description: The AP Spanish Language and Culture Course are designed to prepare students to take the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Our course is designed to include synchronous class attendance, asynchronous discussion forum, AP exam review strategies, grammar review and practice, literature, vocabulary, audio and visual listening comprehension activities. Students should have a strong knowledge of grammar and vocabulary as well as good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The teacher and the students will use Spanish almost exclusively in the instructional activities: written assignments, listening activities, speaking practice, as well as all electronic communications. A variety of authentic audio, video and written assignments are included. Students will listen to songs, narrations of newspaper and magazine articles, dictations, news reports, movie reviews and other authentic sound recordings created by and intended for native speakers which will help broaden the students’ comprehension skills both in the written and aural skills. Written texts include literature, newspaper and magazine articles. Students will develop speaking skills through verbal interaction with the instructor and other students in the synchronous chats. Speaking activities include role-plays, oral presentations, speeches and story-telling segments. Writing a variety of compositions, answering essay questions on assignments and test and journal writing will increase and refine their writing presentational skills in formal and informal settings.

Georgia Performance Standards (GPS): A link to the GPS standards for this course can be found in the Course Information widget. If you would like more information on the GPS, please visit the GA DOE website at www.doe.k12.ga.us. This course is correlated to the Georgia GPS. eTexts or Textbook: Jose Diaz, Maria Nodel, Steven J. Collins; Abriendo Paso, Prentice Hall Jay Rejilion-Burgy, Rebecca Valette; Album, Houghton-Mifflin, Jose Diaz, Margarita Leicher-Trieto, Gilda Neissenberg; Preparing for the AP Spanish , José Diaz

Evaluation: Grading will be done with a weighted system. The categories include: Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Category Percentage Coursework/Quizzes 30 Discussions 10 Speaking/Listening 20 Tests/Projects 20 Final Exam 20 100

Refund Policy: Fall and Spring Semesters During the fall and spring semesters, students are eligible for a refund during the first thirteen school days that they have ac cess to the course. A student is considered to have access to a course once the semester starts after any of the following occu rs: (1) completing the student orientation course, (2) opting out of the student orientation course, or (3) moved into the cou rse on the last start date of the semester. To get a refund, the student must withdraw from a course while eligible for a refun d. For state funded seats, students must withdraw within the first thirteen days of having access to class in order to be eligib le to enroll in another course that same semester. The registration period must still be open in order for the student to enrol l in another course. State funded seats are limited, so a withdrawal from one state funded enrollment does not guarantee an other state funded enrollment.

To withdraw from a course, students should go to the enrollments page and request withdrawal. The facilitator must then a pprove the withdrawal. If a student is eligible for a refund, the withdrawal process will automatically initiate a refund. Ther e is a $25 processing fee subtracted from the refund amount. Students who have had course access for more than thirteen s chool days are not eligible for a refund.

Note that if a student moves from one course to another that is not grounds for a refund. If a request is made to move a stu dent from a full unit AB course to a half credit A or B course, no partial refund will be issued nor will any partial credit carry over to subsequent semesters.

Withdrawal Policy Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

To withdraw from a course, students should go to the enrollments page and request withdrawal. The facilitator must then approve the withdrawal during fall and spring semesters but not in the summer. Students can be withdrawn at any point in the semester except during the last five school days.

Late Work Policy:

Technical difficulties are not an excuse for assignments to be late. Students must have computer access to complete GAVS work. It is the student’s responsibility to secure backup computer options when technical difficulties arise. Many public libraries offer computers with Internet access. Additionally, GAVS courses can be accessed on a variety of mobile devices so it may be that a mobile device could be used to complete some coursework when there are computer problems.

If a student is suspended from the local school, GaVS course access remains open. Unless a student is directed otherwise by the local school, he or she may continue working in the GaVS course while suspended at the local school. Note that under no circumstance is a school suspension grounds for an extension under the GaVS late policy.

*If you are a special education student and would like GAVS to consider making accommodations for you, please fax a copy of your IEP or 504 Plan to 770-357-3704. If you do not have a copy, please contact your facilitator.

