A Reading from the Book of Genesis Čítanie Z Knihy Genezis
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A reading from the Book of Genesis Čítanie z knihy Genezis Gn 3:1-8
Now the serpent was the most cunning No had bol ľstivejší of all the animals that the LORD God had made. ako všetky poľné zvieratá, ktoré urobil Pán, Boh, The serpent asked the woman, a vravel žene: “Did God really tell you not eat „Naozaj povedal Boh:“ Nesmiete jesť from any of the trees in the garden’? z nijakého rajského stromu!?“ “ The woman answered the serpent, Žena odpovedala hadovi: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, Z ovocia rajských stromov môžeme jesť, it is only about the fruit of the tree ale z ovocí stromu, in the middle of the garden that God said, ktorý je v strede raja, nám Boh povedal: „ You shall not eat it Nejedzte z neho, or even touch it, lest you die.“ ani sa ho nedotýkajte, aby ste nezomreli!“ But the serpent said to the woman: Tu povedal had žene: You certainly will not die! No, God knows well „Nie, nezomriete, ale Boh vie, that the moment you eat of it že v deň, keď budete z neho jesť, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods otvoria sa vám oči a vy budete ako Boh, who know what is good and what is evil.” Budete poznať dobro a zlo.“ The woman saw that the tree was good for food, A žena videla, že strom je na jedenie chutný, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. Na pohľad krásny a na poznanie vábivý, So she took some of its fruit and ate it, nuž vzala z jeho ovocia a jedla, and she also gave some to her husband, dala aj svojmu mužovi, čo bol s ňou, a on tiež jedol. who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, I otvorili sa obom oči and they realized that they were naked; a spoznali, že sú nahí. so they sewed fig leaves together Zošili figové listy and made loincloths for themselves. a urobili si zásterky. When they heard the sound of the LORD God A potom, keď počuli hlas Pána, Boha, moving about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, ktorý sa za denného vánku prechádzal po záhrade, the man and his wife hid themselves skryl sa Adam i jeho žena from the LORD God pred Pánom, Bohom, among the trees of the garden. medzi stromami záhrady.
The word of the Lord. Počuli sme Božie slovo. Ľ: Thanks be to God. Bohu vďaka. ______Ž 32, 1-7 R: Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Blažený, komu sa odpustila neprávosť
Blessed is he whose fault is taken away, Blažený, komu sa odpustila neprávosť whose sin is covered. a je oslobodený od hriechu. Blessed the man to whom the LORD imputes not guilt, Blažený človek, ktorému Pán vinu nepripočíta in whose spirit there is no guile. R a v ktorého mysli niet podvodu. R
Then I acknowledged my sin to you, Vyznal som sa ti zo svojho hriechu my guilt I covered not. a nezatajil som svoj priestupok. I said, „ I confess my faults to the LORD,“ Povedal som si:“ Vyznám Pánovi svoju neprávosť.“ and you took away the guilt of my sin. R A ty si mi odpustil zlobu môjho hriechu. R
For this shall every faithful man pray to you Preto každý nábožný bude sa modliť k tebe in time of stress. v čase tiesne. Though deep waters overflow, A záplavy veľkých vôd they shall not reach him. R sa k nemu nepriblížia. R
You are my shelter, from distress you will preserve me, Ty si moje útočište, ochrániš ma pred súžením, with glad cries of freedom you will ring me round. R zahrnieš ma radosťou zo spásy. R ______Alleluia Aleluja Open our hearts, O Lord, Otvor naše srdcia , Pane, to listen to the words of your Son. aby sme počúvali slová Tvojho Syna.
Mk 7, 31- 37 Jesus left the district of Tyre Ježiš znova opustil končiny Týru and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, a cez Sidon prišiel ku Galilejskému moru into the district of the Decapolis. do stredu dekapolského kraja. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment Tam priviedli k nemu hluchonemého and begged him to lay his hand on him. a prosili ho, aby naňho vložil ruku. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. On ho vzal nabok od zástupu, He put his finger into the man´s ears and, vložil mu prsty do uší, spitting, touched his tongue, poslinil ich a dotkol sa mu jazyka. then he looked up to heaven and groaned, Potom pozdvihol oči k nebu, vzdychol and said to him,„ Ephphatha!“ that is, „ Be opened!“ a povedal mu:“ Effeta, „ čo znamené: „ otvor sa!„ And immediately the man´s ears were opened, V tej chvíli sa mu otvorili uši a rozviazal spútaný jazyk his speech impediment was removed, a správne rozprával. and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. A prikázal im, aby o tom nikomu nehovorili. But the more he ordered them not to, Ale čím dôraznejšie im prikazoval, The more they proclaimed it. tým väčšmi to rozhlasovali They were exceedingly astonished a s tým väčším obdivom hovorili: and they said, „ He has done all things well. „ Dobre robí všetko: He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.“ Aj hluchým dáva sluch, aj nemým reč. „
K: The Gospel of the Lord. Počuli sme slovo Pánovo. Ľ: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Chvála Tebe Kriste. ______Prayer of the faithful Modlitba veriacich
K: Brothers and sisters,gathered in joyful hope, Bratia a sestry, s dôverou predstúpme pred Pána, we offer our prayers to God, ktorý vracia hluchým sluch a nemým reč, a prosme. who makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.
