Summer Term First Half

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Summer Term First Half

Term 5 2017 Notes for Bumblebee Reception Parents

We are looking forward to another busy term. We are hoping for some good weather to allow us to introduce more outdoor activities! Much later on in the term we will also be beginning our June Rose dance, therefore, please would you check that your child has plimsolls that still fit their feet in their PE bag.

Our areas for learning this term will focus on “Space”, including planets, the moon, stars, rockets and aliens! We will look at a range of fiction and non-fiction books to support this. To kick off the topic in this area we are having a visiting planetarium come to school on the first week back – the children will be given the opportunity to learn about the skies above us. We will be making lots of models of rockets, space ships and probably aliens so please could you continue to collect suitable recyclable junk for these tasks.

We will continue with all our number activities and move into halving, sharing, doubling and problem solving. Topic maths areas will include extending the children’s learning about 2D and 3D shape, money and measuring time and distance. Please continue to support your child in using RMeasimaths. 2 – 3 short sessions a week will allow them to practise and remember skills taught in class. Dojo points will be awarded to those children who complete their maths homework.

We have been assessing how many of the words the children know from their word tubs when asked to spell them. From the first full week back we will be giving them spelling lists to work on and practise – this means they will need to record the word for themselves and not just recognise it. Please support your child in learning these as they will be tested informally on them within class.

Just a reminder for you to use the Interactive Learning Diary to share with us your child’s out of school achievements no matter how great or small. We can share their observations from home with the class on the whiteboard, and we appreciate hearing about their activities.

Please read as often as possible at home and record this in their reading diary. The children are making fantastic progress in this area and we value your continued support with this at home too. If children do 5+ reads a week they will get a stamp / sticker in their diaries.

Children are increasingly bringing lip balms into school in their pockets or book bags, a number of incidents have arisen over the last term when children have shared these lip balms with their friends. This could potentially be dangerous as children may suffer from different allergies. If you child has sore lips and you feel that a lip balm is necessary please bring it into school in a small named bag and the teacher will keep this safe until your child needs to use it.

Show and tell themes for this term are: Monday 24th April – Some information that you have found out about space. Monday 8th May – A picture or model you have made of a space creature. Monday 22nd May - Free choice.

As an extra treat the children will also be watching a production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ when they return so they may well come out singing ‘follow the yellow brick road’ on the first day!

Thank you for all your continued support

The Bumblebee Class Team

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