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Kwun Tong Government Secondary School s4

KWUN TONG GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL Yearly Examination 2006-2007 Computer and Information Technology Paper 1 – Module D – Multimedia Production

Class : S.4(C ) Max. Mark : 100 Name : ______Date : 13-6-2007 Class No.: ______Time : 8:45 – 10:45

Answer ALL questions in this paper. There are 30 multiple choices questions in Section A and 5 questions in Section B.

Section A (30 marks) , all questions in this section carry equal marks Answer ALL questions in this section. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this multiple choices-answer sheet.

1. A digital camera uses 12 digits for its picture file names. The first 6 digits are for the date. The rest are for picture numbers. Hence, how many picture files can be identified in one day?

A. 10000 B. 99999 C. 1000000 D. 999999

2. Which of the following actions will have the least effect on the readability of a web page?

A. Locate the web site in a different server B. Use CSS style sheet C. Change page width D. Insert more spaces

3. Which of the following devices can be used to save working data when editing graphics?

(1) ROM (2) RAM (3) CD-ROM

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only 1 4. Which of the following applications is more appropriate to use in a microcomputer?

A. Word processing B. National library system C. Supermarket stock-taking system D. Weather forecast system

5. The specification of a CPU, 3.6GHz, indicates

A. the computation power B. the data size C. the address range D. the I/O speed

6. Which of the following statements about common search engines is/are correct?

(1) Search engines have predetermined searching sequences. (2) The same search engine gives different results from time to time. (3) Search keywords can be partially spelled, e.g. to find “apple” can type in “app”.

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

7. What is the least number of files involved in a web page with 2 frames, 1 image and 2 hyperlinks?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

8. Which of the following stage of developing a program requires participation of user?

A. Program design B. Algorithm design C. Program documentation D. Program coding

2 9. Some web pages have pictures which contain only characters of text. This is because

A. it is a popular way of showing the text. B. it saves up file space. C. it can be transferred in less time. D. it can make the display look nicer.

10. When a program is to be executed in a computer,

A. the user must input commands for the program to do some certain tasks. B. it must be translated into machine codes for CPU to execute. C. it must be stored in a secondary storage medium. D. it must first clear up the primary storage to run the program.

11. Which of the following will affect the speed of a CPU?

(1) clock frequency (2) data size (3) address size

A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. all

12. The speed of an animation being played is determined by

(1) the number of frames per second. (2) the number of frames. (3) the number of keyframes.

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

3 13. What happens when the link


is clicked on?

A. The web page “abc.htm” is shown in the same frame. B. The web page “abc” is shown. C. The web page “abc.htm” is shown in a different frame. D. No new web page is shown.

14. A web page has the ability to be a calculator for users to operate on. Which of the following is/are true?

(1) It has JavaScript on the web page’s HTML. (2) It has embedded the system’s calculator program on the web page. (3) It has server-side processing.

A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. All

15. What is/are the correct HTML tag(s) for separating two lines on a web page?



A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

4 16. Given that X is a number between 0 and 1 inclusively. What is the range of Y in the following?

Y = 5 * X – 5

A. between 0 and 1 inclusively B. between -5 and 0 inclusively C. between 0 and 5 inclusively D. between 5 and 10 inclusively

17. The following program finds the reciprocal of an input number:

100 INPUT X 200 OUTPUT 1/X

Which of the following lines should be added to avoid division by zero error?

A. 50 IF X<0 THEN GOTO 100 B. 150 IF X<0 THEN GOTO 100 C. 150 IF X<=0 THEN GOTO 100 D. 150 IF X=0 THEN GOTO 100

18. Consider the following program:

10 INPUT X 20 N  1 30 C  0 40 WHILE (N

Which of the following pairs of INPUT and OUTPUT is/are correct?

INPUT OUTPUT (1) 9 y (2) 25 n (3) 12 n

A. (1) only B. (2) only 5 C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

19.. Which is the purpose of the above program?

A. Find the square root of a number. B. Determine whether a number is a perfect square or not. C. Determine whether a number is even or not. D. Determine whether a number is prime or not.

20. Consider the following program flowchart:


X3 Y5

no yes X < Y?

YY-X X Y-X


The values of X and Y just before the end of execution are

X Y A. 3 5 B. 3 2 C. 2 5 D. 2 3

6 21. Consider the following program flowchart:


Input X Y = 0

no yes X > 0?

XY-X XX - Y


The purpose of the flowchart is to

A. find the sign of an input number. B. find the product of two numbers. C. find the magnitude of an input number. D. reverse the sign of an input number.

22. Consider the following program flowchart:


Input X

yes X > 0?

yes X = 0?



7 The purpose of the flowchart is to make sure that the input number is

A. greater than zero. B. less than zero. C. less than or equal to zero. D. not equal to zero.

23. John wants to send some graphic files by e-mail. Which of the following actions can reduce the time spent on data transfer?

(1) Reduce the resolution of the graphics before sending (2) Use file formats with lossy compression (3) Send the files in separate e-mails

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

24. Which of the following statements about MIDI is/are true?

(1) MIDI is the compressed form of a recorded sound. (2) MIDI takes up very small disk space compared to recorded sound. (3) MIDI can be created using a dedicated software without a MIDI keyboard.

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

25. Which of the following statements about MP3 is/are true?

(1) It is the compressed form of a recorded sound. (2) It takes up less disk space compared to recorded sound waves. (3) It has better sound quality than the wave format.

A. (1) and (2) only B. (2)and (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. All 8 26. Which of the following is large enough to store 30000 bytes of information but too small to store 60000 bytes of information?

