Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, USA

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Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, USA

July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group

Date: 2016-07-25

Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Stephen 200 Bath Road, Slough, BlackBerry Ltd +44 1753 667099 smccann@blackberry. McCann Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK com

Abstract This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the July 2016, San Diego, USA meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.

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IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #158 Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, USA July 25th – 29th, 2016

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 25th July 2016

The chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Jon ROSDAHL Vice-chair 1 (VC1) Qualcomm Dorothy STANLEY Vice-chair 2 (VC2) HPE Stephen MCCANN Secretary BlackBerry

There are 372 voting and 11 Ex-Officio members of IEEE 802.11

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-16-0769r1)

1.1. This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. The meeting is in Quorum. 1.2. From the IEEE, there are the following staff:  Michelle Turner: Editor  Kathryn Bennet: Technical Program Management  Jonathan Goldberg: Technical Program Management  Jodi Haasz: IEEE 802 Global Activities (SC6, ITU, ISO/IEC, IETF, etc.)  Sam Sciacca: Attending to provide overall support on the operational program management and solution support.  Kim Breitfelder: Attending to provide overall support on the content production and management. 1.3. Chair: Are there any changes required to the meeting schedule. 1.4. Comment (C): What time does the evening session start tonight? 1.5. Chair: It need to be corrected to 7.30pm, which will appear in a later revision of the agenda. In addition, this evening’s 5G EC SC meeting will provide IEEE 802.11 attendance credit. 1.6. VC1: The IEEE 802.18 block is for 4 hours. 1.7. Answer (A): Yes 1.8. Move to approve the agenda (graphic and Monday agenda only) 1.9. Moved Jim Petranovich, 2nd Al Petrick 1.10. No objection to the approval of the agenda.

2. Notices (11-16-0770r1)

2.1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please. There will be one exception to this rules, within WNG this week. If there are any members of the press present, please can they make themselves known. 2.2. None

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3. May 2016 WG Minutes

3.1. Move to approve the Waikoloa May 2016 minutes document 11-16-0524r1 3.2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry 3.3. Following neither discussion nor dissent, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

4. Attendance

4.1. Please remember to login and register your attendance. 4.2. 11 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 244 people in the room. 4.3. Chair: There will be a new member’s meeting today at PM1 today, in room Seaport H on the second floor.

5. Policy and Procedures (11-16-0 787r0 )

5.1. Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information. 5.2. The chair called for essential patents information. 5.3. No statements were made. 5.4. There are some proposed changes to the IEEE 802 EC rules this week. 5.5. There are also some proposed changes to the IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM), which will be considered during the Wednesday mid-week plenary. 5.6. No questions

6. Announcements Part 1

6.1. Email Reflectors (11-16-0787r0 slide #16) 6.1.1. No questions

6.2. Incoming liaison from 3GPP (11-16-0770r1 slide #4) 6.2.1. Chair: We have received this liaison from RAN4 regarding various measurements. Is there a volunteer to look after this item? 6.2.2. No questions

6.3. Response from PatCom (11-16-0770r1 slide #5) 6.3.1. Chair: Several questions were sent to PatCom and they produced a response to them in their June 2016 meeting. 6.3.2. No questions

6.4. IEEE 802 meetings this week (11-16-0770r1) 6.4.1. Chair: Please note that there are some cross 802 meetings this week.

6.5. IEEE 802.19 6.5.1. IEEE 802.19 is dealing with various liaisons from 3GPP regarding LAA/802.11 co- existence. If you are interested, please come along and attend.

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6.6. 802 EC 5G SC 6.6.1. There will be two sessions of this group this week, on Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. All IEEE 802.11 voting members are able to vote in this committee.

6.7. Joint meetings this week (11-16-0770r1 slide #8) 6.7.1. This slide shows the joint meetings this week.

6.8. Other IEEE 802 working groups (11-16-0804r0 slide #4 and #5) 6.8.1. VC1: This slide shows links to the agendas of the other working groups, together with an additional slide showing an online schedule which is suitable for most mobile devices. There are various QR codes to find agenda and schedules.

6.9. Meeting rooms and online calendar (11-16-0804r0 slide #6) 6.9.1. VC1: Please note that online calendar has been updated and is more automated and should match the attendance and online schedule.

6.10. September 2016 interim (11-16-0804r0 slide #8) 6.10.1. VC1: Please note that the registration for the September 2016 meeting is now open. This meeting will be held in Warsaw, Poland. The deadline for the early bird rate is August 2nd.

6.11. Attendance (11-16-0804r0 slide #10) 6.11.1. VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. Please record your attendance honestly.

6.12. Breaks and Wednesday social (11-16-0804r0 slide #12) 6.12.1. Please note the times of lunches and breaks. 6.12.2. Lunch is not being provided this week, as there are many food outlets in and around the hotel. 6.12.3. The social is on Wednesday evening. Please note that you need to purchase a ticket to attend the social. The cut-off is 1.30pm PDT on Tuesday. There will be an entertainer at the social.

7. WUR SG (11-16-0770r1 slide#10)

7.1. Chair: The IEEE 802 EC and IEEE-SA have approved the creation of the Low Power Wakeup Radio (WUR) Study Group and they will meet this week.

8. Status of all groups (11-16-0770r1)

8.1. A status summary of all the groups within IEEE 802.11 was presented. 8.2. Various PARs are to be renewed this week, so that they can approved during the Wednesday mid-week plenary. 8.3. The various sub group officers for the week is shown in slide #15. 8.4. WNG currently has 4 presentations at the moment, so it’s full. 8.5. There were two letter ballots and two sponsor ballots since the last meeting.

9. Status of all groups (11-16-0786r2)

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9.1. In addition to the reports within the document, here are some extra notes. 9.2. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning. The order of the current amendments will be re-considered this week. 9.3. PAR SC: This Standing Committee (SC) will formalize the review of PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups. There are 2 PARs to be reviewed this week from IEEE 802.3. 9.4. Regulatory: There was a requested change in REVmc for the new FCC frequency bands, which have recently been opened up. 9.5. WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There are currently 4 presentations. Please note that the winner of the IEEE 802 paper competition is here to present their paper during WNG. 9.6. JTC1: Q: regarding the 11 standards for IEEE 802.11, are those in the pipeline, ones which are already published? A: Not necessarily, as ISO SC6 has a different process and there are 11 documents in that process at the moment. 9.7. TGmc: Of the 334 comments in the sponsor ballot re-circulation ballot, there are about 100 comments remaining to be resolved. The timeline has slipped now to December 2016. 9.8. Chair: You may have noticed that REVmc, TGai and TGah will be asking for PAR extensions this week. These are being done as a safety net and hopefully will not be required. 9.9. TGax: The group is busy with the 3000 comments from the internal comment collection (CC). 9.10. WUR SG: This group will meet for the first time this week and will be considering the creation of a PAR and CSD.

