Part I: from Hunting and Gathering to Civilizations, 2.5 Million 1000 B.C.E
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AP WORLD HISTORY: Fall Semester Exam Review
Part I: From Hunting and Gathering to Civilizations, 2.5 Million – 1000 B.C.E.
Chapter 1: From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations
The Paleolithic Age refers to: Characteristics of the Paleolithic Age include:
The Neolithic Age refers to: Changes as a result of the Neolithic Revolution include:
A civilization is: Characteristics of civilization include:
What river valley areas produced the first civilizations?
Why was writing developed? What were the earliest forms of writing in the earliest civilizations?
Who were/are the Jews? The Jews were characterized most by:
Hammurabi’s Code was:
What is patriarchal?
Part II: The Classical Period, 1000 B.C.E. – 500 C.E.
Chapter 2: Classical Civilization - China
Who was Confucius? How did Confucius influence Chinese daily life as well as politics of the state?
What is primogeniture?
What was the Mandate of Heaven? (Who was the Son of Heaven?)
What were the accomplishments of the Qin dynasty?
What was the most important invention of the Han dynasty?
Chapter 3: Classical Civilization – India
The Aryans were members of what linguistic group?
How was India political organization different from China?
What is the caste system? What are its characteristics?
What were the Vedas?
Compare the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties.
Compare Hinduism and Buddhism. How did they view the caste system? Chapter 4: Classical Civilizations in the Mediterranean and Middle East
What was the greatest political contribution of the Greeks? How was it different from ours?
What did the Phoenicians give us?
How did Greek and Chinese civilizations differ?
What were Rome’s contributions to civilization in building, law, and language?
Who was Alexander the Great?
Who was Pericles? What was the message in his Funeral Oration?
How did Mediterranean classical civilization impact western civilization?
Chapter 5: The Classical Period – Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E.
What is cultural diffusion? Example?
What characteristic of faiths/religions became more common after 200 C.E.? What three religions are examples?
What were the symptoms of the decline of the Roman Empire? Why didn’t the eastern part of the empire fall?
Part III: The Postclassical Period, 500 – 1450 C.E.
Chapter 6: The First Global Civilization – The Rise and Spread of Islam
Who were the Bedouins? What was the basic social group of the Bedouins? (What role did they play in the spread of Islam?)
Who was Muhammad? Why is the year 622 C.E. important to Muslims? What is the Qur’an to Muslims?
What does “Islam” mean?
What are submission, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage to Muslims? What is the Ka’ba?
Chapter 7: Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia
What is a harem? What did the Abbasid creation of the harem imply?
Who was Saladin?
How were the Crusaders successful (at first) in defeating Islamic states and creating the “Crusader States”?
What was the impact of the Crusades on the Christian West and on the Islamic states?
As Muslim states extended trade to the east with the Indian kingdom of Sind, how did Islam differ from Hinduism?
Who was Mansa Musa? Chapter 8: African Civilizations and the Spread of Islam
What was the most significant impact on sub-Saharan Africa after increased contact with the outside world between 800 – 1500 C.E.?
What is a stateless society?
What was the indigenous religion of much of sub-Saharan Africa?
What was the most important Christian kingdom in Africa?
What kingdom took over Ghana in 1076? On what rivers were the kingdoms of western Africa built?
Who was Sundiata? (Who was Mansa Musa? Chapter 7)
What caused the kingdom of Songhai to fall?
What was typical of African societies influenced by Islam and Christianity? Where was Islam strongest in Africa?
Chapter 9: Civilization in Eastern Europe – Byzantium and Orthodox Europe
Where is the direct descendant of the Roman Empire? How long did the Byzantine Empire last?
What are the similarities and differences between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe?
What was the language of the Byzantine Empire? What type of Christianity developed in the empire?
What were the positive contributions of Justinian?
Who posed the greatest threat to the empire beginning in the seventh century, eventually causing the Crusades?
Chapter 10: A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe
What were the Middle Ages? When were the Middle Ages?
What is manorialism? What was the role of a serf?
What was feudalism?
When did Charlemagne establish his empire of the Franks (at its height)?
What was the Holy Roman Empire?
What were the results/effects of the Crusades?
What is the importance of the year 1066? 1215?
What was the purpose of guilds?
How did the Black Death arrive in Europe, and what were the effects of it? Chapter 11: The Americas on the Eve of Invasion
What was the relationship of the Americas to the Old World during the Postclassical Period?
What were characteristics of American civilizations in this period?
Where was the Aztec center of population and power? What was the Aztec capital, established c. 1325?
What religious practice did not change as the Aztecs rose to power? What were the deities like?
What were chinampas?
What was “Inca socialism?” What was the Inca capital?
What were cultural and physical differences between Inca/Andean and Aztec/Mesoamerican civilizations?
What was the population of the Americas compared to contemporary Europe?
Chapter 12: Reunification and Renaissance in Chinese Civilization – Tang and Song Dynasties
What was the “Era of Division” or “Era of Six Dynasties?” What dynasty ended the division?
How did the Tang and Song dynasties compare in size?
How did the Tang view the scholar-gentry?
Who were the jinshi?
Why was the Grand Canal necessary? (Who had it built?)
What was footbinding? How did it change the life of women? Was it a practice among all women?
What were the technologies of the Tang-Song era?
Chapter 13: The Spread of Chinese Civilization – Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
What were the Taika reforms?
Who were the bushi? Who were the samurai?
Chapter 14: The Last Great Nomadic Challenges – From Chinggis Khan to Timur
Who were the Mongols? What was the organization of their society?
What type of military did they use? What was the battlefield tactic they used most often?
Who was Chinggis Khan? What was Chinggis Khan’s religious policy regarding those he conquered?
What were the positive aspects of Chinggis Khan’s rule?
What impact did the Mongol rule have on Russia? on the Islamic heartland? Chapter 15: The World in 1450 – Changing Balance of World Power
Who took over the lands of the Middle East following the fall of the Abbasid and Byzantine Empires and the withdrawal of the Mongols?
What Chinese dynasty experimented with international commerce for 28 years?
What made Western Europe more dynamic in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries?
Where were the two major regional monarchies (of the area becoming Spain) established after 1400?
What changed after 1400 that Western Europe could begin to explore for new trade routes?
What areas in the Pacific established civilizations during the Postclassical period?
Chinese dynasties: Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Ming
Religions: locations and characteristics
Polytheism, monotheism, animism
Judaism – eastern Mediterranean/Middle East; Hindu – India; Buddhism – India, moved to China; Christianity – eastern Mediterranean, Roman Empire, then Europe; Islam – Middle East, north Africa
Judaism, Christianity, Islam = monotheistic
Christianity: Western Europe – Roman Catholic; Eastern Europe (Byzantine Empire and Russia) – Eastern Orthodox
Tigris River, Euphrates River, Nile River, Indus River, Ganges River, Huang He/Yellow River, Yangtze River, Niger River
Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, English Channel, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Straits of Malacca
Sumer, Egypt, India, China, Phoenicia, Greece
Qin Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Abbasid Empire, Kingdom of Sind, Maya Empire, Aztec Empire, Inca Empire, Carolingian Empire, Mongolia
Jerusalem, Alexandria, Athens, Rome, Constantinople, Baghdad, Mecca/Makah, Medina/Madinah, Timbuktu