131 Queen Street, Balfour E-Mail

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131 Queen Street, Balfour E-Mail


Information Booklet 2012

131 Queen Street, Balfour e-mail [email protected]

1 PO Box 96 Phone /Fax BALFOUR 03 2016042



Welcome to Balfour School. We know that your association with the school will be both pleasant and rewarding. Balfour School is a country contributing school with pupils from Year Zero to Year Six.

At Balfour School we actively promote a ‘family-type’ atmosphere, where there is an environment of trust, sharing and respect for others; and where children feel secure, enjoy success and want to be involved in the exciting learning opportunities that the school offers.

The staff are accessible and approachable, and encourage parents to take an active role in school matters by attending school assemblies and school and class activities. Please feel free to make an appointment to come and discuss queries or concerns that you may have regarding your child’s scholastic or social development.

One of the greatest strengths we have is in the high level of support we receive from parents and the wider Community. This support, and an attitude of working together, enables us to successfully achieve our goal as set out in our mission statement.

VISION Our students will be equipped to face tomorrow’s challenges confidently by using the skills, attitudes and knowledge acquired at Balfour School.


2  Be a dynamic focal point for the district, of which the wider community is proud and is willingly involved.  To utilise the uniqueness of the area and its people in enhancing programmes.  To develop and maintain a culture in which people and property are respected and valued. STAFFING Mr Stuart Riordan Principal Mrs Louise Stevenson Teacher Miss Kath Allen Teacher Ms Joy Knight Principal Release Mrs Maree Black Clerical Assistant Mrs Debbie Schriek Special needs/Teacher aide Mrs Gaylene Tepu Cleaner BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Mr Carl Gutschlag Chairperson Mr Elliott King Member Mr Jonathon Elder Member Mrs Nicola Bennett Treasurer Mr Chris Wilson Member Mrs Louise Stevenson Staff Representative Mr Stuart Riordan Principal The Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month. Parents and community members are welcome to attend. HOME AND SCHOOL EXECUTIVE Mrs Michelle Elder Chairperson Mrs Robina Wilson Secretary Mr Damon Lowe Treasurer

3 ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS SCHOOL HOURS Summer Hours: 8.45 – 10.30; 10.50 – 12.00; 1.00 – 2.45 Winter Hours: (Queen’s Birthday – End Term 3) 8.55 – 10.40; 11.00 – 12.10; 1.00 – 2.45 OFFICE HOURS Maree is at school during the following hours: Monday – Friday 8.30 – 11.30 am It would be appreciated if, where possible, routine phone calls, such as changes to bus arrangements, and other services available from the office, such as photocopying etc, are confined to these times.

We have an answer phone service available at times when the office isn’t attended. This answer phone is checked at 8.30 am, 12.00 noon and 2.30 pm, Monday – Friday. SCHOOL ORGANISATION Our School organisation for 2012 is as follows -

Room Teacher Class Level Class Numbers Room 2 Mr Riordan Years 3- 6 24 Ms Knight Room 1 Miss Allen Years 1 -3 15 Room 3 Mrs Stevenson Years 0-1 9 9 new entrants expected

4 SCHOOL TERMS AND HOLIDAYS Terms for 2012 are as follows: Term 1 – Tuesday 31 January - Thursday 5 April [ 10 weeks ] Term 2 – Monday 23 April - Friday 29 June [ 10 weeks ] Term 3 – Monday 16 July - Friday 28 September [11 weeks ] Term 4 – Tuesday 15 October - Tuesday 11 December approx [9 weeks]

Other holidays: Waitangi Day Monday 06 February ANZAC Day Wednesday 25 April Queens Birthday Monday 04 June Labour Day Monday 22 October

SCHOOL BEHAVIOUR GUDELINES Pupils are encouraged to demonstrate a caring, responsible attitude to people, possessions and their school environment, and ultimately in society. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the following are guides for parents regarding issues that may arise:  Jewellery should be kept to a minimum.  No chewing gum, lollies, fizzy drinks etc are permitted.  Children are not permitted to leave the School grounds without permission based on a request from a parent.  School equipment should be respected and used in accordance with safety considerations.  Children with long hair are encouraged to tie it back.  Footwear is to be worn on buses at all times.  Approved sunhats must be worn in terms 1 and 4. BEHAVIOUR GUIDELINES Our expectation is that our pupils will treat other people and property with respect. We have a ‘STEPS’ programme which is instigated where this is not the case. STEPS PROCEDURE STEP 1 – A rule is broken. Teacher records child’s name, date, teacher’s initials and the rule broken in the Consequences Book. The child sits in time out for a period of time decided upon at the discretion of the teacher concerned. STEP 2 – A second, or the same rule, is broken again. (or the offence is particularly serious.) The above information is recorded in the Consequences Book again. Parents are notified. Time out for 2 days.