1.Lord Jesus, make your Church be aware of Pane Ježišu, daj, aby si Cirkev vždy uvedomovala Her duty: to teach, protect, comfort and strengthen. svoju povinnosť: učiť, chrániť, tešiť a posilňovať. R:Lord, hear our prayer. Pane, vyslyš nás. 2. Lord Jesus, strengthen Christians. Pane Ježišu, posilňuj kresťanov, May they willingly exercise aby ochotne konali corporal and spiritual works of mercy. R skutky telesného a duševného milosrdenstva. 3. Lord Jesus, grant our handicapped brothers and sisters Pane Ježišu, daj postihnutým bratom a sestrám assistance now and in the future. R pomocníkov na ich životnej ceste. 4. Lord Jesus, arise in the abondened and the sorely tired Pane Ježišu, prebuď v opustených a ťažko skúšaných the desire for life with you. R ľuďoch túžbu po živote s tebou. 5.Lord Jesus, grant us strength Pane Ježišu, daj nám silu, to keep our tongues from hurting our brothers and sisters. R aby sme svojím jazykom neubližovali našim blížnym. 6. Lord Jesus, grant us mercy, Pane Ježišu, daj nám milosť that we may respect the goodwill and honor of our brothers and sisters. R ctiť dobré meno a česť blížnych. 7. Lord Jesus, may the Holy Spirit guide Pane Ježišu, sprevádzaj svojim Duchom Svätým the teachers and students of učiteľov a žiakov St. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Bela nad Cirochou. R ZŠ a MŠ sv. Petra a Pavla v Belej n. Cirochou. K: Lord Jesus, you heal those who believe in you, Pane Ježišu, ty uzdravuješ tých, ktorí veria v teba, hear the prayers of your Church and grant, vypočuj modlitby svojej Cirkvi a daj, that all the nations may praise you. aby ťa oslavovali všetky národy. For you live and reign for ever and ever. Lebo ty žiješ a kraľuješ na veky vekov. Ľ: Amen Amen. A reading from the Book of Genesis Čítanie z knihy Genezis Gn 3:1-8
Now the serpent was the most cunning No had bol ľstivejší of all the animals that the LORD God had made. ako všetky poľné zvieratá, ktoré urobil Pán, Boh, The serpent asked the woman, a vravel žene: “Did God really tell you not eat „Naozaj povedal Boh:“ Nesmiete jesť from any of the trees in the garden’? z nijakého rajského stromu!?“ “ The woman answered the serpent, Žena odpovedala hadovi: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, Z ovocia rajských stromov môžeme jesť, it is only about the fruit of the tree ale z ovocí stromu, in the middle of the garden that God said, ktorý je v strede raja, nám Boh povedal: „ You shall not eat it Nejedzte z neho, or even touch it, lest you die.“ ani sa ho nedotýkajte, aby ste nezomreli!“ But the serpent said to the woman: Tu povedal had žene: You certainly will not die! No, God knows well „Nie, nezomriete, ale Boh vie, that the moment you eat of it že v deň, keď budete z neho jesť, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods otvoria sa vám oči a vy budete ako Boh, who know what is good and what is evil.” Budete poznať dobro a zlo.“ The woman saw that the tree was good for food, A žena videla, že strom je na jedenie chutný, pleasing to the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. Na pohľad krásny a na poznanie vábivý, So she took some of its fruit and ate it, nuž vzala z jeho ovocia a jedla, and she also gave some to her husband, dala aj svojmu mužovi, čo bol s ňou, a on tiež jedol. who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, I otvorili sa obom oči and they realized that they were naked; a spoznali, že sú nahí. so they sewed fig leaves together Zošili figové listy and made loincloths for themselves. a urobili si zásterky. When they heard the sound of the LORD God A potom, keď počuli hlas Pána, Boha, moving about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, ktorý sa za denného vánku prechádzal po záhrade, the man and his wife hid themselves skryl sa Adam i jeho žena from the LORD God pred Pánom, Bohom, among the trees of the garden. medzi stromami záhrady.
