10 May 2012 LGPS Issue no. 19


Negotiations on the proposals for the ‘new’ LGPS are moving closer towards a conclusion. We hope that it won’t be too long before we can let you all know what the outcome has been. Both the unions and the LGA team have done our very best to protect you - the LGPS members - and the scheme for the future. We want more people to join it and for it to be sustainable far into the future.

Thank you for your patience. The negotiating team realises that it has been difficult for you all to wait so long, but it has been a painstaking process and we needed to get it right. Negotiations are still ongoing on ‘Workstream 2’ – the new governance arrangements for the scheme and the ‘cap and collar’ arrangements. Obviously your negotiators are seeking to ensure what UNISON has long campaigned for – member nominated reps with real say within local funds – as well as at overall fund level. We have made it clear that we expect them to be nominated by UNISON and other unions so that there is collective accountability and established mechanisms for feed-back to members.

What happens next?

Once we have agreed the final details of the proposals and they are cleared by the Treasury and DCLG Ministers, we will make them public. We are already working on paper and e-materials so that they are ready to go out to you by every means possible!

Within UNISON, we will be holding briefings in Regions and there will be a PowerPoint which can be used at local level. The Service Groups with members in the LGPS – Local Government, Police and Justice, Higher Education, Water, Environment and Transport and Community – will then meet to make recommendations on the proposals which will form the basis of a ballot of all eligible members. We want to ensure that members know about the proposals and as many as possible vote in the ballot.

D:\Docs\2018-04-03\04698ebc6e79f8c7d2e58039fea18904.doc UNISON Protect Our Pensions LGPS campaign 19 Public Service Pensions Bill – what does it mean for LGPS members?

Some of you have asked what the Public Service Pensions Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech yesterday means for LGPS members – or potential members? The answer is that the specific announcement made yesterday about the ‘three largest schemes’ referred to the Teachers’, NHS and Civil Service schemes, although aspects of the Bill – including proposals for better governance – will apply to the LGPS. The LGPS Project Team has made a joint statement about the announcement which will be on the LGPS web site at ww w . lgps.or g .uk today.

Keep Talking, Keep Recruiting!

The ballot will provide a very important opportunity to talk to members and non- members alike and let them know that UNISON has been working hard on their behalf.

Now is the time to tell non-members that they will not be part of that consultation ballot unless they join UNISON. Make sure you talk to every non-member in your workplace and give them the latest on the LGPS and get them to sign up!

We need more and more members to show the employers that we have got the industrial strength to resist attacks on pensions, pay, jobs and conditions. So carry on organising! Contact Indira Patel, [email protected] if you would like to be a UNISON pension contact or champion.

Join UNISON online www.unison.org.uk/join or call 0845 355 0845

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