English As A Second Language (ESL) Grade 4

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English As A Second Language (ESL) Grade 4

English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade 4 Unit of Study: “What’s It Worth?” Fourth Grading Period – Unit 7 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Big Idea Unit Rationale To promote authentic communication and integration in the second language (L2) The environment is what is around you. Fish live in one kind of environment. They live through the linguistic domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing underwater in a river, lake, or ocean. A human being can’t live underwater all the time, but fish commensurate with the student’s level of English. can. Like other animals, fish have special features to help them stay alive in their environment. (Avenues, Level E, Volume 2, Unit 7)  What does _____ mean? (market, load, goods, determined, disappointed, reward, coin)  What is a helping verb?  What are some questions you can ask the main characters?  What steps do you take to plan a budget?  How do you create an ad?  What does _____ mean? (exchange, service, value, barter, trade)  What is a problem-an-solution chain?  How can you distinguish between fact and opinion?  How did people pay for goods and services in the past?  What does “comparative shopping” mean? Lessons for this Unit This unit will address the following linguistic domains : Listening / Speaking  Oral language development Reading  Vocabulary  Phonics  Genre and story elements  Language fluency and comprehension Writing  Grammar English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome s

t English Language Proficiency Standards: Second Language Acquisition

p (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning skills:  use strategic learning techniques (semantic mapping, imagery). (TEKS 4.26D) e

c (A) use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English; n (C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, Listening/Speaking o  distinguish and produce intonation patterns of English. (TEKS 4.1D) C memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade- level vocabulary;  listen to models of oral reading. (TEKS 4.3A) (D) speak using learning strategies such as requesting assistance, employing  connect experiences, information, insight, and ideas through speaking and listening. non-verbal cues, and using synonyms and circumlocution (conveying ideas by (TEKS 4.4A) defining or describing when exact English words are  demonstrate effective communication skills. (TEKS 4.5B) not known);  employ content area vocabulary in context. (TEKS 4.5G) (E) internalize new basic and academic  use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings. (TEKS 4.26B) language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing  use active listening comprehension. (TEKS 4.27A) activities that build concept and language attainment;  infer meaning by making associations of utterances with actions, visuals, and context. (F) use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the (TEKS 4.27F) process.  initiate authentic discourse with peers employing new vocabulary and concepts. (TEKS 4.28D) SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 1 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. (2) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening: Reading (A) distinguish sounds and intonation patterns of English with increasing ease;  demonstrate characteristics of fluent and effective reading. (TEKS 4.7C) (B) recognize elements of the English sound system in newly acquired vocabulary such as long and short vowels, silent letters, and consonant  draw on experience to bring meaning to words in context. (TEKS 4.9B) clusters;  use dictionary to clarify meanings and usage. (TEKS 4.9C) (C) learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic  use a thesaurus to clarify meaning and usage. (TEKS 4.9Ci) vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions;  study word meanings systematically. (TEKS 4.9E) (D) monitor understanding of spoken language during classroom instruction  use knowledge and experience to comprehend. (TEKS 4.10A) and interactions and seek clarification as needed; (F) listen to and derive meaning from a variety of media such as audio tape,  use text structure or progression of ideas to locate and recall information. (TEKS video, DVD, and CD ROM to build and reinforce concept and language 4.10E) attainment.  draw inferences. (TEKS 4.10H)  find similarities and differences across texts. (TEKS 4.10I)  represent text information. (TEKS 4.10L)  support responses by referring to text and experiences. (TEKS 4.11C)  recognize that authors organize information in specific ways. (TEKS 4.12B)  recognize features of genres. (TEKS 4.12D)  understand and identify literary terms. (TEKS 4.12F)  recognize story plot. (TEKS 4.12I)  complete a story map. (TEKS 4.15A)  read authentic literature to develop vocabulary, structures, and background knowledge. (TEKS 4.29C)  participate in shared reading. (TEKS 4.29D)  use graphic organizers as pre-reading activities. (TEKS 4.29I) Writing  write to express, record, and reflect on ideas. (TEKS 4.15A)  employ standard usage for parts of speech. (TEKS 4.18Ci)  arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences into correct and meaningful patters. (TEKS 4.28F)  write with more proficient us of orthographic patterns and rules. (TEKS 4.30C)  demonstrate knowledge of parts of speech. (TEKS 4.30E) (3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking: Student TEKS Outcome (A) practice producing sounds of newly acquired vocabulary such as long and short ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. vowels, silent letters, and consonant clusters to pronounce English words in a At the end of each unit, the English language learner will understand (listen), speak, read, or manner write in English, commensurate with his/her level of English proficiency the following. that is increasingly comprehensible; I can: (B) expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning and using (Listening/Speaking) high-frequency English words necessary for identifying and describing people,  share ideas about feelings. places, and objects, by retelling simple stories and basic information  express opinions. represented or supported  listen to stories read aloud. by pictures, and by learning and using  sing songs and draw pictures. routine language needed for classroom communication;  tell how things are the same or different.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. (C) speak using a variety of grammatical (Reading) acquired;  make a word chain. (F) ask and give information ranging from using a very limited bank of high-  make a story map. frequency, high-need, concrete vocabulary, including key words and  read stories aloud. expressions  answer questions about what happened in the story. and content-based vocabulary during extended speaking assignments;  make a vocabulary bookmark. (G) express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single  tell what the plot of a story is. words and short phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and grade-appropriate academic topics. (Writing)  write sentences using helping verbs. (4) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading:  write thoughts and ideas in a journal. (A) learn relationships between sounds and letters of the English language and decode (sound out) words using a combination of skills such as recognizing  use graphic organizers sound-letter relationships and identifying cognates, affixes, roots, and base  write story captions. words;  write four things about a new word on an index card. (B) recognize directionality of English reading such as left to right and top to bottom; (C) develop basic sight vocabulary, derive meaning of environmental print, and comprehend English vocabulary and language structures used routinely in written classroom materials; (D) use prereading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pretaught topic- related vocabulary and other prereading activities to enhance comprehension of written text; (I) demonstrate English comprehension and expand reading skills by employing basic reading skills such as demonstrating understanding of supporting ideas and details in text and graphic sources, summarizing text, and distinguishing main ideas from details commensurate with content area needs.

