Minutes of a Meeting of the Redesign Board Held on Thursday, 22 Nd December, 2005 at 4

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Minutes of a Meeting of the Redesign Board Held on Thursday, 22 Nd December, 2005 at 4

Fife NHS Board


Present: Mrs Wilma Brown (Chair) Ms A Rooney, Non-Executive Director Ms Lynne Parsons, Staff Side Rep Ms Rosemary Abbot, Public Representative Mrs K Cheshire, Non-Executive Director,

In Attendance:

Mrs C Bowring, Director of Finance Mrs I McGonnigle, Senior Healthcare Planner Dr B Montgomery, Medical Director Dr S McLean – Nurse Director Ms I Hale, Strategic Change Manager Ms M Porter – K&L CHP General Manager.

Item 4 (Dr John Chalmers & Morag Maillie) Item 4 ( Dr Colin Selby)

Mrs F McLeary (Minutes)

ACTION 01/14 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest. 02/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 03/14 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Subject to a few minor amendments the minutes of the 17 October 2013 were approved as a true record.

File Name: Redesign Committee Issue 1 Originator: Fiona McLeary Page 1 of 5 Date: 17 October 2013 ACTION 04/14 MATTERS ARISING 64/13 – Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

Ms Rooney and Ms Abbot agreed to homologate the minutes of the 15 August 2013. 05/13 Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Dr John Chalmers gave a presentation to the Committee on ‘Diabetes MCN’ which was followed by questions and comments.

The work of the MCN was described as it deals with a significant rise in the incidence of diabetes. Issues covered included the move of care to primary care teams for the majority of patients, development of support and learning packages for patients, work to improve the cost effectiveness of prescribing and the roll out of insulin pumps to meet government targets. 06/14 Respiratory MCN Dr Colin Selby gave a presentation to the Committee on ‘Respiratory MCN’ which was followed by questions and comments.

The achievements of the MCN were noted in relation to supporting consistent practice in line with national guidance. Pulmonary Rehabilitation has been a particular success. It has a strong evidence base and has benefitted a number of patients but there is a funding challenge going forward. The service was established on fixed term funding and will now have to be funded as a core activity. Work to improve the efficiency of prescribing being led by the MCN was also noted and commended.

07/14 HEALTHCARE IMPROVEMENT PLAN - GETTING BETTER IN FIFE Ms McGonnigle spoke to this item and stated that this was the latest version of the Healthcare Improvement Plan. The updated data has been greyed out throughout the document for convenience.

Section 1 – Improving Flow and Emergency Access, page 3 – New projects that have been identified have been highlighted in grey.

Section 3 – Reshaping Older Peoples Services, page 10 – “Falls” have now been included in this section.

File Name: Redesign Committee Issue 1 Originator: Fiona McLeary Page 2 of 5 Date: 17 October 2013 ACTION

Page 13 - Programme Summary - An integrated discharge hub has been introduced on the VHK site and is raising a lot of interest.

Section 7 – Stroke Care Services, Page 29 - A National meeting is taking place in March 2014 and feedback from this meeting will be brought back to the next meeting.

Section 9 – Complex Weight Management Services, Page 32 – The first NHS Fife/Borders clinic held in NHS Borders by NHS Fife clinicians took place in December 2013. NHS Fife clinicians have also identified the first NHS Borders patients to be operated on in Fife, this is due to take place around February 2014.

Staff have been recruited for the Local Service and this service should be ready to accept referrals by April 2014.

Section 10 – Vascular Surgery and Section 11 – MSK Spinal Services, Pages 34 and 35 – Due to constraints within NHS Tayside this work has currently stalled.

Ms Rooney referred to page 5 and stated the statistics were fantastic. Dr Montgomery said that statistics reflect the best part of a couple of years work.

Ms Rooney referred to Page 14 and asked what “Staff Safety Climate” meant. Dr Montgomery said this was a terminology in the patient safety program about the culture and atmosphere in the workplace.