10. Allegations of Dominance (11-16-0770r1 slide #21)

10.1. Chair: I would like to describe a process to deal with the allegations of dominance that have been received for both TGai and TGax. 10.2. Various people have been identified to lead the process in both of these groups, ensuring that these people are not conflicted with the subject matter area. 10.3. Q: Is this a generic process that the chairs have produced? 10.4. Chair: Yes and it was reviewed by the EC this morning. 10.5. Chair: Within the interviews, these are IEEE 802.11 executive sessions and people’s identities will be protected. 10.5.1. TGai (11-16-0770r1 slide #25) 10.5.2. The interview session will occur on Wednesday PM1. 10.5.3. Q: The interview time overlaps with an TGai slot. 10.5.4. Chair: But each person should only be out for 5 minutes, so it should work. 10.5.5. Q: If you’re trying to protect people’s identity, everyone will know. 10.5.6. Chair: Sure, but it’s what they say that will be protect. 10.5.7. Q: What will people be asked? 10.5.8. Chair: Members from TGai will be asked certain questions. Please note that it is not a court of law. 10.5.9. TGax (11-16-0770r1 slide #26) 10.5.10. As the TGax process is going to be larger than that of TGai, an assistant has been identified to help out. 10.5.11. Additionally, it is hoped that the complete data collection will be completed by the end of the September 2016 meeting. 10.5.12. Chair: As I am conflicted for the TGax case, please do not approach me offline on this topic. 10.5.13. No questions for TGax Minutes page 5 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

11. Any Other Business

11.1. None 11.2. Meeting recessed at 12:00 PDT

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Wednesday, 27th July 2016

IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 PDT

160 people present.

12. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-16-0769r3)

12.1. Chair: There have been a few changes today, so I propose to approve 11-16-0769r4. 12.2. Q: Please may I have an item on the agenda regarding ITU-R 64-71 GHz for WAS RLANs. 12.3. Chair: Yes, ok. You have 5 mins. 12.4. Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda. 12.5. Moved: Jim Petranovich, Second: Marc Emmelmann. 12.6. No objections, so moved and approved.

13. Call for Essential Patents

13.1. Call for essential patents 13.2. No statements were made.

14. Announcements (11-16-0771r0)

14.1. CAC 14.2. Chair: Please can all sub-group chairs remember to attend the CAC on Thursday evening. 14.3. 14.4. IEEE Globecom (slide #6) 14.5. Please can you note this call for Globecom submissions regarding low power wake up receivers. 14.6. 14.7. Social 14.8. Please can you remember that the social is this evening. There are still some tickets left. There are still 5 people who need to collect their tickets.

15. Wi-Fi Alliance liaison report (11-16-1024r0)

15.1. No questions

16. IETF liaison report (11-16-0790r0)

16.1. Q: regarding AQM, I understand there are issues with buffers. 16.2. A: If you look at RFC 7567, you can see their current recommendations on this point.

17. 802 EC 5G SC report (11-16-1030r0)

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17.1. An additional IEEE 802 EC document from the committee was also presented, as referenced in the slides. 17.2. This additional report will be presented to the EC. The SC will now be disbanded. 17.3. Chair: I’d like to thank Joseph for his report. 17.4. C: There was an additional item about 66-71 GHz spectrum that is being considered for 5G. I’ll bring a straw poll later in this meeting on that topic. 17.5. Q: regarding slide #9 of the SC report, I didn’t think that there was much enthusiasm to pursue this topic. I would like the chair to consider this point, at the EC meeting. 17.6. A: For the next step, I think that 13 people (who indicated that they were able to help) is enough to start defining the requirements. However, we would need more than that to define any future specifications. 17.7. Q: My feeling is that it’s IEEE-SA who are trying to push this and not the membership. 17.8. A: Sure and I understand your concern. Hopefully the EC will be able to debate this. 17.9. Q: So what does Action A mean? Please note that 5G is a GSMA copyrighted term. 17.10. A: Yes, I agree that the terms need to be reconsidered. 17.11. Q: Regarding slide #28, it looks like the individual WGs are doing these actions and therefore the EC has nothing to do. 17.12. A: It’s up to the EC to approve this output document. 17.13. 802 Chair: I think the EC will endorse the report as a set of recommendations. 17.14. Chair: Ok, so let’s move to some straw polls to gauge interest in the IEEE 802.11 specific action from the recommendations report. 17.15. Straw Poll: Support the Next Steps Recommendation action B3 17.16. Will participate: 14 17.17. Chair: would you want to create an IEEE 802.11 SC for this? 17.18. A: possibly, or perhaps the 3GPP liaison officer would do this. 17.19. 3GPP liaison officer: I currently don’t have time to do this. 17.20. Chair: Ok, so let’s consider a new SC for this.

18. IEEE 802E report (11-16-1029r0)

18.1. No questions

19. Room change requests

19.1. Chair: Please can I know meeting which are cancelled. 19.1.1. TGah: Thurs AM1 19.1.2. TGaj: Wed PM1 19.1.3. TGai has adjourned and wishes cancel the remaining sessions this week. 19.2. Chair: so requests now please. 19.2.1. REVmc: Thurs AM1, AM2, PM2 19.2.2. WUR SG: Thurs AM1 19.2.3. TGak: Wed PM2 19.3. On the schedule TGak is in a separate room from ARC and 802.1 for the joint Thursday AM1 between all three groups. In addition, 802.1 need to have a separate room from 802.11. Can these be corrected please? 19.4. Yes.

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20. PAR/5C Extensions (11-16-0788r1)

20.1. VC2: here are some motions for various PAR/CSD/5C documents. 20.2. TGmc PAR extension (slide #4) 20.2.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11REVmc cited below to NesCom. 20.2.2. – PAR document: par-extension-document.docx 20.2.3. – CSD document: Revision/not applicable 20.2.4. [In the TG: Moved: Emily Qi Seconded: Menzo Wentink Result: 18-0-0] 20.2.5. Moved: Dorothy Stanley, 2nd David Hunter. 20.2.6. For: 146, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes) 20.3. TGah PAR extension (slide #5) 20.3.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11ah cited below to NesCom. 20.3.2. – PAR document: par-extension.docx 20.3.3. [In the TG: Moved: Eugene Baik Seconded: Harry Bim Result: 20-0-2] 20.3.4. Moved: Yongho Seok, 2nd Ian Sherlock 20.3.5. For: 122, Against: 0, Abstain: 4 (Motion passes) 20.4. TGah CSD extension (slide #6) 20.4.1. Approve sending the CSD document for P802.11ah cited below to the 802 EC. 20.4.2. – CSD document: revised-csd.docx 20.4.3. [In the TG: Moved: Alfred Asterjadi Seconded: Young-Hoon Kwon Result: 19-0-1] 20.4.4. Moved: Yongho Seok, 2nd Stephen McCann 20.4.5. For: 118, Against: 0, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes) 20.5. TGai PAR extension (slide #7) 20.5.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11ai cited below to NesCom. 20.5.2. – PAR document: par-extension-request.docx 20.5.3. [In the TG: Moved: Ping Fang Seconded: George Calcev Result: 8-0-0] 20.5.4. Moved: Hiroshi Mano, 2nd Marc Emmelmann 20.5.5. For: 116, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes) 20.6. TGai 5C extension (slide #8) 20.6.1. Approve sending the 5C document for P802.11ai cited below to the 802 EC. 20.6.2. – 5C document: initial-link-set-up-5c.doc 20.6.3. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd Jouni Malinen 20.6.4. Q: Please can you correct the name of the TGai seconder on the slide for the TG result. 20.6.5. A: yes. 20.6.6. [In the TG: Moved: Ping Fang Seconded: Hitoshi Morioka Result 7-0-0] 20.6.7. For: 116, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes) 20.7. TGaj PAR extension (slide #9) 20.7.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11aj cited below to NesCom. 20.7.2. – PAR document: par-extension.docx Minutes page 9 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

