Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library

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Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library

Steger-South Chicago Heights Public Library

Board of Trustees Minutes of the Regular Meeting Thursday, June 16, 2011 7:00 pm

President Stroube called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm

ROLL CALL: Present: Holecek-Sherman, Joyce, Stewart, Stroube, Thurmond Late: Fiorenzo Absent: Peterson Also Present: Lisa Morrison Korajczyk, Director,


MINUTES: Trustee Thurmond made a motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that minutes from the regular meeting on May 19, 2011 be approved. Upon a voice vote the motion passed.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Board discussed the Klein, Thorpe, and Jenkins letter concerning the increase in the billing.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Trustee Holecek-Sherman made a motion and Trustee Thurmond seconded that the Board approve the June 2011 claims list for $9,008.50 and the petty cash list for $629.94.The May IMRF was also $2,369.45. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed.

Ayes: Fiorenzo, Holecek-Sherman, Joyce, Stewart, Stroube, Thurmond Nays: 0

LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Automation: The tech consultant performed the monthly maintenance on the computers, but also purchased extra memory for several of the computers, and the library purchased two used monitors from the consultant. The laptops are almost ready for patron use, but the Director and the Circulation supervisor want to create an official procedure for the staff before we start lending them to patrons.

Building and Maintenance: Max’s Landscaping has performed the monthly maintenance on the lawn, but also placed new mulch down, and pulled out some dead bushes. He also donated 8 plants, 8 small hand shovels and dug the holes for our planting program for the kids. The side of the building will now have 4 more daylilies and hostas. There was a power outage in the building during a terrible storm, but the staff handled it professionally. I would like to consider re-striping and repaving the parking lot. You also have three bids for the drinking fountain. The security cameras are scheduled to be installed June 29, 2011, and there are no permits required from the Village.

Personnel: Ms. Gaz attended her quarterly CLASS meeting. The Director attended: 2 Kiwanis meetings, 1 Project Phoenix meeting, 1 Policy Committee meeting, 2 Strategic Planning Committee meetings, 1 Zone meeting, and the Trustee workshop. The Director also terminated the employment of Ms. Dismuke and I have received a resignation letter from Ms. McClain. She has given the Library 4 weeks notice. We have posted a notice for 2 circulation clerks, and Ms. Gerson will take the tech services job which is now a part- time position. Ms. Gerson has already started training with Ms. McClain, and we have numerous applications for the two circulation positions.

Programs: The Youth Services programs were light this month because both Ms. Gaz and Ms. Elmore were in the schools promoting the summer reading club. As you can see they saw close to a thousand children. Prior to her termination, Ms. Dismuke was also at Columbia Jr. High promoting the summer reading club also. You have copies of the new summer newsletter, and the Library has plenty of programs over the next few months. Hopefully we will have an exciting summer!

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Trustee Fiorenzo discussed that the meeting was brief and that the committee recommends that the Director hire Ms. Berggren as a facilitator for the designated part of the strategic planning process at the agreed upon price of $400.00. Ms, Fiorenzo also noted that committee had to correct the wording of the Library’s Mission Statement.

OLD BUSINESS: The Board approved hiring Ms. Berggren as a facilitator for the designated portion of the Strategic Plan at the price of $400.00. Trustee Thurmond made a motion and Trustee Stewart seconded that the Board approve the revised Mission Statement as presented to the Board. Upon a voice vote the motion carried. The Finance Committee members selected 6/27/11 at 1:30 pm as the meeting date.

NEW BUSINESS: Staff raises will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting later in the month, and the Policy Committee will decide at the next Board meeting their meeting date. Trustee Thurmond made a motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that the Board table the discussion on the drinking fountain contract. Upon a voice vote the motion passed. The Board discussed the pros and cons of the SWAN ILL/RB contract and Trustee Thurmond made a motion and Trustee Holecek-Sherman seconded that the Board approve the contract for $1000.00. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed. Ayes: Fiorenzo, Holecek-Sherman, Stewart, Stroube, Thurmond Nays: Joyce

The Board looked at the draft of the working budget and tabled the discussion until after the Finance Committee met and worked on the budget. The Board then went into closed session. Trustee Thurmond made the motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that the Board go into closed session for reason 2(c) (1). Upon a voice vote the motion passed. The Board went into closed session at 8:07 pm. Trustee Thurmond made a motion and Trustee Holecek- Sherman seconded that the Board leave the close session and return to the regular meeting. Upon a voice vote the motion passed. The Board returned to the regular session at 8:20 pm.

TRUSTEE DISCUSSION: Trustees Thurmond, Stewart and Joyce shared their experiences with the Trustee workshop. The trustees then discussed the email from Trustee Peterson, and how to respond. The Board President will answer the email.

ADJOURNMENT: Trustee Stewart made a motion and Trustee Joyce seconded that the June 16, 2011 meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote the meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm.

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