Minutes of Leeming Bar Residents Association s1

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Minutes of Leeming Bar Residents Association s1


Present: Richard Moore (Chair) Mark Bonney (Web master) Jan Fordyce Paul Edworthy (Dep Chair) Lizzie Clapham (Tres) Matt Grainger Syd Fordyce Felix Agbotsu Jackie Kennedy (Com) Rab Hastie (Sec)

1. Apologies - Were received from: Paul and Barbara Craggs, Carol Smith and Val Oliver. 2. Declarations of Interest. - Nil

3. Welcome – Richard welcomed all to our first AGM and wished everyone a happy new year.

4. Minutes – Richard asked all members present to read through the minutes and confirm that the previous minutes were a true and accurate record of that meeting: All Proposed - Paul Edworthy Agreed Seconded - Jackie Kennedy

5. Matters Arising: All a. Flower Bed - Richard mentioned he had expected to see the bulbs coming through in the flower bed however it is still early in the season. Richard and Rab would look after the flower bed to ensure it is kept tidy and free of weeds. Syd might also be able to help commitments allowing. All b. Tidiness/Graffiti – On facebook a number of concerns were raised regarding graffiti on the Bedale road underpass. Whilst the issue had been reported to the Parish Council (PC) Richard felt it was important to deal quickly and directly with the relevant agency. He spoke to Alan Scargill who is apparently the enforcer in such matters, Alan suggested he could and would deal with the matter. The issue invariably will be raised at the PC meeting; it was hoped the PC would not object to our taking a more direct approach. Richard/ c. Pavements/Hedges – Again the subject regarding the hedges and PC pavement north of the industrial estate entrance was raised. A matter for the PC to continue to pursue to help the appearance of the village. Rab/All d. Litter Pick – Dates were suggested for the litter pick to take place, it was felt by the majority that a Sunday would be best, less traffic etc. Sun 23 Mar was considered the best date giving time after the next meeting to confirm timings and hope participation. Rab will liaise with MacDonald’s regarding the availability of equipment. Richard e. CAW Ingredients – Richard, Rab and Jackie were invited by Mr Cawthray for a visit, unfortunately Jackie was not available. The tour round the factory was highly informative and interesting. After the tour, Mr Cawthray also mentioned development of the factory and his application for a warehouse and link road. It was clear he has Leeming Bar residents’ concerns in mind with 1 of 4 regards to those development plans. Whilst no firm commitment was made he would look at any request for sponsorship or event support (drinks) on their individual merit. Richard/ f. Roads/Traffic – Richard started the item by updating the meeting on the Paul responses to date from the various agencies regarding the letters and petition put forward by residents on Leases Road with the agreement of the Association. Rab was then asked to brief the members present regarding the response by the PC. In brief the subject detail was put forward by Richard in a very clear and respectful manner. The response by the PC chair seemed more personal and was extremely defensive of the actions previously carried out on our behalf and less concerned about Leeming Bar residents’ genuine concerns. The other council members did not appear to be aware of the situation. The discussion within our group was very l supportive and helpful with regards to how better to deal and work with the PC. The overwhelming desire was that we should be able to work in harmony and that an informal meeting between members of the association and those of the PC would be beneficial for the village as a whole. Paul will accompany Richard and Rab, perhaps a All different face/approach will help move the situation forward. All members of course welcome to attend

5. Treasurer’s Report - Lizzie presented to the meeting a full summary of the Rab/All financial dealings of LBRA for the year. The summary is available on request. It is important we all know how the money is being used. All

6. Secretary’s Report - Rab updated the meeting regarding LBRA numbers, the Mark/All association is 27 strong with 22 homes represented. Not all members had paid the subscription and this will be followed up for this year over the next few months.

7. Website and advertising – Mark submitted stats for the meeting:

a. – LBRA site visits since last meeting 70 (39 new) Page views 138, average time spent viewing 1.97 min, 48.57 are new visits. Breakdown of visits: 65 UK, 1 Austria, 1 Germany, 1 India (2 undetermined). b. - Facebook 44 members Richard/ c. – Twitter LBRA_DL7 has made 247 tweets, we are following 42 and All followed by 39.

9. Election/Re-election of Committee – Richard stated that no nomination or resignations for committee posts had been received. Richard proposed that the committee be re-elected on block rather than individually, seconded by Jackie, All agreed by all. Richard then proposed the committee on block be re-elected into their Agreed current positions, seconded by Mark, agreed by all.

10. Subscriptions – Richard mentioned he had received e-mails from Mark and Jackie regarding the value of a £5 subscription. It was felt by the majority that the subs gave a feeling of belonging to the Association and created a financial buffer to All help go towards events etc. Whilst agreed in principle at the last meeting Richard proposed that the subs remain at £5 per household, seconded by Syd – all agreed.

11. Constitution Amendment – Due to changes in Committee members and frequency of meetings the Constitution had to be amended, changes were explained All and all Committee members signed to that effect at the end of the meeting (original copy held by Sec).

2 of 4 12. Events/Ideas for 2014 – The following events and ideas were discussed: a. Easter egg Hunt – Sat 19 Apr 14 b. Picnic in the Park – Sat 24 May 14. (last year Teddy Bears Picnic) c. Halloween – Fri 31 Oct 14 (with reduced numbers from last year) d. Family quiz on train. e. Walking Treasure Hunt combined with BBQ. Event and venue to be confirmed. Richard/ f. Bus trips to Leeds and other places to markets etc. Mac Rep g. Hog Roast event.

13. Sponsorship – Richard hoped that Wensleydale Railways would sponsor LBRA again it has been a very useful and mutually beneficial partnership. MacDonalds have a limited amount of money for Community projects. Possible offer Com/ of manpower for catering. Rachel Brace, the meeting was dismayed to hear, has Members recently suffered a stroke. She is a member of our Facebook group and helps out with events. She is hoping to raise funds for the Stroke Association and has already been in touch with MacDonalds regarding help. The group agreed that they should support her in this quest.

14. Awards for All It was agreed that we should pursue funding through this source and through others and that we should discuss in detail at the next committee meeting. Jackie

15. Future Committee Meetings – It was suggested that the Committee meet on a quarterly basis. The first meeting will take place 25 Feb 14, 7pm at the Corner House Hotel. Further dates will be discussed at that meeting. Agenda to follow and Richard/ minutes will be produced from the meeting. Paul

16. Traffic Issues – Fully discussed at item 5f. Com/ Members 17 Carriage Update Richard had been in contact with Nigel Park at the railway and it seems that they are All keen to pursue this initiative with us. They are hoping to find suitable rolling stock in the near future.

18 AOB. – Jackie suggested that the Mulberry Holmes development may have been revised due to costs associated with the listed buildings. It was agreed that an update/clarification should be sought through the PC. Jackie will e-mail PC regarding this matter. Paul was keen that any contact made with outside bodies, agencies et.al Agreed should be registered in a “Contact Book”, with names and number/email address for future follow up action. Any letters sent out by the association should be passed through the Committee members for additions/adjustment.

19 Future Dates: PC Meeting Wed 22 Jan 7pm Leeming Motel Bedale & Villages Forum Thu 23 Jan Bedale Hall LBRA next meeting Mon 10 Mar 7pm Corner House Hotel

20 Subs Collection. – Subs were collected from the members present.

A warm welcome to Felix Agbotsu on joining the Association.

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