20.7.3. [In the TG: Moved: Haiming Wang, Seconded: Pei Liu, Result: 9-0-1] 20.7.4. Moved: Jiamin Chen, 2nd Stephen McCann 20.7.5. For: 99, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes) 20.8. TGaj 5C extension (slide #10) 20.8.1. Approve sending the 5C document for P802.11aj cited below to the 802 EC. 20.8.2. – 5C document: 802-11-cmww-sg-5c.doc 20.8.3. [In the TG: Moved: Haiming Wang, Seconded: Pei Liu, Result: 9-0-1] 20.8.4. Moved: Jiamin Chen, 2nd Al Petrick 20.8.5. For: 93, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes) 20.9. TGak PAR extension (slide #11) 20.9.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11ak cited below to NesCom. 20.9.2. – PAR document: par-extension.docx 20.9.3. [In the WG: Moved: Joseph Levy Seconded: Michael Fischer Result: 3-0-0] 20.9.4. Moved: Donald Eastlake, 2nd Michael Fisher 20.9.5. For: 87, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes) 20.10. TGak 5C extension (slide #12) 20.10.1. Approve sending the 5C document for P802.11ak cited below to the 802 EC. 20.10.2. – 5C document: glk-draft-5c.docx 20.10.3. [In the WG: Moved: Michael Fischer Seconded: Joseph Levy Result: 3-0-0] 20.10.4. Moved: Donald Eastlake, 2nd Stuart Kerry 20.10.5. For: 85, Against: 0, Abstain: 3 (Motion passes) 20.11. TGaq PAR extension (slide #13) 20.11.1. Approve sending the PAR extension information for P802.11aq cited below to NesCom. 20.11.2. – PAR document: extension-form.docx 20.11.3. [In the TG: Moved: Marc Emmelmann, Seconded: Yunsong Yang Result: 10-0-0] 20.11.4. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd John Notor 20.11.5. For: 79, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes) 20.12. TGaq 5C extension (slide #14) 20.12.1. Approve sending the 5C document for P802.11aq cited below to the 802 EC. 20.12.2. – 5C document: 5c-proposal.doc 20.12.3. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd Al Petrick 20.12.4. For: 75, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

21. WRC-2019

21.1. This is regarding a WRC-2019 agenda item. It would be interesting to know IEEE 802.11’s interest on this item, so that 802.18 can prepare a liaison later in the week. 21.2. The following references point to the background material for this topic: 21.3. and 21.4. 21.5.

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21.6. Do you support 802.18 drafting a liaison statement to ITU-R requesting that Wireless Access Services/Radio Local Access Networks be considered in 66-71 GHz studies in support of WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 21.7. Q: It’s very hard to tell what is happening here. Can’t IEEE 802.18 do this without this straw poll from IEEE 802.11 21.8. A: yes, they can. But the result of this straw poll will provide additional guidance for IEEE 802.18. 21.9. C: It’s “local area network” by the way. 21.10. Do you support 802.18 drafting a liaison statement to ITU-R requesting that Wireless Access Services/Radio Local Area Networks be considered in 66-71 GHz studies in support of WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 21.11. C: I understand that the FCC has approved this and indeed REVmc have approved a change to add these bands to the IEEE 802.11 annexes. 21.12. Yes: 68, No: 0, Abstain: 4

22. Proposed IEEE 802.11 OM change (11-16-0787r0 slide #20)

22.1. VC2: This is a proposed change about the loss of voting rights regarding letter ballots. This change would align IEEE 802.11 with IEEE 802.1 and IEEE 802.3. This will come up for approval during the Friday closing plenary 22.2. Q: so 2 out of 3, means that if you miss 1 you are out. 22.3. A: Yes, but the period is now longer. It’s the length of the project, not just the 30 days. 22.4. Q: For a very long lived project, you now have all that time to vote during the letter ballot phase. 22.5. A: Yes.

23. ANA Assignment Background (11-16-0787r0 slide #21)

23.1. VC2: This is an additional topic that will come up for approval during the Friday closing plenary.

24. Art Astrin

24.1. Chair: Please remember that there is a memorial book to his memory by the IEEE 802 registration desk which people are invited to sign if they knew him.

25. Recess

25.1. Meeting recessed at 12:29 PDT

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Friday, 29th July 2016

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:04 PDT by Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation).

79 people present in the room.

26. Agenda (11-16-0769r6)

26.1. Chair: Since the previous version, I’ve added an agenda item for PAR reviews and some extra groups, together with new motions. 26.2. Move to approve the agenda in document 11-16-0769r7 26.3. Moved: Al Petrick, Second: Mark Hamilton 26.4. No objections, so moved and approved.

27. Call for Essential Patents

27.1. The meeting is still operating the P&Ps as described on Monday 27.2. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA) 27.3. None

28. Announcements (11-16-0771r1)

28.1. Minutes and documents 28.1.1. Please can everyone remember that minutes, should be completed within 30 days, once the meeting is closed.

28.2. Preparation for September 2016 28.2.1. There is currently a draft agenda for the September 2016 meeting and there will be our usual CAC teleconference meetings between now and that meeting, on August 8th 2016 and September 6th 2016 noon ET.

28.3. LoA (slide #10) 28.3.1. Chair: Please note that there are two outstanding LoAs as shown on the slide. 28.3.2. No questions

28.4. IEEE Store (slide #11) 28.4.1. Chair: everything is currently up to date. 28.4.2. No questions

28.5. ISO/IET JTC1/SC6 (slide #12) 28.5.1. This slide shows the drafts, which will be shared with ISO. 28.5.2. Q: Could 802.11ai D9.0 be liaised to ISO please? 28.5.3. Chair: Not just yet, as it’s not been through sponsor ballot yet? However, I can ask for permission at the EC this afternoon, once this version has completed sponsor ballot.

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29. Meeting Location (11-16-0804r1) slide #19

29.1. VC1: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again? 29.2. For: 51, Against: 1 29.3. VC1: How many people enjoyed the social? 29.4. Yes: 8, Did not: 1, Did not attend: 40 29.5. VC1: For those who did not attend, if the fee was $0, would you have attended? 29.6. Yes: 12 29.7. C: I think you should have these questions during the mid-week plenary, when there are more people attending. 29.8. VC1: Yes, that’s reasonable. 29.9. C: San Diego is a great place and there’s so much to do, that perhaps the numbers were low for the social.

30. Future Venues (11-16-0804r1, slides #20, #21)

30.1. VC1: The next wireless interim is in September 2016, in Warsaw, Poland 30.2. The others are as shown on the slide. 30.3. VC1: For November 2018, we are looking at various internet access in China that members had mentioned. 30.4. 31. Treasurer’s Report (11-16-0805r0)

31.1. VC1: This is the current treasurer’s report. Please remember that the early bird registration deadline for the Warsaw (September) 2016 meeting is August 2nd.

32. Timeline Update

32.1. There are changes to the following timelines: TGah, TGai, TGaj, TGak and TGaq. The timeline chart will be updated shortly.

33. Attendance (11-16-0789r0 slide #3)

33.1. Chair: The attendance is shown in the slide desk. TGax has been the main group this week, as it has met in nearly every slot, with WUR SG being the second largest. 33.2. Chair: 44% of attendees are from the US, with China, Japan and Korea following. 33.3. Chair: slide #7 shows that we are uploading about 600 documents per meeting cycle. 33.4. C: I understand that 3GPP RAN produces about 8500 documents per year, so we produce about 1/3 of the documents with 1/5 of the attendance, which is quite interesting. I also think that 802.11ax will be about a 2000 man-year effort.

