English II and English II Honors

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English II and English II Honors

St. Pauls High

648 Old Stage Rd, St. Pauls, NC 28383 910-865-4177 English II and English II Honors Fall 2016

Instructor Information

Instructor: Paulette DeGrood Room Location: 117 Telephone: 910- 734-1629 (cell) E-Mail Address: [email protected]

The best time to contact me during the day by phone is after 1:30. Although I want parents and students to feel free to contact me, please be considerate of my personal time when calling my cell phone number. I do not mind a text or call in the evening when the occasional need arises. Other than doing my best to be a super-hero teacher, I am also a super-hero mom.

Course Description

English II is a course that covers a variety of literature, informational texts, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Emphasis is placed on Common Core Standards designed to help students be college and career ready. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze and respond to literature, as well as to informational texts. Students will be able to communicate effectively both in writing and orally. As a requirement for this class, all students will write two formal research papers. As this task can often be arduous, I ask that parents encourage students to see me for tutorial, if needed, as well as enable them to use the library. I plan to work diligently, alongside my students, to help them achieve academic success and will be readily available if they need assistance with any coursework. In addition, students are required to take the state English II EOC at the end of this semester. Unlike other end of course exams, the English II EOC is an intense four-hour exam given and graded by the state. All coursework will prepare students to perform better on this exam; therefore, it is imperative that students complete all class assignments. If you have any questions about the EOC, please contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer them.

Course of Study

This year’s class will focus on an Essential Question: What Responsibilities Do I Have? and will consist of 4 units of study. Each unit will have its own focus question, along with reading and assignments geared towards find the answer to that question. (NOTE: These modules may be taught out of the following order, based on availability of materials.)

English II Module 1: Reading and Writing Strategies

English II Module 2: Oppression – What is Holding Me Back?

English II Module 3: Fate - What Determines My Future?

English II Module 4: EOC Review

Each unit will also use poems, short stories, informational texts, and audio/ visual media to support the unit question. Students will be expected to participate and complete both group and individual projects and assessments.

Formal Writing

10th Grade

First Nine Weeks Second Nine Weeks Response Essay Literary Analysis Paper 30% of the nine weeks grade 30% of the nine weeks grade This grade is calculated to include the component parts of This grade is calculated to include the component parts of the activity along with the final product. the paper along with the final product.

Requirements: Requirements:

 2-3 pages  3-4 pages, MLA format  3 quotes from the literature, correctly cited  At least 1 primary source  1 fact from an outside source, correctly cited  At least 3 secondary sources  Thesis statement  Minimum of 5 source cards  Introduction, body, conclusion  Notecards: must be a mixture of direct quotes,  Formal Outline paraphrases, and summaries (12 minimum, at least 2 from each source)  Works Cited page using MLA format  Formal Outline  Works Cited page using MLA format Materials that are Required  #2 Pencils  Pens  Notebook paper  Highlighters  Flash drive or cloud drive  3-ring binder (1 ½ in.) for class binder filled with loose leaf paper  5 Dividers for the notebook  1 composition book for Daily Writing Activities This notebook cannot be spiral bound. It must have a sewn binding (The ones with the marbled cover for example).  Colored pencils (optional)

Materials that are Appreciated  Boxes of Kleenex – Especially during the cold season  Paper Towels  Old Magazines for Projects  Glue Sticks, Construction Paper, etc  I purchase these items out of my pocket. Any help with extra items is greatly appreciated.

English II Required Textbooks

 Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini*  Oedipus by Sophocles and Night by Elie Wiesel*

Note: Students may purchase the above literary works, check them out from a library, upload a Kindle version, or use a PDF version which can be found online. It is important that the student have the novel or play in class daily during the unit. *Honors Class Texts Parental Contacts

Parents will be notified by interim progress reports and by report cards of your child’s progress. Parents can also access Power School at any time to check their child’s grade. Parents will be notified as needed if there is a significant problem with their child’s grade. If students fail to turn-in three assignments that results in zeroes, I will attempt to contact parents. If I am unable to reach a parent or guardian, the student will be placed on an Academic Code 2. I can be contacted at school or by email.

Class Website

The class website can be accessed by going to the SPHS web page and choosing Teacher Websites. The website includes handouts, power points, links, and other information that students will need throughout the semester. Students and parents can find due dates for assignments on the classroom website.

Cell Phones and Electronics

Cells phones and other electronics must be kept out of sight and turned off during class time. Electronics used during class time will be confiscated for the remainder of the day or longer. EXCEPTION:Sometimes students will be allowed to use a smartphone or other electronic device for class assignments. During these times, students must be on task (not surfing the web or social media, texting, etc.). Unauthorized use of electronic devices will result in a suspension of privileges.

Grading Criteria

*Tests -30% *Quizzes -20% *Class work/Homework – 20% *Projects/Papers -30%

Grading Scale

90 – 100 A 70 – 79 C 0 – 59 F 80 – 89 B 60 – 69 D

Plagiarism and cheating

Plagiarism and cheating on any assignment will result in a zero grade for that assignment which cannot be made up. Cheating includes but is not limited to copying another student’s work or allowing one’s work to be copied.

Text Reminders

I use Remind text notifications to remind students of important due dates for various assignments. I urge both students and parents to sign-up for this service. Standard classes can text @pdegrood to the number 81010 to enroll. (Honors classes can text @hdegrood to the number 81010.) You will be billed for these texts according to your phone plan. If you have unlimited texts, it will not cost you anything.

