1 Choose the Correct Answer

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1 Choose the Correct Answer

1 More Practice Name Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. Charles … the car at the moment. a. is washing b. washes 2. … your friends with their homework in the afternoons? a. Are you helping b. Do you help 3. Slow down! You … too fast. a. are driving b. drive 4. My brother … to sleep before midnight. a. isn’t going b. doesn’t go 5. Where … the school bus in the morning? a. is Marty catching b. does Marty catch

2 Write sentences with the words given and the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. to lock / Peter / never / the door / . (forget) ...... 2. you / why / ? (cry) ...... 3. the / always / they / evening newspaper / . (buy) ...... 4. friends / my parents / tonight / . (not visit) ...... 5. her sister / tomorrow / Anne / the cinema / . (take) ...... 6. dinner / Mum / every Saturday / . (not make) ......

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. The teacher …………………………… (leave) the room while the students …………………………… (do) a test. 2. The dog …………………………… (sleep) when the thief …………………………… (enter) the house. 3. I …………………………… (get) dressed when my boyfriend …………………………… (ring). 4. Andy …………………………… (see) us while he …………………………… (run) in the park. 5. Jake …………………………… (stop) working when he …………………………… (break) his leg. 6. We …………………………… (watch) a film on television when Mark …………………………… (arrive).

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4 Choose the correct time expression. 1. My friends play basketball … . a. twice a week b. a week ago c. tomorrow 2. Did you finish your homework … ? a. at the moment b. last night c. every day 3. The dog … wakes me up in the morning. a. on Tuesdays b. always c. last Tuesday 4. The telephone is ringing … . a. now b. yesterday c. every evening 5. It began to rain … Kate was driving. a. when b. sometimes c. while 6. Does the department store … have a sale in January? a. today b. usually c. every Monday

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. Lucy 1. …………………………… (go) to Aspen last month. Unfortunately, she 2. …………………………… (break) her leg while she 3. …………………………… (ski) and she 4. …………………………… (have) to come home early. 2. Pete 1. …………………………… (have) a party on Saturday night. 2. …………………………… he …………………………… (invite) you? 3. Steffi is late. I 1. …………………………… (not wait) for her any more because I 2. …………………………… (not want) to miss the beginning of the film. 4. I 1. …………………………… (watch) my favourite TV show when the phone 2. …………………………… (ring). I 3. …………………………… (decide) not to answer it, because I 4. …………………………… (love) that TV show and I 5. …………………………… (not want) to miss anything! Grammar

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. Eric never 1. …………………………… (miss) his favourite sports programmes. He 2. …………………………… (watch) basketball games on Tuesdays and Sundays. The Sports Channel 3. …………………………… (show) football matches on Mondays and Wednesdays. There is no sport on TV today. What 4. …………………… Eric …………………… (do)? He 5. …………………………… (go) with his friends to watch the local football team. 2. Jack 1. …………………………… (work) in his father’s office this summer. He usually 2. …………………………… (get) a job at the snack bar at the swimming pool, but the manager 3. …………………………… (not need) any help this summer. Jack 4. …………………………… (like) working for his father. He 5. …………………………… (learn) how to use new computer

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programs now. 3. I 1. …………………………… (meet) my friends at the shopping mall now. We 2. …………………………… (shop) for a birthday present for Cathy. Her parents 3. …………………………… (give) her a party tonight but she 4. …………………………… (not know) about it. 5. …………………… you …………………… (think) she will be surprised?

2 Rewrite the sentences with the time expressions in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 1. Beth is driving to work now. (usually) ...... 2. Rick doesn’t read the newspaper. (at the moment) ...... 3. Dad empties the bin every evening. (now) ...... 4. The dogs are making a lot of noise at the moment. (in the mornings) ...... 5. Mark is working at Zara’s Café. (often) ......

3 1 More Practice Name Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. Judy left / has left the building an hour ago. 2. Did you have / Have you had time to visit your grandparents lately? 3. I didn’t like / haven’t liked the book that I read for my English project. 4. The children were / have been tired after the hike on Saturday. 5. The company didn’t hire / hasn’t hired a new secretary yet. 6. How long did they know / have they known each other?

2 Write sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. 1. already / for the evening / the shop / close ...... 2. my sister / to buy / yesterday / a new pen / forget ...... 3. miss / the film / we / the beginning / just / of ...... 4. 2009 / not see / Jake / his cousins / since ...... 5. to work / not take / they / last week / the car ......