34. WG Committee Reports (11-16-0789r0)

34.1. Technical editor (slide #8) 34.1.1. There is a now an editor for each task group.

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34.1.2. VC2: When do you think REVmd will start once REVmc finishes? It should not be much later than March-May 2017. 34.1.3. A: yes, I agree.

34.2. ARC SC (slide #14) 34.2.1. No questions

34.3. PAR SC (slide #22) 34.3.1. VC1: These are the various comments compiled by IEEE 802.11 regarding the 2 PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups this week. 34.3.2. C: I believe that IEEE 802.1 is adopting the YANG model and some of the IEEE 802.3 groups. 34.3.3. A: Yes, I think future co-ordination may be required. 34.3.4. Q: The links on slide #31 are missing from the version on the server. 34.3.5. Chair: How can we educate ourselves as to whether IEEE 802.11 should be adopting the YANG model or not? 34.3.6. ARC Chair: Perhaps we should consider this in ARC first. 34.3.7. Chair: So, following a discussion in ARC, you can bring something back to WNG or another session. 34.3.8. VC1: I also think there’s an IEEE 802 tutorial on the server, which may be of use.

34.4. Regulatory SC (slide #34) 34.4.1. Chair: regarding slide #39, the SC will meet for 2 more meetings. So in November 2016, you’ll have to consider disbanding this group. This decision should be based on whether IEEE 802.18 is operating efficiently or not. Can you please organize a recommendation as what you wish to do. 34.4.2. REG Chair: yes, I will.

34.5. WNG SC (slide #40) 34.5.1. There were four presentations this week for WNG SC: P802.1CM Time-Sensitive Networking for Fronthaul History and Implementation of the IEEE 802 Security Architecture Introduction to SOMA Student Measurements of 802.11 behavior in different environments 34.5.2. No questions

34.6. IEEE 802 JTC1 SC (slide #43) 34.6.1. No questions

34.7. TGmc (slide #47) 34.7.1. The group managed to complete all comment resolutions this week and will now progress forward. 34.7.2. No questions

34.8. TGah (slide #53) 34.8.1. No questions

34.9. TGai (slide #59) Minutes page 14 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

34.9.1. No questions

34.10. TGaj (slide #73) 34.10.1. No questions

34.11. TGak (slide #80) 34.11.1. No questions

34.12. TGaq (slide #84) 34.12.1. No questions

34.13. TGax (slide #87) 34.13.1. The task group received 90 submissions this week, many of which were addressing the comment collections that the group received before this week’s meeting. The group has resolved about 350 comments this week and there are about 700 comments left to consider. D0.3 will be released in August. 34.13.2. The current plan is to produce D1.0 in September 2016. 34.13.3. No questions

34.14. TGay (slide #93) 34.14.1. No questions

34.15. TGaz (slide #99) 34.15.1. No questions

34.16. WUR SG (slide #104) 34.16.1. No questions

35. Liaison Reports

35.1. IEEE 802.15 (11-16-1059r1) 35.1.1. Q: Do you know how many people attend 802.15.3d 35.1.2. A: I don’t know, but I’ll find out and email the answer out.

35.2. IEEE 802.18 (11-16-0789r0 slide #113) 35.2.1. No questions

35.3. IEEE 802.21 (11-16-1060r0) 35.3.1. No questions

35.4. IEEE 802.24 (11-16-0789r0 slide #115) 35.4.1. No questions

35.5. IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN (11-16-0789r0 slide #118) 35.5.1. OmniRAN will also meeting in Warsaw in September 2016. 35.5.2. No questions

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36. Working Group Motions (Old Business) I (11-16-0788r3)

36.1. Teleconferences (slide #17) 36.1.1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

Group Date(s) Start Duration CAC Mon Aug 8, Tues Sept 6 12:00 ET 1 hr TGaj Thurs Sept 1 21:00 1 hr ARC Scheduled with 10 day notice TGah Aug 16th and Sept 6th 20:00 ET 2.5 hrs TGai Weekly Tues Aug 16th to Nov 1 10:00 ET 1.5 hrs TGak Mon Aug 8, 15, 22, 29 10:00 ET 1.5 hrs TGmc Fri Aug 12 10:00 ET 2 hrs TGaq Thurs Aug 25, Sept 1 Noon 2 hr Thurs Aug 11, 25, Sept 8 10:00 ET 2 hrs TGax Thurs Aug 18, Sept 1, 22 20:00 ET 2 hrs TGay Weds Aug 24 10:00 ET 1 hr TGaz Weds Sept 7 10:00 ET 1 hr WUR Mon Aug 15, 29 14:00 ET 1 hr

36.1.2. Moved Jon Rosdahl, 2nd Marc Emmelmann 36.1.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

36.2. WUR SG Chair confirmation (slide #18) 36.2.1. Move to confirm Minyoung Park as WUR SG chair 36.2.2. Note: From 11-14-629r14, section 4.2: “The TG Chair shall be appointed by the WG Chair and confirmed by a WG majority approval.” 36.2.3. Moved: Mark Hamilton, 2nd: Edward Au 36.2.4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

36.3. WUR SG Vice-chair confirmation (slide #19) 36.3.1. Move to confirm Yunsong Yang as WUR SG vice-chair 36.3.2. Note: From 11-14-629r14, section 4.3: “TG Vice-Chair is elected by a TG majority approval and confirmed by a WG majority approval” 36.3.3. Moved: Lei Wang, 2nd: Jiamin Chen 36.3.4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

36.4. Liaison Officer confirmation (slide #20) 36.4.1. Move to confirm the following liaison officials: Ian Sherlock (Wi-Fi Alliance) Dorothy Stanley (IETF) Juan-Carlos Zuniga (802E) Richard Kennedy (802.18)

Minutes page 16 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1 Tim Godfrey (802.24) Note: From 11-14-629r14, section 3.3: “Liaison officials shall be recommended by the WG Chair and confirmed by the vote of the WG. Liaison officials shall be reconfirmed each year at the July 802.11 plenary session.” 36.4.2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Lei Wang 36.4.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

36.5. TGaj Letter Ballot Recirculation (slide #21) 36.5.1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from WG Recirculation Letter Ballot on P802.11aj D2.0 (LB220) as specified in 11-16/1042r0 as well as resolutions for 3 CIDs from LB217 on D1.0 contained in 11-16/0979r0 36.5.2. Instruct the editor to generate P802.11aj D3.0, and 36.5.3. Approve a 15-day Working Group Technical 2nd Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11aj D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” 36.5.4. [TG result: Moved: Haiming Wang, Second: Lan Zhuo, Result: Y-8 N-0 A-0] 36.5.5. Moved: Jiamin Chen on behalf of the TGaj 36.5.6. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

36.6. TGaq Letter Ballot Recirculation (slide #22) 36.6.1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB221 on 11aq D5.0 as contained in document 11-16-0982r4, instruct the editor to prepare 11aq D6.0 incorporating these resolutions and 36.6.2. Approve a 15 day Working Group Technical Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should 11aq D6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” 36.6.3. [TG result: Moved: Lee Armstrong, Seconded: Yunsong Yang, Result: 4-0-0] 36.6.4. Moved: Stephen McCann on behalf of the TGaq 36.6.5. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

36.7. TGaq Conditional SB Report to EC (slide #23) 36.7.1. Approve document 11-16-1026r1 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11aq to Sponsor Ballot, and 36.7.2. request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11aq to Sponsor Ballot. 36.7.3. [TG result: Moved: Mike Montemurro, Seconded: Lee Armstrong, result: 5-0-0] 36.7.4. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Richard Kennedy 36.7.5. For: 40, Against: 0, Abstain: 3 (Motion passes)

