Victoria College Preparatory School
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Headmaster’s Introduction
What a term it has been! It has only been eleven weeks long but packed tight with the events and competitions that make Prep life so colourful.
There have been swimming galas, competitions in football, rugby and hockey, cross country and chess, a tour to Bedford and a return visit from them, house music and the gala concerts, house poetry, house photography, the house times table event, the Eisteddfod and a week of epic performances of Pan in Neverland at the Arts Centre. It is hardly surprising that the boys (and staff) now look exhausted and ready for a break.
The School play deserves particular mention as the boys really did make us proud. The performances started strongly and just got better with each show and were watched by hundreds of parents and family, several other schools and a variety of invited guests including the Minister for Education. I would, once again, like to express my thanks to everyone involved in creating something that will be a lasting memory for all involved.
We will be announcing the positions for the House Competition at the beginning of the term, however, Sartorius still hold the Hopewell Cup from last year and Dunlop have the most house points amassed so far this year. This term Diarmid have won the house poetry, swimming and music, Braithwaite won the football and photography and Bruce won the hockey, but Sartorius seem to have received significantly more silver star certificates than anyone else over the term, which makes a significant difference- so it is all to play for.
There follow a number of messages about various aspects of Prep life, slightly more detailed reports about sport and music, but also reminders about uniform and practicalities such as dropping off and picking up procedures. Please do read them as it does prevent boys from getting into trouble for wearing the wrong kit, or not following the school rules.
I hope you have a restful and well-deserved Easter break before a packed, and hopefully sunny Summer Term.
Russell Price Headmaster Play Report from Miss Hammond
The last week of this term has been a very busy one for our Year 6 boys who have wowed audiences each night with their production of ‘Pan in Neverland’. The whole year group threw themselves wholeheartedly into preparations and rehearsals, singing sessions, dance routines and some have even learnt how to fly! The boys’ commitment and enthusiasm has been infectious and it goes without saying that with such a production there are many people to thank. Staff and parents have shown unwavering support throughout and huge thanks goes to Mrs Cadin and her creative team for the beautiful scenery creations helping to bring Neverland to life. We had a huge group of mums helping with costumes and props and an amazing team backstage at the Arts Centre. Another hugely valued member of our construction team is Carlos who he has built kennels, windows, rooftops and a host of other props not to mention an entire pirate ship which Hook approved of! There are far too many highlights to mention them all, but one thing that stood out more than anything was the talent and confidence shining throughout every performance and the enjoyment of both the cast and audiences was extremely apparent - many of whom commented that it was easy to forget that these were just ten-year-old boys.
Garden Tubs – Please Return! If your son took home his 'garden in a tub' last summer but has not yet brought the empty tub back to school please could this be returned immediately after the Easter holidays, empty and clean, in order for the current Year 3s to begin their gardens. We are currently missing more than half of these containers.
Unwanted Football/Rugby Boots We would welcome any unwanted football and rugby boots to sell on in the Swap Shop next term. Please bring into school in the summer term and leave in the bins outside the Swap Shop.
Sports Report from Mr Silva
Athletics VCP again won both the Y5 and Y6 inter schools cross countries in February with over 70 boys from the school taking part. The boys showed tremendous courage and determination to hold off the other Jersey schools and prove that their hard work training paid off!
Rugby After beating the JRFC comfortably in a couple of warm up matches, the VCP Rugby squad felt well equipped to take on 2 teams from Bedford, Old Albanians and St.Michaels in the Rugby Festival held in March. VCP started the tournament with a hard fought 5-0 over touring side Old Albanians with both teams competing hard at the break down. In their second match, VCP showed excellent commitment in the tackle whilst beating a good side from Bedford. The 4th round of matches saw both undefeated teams VCP and Bedford Prep play in what shaped up to be the tournament decider. The Jersey side were totally focused for this match and some aggressive running and strength in the ruck situations led to VCP producing a fine display in dispatching their English opponents comfortably. VCP finished the tournament with a comprehensive victory over St.Michaels to finish the tournament undefeated without conceding a try! Rugby Tournament results: VCP 5 Old A 0 Bed 1. 17 St M 0 VCP 21 Bed 2. 0 Bed 1. 10 Old A 0 St M. 10. Old A. 0 Bed. 1. 17 Bed 2 12 VCP. 31 Bed 1 0 Bed 2. 24 St M 0 VCP. 35 St M 0 Old A. 0 Bed 2 12 Table: VCP - Total. 4 Wins. 92 pts scored Bed 1 - Total 3 wins, 44 pts scored Bed 2 - Total. 2 Wins 48 pts scored St.M - Total. 1 Wins. 10 Pts scored Old A - Total. 0 Wins. 0 Pts scored