3 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. just • since • for • yet • never 1. My family has owned this shop …………………… 1982. 2. I’ve know Terri …………………… six years. 3. I’ve …………………… been to the USA. I’d love to go! 4. Have you had lunch …………………… ? 5. Oh, no! We’ve …………………… missed the bus.

4 Choose the correct answer. 1. The dogs stopped / had stopped barking by the time the police came / had come. 2. Did you turn off / Had you turned off the stove after you finished / had finished cooking? 3. John heard / had heard the news before he read / had read it in the newspaper. 4. No one enjoyed / had enjoyed the party because Andrew forgot / had forgotten to bring the music. 5. By the time the technician called / had called, my brother fixed / had fixed the computer.

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5 Write questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold. Use the Past Simple, Present Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1...... Yes, she has just signed a new contract. 2...... I walked to school because I need the exercise. 3...... The singer had sung two songs alone. 4...... Yes, all the students passed the test. 5...... The basketball team won the game last night. 6...... They have lived in the house for three years.

6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1. Larry’s parents …………………………… (give) him money for his birthday last month. Larry …………………………… (just buy) a new bicycle with the money. 2. By the time the train …………………………… (arrive), many people …………………………… (come) to the station. 3. We …………………………… (sell) all the tickets for the party yesterday, but the girls …………………………… (not decorate) the room yet. 4. …………………… Steve …………………… (send) the letter before he …………………………… (talk) to his boss? 5. Marie …………………………… (not stop) crying since Graham …………………………… (leave) town. Grammar

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple.

1. It’s nine o’clock and Phillip …………………………… (already eat) breakfast. He …………………………… (wake up) at six o’clock. 2. We are surprised because our teacher …………………………… (just tell) us that this material will be in the test. We …………………………… (not study) this material at school last year. 3. She …………………………… (not buy) a new dress for her sister’s wedding yet. She can’t find anything, although she …………………………… (look) in the shops last week. 4. It …………………………… (never snow) in April, but yesterday the weatherman …………………………… (say) that it could happen this year. 5. Nine months ago, Kate …………………………… (take) her first driving lesson. Unfortunately, she still …………………………… (not pass) the driving test.

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2 Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentence. Use the words in backets. 1. Next week, I’m meeting my cousin from Canada for the first time. (never) I ...... 2. They want to sell the car soon. (yet) They ...... 3. Did you eat seafood in the past? (ever) Have ...... 4. Jan sent her job application yesterday. (already) Jan ...... 5. The last time Charles saw his sister was a month ago. (for) Charles ......

3 Complete the passages with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1. The restaurant manager 1. …………………………… (hire) a new waitress by the time I 2. …………………………… (come) for the interview. I 3. …………………………… (be) very disappointed because I 4. …………………………… (lose) my job the week before. 2. Mum 1. …………………………… (already prepare) all the food for the picnic when it 2. …………………………… (begin) to rain. She 3. …………………………… (blame) us because we 4. …………………………… (not listen) to the weather forecast. 3. After the team 1. …………………………… (win) the match, the fans 2. …………………………… (go) to the city centre to celebrate. The police 3. …………………………… (close) off the streets before the fans 4. …………………………… (arrive).

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4 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1. drive / after / George / basketball practice / home / he / finish / ? ...... 2. that day / because / I / breakfast / hungry / be / not eat / I / ...... 3. sit down / the audience / start / by the time / the play / ? ......

5 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple. help • not want • be 1. A: Michael 1. …………………… to help me with my homework yesterday. B: 2. …………………… he ever …………………… you? A: No, he 3. …………………… always …………………… like this. break in • go • happen 2. A: What a mess! What 1. …………………… to your house? B: A thief 2. …………………… after we 3. …………………… to sleep. not see • return 3. A: I 1. …………………… Terry and Nan recently. Where are they? B: They 2. …………………… just …………………… from Africa.

6 Rewrite the sentences without changing the original meaning of the sentences. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple. Make any necessary changes. 1. The taxi came to the house at eight o’clock. Then the visitors were ready to leave. By the time ...... 2. She started at this company when she finished college eight years ago...... for eight years. 3. Sue cleaned the floor. Then she washed the dishes. Sue washed the dishes ...... 4. In 1999, Dan’s first book was written. Dan ...... 5. The children ate all the biscuits so Mum baked some more. After the children Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. I am going to take / will take the six o’clock train. I’ve already got a ticket. 2. Take an umbrella. I think it is going to rain / will rain today. 3. I’m angry with Alan – he won’t help / isn’t going to help clean the house.

7 1 More Practice Name 4. My parents promised that they are going to lend / will lend me the money. 5. Jennifer is going to wear / will wear a pink dress for the wedding.