(5) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/writing: (A) learn relationships between sounds and letters of the English language to represent sounds when writing in English; (B) write using newly cquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade-level vocabulary; (D) edit writing for standard grammar and usage, including subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, and appropriate verb tenses commensurate with grade-level expectations as more English is acquired; (E) employ increasingly complex grammatical structures in content area writing commensurate with grade-level expectations, such as: (i) using correct verbs, tenses, and pronouns/antecedents; (ii) using possessive case (apostrophe s) correctly; and (iii) using negatives and contractions correctly; (F) write using a variety of grade-appropriate sentence lengths, patterns, and connecting words to combine phrases, clauses, and sentences in increasingly accurate ways as more English is acquired.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Evidence of Learning The students will demonstrate growth in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with minimal second language acquisition support, in academic and social settings At least 80% of the time and commensurate with the students’ English language proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced), the students will participate in ESL listening and speaking activities and will demonstrate understanding of the unit theme by:  expressing opinions.  sharing ideas about feelings.  exhibiting fluency and appropriate intonation  identifying similarities and differences. At least 80% of the time and commensurate with the students’ English language proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced), the students will participate in ESL reading activities focusing on reading and constructing meaning of fiction and non-fiction selections by:  answering comprehension questions about story content.  completing a story map.  developing vocabulary related to the story selection. At least 80% of the time and commensurate with the students’ English language proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced), the students will participate in ESL writing activities and demonstrate competence in applying grammatical skills when:  writing sentences with helping verbs.  using adjectives that compare.  using graphic organizers.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Fourth Grading Period Unit 7 Genre: Autobiographical Fiction- “My Rows and Piles of Coins” CURRICULUM GUIDE Essential Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What does _____ mean? (market, load, goods, English Language Learners may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English determined, disappointed, reward, coin) language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation  What is a helping verb? and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated,  What are some questions you can ask the main sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s level of English language proficiency. characters? *The student’s level of English language proficiency is determined by the following assessments: Woodcock Muñoz  What steps do you take to plan a budget? Language Survey (WMLS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Individual  How do you create an ad? student assessment results may be accessed via the Crystal Enterprise System by the campus administrator and/or the  What are the steps in the writing process? LPAC coordinator. The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions The student will... The teacher will… Lesson 1 Oral Language (T378e)  Write Message for Today (I want to buy _____. What do you want to buy? and after initial discussion, display a  demonstrate effective communication picture of something you might buy. Reread the message, inserting the picture object. Guide students to name places skills. (TEKS 4.5B) with information about goods and where they can be bought. List ideas in a chart. Language Focus (378f)  use prior knowledge and experiences to  Explain the concept of justifying. Explain that to justify you can answer why questions. Then model the language understand meanings. (TEKS 4.26B) function.  Have partners select an item to pretend to buy and a place to buy it. Have them justify their decisions by giving reasons for making the purchase and citing advantages of the place of purchase. Lesson 2 Vocabulary (T378)  Read the title and point out the inset photo on page 378 in the student book. Then read the sentences, pausing after  study word meanings systematically (TEKS each highlighted word to clarify its meaning. Use gestures, facial expressions, restatements, and the Defining Sentences 4.9E) on page T379.  Provide additional vocabulary practice using Multi-Level Strategies (Role-Play/Use Words in Context)  infer meaning by making associations of utterances with actions, visuals, and context. Word Chains - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) - A word chain provides students with a structure to explore relationships (TEKS 4.27F) among words, understand how they can be used, and remember their meanings. Procedure: (a) the teacher selects 5 to 7 new vocabulary words, (b) the students – in pairs - are given a group of words, (c)  make a word chain. (TEKS 4.9B) the students develop a word chain and then share it with another pair (or the rest of the class), and (d) finally each student writes a short paragraph using the new words in a way that demonstrates their connection. (Rojas) Lesson 3 Oral language (T380a)  use strategic learning techniques (semantic  Display the picture of fruit and say: “I’m going to the market to buy fruit.” Have each student repeat the sentence mapping, imagery). (TEKS 4.26D) and add an item to buy, continuing until the list is too long to remember.  use active listening comprehension (TEKS 4.27A) Preview Language (T380c)  infer meaning by making associations of  Read aloud the text,” Saruni’s Coins.” Point to visuals on pages 382-383 to identify the setting, as well as people utterances with actions, visuals, and context. and things as you read. Bold words in the text are helping and main verbs. (TEKS 4.27F)  After reading, teach the students the strategy in How to Learn Language, to help them learn story vocabulary.