Hockey In the recent hockey tournament with Bedford Prep and the Victoria College Senior Y7 boys we had a lovely scenario of a 3 way tie at the end. In the first match Bedford Prep defeated VCP courtesy of a tremendous reverse flick goal to the top corner! VCJ then beat the touring Bedford team meaning that a victory against their younger counterparts would mean victory in the tournament. However, the VCP boys produced a stunning display to shock the Senior boys winning by a counter attacking goal late on. This meant that all teams left with a victory each! In the house hockey the final results for Years 5 & 6 were as follows: 1st: Bruce, 57pts 2nd: Dunlop, 48 pts 3rd: Braithwaite, 35 pts 4th= Diarmid, Sartorius, 24 pts
Football VCP won the Jersey Primary Schools Cup Final for the seventh consecutive year which is a comfortable record for the trophy that has been in existence since 1946! The VCP A-team completed a wonderful season locally by winning the top division with an undefeated record! These awards followed winning the Jersey 5 a-side competition and the Channel Island Championship meaning that VCP managed to win every trophy available! House Football – The Year three competition was completed in March thus deciding the overall champions. Braithwaite emerged victorious after all 4 year groups, followed by Bruce, Dunlop, Diarmid and Sartorius. Y3 champions: Bruce Y4 champions: Braithwaite Y5 champions: Braithwaite Y6 champions: Dunlop
Swimming Swim Galas: Diarmid were the champions of the overall competition by a considerable distance, followed by Sartorius, Bruce, Dunlop and Braithwaite. Y3 champions: Braithwaite Y4 champions: Diarmid Y5 champions: Bruce Y6 champions: Diarmid Once again VCP provided 70 Year 5&6 boys for the local Swimarathon raising funds for local charities.
Music Report from Mrs Silvester
The first half of term has been action-packed for the boys in Years 5 and 6, who participated in the House Music Competition. There were approximately 250 performances across the week, with all five Houses being well represented. Our adjudicators were: Katy Key, Helen Gunton, Kevin Pallot, Toby Huelin, Peter Davis, Stephanie Humphries, Kris Watts, Brent Connan, Ernie Mallett, Carlos Perestrelo, Adrian Dixon, Rhian Thomas, Rebecca Lawrence, David Lawrence, Sarah Smith, Chris George and Emmanuelle Dumas. At the end of the competition, Diarmid emerged victorious, with Dunlop in 2nd place, Braithwaite 3rd, Sartorius 4th and Bruce 5th. Well done to all those who participated and a big thank you to our adjudicators.
During the weekend following our House Music Competition, the Chamber Choir participated in a concert at the Jersey Arts Centre. It was a real privilege for us to be invited to take part in the concert, which featured the Jersey Youth Chamber Orchestra, Chetham’s School of Music, the 2014 Jersey Young Musician of the Year and Beaulieu Chamber Choir. We enjoyed an excellent evening of music-making and I was particularly proud of our Chamber Choir – well done, boys.
On Friday 6th February, the whole school enjoyed a visit from a group of students from Chetham’s School of Music and their Director of Music, Stephen Threlfall. We listened to a range of music played by a string quintet and an amazing oboe player. It was very inspiring to hear what amazing standards of playing can be achieved if you work with true dedication.
In the first week after half term, there were two House Music Gala Concerts, for Year 5 and 6. These concerts included a selection of winning entries from the competition and were very entertaining and enjoyable events. Well done to everyone who took part!
The past few months have been very busy in the run-up to the Year 6 play. Once again our singers faced the challenge of performing on stage at the Arts Centre to backing tracks. The solo and chorus singing was of a good standard and the boys showed great enthusiasm. Well done, Year 6!
There is much to look forward to next half term – the new guitar and drums concert ‘VCP Rocks’ is pencilled in for Wednesday 6th May at 7:30 p.m. and the Piano Concert on Thursday 7th May at 7:30 p.m. Auditions for both of these events will be held in the first week of the Summer Term. In the final week of the half term, I have pencilled in a Composers’ Concert for Tuesday 19th May at 3:30 p.m. – an opportunity for some of the boys to present their own original pieces.
We also have a new choir forming next term especially for a concert at Jersey Opera House on Wednesday 13th May – this will involve 30 boys selected by audition from years 4&5.