Please be aware of the pacing guide and due dates for all assignments. Extensions past the last day of school will NOT be granted. All student work is due biweekly on Fridays at midnight. Check course schedules for course assignments and specific due dates. Work turned in after the deadline on the course schedule will be accepted within 1 week with a late penalty assessed. Late penalty begins on Saturday and is deducted at a rate of 10% of the assignment value per school day. Work submitted on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday is considered 1 day late.

At the end of the semester, all classwork must be submitted prior to the time period the final exam is available. Thus, if final exams begin Wednesday of the last week of school, all other assignments except the final exam must be submitted by Tuesday of the last week of school.

Late Work Policy Example: David turns in an assignment at 3:15 pm on Sunday. He scores a 7 out of 15 on the assignment. David will lose 1.5 points on this assignment (15 * .10) and the score recorded in the grade book is 5.5/15. A note should be made in the grade book detailing the late work deduction.

Student Code of Conduct: Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Students in a "virtual building" need to follow certain rules. As a Georgia Virtual School student, you must conduct yourself with the highest standards of honesty.

Any attempt to cheat, plagiarize, falsify information, or receive credit for work you did not do will be considered dishonest behavior and will be dealt with accordingly by the instructor, facilitator, and the Georgia Virtual School Program administration. Unless your teacher expressly states otherwise, all work must be original and entirely the student's own work without any outside help, which includes other students, parents, textbooks, Internet or any other outside source. Assignments that require documentation and/or references must adhere to guidelines presented by the teacher. When in doubt, clarify with your teacher before beginning an assignment or submitting it.

The following are examples of some, but not all, acts that are considered dishonest behavior:  Plagiarism (representing another person's ideas, words, expressions, or data in writing or presentation without properly acknowledging the source).  Submitting work through the use of another person's password/login is considered dishonest behavior. Student logins/passwords are confidential information that should not be shared with others. Any assignments, work, or projects posted while using another student's login will be considered plagiarism. Allowing another person, even a family member, to use your login and submit work on your behalf is also considered to be dishonest behavior.  Cheating (intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized material, assistance, or study aids in any academic work). The use of online translators or any other type of assistance on graded assignments i.e. dropbox assignments, quizzes, and tests is considered cheating, UNLESS expressly allowed by your teacher. Cheating includes copying another student's work and submitting it as your own or sharing your work with another student. Be sure to get your teacher's permission before working with a classmate on an assignment.  Performing work or taking an examination for another student.  Falsification and/or misrepresentation of data (submitting made up data or sources).  Computer crimes (damaging computer programs, hacking, constructing viruses, introducing viruses into a system, copying programs, misuse of pager or email, etc.) Accessing, sending, creating or posting material or communication that is: o Damaging; o Abusive; o Obscene, lewd, profane, offensive, indecent, sexually explicit, or pornographic; o Threatening or demeaning to another person; or o Harassing and/or bullying. Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Academic dishonesty and the sending/creating/posting of any inappropriate material will result in one or more of the following actions:  Loss of grade points  Disciplinary action via local school in accordance with local school or district policy  Removal from the course  Failure to receive credit for the course  Loss of eligibility to take future Georgia Virtual School courses.

Academic honesty is very important to your success as an online learner.

Spring 2014 Student Handbook

For all Georgia Virtual School policies and procedures, refer to the Spring 2014 Student Handbook by clicking here.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Module 1- Introducción Synchronous Session 1- Quiz Intro AP Spanish 1-Discussion 1 Hispanic Country Project al Curso GAVS 7:30pm Introductions Jan 6- Intro al curso AP 2- Idioms Assignment 10 Intro al Curso AP 2-Module 1 Test

Synchronous Session 1-El Valor del medio 1-Audios Cortos y Assignments Due Date 7:30pm ambiente extendidos el ambiente 1-Examen Modulo 1 (AP Diaz 1-2 p.3 and 1-Conversaciones Jan 1-Quiz Los 2-Lectura I y II el 1p. 12) dirigidas (AP Diaz 1 13-17 2-Module 2 Desafíos Interrogativos ambiente (AP Diaz 1 p.203) Globales y el Cambio p.42) 2-Ensayos Cortos el 2-Examencito de ambiente AP Diaz 1 p. 2-Presentaciones tiempos simples 146) Orales I (La Tomatina- Discusiones) Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Martin Luther King Synchronous Session Lectura I y II (AP Diaz 2 Ensayos Cortos el 1-Presentaciones Orales Holiday 7:30pm p. 44) comercio ( AP Diaz 2 p. II (AP Diaz 146) Jan Audios Cortos y 2-Discussion 1 Module 2 20-24 extendidos (AP Diaz 3-4 p.3 -4 and 2 p. 12)