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Grammar Focus (T380d)  arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences  Teach/Model the use of helping verbs. Use the Verb Chart on page T380d to generate statements about the scene into correct and meaningful patterns. (TEKS on page 383. 4.28F)

Lesson 4 Preview the story: Genre and Text Features (T380a)  recognize that authors organize information  Introduce the genre of autobiographical fiction. Explain that the characters in autobiographical fiction are real people and that the setting is where and when a story takes place. in specific ways. (TEKS 4.12B)  Use the Preview Script on page T380b to preview the key events in the story.  recognize features of genres. (TEKS 4.12D) Reading Strategy: Goal and Outcome (T380e)  understand and identify literary terms.  Read the story aloud, pausing to teach text structure and representing it visually on a goal-and-outcome map. (TEKS 4.12F)  Use the Multi-Level Strategies to involve students at all proficiency levels in mapping the text structure.  recognize story plot. (TEKS 4.12I) (Multi-level Strategies B/I/A 316e)  use text structure or progression of ideas to locate and recall information. (TEKS 4.10E). Lesson 5 Oral Language (T380g)  use text structure or progression of ideas to  Write the Message for Today (I am determined to _____. What are you determined to do?), inserting something you are determined to do, such as exercise every day. Ask students to tell you what they are determined to do and list their locate and recall information. (TEKS 4.10E). answers (use a roundtable discussion format).  demonstrate effective communication skills. (TEKS 4.5B) Roundtable (variation) – Students, in teams, take turns writing or drawing their responses (1 paper, 1 pencil per team). Writing (T380e)  write to discover and develop ideas. (TEKS  Have students write shopping lists of things they would like to buy in an outdoor market or at stores in their 4.15A) community.

