Elm Road Primary School - Resource Committee Report

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Elm Road Primary School - Resource Committee Report

Elm Road Primary School – Governors Meeting Date: 8th October 2008 Membership: Richard Edwards, Graham Lockwood, Angela White, Becky Clarke, Alan Stubbings, Hayley Lockey, Lindsey Wade, Alan Scarisbrick-Wright, David Pritchard, James West, Beatrice White, Julie Spriggs, Chris Venables & Jane Laws (Clerk) Apologies: Robin Gordon-Farleigh & John Bartram

Main points discussed Decisions and Action when by whom

Meeting opened at 7.30pm.

Minutes of the last meeting were carried over until the full governing body meeting on 3rd December.

RE welcomed Chris Venables to the governing body as teacher representative.

ASW term of office had expired and he was unanimously re-elected as a community governor.

FMSIS RE explained the rationale behind this and the need for the governing body to be fully aware of all the documentation that supports the financial processes within the school.

Details of Financial Responsibilities were These were approved unanimously. circulated and read.

Internal Financial Procedures were These were adopted unanimously. distributed and the processes were explained to the governing body.

The Charging and Remission Policy No changes were made and the This was reviewed and discussed. policy was approved for another year.

Whistle Blowing Policy The county whistle blowing policy was This was formally adopted. explained to the governors. It was noted there were no major amendments.

The following documents were discussed in detail: Recruitment and Selection Policy Governors unanimously decided to The Cambridgeshire Scheme for approve these documents. They Financing Schools are available, as are all related Financial Framework for Schools policies, from the school office. CCC Contract Regulations Financial Regulations for Schools

Petty Cash Account Governors continued to wish that the Petty Cash Account limit set at school held a petty cash account for £100 for the year. small purchases.

‘New governor’ induction arrangements were agreed and signed.

The Best Value Statement was discussed in detail and signed as approved by the Chair of Governors.

RE explained the benchmarking process and comparisons that had been made with other schools. He had analysed the data and found no real significant variations from the standard set of criteria for schools.

The Statement of Internal Control was agreed by all governors and signed for return.

RE explained the need for the audit of All governors to complete the self governing body financial competencies evaluation and return to the clerk and a copy will be circulated to all as soon as possible. governors.

Any Other Business DP to obtain quotes. Following John Bartram’s request to obtain prices for resurfacing the playground an excellent had been received. DP would contact other firms with the specification to see if there were more competitive quotes available.

The development of the reception outside area was continuing with the imminent installation of a covered sandpit and slide. GL had accepted a slightly increased estimate to cover the grass under the infant gazova now utilising a safe rubber surface rather than grass mats.

Blue Flame had been contacted for costings on boiler maintenance. These were in line with previous costs and they This was passed unanimously. had been asked to carry out a complete service.

RE outlined heads performance management and asked that delegation of matters relating to head and deputy pay be determined by the resource committee.

Meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Future points to be discussed when who with

Items and issues for main governing body Recommendations meeting

Notes for other committees Suggested action

Dates of future meetings Comments Wednesday 4th November at 7.30pm Building Committee Wednesday 3rd December at 7.30pm Full Governors

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