2012 Pastors Annual Report
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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12: 1-3 This year it is difficult to write about Pastoral Ministry for two big reasons; 1) much of my time has been in administration and 2) much of my time has been involved with personal family events. There have been many mountain tops and valley lows. It has been filled with many blessings and much political regulation details but through it all as the story is revealed there are the reassurances that Jesus Christ is Lord and the people who make up North Scituate Baptist Church are strong in their faith, can do ministry on their own and are a great source of love for each other and for us the pastors.
JANUARY The first Sunday of 2012, we were on vacation and Irving Scoby, Sr. filled in as guest preacher for us. Irving was formerly our student pastor. January 8th we held an Epiphany gathering at our home. At this celebration we knew there was still work to be done for the dismantling of the Remington house. We had 4 meetings with the Overlay Committee in 2011 and had to meet again in January. January through November, the church did “Reading through the New Testament”. We based our sermons on each week’s readings. A RTNT group gathered once a month for lunch (thanks to Dot Mathurin & Emily Barrett) and discussion. At our annual meeting we were still awaiting the permit for Remington, still waiting for the Fire Alarm system to go live and knowing that we had a deficit of nearly $5000 being carried into 2012. But officers were in place and any concern or discontent was handled with much grace, love and support. Yes, Jesus is Lord of this Church.
FEBRUARY brought us to Town Hall once again but we received the permit to have the Remington House dismantled which happened on February 8th. Dr. Dan and I went to Newport for a retreat with our TIM group. We have been a part of this professional group for over 12 years. It is one that nurtures, challenges, supports and brings joy to our ministries. As for family: the high was Rachel found out she was to have a baby, then Joshua needed help in Kentucky. I flew to Kentucky and that day we were told that Daniel’s mom, Florence Cottrell, went home to be with her Lord. We all then met in PA and while we were there the women from Teen Challenge led worship at NSBC the Sunday we were away. Daniel came back to RI and I returned to KY knowing that through Christ we are all connected. One evening the Holy Spirit laid it on my heart that I had to speak to our Minister of Music, Vonnie Dutton. She could not be reached but the Spirit was persistent. With many phone calls and the help of Wendy Gould, Roger Medbury and the Scituate Rescue, and the Spirit on my heart, Vonnie’s life was saved that night. A miracle! Once again the members of this church stepped up and ministered to the staff. Vonnie spent the remainder of February in the hospital and most of March recovering from an infection that almost took her life. But with the grace of God and the gracious people of NSBC she recovered and the music ministry of the church continued. Special thanks to Emily Barrett and Elton Dexter who carried the music program throughout the many weeks of Vonnie’s absence. 1 “2012 PASTORS’ ANNUAL REPORT” MARCH also had its miracles, fun and start ups. We started the process of a Pictorial Directory with a new company that joined Olan Mills. Let me just say that as of the writing of this report – we still do not have a directory finished. This is due to no fault of the committee who worked so hard on it. So after 10 months of work and frustration our 2012 directory should be ready for 2013. We also started meeting with Myron Gadoury who volunteered to help us wade through the laws of the Fire Code and bringing our doors up to code. Again, after over 10 months of meetings, hours of work, hundreds of pictures and many reports we still have not finished with the code requirements. Again these delays are through no fault of the Trustees, church officers or pastors. We do want to thank Mr. Gadoury for his time, talents and guidance. Keep praying about this matter. Two joys in March were the Blood Drive we hosted in the memory of Bethany Broadfield and her mother, Barbara Neri, plus we had a gathering of church members in their 20’s and 30’s at our home. What a joy to see these young people together. There are over 40 people in this age group. The Youth Group went on Retreat to Monadnock Conference Center in NH again this year and they were accompanied by Rob Bellows and Kim Vernava. Our miracle in March had to do with Shirley Dexter. She was the first in Rhode Island to have a particular heart procedure done. She came through this life threatening deal with flying colors thanks to The Great Physician, Shirley’s faith and the talented surgeons. A smaller miracle was that new blinds were installed in my office and the old curtain was removed. When we came in 1993 the curtain was to be replaced, I told them not to hurry. Now after 19 years my office is complete. I even have new windows. Thank you church family
APRIL On Palm Sunday we had the privilege of having Believer’s Baptism for the members of the Andrew family, Frank, Lori, Mary and Krystyna. They witnessed of their faith in Jesus Christ through this beautiful outward sign of an inward and spiritual grace. We hosted the community Good Friday Service and continued in the tradition of the Seven Last Words of Christ. On Easter Sunday we hosted the Sunrise Service at the dam and at our regular worship extended the Right Hand of Fellowship. The Pino’s hosted an Agape meeting at their home. A retreat group went to Weston, VT, where we enjoyed the company of each other, the beauty of God’s creation and worship with the Brothers at Weston Priory. The Rev. Dr. Sarah Day from the Ministers and Missionary Benefit Board came to speak to interested church members about the ways to handle the pastor’s budget of compensation and benefits. We started a new program using video for both children and adult Sunday school. It is called Rightnow and is a program that every member of the church can use by simply asking for the code. Allen Dexter went to be with his Lord and I conducted his service.