Lesson 6 Vocabulary (T380h)  Review key words by identifying and placing word cards and pictures in a pocket chart. Use the defining sentences  initiate authentic discourse with peers to clarify the meaning of the key words. employing new vocabulary and concepts. (TEKS 4.28D) Grammar Focus (T388)  Teach and model the use of past and present progressive forms of verbs.  arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences  Have partners use verbs in the chart or other verbs to tell about an action that happened in the past or one that is into correct and meaningful patterns. (TEKS happening at the present time. 4.28F)  Have student play What Was Happening by having volunteers pantomime actions based on pages 396-387.  employ standard usage for parts of speech.  Assign page 101 in the Practice Book for additional practice. (TEKS 4.18Ci) 4-Square Vocabulary Approach - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) - This provides an interactive way to introduce key vocabulary words and helps students to draw on their prior knowledge and personal experience. The strategy takes less time as students learn how to use the strategy on their own. Procedure: (a) have the students fold and number their papers into  write definitions using the 4-Square four squares, (b) in square 1, students write the key term while the teacher presents the word in context and explains its Approach. (TEKS 4.9B) definition, (c) in square 2 students write an example from personal experience that fits the term (can be done in the mother tongue if necessary), (d) in square 3 students write a non-example of the term, and (e) in square 4 students write their own definition of the word. See the example below. (Rojas)

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 7 Phonics (T378g))  write with more proficient use of  Use Transparencies 51-53 from the Reading Basics to review inflections: -ing. orthographic patterns and rules. (TEKS 4.30C)

Writing (T399b)  write to express, record, and reflect on  Have students write sentences, using the Key Words, then copy the sentences replacing each Key Word with a ideas. (TEKS 4.15A) blank. Then have them exchange sentences with a partner and complete the partner’s sentences.  express opinions. (ELPS 3G) Agreement Circles Students stand in a large circle, then step to the center in proportion to their agreement with a statement containing the Key Words. Lesson 8 Read Story (T380i-399)

The following strategies (T380j) will make the language of the selection fully  read authentic literature to develop comprehensible: vocabulary structure and background  Point to the visuals such as Saruni’s accumulating rows and piles of coins, having students count them and compare knowledge. (TEKS 4.29C) to previous piles.  Restate words and phrases.  use text’s structure or progression of ideas  Act out events and the characters’ feelings. to recall information. (TEKS 4.10E)  Demonstrate with gestures, pantomime, and sound effects. Use the reading options on page T380i to provide a reading experience tailored to the students’ language proficiency and literacy levels. Lesson 9 Language Fluency (T399a)  distinguish and produce intonation patterns  Play the recording for Page 388. Then play it again, pausing after phrases for students to echo. Then have students of English. (TEKS 4.1D) tell in their own words something that Saruni did, grouping words with pauses to clarify meanings.  demonstrate characteristics of fluent and effective reading. (TEKS 4.7C) Lesson 10 Think and Respond (T400-401)  use text structure or progression of ideas to  Read aloud the description of goal, events, and outcome on page 400. Model how to fill in the goal and the first locate and recall information. (TEKS 4.10E) event. To help students fill in subsequent events, ask them to explain what happens next. Students can draw or write to  find similalrities and differences across texts fill out their graphic organizers. (TEKS 4.10I)  Brainstorm and list questions partners can ask Saruni. Use the Multi-level Strategies to involve all students (Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced T400).  support responses by referring to text and  Encourage students to take their story maps home and retell the story to their families. experiences. (TEKS 4.11C)  Assign page 105 in the Practice Book for homework. Extension –The following activities should be addressed as time permits during the nine-week grading period:  Role-Play a Conversation T402a  Plan a Budget T402b  Create Ads T403a  Write to Persuade T403c  Form Generalizations T404  Suffixes T405a  Hands-on Centers: Rank U.S. Coins, Balance a Checkbook, Make Forty Cents, Research Product Origins (T374f-g) Word Wall English/Spanish Cognates Resources  coin My Rows and Piles of Coins  Hampton Brown Avenues, Fourth Grade, Level E, Unit 7

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.  determined  bicycles, bicicletas  Language Songs, Big Book  disappointed  decorate, decorar  English at Your Command!  goods  confusion, confusión  Practice Book  load  lantern, linterna  Leveled Books  market  piles, pilas  reward  prepare, preparar  Unit 7 Picture Cards  pedals, pedales o E75 dentist  maize, maíz o E76 firefighter  spinach, espinacas o E77 waiter  bananas, bananas o E78 clerk  instructions, instrucciones o E79 teacher  practice, practicar o E80 mechanic  precious, precioso o E81 fruit  explode, explotar o E82 shirts  cart, carreta o E83 furniture o E84 sports equipment o E85 computers o E86 tractors Textbook: Avenues Level E District Resources Print Resources Internet Resources - Online Resources: www.hbavenues.com Media Resources  Language Songs CD 1  Selection Readings CD1  Kidspiration: Vocabulary and Writing Software Evidence of Learning Differentiation Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Use multi-level strategies to provide practice for students Unit 7 Progress Test at all proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced): Beginner Level  Lesson 2: Key Vocabulary T378 The boys ______their money.  Lesson 4: Strategy: Goal and Outcome T380e a. is count  Lesson 8: Reading T380i-399 b. are count  Lesson 10: Think and Respond T400-401 c. is counting d. are counting