Ms Rooney referred to page 15 and asked about Patient Safety and asked if the survey had been completed and what the findings were. Ms Porter stated that there had been a 98% response rate on the survey and the report was due out shortly.

Ms Rooney asked about the points that had been raised at NHS Fifes Annual Review which were going to be fed back into the Healthcare Improvement Plan. She asked if that had been done. Dr Montgomery said that NHS Fife had not yet received the official letter back from the Scottish Government. The Committee noted the update. 08/14 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT HUB (QIHub) Mr Montgomery mentioned that since the last meeting of the

File Name: Redesign Committee Issue 1 Originator: Fiona McLeary Page 3 of 5 Date: 17 October 2013 ACTION Service Redesign Committee the QIHub had been relocated permanently at the end of ward 6 in Victoria Hospital.

The QIHub was visited recently by Prof Jason Leitch, The Clinical Director of the Scottish Government Quality Unit. He was impressed with the QIHub facilities and the range of improvement work underway in Fife.

Dr Montgomery stated that he had been asked to speak on Fife’s QI experience at a National meeting. There has also been a lot of interest from Boards out with NHS Fife.

Mrs Brown said she’d had a very worthwhile visit to the QIHub and was made aware of the work ongoing. She asked Dr Montgomery to pass on his thanks to all the staff directly involved in the QIHub. The Committee noted the update. 09/14 REDESIGN COMMITTEE WORKPLAN 2013/14 & 2014/15 Ms Hale stated that the 2013/14 presentations for April 2014 meeting had now been secured. The 2014/15 work plan was here to be approved by the Committee.

The Committee discussed the 2014/15 work plan and asked for the following topics to be included.

 ICASS  Health and Social Care Integration  QMH Development.

The Committee agreed to sign off the 2014/15 workplan. 10/14 BALANCED SCORECARD (BSC) Ms McGonnigle referred to BSC 3.06 – Regional and National Planning, point six – Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS). She stated that a paper would be going to The Senior Management Team (SMT) at the end of February 2014, then on SMT Redesign then will be brought to the Service Redesign Committee.

Ms McGonnigle referred to BSC 3.10 – Healthcare Improvement Plan, point 3, she stated that the Annual report and been submitted to the NHS Fife Board and had been well received.

The next iteration of the BSC will be submitted at the end of

File Name: Redesign Committee Issue 1 Originator: Fiona McLeary Page 4 of 5 Date: 17 October 2013 ACTION January 2014 and will be brought to the next meeting of the Service Redesign Committee.

Ms Rooney queried that the BSC comes to the Service Redesign Committee for information from the Board. She asked whether it should be the Committees discussing the BSC and reflecting back to the Board.

Dr Montgomery stated that the information on the BSC is managed through SMT and the relevant sections reported for information and comment to the various governance groups. If the Service Redesign Committee would like to be more actively involved in the process it would need to be discussed and agreed elsewhere.

Ms Rooney said that the Board feed a lot of information into SMT and it would be easier for the Board to be reassured if the BSC is discussed at committees.

Mrs Brown stated that this query would be taken back to SMT for discussion and an update will be reported back at a future meeting. 11/14 MINUTES OF MEETING OF SMT (REDESIGN) 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 & 4 NOVEMBER 2013. Ms Rooney referred to the minutes of the 4 November 2013 and referred to page 3, section 5 – Safe and Effective Medicines Management (GBiF)/Pharmacy Improvement Plan. She stated that the document didn’t demonstrate what was being proposed and why the performance was being measured over one ward.

Dr Montgomery said there had been various attempts using different methodologies and this was the latest attempt being trialled. The Committee noted the minutes 12/14 AOCB

There was no other competent business 13/14 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 17 April 2014 at 2.00pm in the Board Room, Hayfield Clinic

File Name: Redesign Committee Issue 1 Originator: Fiona McLeary Page 5 of 5 Date: 17 October 2013

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