A. a 8KB memory B. a 16KB memory C. a 32KB memory D. a 64KB memory

27. The number of bits of a CPU processes at a time is called the

A. data size B. memory size C. byte size D. record size

28. In an advertising company, a designer uses a software to design a poster. Which of the following software is most likely being used?

A. a text processor B. a word processor C. a spreadsheet program D. a graphic package

29. Which of the following is/are required about the main memory is FALSE?

A. Storing data into a memory location in the RAM area will destroy the previous contents of the location. B. Fetching data from a memory location will change the contents of the location into zero. C. Storing and fetching data to and from a memory location are accomplished by CPU. D. Copying data from a memory location will leave the contents of the location unaltered.

30. Which of the following is/are the method(s) to input Chinese characters to a computer? (1) voice recognition (2) pen input (3) using keyboard

A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. all End of Section A 9 Section B 70% Answer all the questions on separate answer sheets.

1. Deny wants to promote his company’s products. He can either do TV commercials or set up a web site on the Internet. (18 marks) (a) For each method, suggest one advantage over the other. (2 marks)

Finally, he chooses to set up a web site. He then has to take photos of his products.

(b) Suggest two advantages of taking photos with a digital camera rather than with a conventional film camera. (2 marks)

(c) Suggest two different image file formats that Deny can use, in order to maintain true colour of the photos. (2 marks)

Deny finds the image files each takes up a few mega bytes.

(d) State one possible consequence when he puts these photos onto the web site. (2 marks)

(e) Suggest two ways that he can reduce the file sizes of the photos. (2 marks)

(f) A friend suggests that Deny should break down each photo into numerous smaller slices of small photos. This could also reduce file sizes. Explain why. (2 marks)

(g) To make the web site more interesting, Deny wants to put in videos or animations on the web site. Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of putting in animations over videos on the site as compared with adding videos. (2 marks)

(h) Deny finally puts in animations. Suggest two kinds of animation file formats that he can use. (2 marks)

(i) For each animation file format, state one advantage over the other. (2 marks)

10 2. May has to design a web page. She has studied some survey information (listed in the following table) about the screen resolutions of current computer users on the market. (16 marks) Screen resolution in pixels Percentage on the market Lower than or equal to 640*480 2% 800*600 35% 1024*768 40% Higher than 1024*768 23%

(a) According to the above, what is the aspect ratio of the computer screens? (2 marks)

(b) Suggest a suitable screen resolution for May to design her web pages. Explain briefly. (2 marks)

(c) Also, according to the survey, the average screen width is about 15 inches in length. If the screen resolution of May’s computer screen is 72 dot per inch (dpi). Suggest the screen resolution in pixel of her computer screen. (2 marks)

(d) If an image (500*300 pixel) is displayed on May’s computer screen, calculate the physical size of the image that appears on screen. (2 marks)

(e) Calculate the file size of the image if true colour (1 byte per primary colour) is used and with a compression ratio of 5. Show your calculation formula and the result. (2 marks)

(f) When the above image is printed on paper with a printing resolution of 144 dpi by a printer which has a resolution of 1440 dpi, what will be the number of colour pigments in one pixel of the printout? (2 marks)

(g) Suggest why the printing resolution on paper is usually larger than the display resolution on screen? (2 marks)

(h) May changes her screen into a 16:9 screen. What happens to the above image’s appearance on the new screen. (2 marks)

11 3. Study the following HTML codes of a web page carefully. (12 marks)

Hi Hi Hi This is from


(a) Sketch the display of the web page shown on a browser. (4 marks)

(b) Make changes to the HTML codes so that the name Chan Tai will be shown in smaller size and underlined. (2 marks)

(c) The following table is going to be shown on the page. Write down the HTML codes. (4 marks) A B 1 2

(d) What are the main characteristics of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)? Why is it used on the Internet? (2 marks)

12 4. A book company wants to develop a web site for business. The homepage layout is shown below. (12 marks)

Frame 1 About us Books Text only Site map

Logo of company Frame 2

Address: 1, Long St. SSP Email: [email protected] Last updated 31/5/2007

When a customer clicks on the link ‘Books’, another page will pop up and show all the details of the books. The customer can then memorize the book code and place an order.

(a) The homepage URL is Suggest the filename of the homepage file stored in the server. (1 mark)

(b) What is the domain name of the server? (1 mark)

(c) Explain why the page ‘Text only’ is included in the site. (2 marks)

(d) Suggest one more piece of information that should be put on the web page to make it easier for customers to buy books. (2 marks)

(e) Write the HTML code for the Email link so that when users click on it, an email client will pop up. (2 marks)

(f) A user complains that every time he purchases a book, he has to memorize the code for placing his order. Suggest two ways that the company can do to overcome this. (2 marks)

(g) The company uses two frames on the web page so that Frame 1 will always display the same page. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of using frames. (2 marks)

13 5. Simon has two computers with the following configurations: (12 marks)

X Y CPU 3.6 GHz 2 GHz RAM 512MB 256MB Monitor 17” CRT 19” LCD Hard disk 60GB (4800 rpm) 80GB (720 rpm) Network device Wireless network interface card Network interface card CD Drive DVD / CD-RW combo DVD-RW Display card 2D rendering card With 3D rendering functions

Simon is going to perform the following tasks. (a) Edit video files. (b) Browse web pages (c) Burn video DVD (d) Play computer games (e) Do computer programming (f) Do scientific research

For each task, (i) Which computer X or Y is more suitable?

(ii) Explain briefly. (1 mark each, total 12 marks)

End of Section B End of Paper


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