Intermediate Level He sells a lot of fruit at the ______. a. map b. class c. frame d. market

Advanced Level SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 8 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Elaine used all her ______to buy some fruit. a. coins b. secrets c. contests d. sketches

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Fourth Grading Period – Unit 7 Genre: History Article - “Money” CURRICULUM GUIDE Essential Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills  What does _____ mean? (exchange, service, value, barter, English Language Learners may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage trade) of English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning  What is a problem-and-solution chain? expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must  How can you distinguish between fact and opinion? be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the  How did people pay for goods and services in the past? student’s level of English language proficiency.  What does “comparative shopping” mean? *The student’s level of English language proficiency is determined by the following assessments: Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey (WMLS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Individual student assessment results may be accessed via the Crystal Enterprise System by the campus administrator and/or the LPAC coordinator. The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions The student will... The teacher will… Lesson 1 Oral Language (T406e)  Write Message for Today (I want to trade this _____. What will you give me for it?). Display pictures of shirts and  demonstrate effective communication computers and lead a discussion about items with comparable values. Discuss how people decide what things are skills. (TEKS 4.5B) worth. Record the students’ information on a chart.  Read the Message and as students propose trades for the object you offer, discuss comparative values of the objects.  use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings. (TEKS 4.26B) Language Focus (T406f)  Teach/Model how to give information, using the Information Statements on page T406f.  ask and give information (ELPS 3F) Think-Pair-Share – Have partners act out trades using the Cooperative Learning Strategy of Think, Pair, Share. Partners think about and then give information about the objects they are trading. After completing the trades, have the pairs share with the class information about their trades. Lesson 2 Vocabulary (T406)  Display the Big Book and refer to the pictures on pages 406-407 in the Student Book. Play the song, engage students in singing, and track the print.  study word meanings systematically.  Introduce the Key Words, using the visuals and the Defining Sentences on page T407 to clarify meanings. (TEKS 4.9E)  As students sing the song again, have them make up new verses, using the same first line, but inserting other workers who want to exchange goods and services.  use reference aids to clarify meanings and  Provide additional vocabulary practice using Multi-Level Strategies (Context Clues/Relate Words). usage. (TEKS 4.9Ci)

Word Chains - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) - A word chain provides students with a structure to explore relationships  make a word chain. (TEKS 4.9B) among words, understand how they can be used, and remember their meanings. Procedure: (a) the teacher selects 5 to 7 new vocabulary words that are related to the same concept and models how to develop a word chain based on the connections, (b) the students – in pairs - are given a group of words, (c) the students develop a word chain and then share it with another pair (or the rest of the class), and (d) finally each student writes a short paragraph using the new words in a way that demonstrates their connection. (Rojas)

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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Lesson 3 Oral Language (T408a)  use active listening comprehension.  Conduct a Quicktalk. Pass around various coins and bills. Discuss their names and values. Inform the students (TEKS 4.27A) that they will learn about the history of money and how money is made.  infer meaning by making associations of Preview Language (T408c) utterances with actions, visuals, and context.  Read aloud the text, “Before Money.” As you read, point to the visuals on pages 411-413 and demonstrate (TEKS 4.27F) exchanging one object for another. Explain that the bold words in the text are simple subjects and verbs.  use strategic learning techniques  Teach students the strategy in How to Learn Language to help them understand expressions. (semantic mapping, imagery). (TEKS 4.26D) Grammar Focus (T408d)  arrange phrases and sentences into  Teach/model that complete sentences are made up of a subject and a predicate. correct and meaningful patterns. (TEKS 4.28F)

