Monthly Newsletter of St. John S Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgewater (LCMC )

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Monthly Newsletter of St. John S Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgewater (LCMC )

THE LAMPLIGHTER...... OF ST. JOHN’S Monthly Newsletter of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bridgewater (LCMC) 8805 Austin Road, P.O. Box 13, Bridgewater, Michigan 48115, (734) 429-7434 Pastor Drex Morton, 734-968-7113 9:15 a.m. Sunday School; Worship, 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion Mission Statement: Dedicating ourselves to God through Prayer & Study, Fellowship & Service. MARCH, 2016 -

Dear Friends in the Lord,

The Lenten Season is nearly half over. I’m not one of those who “gives up” for Lent anymore. I always say I’ve “..given up – giving up.” This process of self-mortification does not help me draw closer to the LORD. For example, some give up meat on Fridays in lieu of fish…I simply love fish, so that doesn’t work. When I’ve tried to “give something up,” I have found that. The whole process takes my eyes off the real goal of being drawn closer to the LORD.

One year ago, I participated in a Scripture challenge, where those persons participating nominated another person each to share a favorite Scripture daily for one week on “Facebook.” It was a worthy effort during Lent, and I appreciated the chance to focus on transformational Scripture passages for my life.

I think that during the Season of Lent it is preferable to focus upon doing something refreshing as we await the celebration of the Resurrection of Our LORD Jesus. Because Lent will unfold for a few more weeks, what might we each do to bring home the reality of what the LORD Jesus has done for us?

One of my Funeral Director Friends, Mary Bartlett, is the Granddaughter of the person who founded the Congregation now known as NorthRidge Church. She is also an Executive Trainer, who occasionally holds seminars, and one of the things she recommends is for each person to write his/her eulogy. What would one say about the value of his or her own life? We are each further along now than when we began the New Year, so, perhaps, something as concise as that effort would be enough for some of us this Lent to simply reflect upon where our life has been and is headed. Have I lived as fully, as significantly, as boldly for the LORD as I might have otherwise?

As the Season of Lent moves toward the Joys of Easter, may we all be prepared to live “the Resurrected Life.” And may the LORD’S amending of our lives last into eternity, rendering our lives essential to the experiences of others…

In the Peace of the Triune God, Pastor Drex


January 30, 2016 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1).

He first gave the “The Lord’s Prayer.” Then He told a story about a man caught by surprise with a late- night visitor. Middle Eastern hospitality dictated his desperation, and he woke up his friend with an urgent request for bread.

He received four clear “no’s,” but he doesn’t go away. Listen, we’re already ashamed to wake the guy at midnight. I would have left after the first, “Don’t bother me.” Still he stuck around—and got three more harsh negatives: “The door is already locked.” Does that sound like a “yes?” Then he says, “My children are with me in bed.” What happens if he gets up? I’ve put many a crying child to sleep late at night, then sneak out the door quietly, bump a chair, and the chorus returns in full volume. He is put off by his brash friend.

The final “no” would appear to shut him down for good: “I can’t get up and give you anything.” But the man doesn’t leave. And Jesus says, “I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man’sboldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs” (8). The word “boldness” is translated “importunity” in the RSV. The dictionary calls it “troublesome, annoying urging or demanding.” The ESV uses the word “impudence.” It means “rashness without thought of the consequences.” Not a polite word.

It is used once in the Old Testament (Greek Septuagint) for a prostitute who finds a victim late at night, “kisses him, and with impudent face she says to him…’Come, let us take our fill of love till morning…’” (Prov. 7:13). Hardly a complimentary expression!

That is what Jesus used for the brash intruder, and Jesus encourages us to pray like that. The situation called for a different kind of boldness, not polite but pushy.

We see this with the Canaanite woman who encountered Jesus (Matt. 15). She also received four clear no’s: first, the silence of Jesus, then the complaint of the disciples, then the words of Jesus about only being called to Israel, then an apparent insult from Jesus. She persisted, and Jesus healed her daughter at that instant.

Passivity kills. Brazen importunity gets heaven’s attention. Examples in recent history: Two sisters, Peggy and Christine (84 and 82) in the Hebrides Islands (1949) whose prayer brought down a mighty revival, and a group of students at Asbury College (1969,70), whose united prayer did the same.

Sometimes revival comes because the heart of God calls for it, like at Nineveh. It is unlikely that Israel was praying for Nineveh, or than that God would destroy it. But God prefers to save rather than to condemn (John 3:17). At other times, revival comes because God anoints people to pray. Extraordinary need calls for extraordinary prayer to release an extraordinary visitation from God. Let us get in God’s face until He pours out His Spirit in our city, our land, our world!!

Pastor Paul Anderson More……THIS ‘N THAT……….. LENT…HOLY WEEK…EASTER…… Midweek Lenten Services, Wednesday evenings, 7:30pm We live our lives beneath the cross of Jesus, beneath God’s manifold love and grace that reach to us even from Calvary. Based on the hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”- this series explores what it means for us to abide at the foot of the cross, to cling to the rock of our salvation, to dwell in the house of the Lord, and to confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness. We will have a personal sharing time, 2-3 minutes, of how God has touched your hearts. If you would like to share, please contact Pastor Drex. “God’s Touch on Human Hearts.” Maundy Thursday, March 24th, 7:30pm Good Friday, March 25th, 7:30pm EASTER – March 27 th Sunrise Service – 7pm Followed by Easter Breakfast Easter Sunday School Hour – 9:15am Festive Easter Worship with Holy Communion – 10:30am