2 Write questions for the answers below. Use a future tense. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1...... Yes, they will save a place for you. 2...... We are going to go to Paris on holiday. 3...... John will get the message after school. 4...... Yes, it will be too early to visit Cathy. 5...... Isabel will have tea because she doesn’t like coffee. 6...... Yes, Burt is going to work for his father.

3 Choose the correct answer. 1. Three days from now, I … on the beach in Turkey. a. will have sat b. will be sitting 2. I’m sure Eric … for the test this evening. a. will be studying b. will have studied 3. You’ll see them soon. In two weeks, they … any more. a. won’t be travelling b. won’t have travelled 4. Our boss … us a salary rise by March. a. will be giving b. will have given 5. Robert and Marie … at the cinema by the time we get there. a. will be waiting b. will have waited 6. … for a job this time next year? a. Will Jason have looked b. Will Jason be looking

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4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. 1. I want to borrow your history book tonight. …………………… you …………………… (use) it? 2. In another 30 minutes, the students …………………………………… (finish) the test. 3. Richard …………………………………… (receive) the letter by now. 4. They …………………………………… (sleep) at nine o’clock, so don’t phone them. 5. Let’s meet later. I …………………………………… (come) home from work by then. 6. By the end of summer, the children …………………………………… (go) to the beach about ten times.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use a suitable future tense. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. We …………………………………… (not buy) a new car next week. 2. The dancers …………………………………… (perform) ten dances by the end of the performance. 3. James …………………………………… (return) the library books by tomorrow. 4. …………………… the street lights …………………… (go) on later? 5. …………………… Sandra …………………… (throw away) all her old clothes? 6. The teacher …………………………………… (make) an announcement in five minutes.

6 Write sentences with the words following each sentence. Use a suitable future tense. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. Nick has special plans for the weekend. in the mountains / he / hike ...... 2. Zack doesn’t want to leave before he finishes. complete / by / he / seven o’clock / his homework ...... 3. The sun is shining and it’s very hot today. take / a hat / I / sunscreen / and ...... 4. Kate loves classical music. her / buy / we / a disc / for / her birthday Grammar

1 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple and be going to. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. A: It’s getting late. …………………… you …………………………………… (take) a taxi? B: Yes, I …………………………………… (order) it when I find my phone. 2. A: Charles …………………………………… (spend) all his money on a new car. B: What a mistake! I …………………………………… (try) and make him change his mind. 3. A: I don’t like going to the dentist because I know it …………………………………… (hurt).

9 1 More Practice Name B: I …………………………………… (come) with you tomorrow to make you feel better. 4. A: My sister …………………………………… (invite) the whole class to her party. B: …………………… she …………………………………… (send) the invitations? 5. A: Shelley …………………………………… (not be) late. She never is. B: I disagree. There …………………………………… (be) a bus strike today. 6. A: What courses …………………… you …………………………………… (do) next term? B: I …………………………………… (study) chemistry and physics.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. 1. By next week, we …………………………………… (finish) our final exams. The school …………………………………… (give) out the marks in another two weeks. 2. The artist finished his paintings. He …………………………………… (show) them in a gallery in London next month. We …………………………………… (stay) in London at that time, so we might go. 3. Jamie …………………………………… (change) his computer soon because he …………………………………… (have) his old one for about four years by the end of the month. 4. My aunt and uncle …………………………………… (catch) the last train by now. Tomorrow, we …………………………………… (call) them to hear about the trip.

3 Write questions for the mini-dialogues. Use a suitable future tense. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1. A: ...... ? B: The city is going to build the new swimming pool in six months. 2. A: ...... ? B: The painter will have finished the bedroom by Wednesday. 3. A: ...... ? B: The local teenagers are going to collect money for the club. 4. A: ...... ? B: They will have lived in this neighbourhood for ten years next August. 5. A: ...... ? B: I am going to order the super-sized hamburger for lunch.