Inside-Outside Circle – Have students participate in the Cooperative Learning Strategy known as Inside-Outside  demonstrate knowledge of parts of Circle. A student on the inside gives a subject, and the partner on the outside completes the sentence. Partners then speech. reverse roles. (TEKS 4.30E) Lesson 4 Preview the story: Genre and Story Elements (T408a)  recognize features of genres. (TEKS  Introduce the genre of History Article by reading the title on page 409 aloud. Review the use of captions and labels 4.12D) and explain what artifacts are. Use the Preview Script on page T408b to preview the key information in the history  understand and identify literary terms. article. (TEKS 4.12F)  use text structure or progression of ideas Reading Strategy: Problem and Solution (T408e-f)  Read the article aloud, pausing to represent the text structure visually in a problem-and-solution chain. to locate and recall information. (TEKS  Display the chain. Point to each box as you introduce problems and solutions. Then read the pages. Record the 4.10E). problems and solutions in the first four boxes.  use graphic organizers as pre-reading  Use the Multi-Level Strategies to involve students at all proficiency levels in mapping the text structure (Multi-level activities. (TEKS 4.29I) Strategies B / I/ A T408e)  recognize that authors organize

Pairs Compare - Pairs generate ideas or answers, compare their answers with another pair, and then see if working information in specific ways. (TEKS 4.12B) together they can come up with additional responses neither pair alone had.  ask and give information (ELPS 3F) Lesson 5 Oral Language (T408g)  employ content area vocabulary in context.  Play the song, “Many Pennies” and invite students to sing along. Then brainstorm a list of things people spend (TEKS 4.5G) money for every day. Use the list to create new verses about spending money. Then summarize the key concept which  participate in shared reading. (TEKS is that people spend money every day to buy things they need and want. 4.29D) Roundtable – Procedure: (a) students are seated in small groups around tables. (b) the teacher asks a question that has many possible answers (What do you need/want to buy today?). (c) each student around the table is encouraged to  participate in authentic discouse with answer the question a different way. peers (TEKS 4.28D)) Writing (T408e)  Students draw pictures of U.S. coins and bills and label each with the name, the value, and a brief description.  write to record ideas. (TEKS 4.15A) Lesson 6 Vocabulary (T408h)  initiate authentic discourse with peers  Review key words by identifying and placing word cards and pictures in a pocket chart. Use the defining sentences employing new vocabulary and concepts. on page T408h to clarify the meaning of the Key Words. Have students add each Key Word to their personal (TEKS 4.28D) dictionaries. They can use definitions or examples that best convey each word’s meaning.  write definitions using the 4-Square 4-Square Vocabulary Approach - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) - This provides an interactive way to introduce key SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 11 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. vocabulary words and helps students to draw on their prior knowledge and personal experience. The strategy takes less time as students learn how to use the strategy on their own. Procedure: (a) have the students fold and number their papers into Approach. (TEKS 4.9B) four squares, (b) in square 1, students write the key term while the teacher presents the word in context and explains its definition, (c) in square 2 students write an example from personal experience that fits the term (can be done in the mother tongue if necessary), (d) in square 3 students write a non-example of the term, and (e) in square 4 students write their own definition of the word. See the example below. (Rojas) Lesson 7 Grammar Focus (T413)  Teach/Model the use of simple and complete subjects. Have students practice writing sentences and underlining  demonstrate knowledge of parts of the complete subject and circling the simple subject in each sentence. speech. (TEKS 4.30E)  Teach/Model the use of simple and complete predicates. Have students practice writing sentences and underlining  arrange phrases and sentences into the complete predicate and circling the simple predicate in each sentence. correct and meaningful patterns. (TEKS 4.28F)  Assign pages 110 and 111 in the practice book for additional reinforcement. Lesson 8 Read Story (T408i-423)

