Home Show Confirmation Letter

Dear ______

Thank you very much for scheduling a Home Show with me. I am so excited!!! Your show is scheduled for ______(date) at ______(time). Remember the three keys for a successful show. By using this formula you will receive outstanding Hostess credits for hosting a Home Show.

1. Invite each guest three times: By mail: Mail your invitations so your guests receive them one week before the show. By phone: A couple of days before the date of the party call your friends to remind them of the Home Show and urge them to bring their friends. By text or Facebook: Reach out and remind them the day of the show.

2. Outside Orders: Special Bonus: Collect 5 outside orders before your show and receive a special bonus.

Orders taken outside the Home Show count just as much as those taken at the Home Show. Try for a total of 15 orders, 10 orders at the Home Show and 5 outside orders would ensure this. The higher the sales, the more Hostess credit you receive!

3. Bookings: The better the attendance at the Home Show, the better your chances are of getting 3 bookings. Try to obtain at least 1 booking before your show and remember... three qualified bookings dated from your show gives you a free gift from me! Also, for each booking dated from your Home Show, you will receive an extra $20 worth of product at a 75% discount.

I will be calling you soon to see if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to call me if needed. Good luck and thank you for everything! I am really looking forward to your Home Show!


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