4 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use a suitable future tense. 1. Tom, Jim and Shannon have a rock band. They 1. …………………………… (start) playing at private parties. They hope that in a few months, they 2. …………………………… (get) jobs at local clubs. They say that they 3. …………………………… (not refuse) any job because they want to succeed. 2. By June, Dave and Ellie 1. …………………………… (move) to the USA. Dave 2. …………………………… (join) a big hi-tech company and Ellie 3. …………………………… (study) at the local university. I don’t think we 4. …………………………… (see) them for a long time because they 5. …………………………… (not have) money for the plane tickets. 10 1 More Practice Name

5 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use a suitable future tense. 1. By the time I finish studying at university, I ...... 2. Next Christmas, my family ...... 3. My biggest dream is that I ...... 4. This time next week, I ...... Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. John … leave at eight o’clock because he has to catch the train. a. might b. must c. may 2. You … help your sister in the kitchen. Mum wants you to do it. a. may b. can c. ought to 3. In the past, people … travel long distances quickly. a. couldn’t b. shouldn’t c. didn’t have to 4. … I close the window? I’m cold. a. Must b. May c. Should 5. The doctor says that Bram … go to school. The other children will get ill. a. mustn’t b. might not c. couldn’t 6. Oliver … speak French, English and Spanish. a. ought to b. must c. can

2 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words in bold with a suitable modal. 1. My grandfather isn’t able to hear well...... 2. You aren’t allowed to wear flip-flops in the gym...... 3. I have to finish this project today...... 4. Jennifer is allowed to stay out until midnight...... 5. I think it’s a good idea that we finish our homework early......

3 Complete the sentences about Thomas with the modal perfects below. could have • should not have • must have • might not have • should have 1. Thomas didn’t come to the meeting. He …………………………… forgotten about it. 2. I …………………………… reminded him about it, but I decided not to. 3. The boss …………………………… called Thomas at the start of the meeting, but he didn’t have time. 11 1 More Practice Name 4. Thomas …………………………… written the date in his work diary. Maybe that’s why he forgot. 5. Thomas has missed meetings in the past. He …………………………… done it again!

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4 Match the sentences in A with the responses in B. A 1. Sharon is tired in the morning. 2. Jack failed the last maths test. 3. The visitor forgot her umbrella. 4. The boys left the kitchen in a mess. 5. We were waiting for Andrew but he didn’t come. 6. Look, my shoe broke. B …… a. Marie can return it to her tomorrow. …… b. You ought to buy a new pair. …… c. He might have called to let us know. …… d. He should have asked the teacher for help. …… e. She must try to go to bed early. …… f. They might not have had time to clean up before they left.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Add a modal or modal perfect. 1. The dog made a mess on the floor. You …………………………………… (take) him for a walk. 2. I feel ill. …………………… I …………………………… (leave) the classroom? 3. The neighbours aren’t at home. I’m not sure, but they …………………………………… (go) away for the weekend. 4. My leg is broken. I …………………………………… (play) football. 5. Donna didn’t come to the party last night. She …………………………………… (forgot) it was Jack’s birthday.

6 Choose the correct answer. 1. Eric woke up late on Saturday morning. He 1. must have / should have / could have set the alarm clock because he had plans. He had promised to help Charlie repair his bicycle. Eric is very good with his hands and he 2. can / should / must repair anything that’s broken. But Eric is very lazy. His friends know that you 3. might / can / must be patient if you want him to help you. 2. The children 1. must have / should have /couldn’t have eaten all the cake. I have nothing to offer my guests tonight! I 2. could / mustn’t / don’t have to call my husband and ask him to buy a cake at the supermarket, but I know that I 3. shouldn’t / couldn’t / might not phone him when he’s in a meeting. Grammar

1 Complete the sentences with modals that fit the categories in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. It’s a formal dinner. You …………………… wear your good suit. (obligation) 2. …………………… you check the information on the Internet? (ability)

13 1 More Practice Name 3. …………………… I have the car on Saturday night? (permission) 4. The last train leaves at 22:00. We …………………… be at the station by 21:50. (necessity) 5. We …………………… go on a picnic because there is a possibility of rain. (possibility) 6. Do you want my advice? You …………………… apologise to your brother. (advice)

2 Complete the sentences using a suitable modal perfect and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. Ben isn’t answering his mobile phone. He …………………………………… (take) it with him. 2. I …………………………………… (apologise), but I was too embarrassed. 3. Ellen has put on a lot of weight. She …………………………………… (go off) her diet. 4. It’s a pity I didn’t know you were in town. We …………………………………… (go out) together. 5. You …………………………………… (not turn) right at the traffic light. We’re going in the wrong direction.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. A: The shops don’t have the disc that I want. B: You …………………………………… (buy) it when you were in London last week. 2. A: My printer isn’t working. …………………… I …………………… (use) yours? B: Sorry, something’s wrong with my printer too. 3. A: The children …………………………………… (not watch) television so late at night. B: It’s all right. They are on holiday tomorrow. 4. A: This town is familiar. I …………………………………… (be) here before. B: Of course you have. We came to a party here last year. 5. A: You …………………………………… (not leave) the computer on during a thunderstorm. B: You’re right. I’m going to turn it off right now.