The word of the Lord. Počuli sme Božie slovo. Ľ: Thanks be to God. Bohu vďaka. ______Ž 32, 1-7 R: Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven. Blažený, komu sa odpustila neprávosť
Blessed is he whose fault is taken away, Blažený, komu sa odpustila neprávosť whose sin is covered. a je oslobodený od hriechu. Blessed the man to whom the LORD imputes not guilt, Blažený človek, ktorému Pán vinu nepripočíta in whose spirit there is no guile. R a v ktorého mysli niet podvodu. R
Then I acknowledged my sin to you, Vyznal som sa ti zo svojho hriechu my guilt I covered not. a nezatajil som svoj priestupok. I said, „ I confess my faults to the LORD,“ Povedal som si:“ Vyznám Pánovi svoju neprávosť.“ and you took away the guilt of my sin. R A ty si mi odpustil zlobu môjho hriechu. R
For this shall every faithful man pray to you Preto každý nábožný bude sa modliť k tebe in time of stress. v čase tiesne. Though deep waters overflow, A záplavy veľkých vôd they shall not reach him. R sa k nemu nepriblížia. R
You are my shelter, from distress you will preserve me, Ty si moje útočište, ochrániš ma pred súžením, with glad cries of freedom you will ring me round. R zahrnieš ma radosťou zo spásy. R ______Alleluia Aleluja Open our hearts, O Lord, Otvor naše srdcia , Pane, to listen to the words of your Son. aby sme počúvali slová Tvojho Syna.
Mk 7, 31- 37 Jesus left the district of Tyre Ježiš znova opustil končiny Týru and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, a cez Sidon prišiel ku Galilejskému moru into the district of the Decapolis. do stredu dekapolského kraja. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment Tam priviedli k nemu hluchonemého and begged him to lay his hand on him. a prosili ho, aby naňho vložil ruku. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. On ho vzal nabok od zástupu, He put his finger into the man´s ears and, vložil mu prsty do uší, spitting, touched his tongue, poslinil ich a dotkol sa mu jazyka. then he looked up to heaven and groaned, Potom pozdvihol oči k nebu, vzdychol and said to him,„ Ephphatha!“ that is, „ Be opened!“ a povedal mu:“ Effeta, „ čo znamené: „ otvor sa!„ And immediately the man´s ears were opened, V tej chvíli sa mu otvorili uši a rozviazal spútaný jazyk his speech impediment was removed, a správne rozprával. and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. A prikázal im, aby o tom nikomu nehovorili. But the more he ordered them not to, Ale čím dôraznejšie im prikazoval, The more they proclaimed it. tým väčšmi to rozhlasovali They were exceedingly astonished a s tým väčším obdivom hovorili: and they said, „ He has done all things well. „ Dobre robí všetko: He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.“ Aj hluchým dáva sluch, aj nemým reč. „
K: The Gospel of the Lord. Počuli sme slovo Pánovo. Ľ: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Chvála Tebe Kriste. ______Prayer of the faithful Modlitba veriacich
K: Brothers and sisters,gathered in joyful hope, Bratia a sestry, s dôverou predstúpme pred Pána, we offer our prayers to God, ktorý vracia hluchým sluch a nemým reč, a prosme. who makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.
1.Lord Jesus, make your Church be aware of Pane Ježišu, daj, aby si Cirkev vždy uvedomovala Her duty: to teach, protect, comfort and strengthen. svoju povinnosť: učiť, chrániť, tešiť a posilňovať. R:Lord, hear our prayer. Pane, vyslyš nás. 2. Lord Jesus, strengthen Christians. Pane Ježišu, posilňuj kresťanov, May they willingly exercise aby ochotne konali corporal and spiritual works of mercy. R skutky telesného a duševného milosrdenstva. 3. Lord Jesus, grant our handicapped brothers and sisters Pane Ježišu, daj postihnutým bratom a sestrám assistance now and in the future. R pomocníkov na ich životnej ceste. 4. Lord Jesus, arise in the abondened and the sorely tired Pane Ježišu, prebuď v opustených a ťažko skúšaných the desire for life with you. R ľuďoch túžbu po živote s tebou. 5.Lord Jesus, grant us strength Pane Ježišu, daj nám silu, to keep our tongues from hurting our brothers and sisters. R aby sme svojím jazykom neubližovali našim blížnym. 6. Lord Jesus, grant us mercy, Pane Ježišu, daj nám milosť that we may respect the goodwill and honor of our brothers and sisters. R ctiť dobré meno a česť blížnych. 7. Lord Jesus, may the Holy Spirit guide Pane Ježišu, sprevádzaj svojim Duchom Svätým the teachers and students of učiteľov a žiakov St. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Bela nad Cirochou. R ZŠ a MŠ sv. Petra a Pavla v Belej n. Cirochou.
K: Lord Jesus, you heal those who believe in you, Pane Ježišu, ty uzdravuješ tých, ktorí veria v teba, hear the prayers of your Church and grant, vypočuj modlitby svojej Cirkvi a daj, that all the nations may praise you. aby ťa oslavovali všetky národy. For you live and reign for ever and ever. Lebo ty žiješ a kraľuješ na veky vekov. Ľ: Amen Amen.