At Lakeview Kennel we recommend the use of Food Grade Codex Grade Diatomaceous Earth as both a feed supplement and as a topical application. Proper use will greatly reduce the amount of fleas, ticks, and internal parasites. Use ONLY FOOD GRADE CODEX GRADE Diatomaceous Earth. Applications we regularly use are as follows:

Topical Application

Apply liberally to your dog’s coat and rub in. Contact with fleas and ticks will result in the pest’s exoskeleton being scratched by the surface of the diatoms, followed by dehydration and death of the pests. Take care to not get the Diatomaceous Earth in your dog’s eyes.


Liberal dusting of bedding areas with Diatomaceous Earth will help reduce or eliminate the presence of fleas and ticks. Bedding areas must be dry for this application to be effective.

Feed Supplement

Adding Diatomaceous Earth to your dog’s food as a supplement will greatly reduce or eliminate the presence of hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and other internal parasites. We start using Diatomaceous Earth as a supplement with our puppies’ first solid food, and continue its’ use throughout our dogs’ lives. Daily feeding rates are as shown below, and we mix it into our regular dry food:

Puppies… 1 teaspoon

Dogs under 35 lbs… 1 tablespoon

Dogs over 35 lbs… 2 tablespoons

It is important to remember that giving more than the recommended amount will cause no harm to your dog, and will actually pass through your pet and help control odor and reduce fly load.


Food Grade Codex Grade Diatomaceous Earth is readily available at most pet and farm supply stores. We buy ours at Tractor Supply, and the brand we use is Red Lake. It’s reasonably priced, we buy it locally for $12.99/20 lbs or $19.99/40 lbs. For basically pennies a day we’ve found it to be one of the best tools we can use against parasites, and recommend strongly that all our clients use this product. Any brand is acceptable as long as it is labeled FOOD GRADE CODEX GRADE. This is critically important as there are pool filter grades on the market that have been chemically treated and can harm or kill your pet. USE ONLY FOOD GRADE CODEX GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!