MAY began with the church’s 118th May Breakfast. Our own Rebecca Law graduated from Andover Newton Theological School. Ann Omollo’s brother from Kenya was murdered in Uganda. This tragedy made us realize how God’s children throughout this world are connected and how small the world can be at times. Ruth Rounds went to be with her Lord and I conducted her service. Elva Burdett celebrated her 90th birthday. We started a Long Range Planning Team (which is still in the planning stage of being a Team).
2 “2012 PASTORS’ ANNUAL REPORT” JUNE Our church picnic was held at the Broad Oak Farm. On Music Sunday, Vonnie our Minister of Music, was able to organize, accompany and direct a beautiful worship service of praise. The Cady’s, all the way in Rehoboth, hosted Agape. I conducted the wedding of Seth Desjarlais and Melissa Bothelo. R.I.S.E. – Rhode Island Saving Energy offered a program through National Grid to upgrade our electric lights and give new bulbs for greater energy saving. And Dr. Dan and I welcomed with great joy our second granddaughter, Charis Eirene, born on June 9th to Sara- Elizabeth and Joshua Cottrell.
JULY Mary Aber went to be with her Lord. On July 11th I conducted Mary’s funeral and also a memorial service for Ann Omollo’s brother John Ondera. The Lord also called home in July, Fred Smith (Dr. Dan did his service) and Marion Wright. The 6th Annual Golf Tournament took place. It is a fun way to raise funds, thanks mostly to the Bellows and the Brushes. We had a visit from Warren Pritchard, son of former pastor, rev. J. Carson Pritchard (1937-1941). Shirley Dexter came to meet with Warren and his family. Shirley had been one of Warren’s babysitters. We started talking to a Payroll company to help with a job that is beginning to be too much for a volunteer position. (This is another ‘journey’ that has had many ups & downs and is now as of Jan. 2013 – in place, thanks to Steve Girard) RISE, came and replaced many of our out dated lights and installed new energy saving bulbs. It was done just in time for VBS week that started the last day of July.
AUGUST God’s miracle for us this month was Christine Morton who taught Bible School on Monday and later at the gym collapsed with a brain aneurism. Not only did she survive BUT is almost back to her old self. She lost the sight of her right eye in the whole episode and has had to make some adjustments. But GOD IS GOOD! Just ask the Morton’s. Thanks also to a praying church and those who minister in so many ways. VBS went on and it was a great week of teaching of Christ. There were 40 children who participated in this week of fun & faith. We owe many thanks to Terry Cram who led it all and to the great teachers, aides and assistants. Thanks also to those who filled in for Mrs. Morton. One couple in the church gave Daniel and me the gift of tickets to the ‘Sight & Sound’ theater in Lancaster County, PA. The gift included tickets to “Jonah”, the behind the Scene, dinner and B&B. To think that someone cared enough to even think of doing this was heartwarming and recharging. The day we returned from Lancaster, I received a call about my father and I drove back to PA.
