Christian Copperfield

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Christian Copperfield

Georges Clemenceau had very harsh terms that might THE TREATY HAS BEEN ultimately lead to the demise of Germany. . SIGNED! Britain and the United States have both supported reparations but not to the extent of France’s terms. Prime Minister David Lloyd George has argued for secret treaties between countries and naval blockades. The United States, on the other hand, wanted to be out of Europe as fast as possible at the end of the fighting. With President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, the United States has taken a more placatory stance towards the reparations to Germany. Within these Fourteen Points, the main objectives have been a disapproval of secret treaties and the reduction of weapons and military might. Also linked to the Big Three but not considered important in the debate was Italy. Italy originally signed with the Triple Alliance but decided to join the Allies a year after the fighting Christian Copperfield began. However, Italy did not play a major role in the Great War so the Big Three did not have any intention THE MAJORITY OF THE WAS FOUGHT IN of including Italy in the process of the treaty. northeastern Europe that left many countries The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were specific devastated. Heavy casualties plagued both sides of and straightforward. Territory taken by Germany has the War. However, with the war coming to an end, been returned to the country from which it was taken. the Allies, who are now victorious, want the Triple This has placated many countries including France Alliance to be held responsible for their actions. who desperately wanted the region of Alsace-Lorraine The defeated nations, Germany in particular, are returned to them because it was an industrial being held responsible for the war, the stronghold. There has also been the induction of three consequences, and all the devastation. Hundreds new countries: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It has of people have been involved in this process but also been decided that Rhineland will not be a there are three major countries that have dominated demilitarized zone. Great Britain and France will the peace talks and negotiations in connection with jointly secure the zone. German soldiers are not the Treaty of Versailles. allowed to be anywhere near this demilitarized zone. After many months of negotiations, The Treaty The Allies are designated to occupy this area for of Versailles was signed this past week on June 28, fifteen years. 1919 at the Palace in Versailles, France; this ended The German military is now crippled. The army has the state of war between the Central Powers and been weakened by reducing it by 100,000 men. the Allies. France, Britain, and the United States Besides downsizing in men, Germany can now only have played the most important role in discussing have six naval ships. The country is not allowed to and putting the treaty into place. These countries have any submarines, tanks or air force. Financially, have thus been called the “Big Three.” France, the Germany has to pay reparations that we hope might most aggressive of the three countries throughout bankrupt the country so they really would not be able the negotiations, has wanted Germany to be to go against any of requirements that were previously severely punished. Many of the battles of the mentioned. Most importantly was the “War Guilt Great War were fought on French territory, which Clause” that states Germany has to admit full has therein decimated their country and their responsibility for starting the war which means that people. France does not want to be attacked by Germany also accepts responsibility for all the Germany again. Therefore, Prime Minister damage. Germany was given two choices: sign the treaty or be invaded by our Allied forces. The treaty has My Ernest Opinion: obviously been very unpopular in Germany. Many BACK TO WHERE WE ALL German people have felt the treaty has being forced on them and they have had no other choice BELONG than to comply with the terms and arrangements. Curtis Black Also, the German representatives who went to France did not view the terms of the treaty until the AS WE REFLECT ON THE GREAT WAR AS IT day of the signing at the Palace of Versailles. It draws to a long-awaited close, Americans should not was known that Germany could not afford to fight feel that the only necessary reparations lie in again nor had the military strength to be involved Deutchland. The wake of the war has left ripples across in another war. However, the people still felt they our society that needs to be remedied. When our own should not be held accountable for the decision that heroes were sent overseas, the only people to replace the German government made; and many believe them were our dear women. The woman filled our the nation is being unfairly treated. collective void in the home, in the community, and in There are many big questions being asked. Will industry. A great number of women even worked in the terms of the Treaty of Versailles stay in place? munitions to provide our men with the ammunition they Will they act in accordance with what the “Big needed for combat in those dismal trenches. Our Three” intended? Will Germany reduce the army? women should be commended on what they have Will Germany return the land they conquered to accomplished to keep our nation on Her feet. the rightful owner? Are they going to pay all of the reparations? Are the terms going to be violated? Only time will answer these questions. Many Europeans and Americans fear Germany. The country is now viewed as unsafe and dangerous. However, Germany is not allowed to unite with Austria-Hungary. This is very imperative because this would might give Germany enough of an edge that they would be able to begin another war effort. Hopefully the terms will be met so that our world can now rest as the Great War has ended. A woman works in a munitions factory in 1917 However, as our men return to the welcoming arms of America, they should know that their jobs and not only their wives and children are waiting for them. For this reason, women must realize that their role during the Great War was that of a workforce of “temporary men.” Their work should not be undervalued nor should it be questioned, but our society has experienced enough disruption. Women have proved that in times of great need, they have the ability to do the jobs of men, but this is not their place. Women don't belong at the head of the table or behind large cast iron machinery even if they are Figure 1Even if it is due punishment, Germany physically capable. has a tough pill to swallow A woman's place is in the home working to raise her children and instilling our nation's values in the little Johnny or Susie. The future of our country relies the trenches, because there is much just as much on this idea as it does the success of our male workforce. Women are meant to influence the domestic issues of the home and men are designed to handle all public matters. Think of your mothers, as I consider my own. I know that my mother would have been perfectly capable of putting new shoes on our work-horse and plowing the view humble acres we had when I was a child before we moved closer to the city, but why does she need to? She was tough as nails and often intimidated my much larger father, but she was much better suited to helping my sister and I with our schooling while my father worked to support us. Figure 2 An American Soldier writes home I understand that the end of the Great War will noise going on. Last week we most likely allow women to refocus on the rights traveled through the city, and it movement that has been in place for the last several was nothing but a horrible sight. decades. Women have the right to vote in national Dead horses, people, and pools of elections in the state of Illinois, Nebraska, North blood everywhere you look. Many Dakota, and Rhode Island and are making motions people back home think we are just to soon be able to vote in Indiana, Ohio, and fine out here as the war is drawing Tennessee among other states in the future. The to a close, but this is not always focus of this movement focuses on our forefathers' true. We are not allowed to state idea that “all men and women were created equal.” detailed conditions of where we are Indeed, all men and all women were created equal, located so I hope you understand. So but there are clear differences between men and we went to Verdun a last week, women. These differences should not be ignored another very important place in this and should the sexes should be regarded as different war. The fighting that took place in but equal. Verdun has been the most intense While I said that women's participation in the that our boys have seen; imagine workplace during the war could not be undervalued, wondering if the next one of the I emphasize furthermore that their place in the home countless exploding shells you’ve is even more priceless. As we look back on our seen will do you in. I have had them history prior to the war, I look at how much women to fall within 20 yards of me. We’ve have meant to our society and how far we've come been here one week and we had to get because of their guidance behind closed doors. Men in dugouts once or twice every night and Women have their roles that they were designed during our stay. It rains a lot to play; however, these roles are not the same. here. Hope the family is well, do not worry about me, I will tell you LETTER FROM A SOLDIER everything when I see you. And I will see you. Hopefully the war will Dear Mother, soon be over, I’m finally feeling I have been trying to write optimistic about this whole mess. to you out here, but there is so Write back. much fighting going on, I hardly have time to sit and ponder. It With Lots of Love, is so hard to sleep at night in Lloyd Knight

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