The Captain’s Table: Congratulations to the following boys who have been chosen to sit at the Captain’s Table during lunch this term. The boys are selected as a result of setting an excellent example – this could be for good manners, looking after others at lunch etc. Year 3 Henry Johnson Alistair Webster Alex Wood Jack Yates Ian Korzuch Leyton Collier Conor O’Keefe Petrus Maritz
Year 4 Theo Pirouet Joseph Fox Demetrie Haithwaite (twice! – well done, Demetrie!) James Courtness Adam Morris Sebastian Kirkby Archie McKeon Jamie Parslow
Year 5 Joseph Baillon Jack Horton Ahmad Abdelmoati Jonty Stratford
Year 6 Harrison Caldeira Ethan Toudic Ben Philp Anushan Elanco
Jane Silvester
Parent Community Discussion Group Meetings This term’s Parent Community Discussion Groups met on Wednesday 11th February and Thursday 19th March. Thank you to those who attended – they were both valuable and constructive discussions. Notes from the meetings have now been published on the VLE. The next meeting has been scheduled for Friday 8th May and invitations will be sent to the parents whose names are randomly selected shortly after the Easter holiday. Jane Silvester
Comic Relief This year for Comic Relief, we held a non-uniform day and we all wore something red! Thank you for your generous donations – we raised £369.85. VCP Charity Fund The VCP Charity Fund total currently stands at over £2600.
Creative Art Eisteddfod Report from Mrs Le Feuvre:
In March the Creative Art Eisteddfod was held at the RJAHS. The judges were very complimentary about the standard of work entered “A set of beautifully observed and executed studies that demonstrate a commendable range of historic influences. Excellent work” and “A collection of striking colourful pieces that combine line and form to hold effect. Good work VCP
We were awarded the Rose Curry trophy for the overall best presentation of work by Artists- which was testament to the hard work of staff and our whole school focus on this in September- the boys were inspired by studies of Van Gogh, Picasso, Lichenstein, Mondrain, Hundertwasser, Morris, Kandinsky and Klee. Congratulations to all winners. In total VCP were awarded :
2 Platinums- Rory Claxton, Sunny Reid
4 Golds Callum Gilmour Robbie Mossop William Read Leon Gouzinis
14 Silver Eddie Rothwell Cameron McAlister Eden Powell Henry Mills Charlie Courtness Freddie Pollard Alfie Le Cornu Jack Nayar Hendrik Wright Axel Horsfall Jonathan Marett Robert Morin Archie Willett Joshua Franklin
4 Bronze Charlie Yates Oliver Hall Edward Jeffries House Poetry 2015 The annual House Poetry competition took place on Monday 16th March. In preparation, every boy in the school wrote a poem for their House as part of their Literacy lessons. Each year group had a different theme. Year 3’s poems were about Colour; Y4’s about School; Y5’s about Water and Y6’s poems were about Emotions. A poem from each year group was chosen by the House teachers to represent the House and the anonymous poems were then sent to three independent judges who gave them a score out of ten. The poems were read to the school in assembly by their poets. The results were as follows: Judges: Caroline Whitehead, Lucy Douglas and David Le Boutillier
Positions: 1st - Diarmid 96/120 points 2nd - Braithwaite 94/120 points 3rd - Bruce 91/120 points 4th – Sartorius 88/120 points 5th – Dunlop 85/120 points The Judges’ choices for each year group were as follows: Year 3 Rory Claxton (Bruce), Y4 Sam Reynolds (Sartorius), Y5 Laurence Millns (Diarmid), Y6 Thomas Amy (Braithwaite).
Handwriting Eisteddfod 2015: Ten Y6 boys (Charles Courtness, Fraser Crow, Anushan Elanco, Ethan Hilton, Joshua le Maistre, Robert Mossop, Harvey Pallent, Freddie Pollard, Oliver Rothwell and Aditya Vanjare) had work entered in the Handwriting Section of the Creative Art Eisteddfod which was held recently at the RJAHS. VCP were complimented for the colourful presentation of their work and their confident use of ink. Eight silver and two bronze certificates were awarded. CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUMMER TERM 2015 Tel: 723468 Fax: 780596 Email: [email protected]