5 STEP 3 – A third rule is broken. Time out for 3 days. Parents are requested to attend a meeting with the Principal and teacher concerned. STEP 4 – A fourth rule is broken. The Principal notifies parents and the child becomes the parent’s responsibility during lunch time, for a period of time negotiated with the parents/caregivers. If an offence of a particularly violent nature occurs, or any inappropriate touching takes place, the parents will be contacted immediately and appropriate measures taken. End-of-term Treat – Students on Step 2 or above will not participate in the end of term treat.

ABSENCES When you know your child will be absent from School we require that parents/caregivers provide a brief, dated note beforehand, detailing the reason for such absence, or alternatively contact the School by phone prior to 9.00 am.

We are obliged by safety regulations to make contact with parents to ensure that their child is at home. If we are unable to contact parents or the emergency contact, by 9.15 am the police will be called to check on the pupil’s safety. We would also like to emphasise the importance of pupils arriving at school in time to get organised before the bell goes. Lateness can disrupt important early morning routines.

When your child is enrolled at our school, we need to be made aware of their travel arrangements to/from school. Please let us know at the beginning of each term of any permanent changes to travel, on the form which will be sent home and the duration of the change. Should you wish to make any daily variation, we also need to be notified as early in the day as possible.

ASSEMBLY Parents and community members are invited to join the children for assembly each Friday morning. Times are advertised in the newsletter from time to time.

BOOK CLUB The book club is an opportunity for pupils and parents to purchase paper back books at a reasonable cost. Order forms are sent home once every two months, and you are invited to purchase books through this scheme. The order form and money (cheques made out to Balfour School) are then returned to school. There is absolutely no obligation at all to purchase any books.

6 COMPLAINTS From time to time, parents may have concerns regarding something that has (or hasn’t) happened at School. We would like to emphasise that classroom or individual child concerns should, in the first instance, be directed to the classroom teacher at a pre arranged time. Other concerns may involve management or governance issues. The flow chart below indicates the procedures that should be followed in such instances. Governance concerns should be directed to the Board of Trustees; Management issues should be directed, in the first instance, to Principal.

GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT To assist you in deciding your first point of contact with a problem, please find below an explanation of the difference between Management and Governance. In broad terms, the Board is responsible for governing the School. This includes such things as:  Establishing School goals and policies

7  The appointment of the Principal  Acting as a good employer  Ensuring that the School communicates effectively with the community  Issues regarding finance and property The principal is responsible for managing the day to day running of the School. This involves such issues as:  Professional and educational leadership within the School  Recommendations re the appointment of staff  The appraisal of teachers  Initiating staff development  Issues relating to problems involving staff, students or parents Examples of concerns that should be taken to Classroom teachers:  Problems with homework  Classroom programmes Examples of concerns that should be taken to Management  Bus issues  Playground concerns  School programmes Examples of concerns that should be taken to BOT:  Property maintenance  School policies

DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY Reimbursement will be sought from those responsible for damage to school property which occurs outside normal School hours or within School hours where it has happened because of some deliberate action, extreme carelessness or disobedience.

FRUIT BREAK Each morning we have a small ‘fruit break’ between the start of school and interval. This is designed to assist concentration levels for the remainder of that session. It would be appreciated if pupils could have a piece of fresh fruit, or vegetable, or nuts where possible for this purpose.

GLENURE ALLAN RESERVE The Glenure Allan Reserve, at the summit of the Glenure Hill is a native reserve maintained by the pupils of the school in conjunction with ex-pupils, parents, community members and other outside groups with a vested interest in the conservation of native bush.

8 The Reserve was gifted to the school by Mitchell and Hazel Allan and is regularly used by the children, who visit it to further their understanding of the processes of plant propagation and regeneration when they plant into, and maintain specific areas of the Reserve. Parent participation in activity days is encouraged. For information contact the Principal.

HOME AND SCHOOL Our Home and School group actively supports the School through regular fund raising activities, assisting at sports events etc, organising working bees when required and providing forums for discussion on School related issues. Home and School meetings are advertised in the School newsletter.

HOMEWORK Homework is an important opportunity for you as parents to:  Discuss School activities with your child.  Gain some appreciation of current programmes in your child’s class.  Show your child that you appreciate and value the importance of education by taking an active interest in the homework activities that are set. Each staff member will notify parents of their own expectations regarding homework.