36.8. WUR SG Extension (slide #24) 36.8.1. Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the 802.11 Wake-up Radio (WUR) Study Group. 36.8.2. [WUR SG vote: Moved: Jonathan Segev, Second: Yunsong Yang, Results: Y/N/A=69/0/0] 36.8.3. Moved: Minyoung Park, 2nd: Guido Hiertz 36.8.4. C: Is this an indefinite extension? 36.8.5. Chair: No, by convention, this is until the next plenary. 36.8.6. For: 49, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)

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36.9. IEEE 802.11 OM change (slide #25) 36.9.1. The proposed change 36.9.2. Changes application of ballot response rules re: loss of voting rights 36.9.3. Move: In 11-14-0629r14, “7.1.4 Voter”, change text as shown: A Voter remains as such provided: The Voter continues to properly attend 2 of 4 consecutive plenary sessions (a single interim session may be substituted for a plenary). The Voter responds to 2 4 out of 3 6 consecutive mandatory WG letter ballots, where a valid response is received in the initial mandatory WG letter ballot or any of its subsequent recirculation ballots. NOTE – A voter’s status is evaluated at completion of a WGLB series. NOTE – the 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures state that WG voter status is lost for failure to return 2 of 3 consecutive mandatory WG letter ballots, but such loss may be excused by the WG chair if the participant is otherwise considered active. The WG chair has ruled that any 802.11 voter who has returned 4 out of 6 consecutive mandatory WG letter ballots is deemed to be active. 36.9.4. [Note: This proposal grew out of investigation into “Abstain”, see 11-16-223r1, slides 20- 25] 36.9.5. Moved: Dorothy Stanley, 2nd: Lei Wang 36.9.6. For: 44, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)

37. ANA Allocation (11-16-0787r0 slide #21)

37.1. VC2: This is a discussion about whether ANA requests be treated as procedural or technical. 37.2. Chair: I’d like to handover to the VC2 to chair this debate. 37.3. C: I think that the IEEE 802.11 extension element numbers are now very scarce and so they should be technical. This means that the decision threshold is quite high. 37.4. C: I agree with the previous comment. I think we need to be careful with these numbers. However, the actual allocation task is procedural. This also benefits entities, external to IEEE 802.11. 37.5. C: One problem with this, is why change the allocation procedure to be a technical decision when numbers become scare. Therefore, these decisions should be procedural. 37.6. C: A technical motion would change a part of the IEEE 802.11 technical operation. So can an ANA assignment affect an IEEE 802.11 implementation and I think the answer is yes. However, other ANA assignments don’t change IEEE 802.11. So for the upcoming liaison response ANA allocation, I think it should be procedural. 37.7. C: There is another situation, when external people ask for new number classes within ANA, or when the request is for a specific number (e.g. please allocate 191 for organization xyz). 37.8. C: When there is plenty of room for numbers, it should be a procedural decision. However, block assignments could be technical. 37.9. C: Perhaps we should craft an appropriate equation to determine when numbers are scarce or not. 37.10. VC2: So, perhaps we could see an email from you, with such a formula. 37.11. VC2 hands back the chair to Adrian Stephens.

38. Working Group Motions (Old Business) II (11-16-0788r3)

38.1. ANA Allocation for IETF re: Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (slide #26)

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38.1.1. Move: In response to the IETF liaison request received in 11-16/1044, instruct the ANA to assign an extended element ID for the Diffie-Hellman Parameter element and AKM Suite Selector Suite Type for use by IETF. 38.1.2. Note: Reference Liaison request: 0000-liaison-from-ietf-on-opportunistic-wireless-encryption.doc 38.1.3. Moved: Warren Kumari, 2nd: Donald Eastlake 38.1.4. Chair: This is a procedural motion 38.1.5. C: I support the motion 38.1.6. C: I speak in favor of the motion. 38.1.7. C: The motion states “for use by the IETF”. 38.1.8. Chair: Yes, that’s correct, so the ANA table will then state “reserved for use by the IETF”. 38.1.9. For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 4 (Motion passes)

38.2. Approve IETF Liaison Response (slide #27) 38.2.1. Approve the liaison response in 11-16-1058r0, inserting the approved ANA values, (ANA values indicated as “reserved for IETF”), indicating that the element ID is an Extended Element ID and granting the chair editor license. 38.2.2. C: The liaison requested a reason for this ANA value and so the liaison response states a reason. However, in the IEEE 802.11 ANA table it only needs to state “reserved for IETF”. 38.2.3. C: But, I would not like to see the IETF using this value for anything they want to. It should be allocated for a specific reason. 38.2.4. C: Our ANA authority looks after the number and will update the ANA table as appropriate. 38.2.5. Q: Does our policy allow IETF to use this value for whatever they wish, or is it a specific use. 38.2.6. Chair: We have typically allocated numbers for third parties, but we don’t police their use. 38.2.7. Moved: Jouni Malinen, 2nd: Joseph Levy 38.2.8. For: 37, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

39. IEEE 802.11 IMT-2020/5G SC Proposal (11-16-1057r0)

39.1. Chair: Is there any objection to adding this extra item to the agenda? 39.2. None seen. 39.3. This document summarizes the activity of this committee this week. 39.4. There were several actions that came out of this activity. 39.5. Please note that the term “5G” has nothing to do with 3GPP. 39.6. C: I understand this is liaison into 3GPP, and therefore someone needs to be in both groups at the same time. We should also be sensitive to how long 11ax is going to take and therefore any such liaison may last many years. 39.7. A: As 3GPP is an entity body, liaisons are normally brought in by companies. IEEE 802 is not such a company. However, this sort of joint effort may be able to do this. I would like to try and be present at the 3GPP RAN meetings and IEEE 802.11. 39.8. Q: I think there is an inconsistency in slide #3. For Action B3, it says that it is no proposal for a IMT-2020 RIT, but slide #5 it states that a RIT will be supported by IEEE 802.11. 39.9. A: The EC stated that there would not be an independent submission from IEEE 802.11 on this. However, some technology exchange is still required, as the scope of IMT 2020 includes unlicensed spectrum technologies. Minutes page 19 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

39.10. C: I also think there should be a feature list, as opposed to a RIT list. I would prefer that the second sub-bullet be removed. 39.11. Chair: So would this be ok? 39.12. A: Not really, as I think the second bullet is required to support 3GPP. 39.13. Chair: I think we’re discussing far too much detail here. This is not a PAR, it’s a discussion about whether a SC needs to be created. 39.14. C: So, I can simplify that bullet, removing RATs and RITs. 39.15. C: Yes, that is fine with me. 39.16. C: It was mentioned earlier, that if we don’t participate in 3GPP, this will not happen. I’d suggest that this is an extension of the LAA activities within IEEE 802 and should be encouraged. 39.17. 39.18. Straw Polls for Support of the Way Forward (11-16-1057r0) 39.18.1. The 802.11 IMT-2020/5G Standing Committee should: 39.18.2. 1. Coordinate with and Support 3GPP to generate an IMT-2020 proposal with 802.11 technologies. (option B3). 39.18.3. Yes/No/No Opinion: 35/4/- 39.18.4. 39.18.5. 2. Actively Coordinate with and Support 802.1 (lead) in the effort of creating a “IEEE “5G” specification” (option A) 39.18.6. C: Can we change the name “5G” please? 39.18.7. C: Perhaps the problem word “creating”. Can we change it to “pursue”? 39.18.8. (revised) 2. Actively Coordinate with and Support 802.1 (lead) in the effort of pursue Option A 39.18.9. Yes/No/No Opinion: 19/8/-