Classroom Binder and Journals

Students are required to keep an organized binder throughout the semester and a journal of daily writing activities. The binder will be a vital source of reference for students during this course, and it is important for students to keep this binder current. Students will have a total of three binder checks, which count as a test grade. Daily writing journals give students an opportunity to reinforce both grammar and vocabulary. Students who keep a solid writing journal consistently perform better on vocabulary quizzes and tests. Journals will be checked every two weeks for a quiz grade.

Student Attendance and Tardy Policy – See Student Handbook

Make-up and late work

All missed work must be made up within 5 days of the student’s return to class from an excused absence. Late work will be accepted ONLY at Learning Center and for a reduced grade. Work not made up within that time period will receive a grade of zero. The student is responsible for knowing what has been assigned and what notes have been given in class during absences.

Learning Center

Learning Center will be held on Thursdays in order for students to make up missed work. You must complete a REQUEST FOR WORK form at least one day prior to attending Learning Center or you will not be allowed to attend. There will be NO tardies to Learning Center. Students who do not need to make up work but seek additional help should see me.

Class Guidelines

1. Be in your assigned seat quietly working on the bell work when the tardy bell rings. 2. Bring ALL books and materials to class AND take them with you when you leave. 3. Follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

4. Treat each person in this room with dignity and respect.

5. Follow ALL classroom policies and procedures including those outlined in the school’s handbook.

Discipline Policy

Students who do not adhere to classroom guidelines will receive a guideline infraction at the time of the offense. As a visual reminder and warning, the student’s name will be written in a designated space on the board. Students who receive two infractions within two weeks will receive a thirty minute working detention after parental contact is made. If a student receives three infractions within two weeks or refuses to attend detention, they will receive a written referral to administration. BATHROOM PASSES AND CLASS EMERGENCIES Each student will be allowed three Restroom/Emergency passes from class for each nine weeks. This pass is for use to go to the restroom or handle personal business during class time (i.e. locker, go back and retrieve materials from previous class, etc.) Once the passes have been used, students will not be permitted to leave the class without penalty.

Classroom Policies and Procedures 1. Before class-Take care of all personal needs before entering the classroom (restroom, Kleenex, water fountain, sharpening pencils, etc.) 2. Work Area-Book bags, coats, and large purses need to be placed under your desk. They should not be on your desk. 3. Class Starter – At the beginning of class, you must immediately begin working on the class starter. The starter will be discussed after the bell rings. 4. Assigned seats-You should sit in your assigned seat. You might have several different assigned seats before the right seat for you is found. 5. In your desk-REMAIN SEATED AT ALL TIMES. Hold on to trash until the end of class. Throwing paper balls, or anything else, in the room will result in an infraction. 6. Group Work – When all instructions are given, you will have about 13 seconds to divide into your assigned groups and immediately begin working. All group work is timed. When you hear the timer go off, all groups will have about 13 seconds to quietly return to their desks and wait for further instructions. 7. Assignments-To help me identify all papers that are turned in, students should clearly print their name following MLA format, which will be covered in class the first week. 8. Students should be quiet when announcements/phone calls are made/received. When we have visitors (i.e. principal, guests, etc), students should be on their best behavior. 9. My Personal Space-Absolutely no students will be allowed to use my computer. Students should not be behind my desk or sitting in my chair. Ask permission before using anything on my desk. 10. Students should follow my quiet and start prompts during class to ensure class productivity. Students should raise their hands and wait for acknowledgement to speak. 11. Staying on task-Class interruptions, of any kind, will not be tolerated. If you need to speak to me, wait until the class is working and raise your hand to be acknowledged. 12. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you choose to cheat, you will be given a zero on the assignment. When testing, there should be NO communication between students. Copying anther student’s work or allowing someone to copy your work is unacceptable and constitutes cheating. 13. Parental Conferences - Students must turn in ALL assignments and stay on schedule with reading or risk falling behind. This class is very difficult to catch-up once behind. Late work will only be accepted under the conditions listed under “Make-up and Late Work” above. I do NOT assign homework that is NOT necessary. However, students will be expected to read at home in order to utilize class time for class work, which will reduce homework. Students who receive three zeros in the grade book may be required to attend a conference with a parent/ guardian to develop an action plan for grade improvement. 14. Borrowing Pencils - To borrow a pencil from the teacher, a student must give collateral in exchange. ***This will ensure that all pencils are returned 15. Using Materials – All materials such as color markers and scissors have a specific location in which they should be replaced. You may use these materials when instructed but be responsible and return them after each use. 16. Students will not be allowed to leave class to run errands or visit another teacher’s classroom during this class for any reason.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. I am looking forward to a wonderful and successful semester.

Paulette DeGrood English Department St. Pauls High School

Acknowledgment of General Class Information and Procedures

I have read the preceding information and know what is expected of me (and my child). My signature below indicates my agreement to abide by the terms outlined therein and my commitment to help my child succeed in this class. My signature also serves as my written permission to allow my child to watch or read any material deemed significant when covering sensitive or controversial subjects such as the Holocaust.

Parent/guardian name: ______

Phone number (please indicate home or work) ______

Best time to call: ______

Parent/guardian EMAIL ADDRESS: ______

Students Name: ______

______Student signature Date

______Parent signature Date

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