Cultura el paramo Literatura Una Carta a Conversaciones I y II el 1-Proyecto Modulo 2 Assignments Due Date Jan Dios Comercio 1-El Comercio maritimos 27-31 2-Discussion Module 2 el comercio

2-Examen Modulo 2

Module 3-Ciencia y Synchronous Session Modulo 3 Vocablario de Audios Cortos y 1-Lectura I y II ( AP Diaz Tecnología 7:30pm Salud quizlet (mete el extendidos la salud (AP 7 p. 41) Introduction enlace en el dropbox de Diaz Section 7 p.4) Feb 3- 1-Idiomatic Expressions 1-Proverbios y Refranes quizlet.com) 2-Ensayos Cortos –La 7 Practice Salud- (AP Diaz Section 6 p. 147)

1-Conversaciones Synchronous Session 1-Discussion 1 y 2 1-Lectura- Cajas de Assignments Due Date Dirigidas I y II (AP Diaz 7:30pm Examencito de Cartón (Album) Section 4 p. 206) 1-Práctica Ejercicios de 1-Cultura 3 Dropbox 2 Prueba de 2-Preguntas de Comprensión 9 para 2-Presentaciones Orales Preguntas de Gramatica 3 Comprension (Dropbox) Discusion 1 Feb I La salud (durnate Panaderías, Comer 10-14 Sesion Sincronica) Comida, Carnicería y 3-Tecnología- Mira el 2-Plan de Desarrollo Paella video Social Discusión 2

2-Gramática 3 Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Synchronous Session Module 4-La Vida Gramática 4 pt 1 Divide 1-Gramatica Quiz 7:30pm Contemporánea el trabajo en 2 partes Introduccion Debes dejar 2 días para 2-Discusion 1 El Viaje Feb President’s Day Proyecto 3 repasar y practicar de mis Sueños 17-21 Holiday Examen del Modulo 3 2--Expresiones Idiomaticas 3-Vocabulario-el 3--Proverbos y Refranes Turismo Fashcards- quizlet.com

1-Audios Cortos y Synchronous Session 1-Cultura 4 Lectura- El 1-Sala de Espera- Extendidos (AP Diaz 7:30pm 1-Gramatica 4 Alebrije Preguntas de Sections 8 and 9 p. 5) Comprensiøn (dropbox) 1-Lecturas I y II (AP 2-Discussion 2 Module 4 2-Preguntas de Feb 2-Ensayos Cortos (AP Diaz 6 p. 48) (grabación) Comprensión- dropbox 2-Proyecto Módulo 4 24-28 Diaz Section 7 p. 147) Differentiation 2-Vocabulario de 3-Lectura Sala de Módulo 5 Deportes Crea Espera (Album)** Toma AP Practice Items Flashcards quizlet.com apuntes para el examen Introduction (dropbox) mete el enlace

1-Lectura- El Machismo Synchronous Session Synchronous Session 2-Examencito Literatura Examen- Modulo 5 Escucha Corrida de 7:30pm 5 Toros 1-Ejercicios de Módulo 6 – Las Leer y Tomar Apuntes Examen del Modulo 4 Comprension Auditiva y Identidades Mar 3- Vocabulario Personales y Publicas 7 2- Discusion: El 1-Literatura 5- Leer Un Introduccion Machismo Perro Un Niño (ALbum 2-Lectura- El Economista 2-Discusion 2 Literatura Grabación 3-Discusion 3 Ejercicios de Comprensión

Mar 1-Lección 1- Synchronous Session 1-Lección 3 Gramática 1-Examencito – 10-14 Expresiones Idiomaticas 7:30pm Lección 3 – Gramática, Gramática cont’d 2-Lee artículos Leccion 2-Lección 2- Proverbios Lección 3- Gramática 4 La Identidad 2-Lee artículos Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

y Dichos Relative Pronouns y nacional… y 5-El Lección 6 Autoestima más Impacto de las redes Discusion 6 - sociales… Autoestima Tomen apuntes con los artículos*