39.19. Straw Polls for Commitment of Participation 39.19.1. 1. I am committed to participating in Coordinating with and Support 3GPP to generate an IMT-2020 proposal with 802.11 technologies. (option B3). 39.19.2. Yes: 8 39.19.3. 39.19.4. 2. I am committed to participate in coordinating with and Supporting 802.1 (lead) in creating a “IEEE “5G” specification” (option A) 39.19.5. Yes: 9

40. Working Group Motions (New Business) (11-16-1057r0)

40.1. Create an 802.11 Standing Committee (slide #10) 40.1.1. Move to instruct the 802.11 Chair to create an 802.11 Standing Committee, as described on slide 5, supporting both Option B3 and Option A activities. 40.1.2. Moved: Joseph Levy, 2nd: Marc Emmelmann 40.1.3. For: 28, Against: 4, Abstain: 11 (Motion passes) 40.1.4. Chair: would Joseph Levy be willing to stand as chair of a new SC. 40.1.5. Joseph Levy: Yes 40.1.6. Chair: Your first task will be to determine a name for this new SC.

40.2. Motion to appoint Joseph Levy as chair of the new SC 40.2.1. Moved: Marc Hamilton, 2nd: Jim Petranovich

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40.2.2. No objection to approving by unanimous consent 40.2.3. Chair: Teleconferences can be arranged with 10 days’ notice.

41. Wireless Chairs Meeting

41.1. Chair: This will be at 4pm on the Sunday 10th September 2016. If you are interested in the activities of the IEEE 802 wireless WGs, please come along.

42. September 2016 Meeting (11-16-0771r1 slide #14)

42.1. Chair: Please remember that the next interim meeting is at the Marriott Hotel, Warsaw, Poland from September 11-16th 2016. Meeting registration is now open at

43. Adjournment

43.1. Chair: having exhausted the agenda, the meeting is adjourned. 43.2. The meeting adjourned at 11:08 PDT

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Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Abdallah, Ramy Sony Corporation No Aboulmagd, Osama Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Abraham, Santosh Qualcomm Technologies Incorporated Yes Ahn, Jinsoo Yonsei University Yes Ahn, Seung Hyeok Newracom Inc. Yes Ahn, Woojin WILUS Yes Aio, Kosuke Sony Corporation Yes AL KALAA, Mohamad Omar University of Oklahoma No Aldana, Carlos Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Alpert, Yaron Intel Corporation Yes An, Song-Haur INDEPENDENT Yes Ansley, Carol ARRIS Group Yes Aoki, Tsuguhide TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Armstrong, Lee US Department of Transportation Yes Asai, Yusuke NTT Yes Asterjadhi, Alfred Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Au, Kwok Shum Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Azizi, Shahrnaz Intel Corporation Yes Bagby, David Calypso Ventures, Inc. Yes Baik, Eugene Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Bain, David TM Technologies Yes Banerjea, Raja Qualcomm Incorporated No bang, saehee LG ELECTRONICS Yes baron, stephane Canon Research Centre France Yes Berger, Christian Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Bims, Harry Bims Laboratories, Inc. No Buffington, John Itron Inc. Yes Caillerie, Alain Canon Research Centre France Yes Calcev, George Huawei R&D USA Yes Calvert, Chris Landis Gyr Group Worldwide Yes Canchi, Radhakrishna Kyocera International, Inc. Yes Cao, Rui Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Cariou, Laurent Intel Corporation Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Carney, William Sony Corporation Yes Chair, Ricky Airgain Yes Chang, Soo-Young California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Yes Chen, David NSN, Inc. No Chen, Jiamin HUAWEI Yes Chen, Lidong NIST No Chen, Xiaogang Intel Corporation Yes Cheong, Minho Newracom Inc. Yes CHERIAN, GEORGE Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Cherniavsky, Dmitry SiBEAM, Inc. Yes Chitrakar, Rojan Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Cho, Hangyu lg electronics Yes Choi, In-Kyeong Newracom Inc. Yes Choi, Jinsoo LG ELECTRONICS Yes Choudhury, Sayantan Nokia Yes Chu, Liwen Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Ciochina, Dana Sony Corporation Yes Coffey, John Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Cordeiro, Carlos Intel Corporation Yes da Silva, Claudio Intel Corporation Yes DANG, Meimei China Academy of Telecommunication Research Yes (CATR) Dauphinee, Leonard MaxLinear Corp Yes de la Garrigue, Michael Xirrus No de Vegt, Rolf Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Debergh, Pierre Orange Yes Deng, Der-Jiunn National Changhua University of Education Yes Donapati, Rakesh Anritsu Company Yes Eastlake 3rd, Donald Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ecclesine, Peter Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Edgar, Richard Imagination Technologies Ltd. Yes ElSherif, Ahmed Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Emmelmann, Marc Self Employed Yes Erceg, Vinko Broadcom Corporation Yes Evans, David Philips Electronics No

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Fang, Ping Huawei Device Co. Ltd Yes Fang, Yonggang ZTE TX Inc Yes farjad, ramin Aquantia No Finn, Norman Cisco Systems, Inc. No Fischer, Matthew Broadcom Corporation Yes Fischer, Michael NXP Semiconductors Yes Fujio, Shunsuke FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED Yes Furuichi, Sho Sony Corporation Yes Gan, Ming Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ghanbarinejad, Majid Huawei R&D USA Yes Ghosh, Chittabrata Intel Corporation Yes Gilb, James Pulse-LINK Inc. No Godfrey, Tim Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) No Golmie, Nada National Institute of Standards and Technology No (NIST) Grandhe, Niranjan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Grigat, Michael Deutsche Telekom AG Yes Guo, Yuchen Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Haasz, Jodi IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) No Hadad, Zion Runcom Technologies LTD. Yes Hailemariam, Meareg IEEE Yes Halls, David Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Hamilton, Mark Ruckus Wireless Yes HAN, Xiao Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Han, Yunbo HUAWEI Yes Handte, Thomas Sony Corporation Yes Hansen, Christopher Covariant Corporation Yes Harkins, Daniel Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Hart, Brian Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Hartman, Chris Apple, Inc. Yes He, Linhai Qualcomm Incorporated Yes he, shiwen Southeast University, China Yes Hedayat, Ahmadreza Newracom Inc. Yes Henry, Jerome Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Hiertz, Guido Ericsson AB Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Ho, Duncan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Holcomb, Jay Itron Inc. No Hong, Hanseul Yonsei University Yes Hu, Chunyu Broadcom Corporation Yes Huang, Lei Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Huang, Lei Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Huang, Po-Kai Intel Corporation Yes HUANG, YUN-LIANG MediaTek Inc. Yes Huang, Zhiyong LitePoint Corporation/Teradyne Yes Hunter, David WireFi Networks Inc. Yes Hurtarte, Jeorge Teradyne, Inc. Yes Hwang, Sung Hyun ETRI Yes Ibrahim, Azmi TM Research & Development Yes Inoue, Yasuhiko Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Yes (NTT) Ishizu, Kentaro National Institute of Information and Yes Communications Technology (NICT) Iwatani, Junichi Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Yes (NTT) Jacobs, Darnell US Department of Defense No Jacobson, Scott Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Yes Jeffries, Timothy Huawei R&D USA Yes Jeong, Chanyong SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS Yes jiang, feng Intel Corporation Yes Jiang, Jinjing Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Jin, Liang Spirent Communications Yes Johnsson, Kerstin Intel Corporation Yes Jones, Allan Activision Yes Jones, Vincent Knowles IV Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Josiam, Kaushik SAMSUNG Yes Kain, Carl Noblis, Inc. Yes Kakani, Naveen Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kasher, Assaf Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kedem, Oren Intel Corporation Yes Kennedy, Richard Hewlett Packard Enterprise No

