A. Candidates Running for Presidency

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A. Candidates Running for Presidency

Chapter 10 The Age of Jackson Section 3

I. Election of 1824

A. Candidates Running for Presidency

A.1. John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William Crawford

and Andrew Jackson

A.2. Jackson received the most electoral votes, but no


B. The Corrupt Bargain

B.1. Jackson won the popular vote

 Did not receive majority of Electoral votes

B.2. House of Representatives must pick next president

B.3. Henry Clay was Speaker of the House

 Had great influence on the members of the House

to vote for Adams

B.4. John Quincy Adams becomes next president

 Adams appointed Clay to be secretary of state

B.5. Jackson becomes furious and vows to run in the

next election

II. Unpopular Adams

A. Economic Growth

A.1. Accomplished little

A.2. Had great ideas, but wanted to involve the

government too much

 Roads, canals, national university

A.3. No American support for ideas

A.4. Americans felt that government would become too


A.5. One Term President

III. A New Era in Politics

A. Change in Voting

1. Expansion = New states

 All white men over 21 can vote

2. Eastern states 1820s-1830s all white men 21 can vote

3. Women and Slaves still could not vote

IV. New Political Parties

A. Two New Parties Form

1. Whigs

 Supported national growth

 Federal government will better the economy

 Mainly made up of Eastern business people

2. Democrats

 Represented frontier farmers and factory


 Associated with today’s Democratic party

 Small business owners

B. Choosing Candidates

1. Caucus

 A meeting of members of a political party

 Involved only small group of people

2. Nominating Conventions

 Large meetings of party delegates to choose

candidates for office

 Made voting more democratic

 Gave people voice in choosing candidates V. Jackson becomes President

A. Election of 1828

A.1. 3 times as many people voted in the election of


 New voters supported Jackson

A.2. Jackson did best in the West and the South

 Planters and farmers supported him

 Small business people supported Jackson also

A.3. Adams was popular in New England

 His home region

A.4. Jackson won by a landslide

 Victory for the common man

B. The Spoils of Victory

A. Reward for Victory

1. Awarded jobs to those who helped him win election

 Accused of not having qualified people

 Openly defended himself

3. Common people can do government jobs

4. Spoils system

 The practice of rewarding government jobs to

loyal supporters of the party that wins an


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