Vocabulario- El Prójimo- Synchronous Session Synchronous Session 1-Discusión 2 1- Ensayos Cortos (AP Crea Flashcards y 7:30pm Guelaguetza Diaz 8 p.147) enlace de quizlet.com 1-(Conversacion en 1-Audios Cortos (AP vez de Lectura AP Diaz Mar Diaz 12 & 13 p.6) 5 p. 207) Repaso 17-21 2-Lección 8 Discusion- 2-Cultura Leccion 9 (grabación- Formar de la Guelaguetza Identidad)

Examen- Módulo 6 Synchronous Session 1-Ejercicio 1 Leccion 3 Gramatica- 7:30pm Módulo 7- Las Familias Expresiones Subjuntivo Noun and Mar y las comunidades Idiiomaticas Adverbial Clasuses 24-28 Proyecto 6-Las Introducción Identidades Publicas y 2-Ejercicio 2 – Personales Proverbios y Refranes

Leccion 3 Gramatica Synchronous Session El Hogar- Ensayos Cortos 1-(Conversacion en vez Mar 31 Future and Conditional , 7:30pm El Hogar 1- Audio (AP (AP Diaz Section 9 p.147) de Lectura (AP Diaz 6 p. – Apr Past Tenses Repaso Diaz 14 y 15 p. 7) 208) 4 Examencito de Gramatica 7 (Subjuntivo, Futuro, Condicional y más)

Spring Break Apr 7- 11 Spring 2014 Syllabus 18 Week Non-EOCT AP Spanish AB

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Cultura 7- Lectura El Synchronous Session Leccion 6- Literatura 7 1-Discusion 1- Literatura Patio 7:30pm Leccion 6- Literatura 7 Lectura- Mi Caballo Analisis Lectura-La Vieja Casona Mago por Sabine Apr Leccion 6- Literatura 7 Julieta Pinto (Album p Ulibarrí (Album p 139) 2-Cultura- Lectura 14-18 Lectura- Prisa- Octavio 117) Lección 7- Tradiciones Paz (Album p 80) Tomen apuntes sobre las lecturas

Lección 7 –Tradiciones Synchronous Session Synchronous Session Proyecto Modulo 7 Examen Modulo 7 Tomen apuntes sobre 7:30pm las lecturas Lectura- Lección 9 Modulo 8 La Belleza y Cultura Lectura Lección Redes Sociales la Estética Apr 8 La familia Introduccion 21-25 Tomen apuntes sobre Discusión 2- grabación- las lecturas de las lecturas Modulo 8 Leccion 1 Resumen –Repaso Introduccion y Terminos Claves

1-Leccion 2 Expresiones Synchronous Session 1-Examencito de 1-Ensayo Cortos (AP Assignments Due Date Idiomaticas 7:30pm Gramática 8 Diaz 10 p.147) 1-Lectura- Música 1-Leccion 4 Gramatica- 2-Audios Cortos (AP 2-Leccion 3 Proverbios y Toma apuntes de los Diaz Sections 16 y 17 Lectura Leccion 8- 2-Lectura- Literatura topicos Apr 28 Refranes p.8 Narrativa 7 p.14) Danza, Emocion y – May 2-Lectura Lección 5 El 2 Ocio Pensamiento 3-Lectura- Arte y los Vocabulario El Ocio 3- Lectura Leccion 7- Aristas Crea Flashcards y mete en Cultura 8 (El Arte Lección 9 Lecturas – el enlace de quizlet en el Aerosol) Tomen apuntes Varios Ejemplos del 4-Discusion- Belleza y dropbox Ocio Estética (grabación )

***SYNCHRONOUS Course work must be Semester Ends May 5 SESSION 7:30pm*** completed by today. Final Exam Day – Final Exam Day – - 9 ***AP EXAM 8am*** Complete objective final Complete objective final Return shipped course Examen Modulo 8 Proyecto 8- Belleza y exam exam materials Aesthetica

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