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Don T Forget to Visit the Revision Help Page on the History Area of the School Website

GCSE History Revision List

Don’t forget to visit the “Revision Help” page on the History area of the school website for links to revision websites.

Unit 1 Conflict and Peace in the Twentieth Century 37.5% of your final grade 1 hour 45 minutes Answer 3 (3 part) questions on International History 1900-1939 This work is done during Year 10

Topic    Part 1: The Origins of the First World War Key Issue 1: Why were there two armed camps in Europe in 1914? -The Great Powers in 1900 -The Alliance System (Triple Alliance, Entente Cordiale and Triple Entente) -Kaiser Wilhelm II and “Weltpolitik” -The Crises in Morocco and Bosnia -The Naval and Arms Races Key Issue 2: Why did war break out in 1914? -Aims of Austria-Hungary and Serbia in the Balkans -The role of the Black Hand -The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand -Why did Assassination lead to War? (the role of Alliances) -The Schlieffen Plan -Is anyone responsible for the War? (Pages 6-21) Part 2: Peacemaking 1918-1919 and the League of Nations Key Issue 1: How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace? -The Paris Peace Conference and the aims of The Big 3 -The 14 points -The terms of the Treaty -The Treaty was called a “Diktat” -The effect on Germany -Strengths and weaknesses of the Treaty – why Germany objected to it Key Issue 2: Why did the League of Nations fail in its aim to keep the peace? -Membership of the League 1919-39: why and how it changed – what this meant for the League -The structure and Covenant and peacekeeping role of the League -Weaknesses -The Manchurian crisis 1931-33 and its effect on the League -The Abyssinian crisis 1935-6 and its effect on the League - Reasons for the collapse of the League of Nations (Pages 22-41)

1 GCSE History Revision List

Part 3: Hitler’s foreign policy and the origins of the Second World War Key issue 1: How did Hitler challenge and exploit the Treaty of Versailles 1933-March 1938? -Hitler’s aims in foreign policy -The return of the Saar 1935 -The beginning of rearmament in Germany: withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference (1933); non-aggression pact with Poland (1934); reintroduction of conscription (1935); Anglo-German Naval Agreement 1935 -The remilitarisation of the Rhineland 1936 -Anschluss 1938 Key Issue 2: Why did Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement fail to prevent the outbreak of war in 1939? -Reasons for and against Appeasement -Munich Conference and Sudetenland 1938 -Occupation of Czechoslovakia 1939 -The role of the USSR and the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 -Poland and the outbreak of WW2 -Responsibility for the outbreak of war (Pages 42-59)

Unit 2 37.5% of your final grade 1 hour 45 minutes Answer 3 (2-3 parts) questions Answer 2 questions on USA 1918-1941 Answer 1 question on Hitler’s Germany 1929-1939 Make sure you do 1 question from Section A and 2 questions from Section B This work is started during the Spring Term of Year 10 and completed after the Controlled Assessment during Year 11. Topic    The USA 1918-1941 Part 1: The Roaring 20s: 1918-1929 (Spring of Year 10) Key Issue 1: How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? -The Growth of Isolation and its effects -USA after WW1 -Rejection of Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations -Raising tariffs etc (Forney-McCumber Tariff 1922) -Mass production -Cycle of Prosperity -Hire Purchase, stock market boom, Government policies (laissez faire) -Developments in entertainment e.g. cinema, jazz

2 GCSE History Revision List

Key Issue 2: How far was the USA a divided society in the 1920s? -Groups who didn’t share in the good times -Race and immigration controls. The quota system (1921), National Origins Act (1924) and The Ku Klux Klan -Prohibition -Young people; fashion and flappers Key Issue 3: Why did the US Stock Exchange crash in 1929? -Causes of the crash -The Wall Street Crash: events and immediate consequences (Pages 154-170) Part 2: Depression and the New Deal: The USA 1929-1941 (Autumn of Year 11) Key Issue 1: How serious were the effects of the Depression on the American people? -The effects of the Wall Street Crash -The effects of the depression on the people -Herbert Hoover and the Depression -The unpopularity of Hoover and the election of Roosevelt

Key Issue 2: How did Roosevelt deal with the Depression? -Franklin Roosevelt -The 100 Days and the Banking Crisis -The New Deal -The Alphabet Agencies – AAA, FERA, CWA, PWA, WPA, CCC, TVA, NRA -The HOLC and the Social Security Act -Why did the USA get out of depression? Key Issue 3: How far was the New Deal successful in ending the Depression in the USA? -How successful was the New Deal? -The Second New Deal -Criticism and opposition to the New Deal -The impact of WW2 on USA and it’s economy 1939- 41 (Pages 206-219) Hitler’s Germany 1929-1939 (Spring Year 11) Key Issue 1: How and why was Hitler able to become Chancellor of Germany in January 1933? -The impact of the Wall Street Crash and Depression in Germany. -The Weimar system of government and the failure of democracy

3 GCSE History Revision List

-Hitler’s rise to power Key Issue 2: How did Hitler change Germany from a democracy to a Nazi dictatorship, 1933-34, and then reinforce this? -The Reichstag Fire, March 1933 election, Enabling Act -The elimination of political opposition – parties and Trade Unions -The Night of the Long Knives -Hitler becomes Fuhrer -One party law and order (SS, Gestapo, concentration camps, propaganda, censorship, control of education, churches and youth movements) -The Nazi totalitarian state Key Issue 3: To what extent did Germans benefit from Nazi rule in the 1930s? - Economic policy -Social policy e.g. effects on women -Effects on German culture -Racial persecution: the Jews and other groups e.g. gypsies (Pages 190-205)

Unit 3: (Summer Year 10 and Autumn Year 11) Controlled Assessment: The British People in War 25% of the final grade You will answer two questions set by the Board We will have time to prepare for the questions in class and at home (including over the summer holidays) before answering the questions in examination conditions during the first half term of Year 11. Topics Covered Key Issue 1: How did the First and Second World Wars change the way of life of the people of Britain? Key Issue 2:To what extent and why did the experience of the British people at war in the First World War differ from their experience in the Second World War? (Note – these are not the questions you will have to answer – we will get those during the Spring of Year 10) -Censorship and Propaganda -Recruitment and Conscription -rationing and the effects of Submarine warfare -Home Defence: the dangers of attack and imnvasion; the Home Guard in the Second World War Air Raids in WW1; the Blitz and air raid precautions in WW2 -Role of women in both wars -Attitudes to war (Pages 284-291)


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