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Kerry, Stuart OK-Brit Yes Khorov, EVGENY IITP RAS Yes Khoury, Peter Ruckus Wireless Yes KI, SANGWON Newracom Inc. Yes Kim, Igor Electronics and Telecommunications Research Yes Institute (ETRI) Kim, Jeongki LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Jin Min LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Joonsuk Apple, Inc. Yes Kim, Kyeongpyo Newracom Inc. Yes Kim, Sang Gook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Suhwook LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Yongho Korea National University of Transportation Yes Kim, Youhan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kim, Youn-Kwan The Catholic University of Korea Yes Kirimis, Dimitri Newracom Inc. Yes Kiryanov, Anton IITP RAS Yes Kitazawa, Shoichi ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories No KNECKT, JARKKO Apple, Inc. Yes Ko, Geonjung WILUS Institute Yes Kojima, Fumihide National Institute of Information and No Communications Technology (NICT) Kotzer, Igal General Motors Company Yes Kountz, Dennis Chemours Yes kukil, LIM WILUS Inc. Yes Kumar, Rajesh Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kumari, Warren Google Yes Kwak, Jin-Sam WILUS Institute Yes Kwon, Yong-Jin Newracom Inc. Yes Kwon, Young Hoon Newracom Inc. Yes Lackner, Hans QoSCom GmbH No Lan, Zhou National Institute of Information and Yes Communications Technology (NICT) Lanante, Leonardo Kyushu Institute of Technology Yes Lansford, James Qualcomm Incorporated Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Lee, Daewon Newracom Inc. Yes Lee, Hyeong Ho Electronics and Telecommunications Research No Institute (ETRI) Lee, Jae Seung ETRI No Lee, Jehun Newracom Inc. Yes LEE, JOONSOO Newracom Inc. Yes LEE, SUNGEUN Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Yes Lee, Xiaoyang DHS/OEC Yes Lee, Young Ha Newracom Inc. Yes Leicht, Suzanne National Security Agency Yes Lepp, James BlackBerry Yes Levy, Joseph InterDigital, Inc. Yes Li, Dejian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Huan-Bang National Institute of Information and Yes Communications Technology (NICT) Li, Jing Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Yunbo Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Liang, Haixiang Huawei R&D USA No Lim, Dong Guk LG ELECTRONICS Yes Lin, Meilu HUAWEI Yes Lin, Zhi-Wei Metropolitan Transportation Authority - New No York City Transit Liu, Der-Zheng Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Liu, Fulei ZTE Corporation Yes Liu, Jianhan MediaTek Inc. Yes Liu, Jinnan HUAWEI Yes Liu, Pei HiSilicon Technologies Co., LTD. Yes Liu, Yong Apple, Inc. Yes Loc, Peter Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lomayev, Artyom Intel Corporation Yes Luo, Jun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes M. Hizan, Hizamel TM Research & Development Yes Ma, Jing National Institute of Information and No Communications Technology (NICT) Maamari, Diana Huawei R&D USA Yes MADHAVAN, NARENDAR TOSHIBA Corporation Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Malik, Rahul Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Malinen, Jouni Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Maltsev, Alexander Intel Corporation Yes Mano, Hiroshi Koden Techno Info K.K. Yes Marks, Roger Consensii LLC No Mccann, Stephen BlackBerry Yes Merlin, Simone Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Mobasher, Amin SAMSUNG Yes Mohanty, Bibhu Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Monajemi, Pooya Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Montemurro, Michael Research In Motion Limited Yes Mori, Kenichi Space-Time Engineering Yes Morioka, Hitoshi SRC Software Yes Morioka, Yuichi Sony Corporation Yes Motozuka, Hiroyuki Panasonic Corporation Yes Mourad, Alaa BMW Group No Mueller, Robert Ilmenau University of Technology - TU Ilmenau Yes Murakami, Yutaka Panasonic Corporation Yes Myles, Andrew Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Nagao, Yuhei Radrix Co., Ltd Yes Nandagopalan, SAI SHANKAR Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Yes Noh, Yujin Newracom Inc. Yes Notor, John Notor Research; ARM, Inc. Yes OH, MIN-SEOK LG Electronics Yes Olesen, Robert InterDigital, Inc. Yes Oteri, Oghenekome InterDigital, Inc. Yes Ozaki, Kazuyuki FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED Yes Palm, Stephen Broadcom Corporation Yes Pare, Thomas MediaTek Inc. Yes Park, Eunsung LG Electronics Yes Park, Hyungu Newracom Inc. Yes Park, Hyunhee LG ELECTRONICS Yes Park, Jeonghwan Newracom Inc. Yes Park, Minyoung Intel Corporation Yes Park, Sung-jin LG ELECTRONICS Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Parsons, Glenn Ericsson AB No Patil, Abhishek Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Persson, Hakan Ericsson AB Yes Peterson, Harry Yanntek Inc; Quantum Leap No Petranovich, James ViaSat, Inc. Yes petrick, Albert Jones-Petrick and Associates, LLC. Yes Pope, Steve Self Employed Yes porat, ron Broadcom Corporation Yes Qi, Emily Intel Corporation Yes Qiao, Dengyu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Qu, Shouxing BlackBerry Yes Rafie, Reza Self Yes Rakanovic, Demir u-blox Yes Randall, Karen NSA/IAD No Rantala, Enrico-Henrik Nokia Yes Ren, Yazhen Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Reuss, Edward NO AFFILIATION Yes Riegel, Maximilian Nokia Networks Yes Rison, Mark Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre Yes Robert, Joerg University of Erlangen-Nuremberg No Rong, Zhigang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Rosdahl, Jon Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Yes Roy, Michel InterDigital, Inc. No Ryu, Kiseon LG ELECTRONICS Yes Sada, Tomoki KDDI R&D Laboratories Yes Sadeghi, Bahareh Intel Corporation Yes Sadri, Ali Intel Corporation Yes Sakamoto, Takenori Panasonic Corporation Yes Sakoda, Kazuyuki Sony Corporation Yes Salazar Cardozo, Ruben E Landis Gyr Group Worldwide No Sampath, Hemanth Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Sarikaya, Behcet Huawei R&D USA Yes Sasaki, Shigenobu Niigata University Yes Sato, Naotaka Sony Corporation Yes Schelstraete, Sigurd Quantenna Communications, Inc. Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Schuessler, James SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS No Scott, Andy NCTA Yes Segev, Jonathan Intel Corporation Yes Seok, Yongho Newracom Inc. Yes Shah, Kunal Silver Spring Networks Inc. No Shellhammer, Stephen Qualcomm Incorporated No Sherlock, Ian Texas Instruments Incorporated Yes Shilo, Shimi Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Yes Shimada, Shusaku Schubiquist Technologies Yes Smith, Graham SR Technologies Yes Son, Ju-Hyung WILUS Institute Yes Song, Hayeong Newracom Inc. Yes Stacey, Robert Intel Corporation Yes Stanley, Dorothy Hewlett Packard Enterprise Yes Stephens, Adrian Intel Corporation Yes Stott, Noel Ixia Yes Suh, JUNG HOON Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sumi, Takenori Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Yes Sun, Bo ZTE Corporation Yes Sun, Li-Hsiang InterDigital, Inc. Yes sun, sheng Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Sun, Yanjun Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Takai, Mineo Space-Time Engineering Yes Tanaka, Yusuke Sony Corporation Yes Tao, Wu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Tayamon, Soma Ericsson AB No Tellas, Ronald Belden No Tian, Bin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tian, Qingjiang Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tian, Tao Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Tiedemann, Edward Qualcomm Incorporated No Tinnakornsrisuphap, Peerapol Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Torab, Payam Broadcom Corporation Yes Trainin, Solomon Intel Corporation Yes Tsai, Chia-Hung MediaTek Inc. Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Tsodik, Genadiy Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Urabe, Yoshio Panasonic Corporation Yes Vangelista, Lorenzo Patavina Technologies Yes Varshney, Prabodh Nokia Yes Venkatachalam Jayara, Venkata Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Ramanan Venkatesan, Ganesh Intel Corporation Yes Venkateswaran, Sriram Broadcom Corporation Yes Verma, Lochan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Vermani, Sameer Qualcomm Incorporated Yes VIGER, Pascal Canon Research Centre France Yes Vlantis, George STMicroelectronics Yes Wang, Bo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Yes Wang, Chao Chun MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Haiming Southeast University, China Yes Wang, Hao Fujitsu Research & Development Center No Wang, Huizhao Quantenna Communications, Inc. Yes Wang, James June MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Lei Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Wang, Qi Broadcom Corporation Yes Wang, Xiaofei InterDigital, Inc. Yes Wang, Xuehuan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Wang, Yi Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ward, Lisa Rohde & Schwarz Yes Watanabe, Fujio NTT DoCoMo, Inc. No Wee, Gaius Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Wentink, Menzo Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Wilhelmsson, Leif Ericsson AB Yes Wong, Eric Apple, Inc. Yes Woodward, Graeme Wireless Research Centre, University of No Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ Wu, Jianbing Shenzhen iTest Technology Co.,Ltd. Yes Wu, Tianyu MediaTek Inc. Yes Xin, Yan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Xing, Weimin ZTE Corporation Yes