Website: Diary Dates
14 April Start of Summer term 8.45 a.m.
17- 19 April ESFA Football Trip to Bristol
25 April Primary Cricket League starts (FB Fields 9.00 – 12.00)
28 – 30 April VCP Cricket tour to Fairfield (selected boys)
29 April JMS (Jersey Music Service) Opening Evening at Hautlieu 16.00 - 19.00
29 April Year 6 French Trip Meeting for Parents 15.20 – 16.00 TBC
29 April Friends of Prep Meeting (19.00 – 20.30)
30 April JMS (Jersey Music Service) Open Evening at Hautlieu 16.00 – 19.00
4 May Bank Holiday 6 May ‘VCP Rocks’ Drums & Guitar Concert School Hall 7 May Piano Concert 7.30pm 8 May Dunlop Cake Sale 8 May Parent Community Discussion Group (BIO) 13 May Year 5 Bude Trip Meeting for Parents 15.20 – 16.00 13 May ‘Sound of Music’ Choir in concert at Jersey Opera House 19.30 15 May Cinema Night at VCP Years 3&4 11-15 May Year 6 French Trip 19 May Composers’ Concert School Hall (TBC) 15.30 School Hall
18 – 20 May JPSSA Championships (FB Fields) (Track events) 21 May Open Day 22 May Cinema Night at VCP Years 5&6 25-29 May Half Term 5 June FOP Bingo (limited tickets available) 7–12 June Year 5 Bude Trip 11 June Prison Me No Way (Year 6) 15-19 June Year 4 Jersey Scout Centre Visit 16 June New Parents Evening (Parents of Year 2 boys) 17 June JPSSA Championships (FB Fields) (Field events)
23 June Ensembles Concert (School Hall) 15.30 – 17.00 Instrumental Ensembles & soloists – Parents welcome
24 June Parent Community Discussion Group (BIO)
25 June Summer Fete (pm)
30 June Summer Concert – (SHMC) 19.30 Choirs and soloists - Parents welcome
2 & 3 July Year 6 to VCJ Transition days 3 July Primary Induction Day 6 July Senior Sports Day (Yrs 5 and 6) – FB Fields (Spectators welcome) 7 July Junior Sports Day (Yrs 3 and 4) – Heathfield (Spectators welcome) 9 July & 13 July Year 5 Safety in Action 9-13 July Fairfield Visiting VCP 15 July Senior Prizegiving (pupils only) 16 July Leavers Assembly (Year 6 pupils and parents) 17 July Junior and Form Prizegiving (pupils only) 17 July End of Term Regular Activities
Monday Junior Choir 12.40 – 13.00 Music Room (JS)
Ukulele Club 12.30 – 13.00 4G Classroom (CdG)
High Jump Club 12.30 – 13.00 VCP (BS) (Year 5 and 6)
FOP Swap Shop 14.50 - 15.30 Swap Shop Hut
Athletics Club (Year 5 and 6) 15.15 - 16.30 F.B. Fields (BS & KB)
Motion Studio (Beginners) 15.10 – 16.30 VCP
Tuesday Senior Choir (Years 5 & 6) 12.30 - 13.00 School Hall (JS)
Art Club (by invitation, starts 28/4) 15.15 – 16.00 Art Room (SLF)
Orchestra (by invitation) 15.15 – 16.00 School Hall (JS)
Year 5 & 6 Fun Tennis 15.30 - 16.30 Astro Pitch (WW) (Limited places – alternate weeks commencing with year 5) (pick up at 4.15 at the Astro or 4.30 in the playground)
Kwik Cricket league (by invitation) 15.15 – 17.00 FB Fields (BS)
Wednesday 1st Team Cricket Training 08.00 – 08.30 VCP Gym (BS) Scales Club 08.20 – 08.40 Hall
Chamber Choir 12.30 – 13.00 Music Room (JS)
Year 5 & 6 Kwik Cricket 15.15 - 16.30 Heathfield (AD) (pick up at 4.15 at Heathfield or 4.30 in the playground)
Year 5 & 6 Hardball Cricket 15.15 – 16.30 F.B. Fields (BS) (selected boys only)
Drum Lessons 15.00 – 17.30 Music room (Mr Mallett)
Brazilian Football 15.00 onwards Gym (Will Partington) Motion Studio (Intermediate) 15.10 – 16.30 VCP
Thursday Percussion Lessons 8.05 – 8.45 Music Room (Miss Hsieh)
String Ensemble/Composition Club 12.30 – 13.00 Music Room (JS) (by invitation)
High Jump Club 12.30 -13.00 VCP (BS) (Years 3 & 4)
Staff Meeting 15.20 – 16.30 Staff Room
Drum Lessons 15.00 – 17.30 Music room (Mr Mallett)
Guitar Lessons 15.00 – 17.30 DT Hut (Mr Connan and Mr Watts)
Mandarin Lessons 15.15 – 16.15 Year 6 Shared Area (Ms Lishu)
Friday Percussion Lessons 8.05 – 9.50 Music Room (Miss Hsieh) First Team Cricket Tactics 12.30 – 13.00 Mr Silva’s Room (BS)
Sound of Music Choir 12.40 – 13.00 School Hall (JS)
Brazilian Football 15.00 onwards Gym (Will Partington) Year 3& 4 Kwik Cricket 15.15 – 16.30 Heathfield (DR) (Alternate weeks starting with Year 4) (pick up at 4.15 at Heathfield or 4.30 in the playground)
Whereas the dates and times of fixtures/clubs/activities are correct at the time of printing occasionally there may be cancellations or changes of time or venue.
The schools clubs and activities are emailed via Parentmail every Friday for the following week and are also published on the VLE under the “Whats on This Week” tab – please check these details weekly – if activities or clubs are cancelled after these details have been published a text will be sent to inform you.
Your son should carry with him some coins for the payphone.
All local sports fixtures will be published on the notice board.
Details of non-school run clubs will be advised directly by the person responsible for the courses.