SEPTEMBER My father, Duane Hixon, went to meet his Lord on Labor day and I was privileged to have been with him when he died. Daniel and I conducted his funeral service. Earlier in the year the Diaconate did a survey about whether or not to continue to have two worship services. The survey showed that the majority of members wanted only one service, however there was no majority on the time of that one service. So on Rally Day we once again went to our 2 worship service schedule and a full regiment of Christian Education classes. The Rev. Nancy Phelan supplied the pulpit for us as we were still in Washington, PA We welcomed Judy Birnie into the church office as she will be handling some of the church administrative work that was resting too heavy on my shoulders.
OCTOBER On October 4th, Daniel and I welcomed our third granddaughter into the world, Abrianna Elizabeth daughter of Rachel and William E. Reichert, Jr. Then 2 weeks later 3 “2012 PASTORS’ ANNUAL REPORT” we conducted, Bri’s great-grandmother and church member, Shirley McCauley’s funeral. The year continued with great highs and lows. This year at the Scituate Arts Festival Weekend we rented out vendor spaces and did parking only.
NOVEMBER Our Harvest Dinner was led by Janet & Rob Bellows for the (I don’t know how many years). Everything went great and the clean-up crew this year was exceptional. Bill Beattie and I appeared before the State Fire Code Review Board because we questioned some of the Fire Code requirements. The church was reclassified from ‘Place of Assembly’ to ‘Place of worship’ and now must be reevaluated. Again, I thank Myron Gadoury for preparing us for this meeting. We hosted the Thanksgiving Eve service and the joint choir was truly a highlight. Daniel and I attended a conference on ‘Grief’ in Williamstown, MA and then faced the news that Ruth Bolton had gone to be with our Lord. We conducted her service on Nov. 24th.
DECEMBER The miracles and the full witness of Christ’s love continue to touch many people here at North Scituate Baptist Church. We celebrated the ordination of Rebecca DiCecco Law, member of our church, former Student pastor and now pastor of Graniteville Baptist Church. Advent and Christmas were filled with celebration. The Christmas Faire was a success but the Live Nativity was rained out as was our Christmas Caroling to the shut-ins. We were saddened by the death of George Moffat on December 27th. He now rests with his Lord. The last Sunday of the year we had only the 11:00 am service due to a snow storm.
DR. REPPA As of January 2013, the Fire Code requirements, the Town Over- Lay Committee, the RISE light bulbs, elevator inspection, window replacement, pictorial directory, Beacon on the Web-site, sermon audio on Web, Long Range Planning Team, and much more still are in process. At times, I feel that we are running on a tread mill. I continue to hold the first and third Thursday morning prayer gatherings, teach a Sunday Adult class and have two Bible Study groups, one on Tuesday night and the other on Thursday mornings. I look forward to a couple of Spiritual Guidance groups in 2013.
DR. DAN is still Chief Chaplain at the VA Medical center in Providence. Here at NSBC he continues to do visitation, preach, teach the Adult forum and work with the Christian Ed Board. He served on the Executive Minister Search Committee for ABCORI and was pleased to announce the calling of The Rev. Tom Wiles to be Executive starting in February 2013. I am sure I have forgotten many unique events and happenings throughout the year, but this gives a taste of the many ways Christ continues to bless us as individuals and as His church. This year was the first year that I have thought about retiring. The stress of outside forces and the family situations placed many tugs and pulls at heart strings, mental stability and spiritual conviction. But I want to thank all of you for your patience, your support and your love during this year. You have shown our family the love of Christ and fellowship of brothers and sisters. We do plan to retire from NSBC but not this year. We will not be here another two decades but of course we didn’t think we were going to be here for the first two decades either. But God knows and as we all hold tight to our faith in Jesus Christ and listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit, may we glorify His name and advance His Kingdom here on earth. Thank you for walking this journey with us as we all head ‘home’ and praise our Lord on the way. In Christ’s Service, The Rev. Dr. Reppa M. Cottrell The Rev. Dr. Daniel W. Cottrell 4