Broad guidelines are:  Reading is expected to be done every night. In the Junior School, this will be a reader that they have had at School. In the Senior School it may be activities provided by the teacher or personal reading. All children should be heard reading aloud.  Homework should arise from work done at school, and the maintenance of basic facts etc, and not be set for its own sake.  It should be able to be done by the child, although parental interest and participation is encouraged.  As a rule, homework activities should not take longer than: 20 minutes (Juniors) 30 minutes (Seniors)


9 A pie warmer is available for heating lunches brought from home throughout the year. Food to be heated needs to be wrapped in foil and clearly named.

ILLNESS AND MEDICATION When pupils fall ill at School, parents will be notified if action needs to be taken. Where pupils require emergency medication for allergies etc or other medication on a short term basis, we require notification of this, as per the Prescribed Medication policy currently applicable.

INSURANCE While the Board of Trustees has a comprehensive insurance policy for School belongings, exorbitant costs prevent us from covering pupil’s personal property at School. LOST PROPERTY We have a lost property box at school which parents are encouraged to check periodically. It assists us considerably if all property is named, so that mislaid items can be immediately returned. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Staff are encouraged to use ‘education outside the classroom’ activities such as school trips etc to enhance class programmes where appropriate. Senior School pupils undertake overnight camps during their years at Balfour School. This is generally Room 1 - Overnight Room 2 - Week Long

PARENT HELP From time to time, staff may request offers for parent help. Activities that parents may be asked to assist with could include assisting with class activities such as reading and handwriting, physical education and crafts. Broad guidelines for parent helpers are:  Behaviour and discipline is the responsibility of the teacher. If you have any difficulties, please discuss the problem with the class teacher.  Please ensure that, as far as possible, you are independent of you own child and vice versa.

10  Anything that you hear or see in the classroom is confidential. Please respect this confidentiality.

PHOTOGRAPHS Class photographs are taken annually, generally in the fourth term, with individual and family groups offered every second year. PRE SCHOOL VISITS Children approaching the age of 5 years are encouraged to visit the school for at least 2 half days in the month before they start school. Parents are encouraged to allow their children to be independent of them during these sessions. A permission form must be signed before pre-schoolers can be left at School.

RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION A non-denominational Bible in Schools programme is taken on a weekly basis in School time. Parents who do not wish their child/children to be involved in this programme are asked to contact the School. SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES We have a set of policies and procedures which outline systems and procedures within the School. These policies and procedures cover such things as:

* Community Use of School Facilities * Homework * Travel to/from School * Police Vetting of Support Staff * Reporting to the BOT and Community * Protected Disclosures * Staff Performance Appraisal * Staff Development * Treaty of Waitangi * Equity * Delivery of the Curriculum * Education outside the classroom * Internet Safety * Abuse of children * Equal Employment Opportunities * Infectious diseases * Shady Schools * Property Management * Appointments * Classroom Release Time * Principal Appointment procedures * Bible in Schools * Staff Appointment procedures * Privacy * Civil Emergencies * Health and Safety * Release of Children from School * Appraisal * Prescribed Medication * Special Needs * Concerns for Management/Governance * Assessment * Complaints * Maori Achievement * Gifted and Talented Students

Policies and procedures are updated regularly, and with policies, parents and community members are asked for their input. Copies of our policies and procedures are available in the foyer. SCHOOL STATIONERY

11 All school stationery requirements are available through the school office at competitive prices. We also provide a range of other services such as photocopying, laminating etc. Contact the office for details. Prior arrangements need to be made in cases of large quantity photocopying etc. SPECIALIST SERVICES Specialist services such as the Community Health Nurse, Hearing/Vision Technicians, Group Special Education Personnel, Dental Therapist and speech Therapist, visit the school on a regular basis. If parents would like to seek their advice or assistance, contact the School. To contact the Dental Therapist at other times, please phone 0800 570 300. You will be directed to the nearest Dental Therapist. Teachers can assist with making referrals to specialist services.

SPORTS UNIFORMS The sports uniform is distributed on the day prior to an event. Parents are asked to return these as soon as possible. In an effort to maintain consistent washing conditions, we ask that parents DO NOT wash the uniform before returning. These uniforms are a valuable school resource and must only be used for the event for which they were issued. Please treat them with care.

SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Annual sporting events include:  Athletics - Waimea, Northern and Southland (Term 1)  Swimming - Northern (Term 1)  Cross Country - Waimea, Northern and Southland (Term 2)  Tennis - Northern (Term 4) School events involve all pupils from New Entrants above, while Northern and Southland events involve selected pupils. We would like to emphasise the need for all pupils to bring and wear appropriate clothing for physical activity.

SUNHATS School sunhats are available at the office for at a discounted price of $10-00 and pupils must wear these during Terms 1 and 4 in line with our Shady Schools Policy. Any child without their sunhat will be required to play in the shade.


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