The following strategies (T408j) will make the language of the selection fully comprehensible:  Point to the visuals or display real objects, such as coins and paper money.  use text’s structure or progression of ideas  Restate words and phrases. to recall information. (TEKS 4.10E)  Demonstrate with gestures and role-plays.  Summarize each section.  draw on experiences to bring meanings to  Guide students in reading the story and ensure comprehension by using effective questioning strategies. (Reading words in context. (TEKS 4.9B) Options T408i) Lesson 9 Language Fluency (T423a)  Reinforce the concept of intonation and expression. Read aloud the paragraph on page 410. Have students echo the first two sentences. Then post the following sentence frames:  distinguish and produce intonation o Money is important to people in _____. patterns of English. (TEKS 4.1D) o It’s used to _____.  demonstrate characteristics of fluent and  Have partners choose a city or country and a way money is used there to complete the sentences. Then direct effective reading. (TEKS 4.7C) them to memorize and present the information.  listen to models of oral reading. (TEKS 4.3A) Vocabulary (T418)  Teach and demonstrate the use of context clues.  Provide practice by having partners locate more words they don’t know in the selection and use context clues to figure out their meanings.  Assign page 113 in the Practice Book for additional reinforcement.  draw on experiences to bring meanings to words in context. (TEKS 4.9B) Vocab-marks - (Stephens & Brown, 2000) -A Vocab-mark is a bookmark made from laminated paper with spaces for students to list unfamiliar words as they encounter them in their reading. Procedure: (a) the teacher models finding unfamiliar words while reading and how to record them on a Vocab-mark and (b) students make their own and begin to list new words,  make a vocabulary bookmark. (TEKS the page number, and a brief definition (either through a dictionary or a friend. (Rojas) 4.9B) Lesson 10 Think and Respond (T424, T425)  use text structure or progression of ideas  Refer to pages 424-425 in the Student Book. Review the strategy of Problem and Solution. Model how to fill in the to locate and recall information. (TEKS first problem and solution. Then assist them in filling in subsequent boxes. Students can draw or write to fill out their 4.10E) graphic organizers.  represent text information. (TEKS  Choose an option in the Multi-Level Strategies to support all students in forming generalizations. (Multi-level 4.10L) SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 12 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Strategies B/I/A T424)  Encourage students to take their graphic organizers home and tell their families what they learned about money.

Agreement Circles - Students stand in a large circle, then step to the center in proportion to their agreement with a  express opinions. (ELPS 3G) Problem/Solution statement.

Grammar (T420)  employ increasingly complex grammatical  Teach/Model the use of compound predicates. structures in writing. (TEKS 4.30E)  Write pairs of sentences and have students combine the verbs in each pair to make a new sentence.  Assign page 114 in the Practice Book for additional reinforcement. Extension –The following activities should be addressed as time permits during the nine-week grading period:  Role-Play History T426a  Make a Product Map T426b  Shop at a Class Store T427a  Write a Letter T427c  Use Helping Verbs T428  Negative Prefixes T429a  Hands-on Centers: Rank U.S. Coins, Balance a Checkbook, Make Forty Cents, Research Product Origins (T374f- g) Word Wall English/Spanish Cognates Resources  barter Money  Hampton Brown Avenues, Fourth Grade, Level E, Unit 7  exchange  appearance, apariencia Unit 7  service  value, valor Picture Cards  trade  depend, depender E75 dentist  value  use, usar o E76 firefighter  invent, inventar o  limit, limitar o E77 waiter  service, servicio o E78 clerk  objects, objetos o E79 teacher  consider, considerarse o E80 mechanic  metal, metal o E81 fruit  medium, medio o E82 shirts  bronze, bronce o E83 furniture  stamp, estampar o E84 sports equipment  creation, creación E85 computer  legal, legal o  airports, aeropuertos o E86 tractors  table, tabla  Language Songs, Big Book  bank, banco  English at Your Command!  zinc, cinc  Practice Book  liberty, libertad  Leveled Books  letters, letras Textbook: Avenues Level E  formula, formula  represent, representar District Resources  original colonies, colonias Print Resources originales Internet Resources - Online Resources: www.hbavenues.com  olive, olivo Media Resources SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 13 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.  Language Songs CD 1  Selection Readings CD1  Kidspiration: Vocabulary and Writing Software

SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 14 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards. Evidence of Learning Differentiation Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Use multi-level strategies to provide practice for students Unit 7 Progress Test at all proficiency levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Beginner Level Advanced):  Lesson 2: Key Vocabulary T406 She ______for a dress.  Lesson 4: Strategy: Problem and Solution T408e-f a. look  Lesson 8: Reading T408i-423 b. is look  Lesson 10: Think and Respond T424, 425 c. is looking d. are looking

Intermediate Level

Every morning, a ______opens the store at nine o’clock. a. work b. worker c. worked d. working

Advanced Level

At the bank, Mr. Kane ______some U.S. dollars for pesos. a. watched b. explained c. exchanged d. remembered

SAISD © 2008-09 – Fourth Grading Period ESL Grade 4 Page 15 of 15

Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required assessments at each grade level. All End of Course (EOC) eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.

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