FEEDING of the 5,000 for the Manchester Community Resource Center………… Greetings! On behalf of the Manchester Area Churches, we would like you to participate with us in this year’s Lenten, “Feeding of the 5000” food drive to support the Manchester Community Resource Center. This is the 6th year of the food drive. Our overall goal is to raise 7500 pounds of food, cleaning supplies and personal care supplies, enough to help 5000 people! Chairman: Rev. Aaron Kesson, Lead Pastor Manchester United Methodist Church. Here is how it all works: 1. Collect food items and household goods (non-perishable, non-expired) from your church family. 2. Bring your collected items to Manchester United Methodist Church, 501 Ann Arbor St., between Tuesday, February 16th and Tuesday, March 22nd. The church will be open Tuesday thru Friday from 9am until 2pm or you can make arrangements through the church office by calling (734) 428-8495. Please weigh your donations - or MUMC will weigh them for you when you deliver them. We will be collecting these items from Sunday, March 6 th thru Sunday, March 20 th. Tables will be provided in the overflow room for our donations. A suggested list of products that many families do not have access to on a regular basis is posted on the bulletin boards.

UPCOMING DATE………… Euchre/Game Nights – 7-10pm March 19, 2016 ROUND ROBIN EUCHRE DOMINOES – BOARD GAMES – Supervised games for children – SNACKS: Home Made Pretzels, Popcorn – Chips – Sweets. Invite your friends & neighbors! Join us!

More……THIS ‘N THAT……….. KENYA……………. Kenya Education Mission…… Thank you for your generous support of this mission in 2015. Your financial contributions enabled 14 children to attend school last year. Without your help they wouldn’t have been able to go. All 14 students need our support again in 2016. Please consider the sponsorship of a student for the year or making a donation toward this mission. We need a minimum of $300 for each student for the year and will accept any donation amount for this mission. Make checks payable to St. John’s and note on the outside of your weekly giving envelope that the funds are for the Kenya Education Mission. Please contact Doreen Cawley-Haist or Mandy Hart with any questions about this mission and the students we support.

NURSERY…at St. John’s……. There is a nursery now in place at St. John’s. Thanks to our members who volunteered to participate in this ministry. Children are invited to go to our facility downstairs after Time for Children – and return at the Sharing of the Peace. Any questions, please contact Kathy Tower. MARK YOUR CALENDARS………….. Sunday, May 1st the Mary Martha Circle is hosting a Mother/Daughter Banquet. Watch your bulletins and April Lamplighter for more details.

REMINDERS…………...... Pastor Drex’s office hours – Wednesdays – Noon to 6:30pm. Fridays –pm- by appointment. Please feel free to contact Pastor Drex anytime you wish to share a joy, sorrow or concern at 734-968-7113 or by email – [email protected]  Weekly Bulletin News – needs to be in the church office by Friday, 9:00 a.m.  To reserve the basement and/or pavilion and/or reserve tables & chairs to be taken outside of the church – you need to contact Betty Weidmayer, Office Secretary. You can contact her by email, [email protected] – church office phone, 734-429-7434, home phone (734) 665-9942 or leave a note in her office door box, or talk to her (but make sure she writes it down!) She will check it out and get back with you as soon as possible – and will mark it on our master calendar located in the library. Requests are on a first come/first serve basis. Thanks!  Our Website – – Check it out! Our monthly Lamplighter and Calendar is now on the web, along with other announcements. We invite you to see what we are up to at St. John’s. Our new website will be adding upcoming events throughout the year. From community events to special holiday services, we welcome you all!!!!! Remember, there are forms by the office door, for you to take and add to website. We welcome your news! Complete & give to Wendy Aho.  St. John’s Facebook page – St. John’s now has a Facebook page - Church/540418029405242? ref=aymt_homepage_panel – feel free to like our page and share with other friends. Also Pastor Drex has a Facebook page - – feel free to friend request Pastor Drex. MANY THANKS……………… To my brothers and sisters in Christ: There are so many thanks you’s to all of you so here goes and I pray that I don’t leave anyone out. I want to thank Louise, Mary, Sue Judy, Carol and Doreen for their food deliveries. I want to thank you all for all the cards, visits, phone calls, hugs and most of all your prayers. I want to thank Gordon and Carol for coming home after just getting to Florida to be here for us. And to Dale and Sue who delayed their leaving until after the funeral. I want to thank Pastor Drex for being there when we needed him – from the surgery in August until the day that Roy passed away. You were the one that was holding all of us together. Thank you for the very moving and touching tribute to Roy. And to all the other visits that you made with Roy. He looked forward to seeing you and as you said he always said to you when you left – “thanks for stopping by”. Thank you to all the gals that provided food for the funeral luncheon and worked either before, during or afterwards. And to Louise for taking over my job and doing a fantastic job. This journey started on August 14th, 2015 and I never imagined what kind of journey it would turn out to be. Roy was a fighter but in the end he was struggling and I know that he is with Jesus and they are talking about “farming”. I am at peace because I know that he is at peace. I know that he is “watching” us from heaven and especially Cassie – the joy of his life. Things have changed for me – as many of you already know Roy and I had already begun the selling of our farm to our nephew. The final closing will be coming soon. I have moved to a condo in Milan where I am just 5 minutes away from Wendy, Steve and Cassie instead of almost a half hour. Roy always knew that I wouldn’t want to stay at the farm and this way it will be farmed and it will continue to be in the Kruger family. And most of all – thank you to all of you – my church family and to God who got us through this journey. It says “Come all who are weary”. Roy was weary and needed rest. And Jesus saw that he was weary and took him home to be with him. I also need to thank my family - Steve, Wendy and Cassie – we have been through a lot together these last few months and couldn’t have made it through without you guys and especially Cassie. You guys are my rock. And I love you. Again thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything. May God continue to bless and keep you all.


Shirley Kruger 919 Wright Lane Milan, MI 48160 734-508-6398 734-216-7505

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