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Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Xue, Qi Qualcomm Incorporated Yes YAGHOOBI, HASSAN Intel Corporation Yes Yang, Ou Intel Corporation Yes YANG, RUI InterDigital, Inc. Yes Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Yunsong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yee, James MediaTek Inc. Yes Yee, Peter NSA/IAD Yes Yokota, Hidetoshi Landis Gyr Group Worldwide No Young, Christopher Broadcom Corporation Yes Yu, Chinghwa Spreadtrum Comm. Yes Yu, Jian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yucek, Tevfik Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Yun, SunWoong LG ELECTRONICS Yes Yunoki, Katsuo KDDI R&D Laboratories Yes Zeleznikar, Alan ARRIS Group Yes Zeng, Kun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhang, Hongyuan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Zhang, Xingxin Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zheng, Xiayu Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Zhou, Yan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Zhu, Chunhui Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhu, Jun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhuo, Lan CESI Group Yes Zuniga, Juan Carlos InterDigital, Inc. No

Minutes page 32 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

Annex B : Working Group Officers

Working group

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Adrian Stephens IEEE 802.11 Working Group +44 1793 404825 (office) (Intel Corporation UK Chair [email protected] Ltd.) 1st Vice Chair (Venues and Jon Rosdahl +1 (801) 492-4023 meeting planning) (Qualcomm) [email protected] Treasurer 2nd Vice Chair (Rules and Dorothy V. Stanley +1 (630) 363-1389 reflectors) (HPE) [email protected] IEEE 802 (LMSC) EC delegate Stephen McCann +44 1753 667099 Secretary (BlackBerry Ltd.) [email protected] Peter Ecclesine +1 (408) 527-0815 Co-Technical Editor (Cisco Systems, Inc.) [email protected] Robert Stacey Co-Technical Editor +1 (503) 712 4447 (Intel Corporation) 802.11 Assigned Numbers [email protected] Authority

Standing Committees Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Jim Lansford Wireless Next Generation Chair +1 (719) 286-8660 (Qualcomm) (WNG) [email protected] Joseph Levy Advanced Access Network +1.631.622.4139 (InterDigital Interface (AANI) Chair [email protected] Communications Inc.) Mark Hamilton Architecture Chair +1 (303) 818-8472 (Ruckus Wireless) (ARC) [email protected] Andrew Myles ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow +61 2 84461010 (Cisco Systems, Inc.) committee (JTC1) Chair [email protected] Rich Kennedy Regulatory Chair +1 (832) 298-1114 (HPE) (REG) [email protected] Jon Rosdahl +1 (801) 492-4023 PAR Review SC Chair (Qualcomm) [email protected]

Task Groups Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Dorothy V. Stanley TGmc Chair +1 (630) 363-1389

Minutes page 33 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry July 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0984r1

(HPE) (Revision mc) [email protected] Yongho Seok TGah Chair +82-10-7581-0828 (Newracom Inc) (Sub 1 GHz Operation) [email protected] Hiroshi Mano TGai Chair +81-3-5436-8350 (Koden Techno Info (Fast Initial Link Setup) [email protected] K.K.) Jiamin Chen TGaj Chair +86-10-8282-9532 (HiSilicon/Huawei (China Millimeter Wave) [email protected] Technologies) Donald Eastlake, 3rd TGak Chair +1 (508) 333-2270 (Huawei Technologies) (General Link) [email protected] Stephen McCann TGaq Chair +44 1753 667099 (Blackberry Ltd.) (Pre-association Discovery) [email protected] Osama Aboul-Magd TGax Chair +1 (613) 287-1405 (Huawei) (High Efficiency WLAN) [email protected] Edward Au (Marvell TGay Chair +1 (773) 782 6875 Semiconductor) (Next Generation 60GHz) [email protected] Jonathan Segev (Intel TGaz Chair +972-54-2403587 Corporation) (Next Generation Positioning) [email protected]

Study Groups Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Minyoung Park (Intel Wake-up Radio Study Group +1 (503) 712-4705 Corporation) Chair (WUR SG) [email protected]

Topic Interest Groups (TIGs) Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details

Liaison Officials to non IEEE-802 organizations Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Liaison to 3GPP Stephen McCann +44 1753 667099 (3rd Generation Partnership (BlackBerry Ltd.) [email protected] Project) Liaison to IETF Dorothy V. Stanley +1 (630) 363-1389 (Internet Engineering Task (HPE) [email protected] Force) Ian Sherlock Liaison to WFA +1 (972) 995-2011 (Texas Instruments (Wi-Fi Alliance) [email protected] Inc.)

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Liaison Officials to IEEE-802 organizations Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Clint Chaplin +1 (408) 768-0827 Liaison to IEEE 802.15 (Samsung Electronics) [email protected] Rich Kennedy +1 (832) 298-1114 Liaison to IEEE 802.18 (HPE) [email protected] Tim Godfrey +1 (650) 855-8584 (office) (Electric Power Liaison to IEEE 802.24 [email protected] Research Institute)

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Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

WG TE 16-0984r1 TGMC TG 16-0803r0 TGAH TG 16-1099r0 TGAI TG 16-1031r0 TGAJ TG 16-1061r0 TGAK TG 16-0999r2 TGAQ TG 16-1048r0 TGAX TG 16-0967r0 TGAY TG 16-1074r0 TGAZ TG 16-1076r1 WUR SG 16-1062r0 ARC SC 16-1109r0 WNG SC 16-0985r0 JTC1 SC 16-1092r0 REG SC 16-0849r1 PAR Review SC 16-0986r0


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