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4 Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the modals in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. 1. Maya is sorry she didn’t come to the street market. (should) ...... 2. Simon knows how to prepare sushi. (can) ...... 3. If you leave your bicycle outside, someone will steal it. (mustn’t) ...... 4. The teacher didn’t give us our marks yesterday, although she had them. (could) ...... 5. It’s important that you speak to the doctor. (ought to) ...... 6. Dad thinks that he left the keys in the car last night. (might) ......

5 Complete the passage with modals or modal perfects and the words in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer. Travelling abroad with your family 1. …………………………………… (be) a very enjoyable experience, if you are prepared. First, you 2. …………………………………… (find out) what everyone wants to do. Last year, my dad didn’t ask us where we wanted to go. He thought we 3. …………………………………… (enjoy) a quiet hotel on the beach and took us to Morocco. However, we wanted to go skiing in the mountains. My sister 4. …………………………………… (be) very annoyed because she said that she would never go on another family holiday. This year, my dad realised that he 5. …………………………………… (discuss) the plans with all of us. He is afraid that he 6. …………………………………… (make) a mistake like last year. He says that we 7. …………………………………… (choose) between a week in Germany or Greece. I think my sister 8. …………………………………… (speak) to my dad about last year, because he has learned his lesson! Grammar

1 Match A to B to form sentences. A B 1. Unless we go to the shops today, …… a. we wouldn’t get a special discount. 2. We would be upset …… b. we’ll miss the year-end sales. 3. We wouldn’t buy these today …… c. if they weren’t a good deal. 4. If we didn’t work in the shop, …… d. you won’t get the special discount. 5. If you don’t work here for at least 20 hours a week, …… e. if we missed the year-end sales.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first or second conditional. 1. Jack …………………………… (be) disappointed if he isn’t in the team. 2. I …………………………… (not go) to see that film if I were you. It’s not very good. 15 1 More Practice Name 3. Unless Jane …………………………… (get) here soon, she’ll miss the beginning of the show. 4. I …………………………… (not ask) for his help unless I really needed it. 5. She …………………………… (not sleep) well if she has coffee now. 6. They would call us if they …………………………… (have) time to see us.

3 Choose the correct continuation. 1. I wouldn’t have come late if I had remembered that this was a surprise party. a. I’m so glad I arrived on time. b. I’m so sorry I was late. 2. Jeff would have paid for our lunch if we had let him. a. It was nice of him to treat us to a meal. b. We didn’t want him to pay for the meal. 3. She wouldn’t have seen the film if we hadn’t recommended it. a. She enjoyed it, actually. b. It’s a pity she didn’t go to see it.

4 Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentences. Use the third conditional. 1. I forgot my camera, so I didn’t take any photos. If I …………………………………… my camera, I …………………………………… some photos. 2. It snowed last weekend, so we went snowboarding. We …………………………………… snowboarding if it …………………………………… . 3. I didn’t answer the phone because I didn’t hear it ring. If I …………………………………… the phone ring, I …………………………………… it.

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5 Complete the sentences so they logically follow each original sentence. Use the words in brackets and the first, second or third conditional. 1. I didn’t feel well yesterday, but I went to school. If there ...... (not be / an exam / I / not go) 2. I’m sure William is waiting to hear from you. If I ...... (be you / I / write / to him / today) 3. Dan hasn’t exercised enough lately. In my opinion, he ...... (have / more energy / if / he / exercise / more often)

6 Complete the e-mail with the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional. Dear Aunt Lucy, Thanks for the bag you sent for my birthday. I love it! How did you know what I wanted? If you 1. …………………………… (give) me money, I 2. …………………………… (buy) the same thing! On Saturday night, my best friend is having a big party for me. If everybody we’ve invited 3. …………………………… (come), I think there 4. …………………………… (be) about 50 people! Mum agreed to make the cake – she makes the best chocolate cake in the world! If I 5. …………………………… (be) you, I 6. …………………………… (try) to be here on Saturday night – it’s going to be great! Thanks again for the wonderful gift! Love, Joni Grammar

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the first or second conditional. 1. My train leaves in about an hour. I …………………………… (miss) it if I …………………………… (not leave) soon.

2. Chocolate’s not good for me. If I …………………………… (not be) allergic to it, I …………………………… (eat) a piece of that cake. 3. We haven’t practised enough. We …………………………… (lose) the match next Saturday unless we …………………………… (practise) this week. 4. It’s a pity that it’s so cold and rainy. I …………………………… (go) for a walk if the weather …………………………… (be) better. 5. I’m glad my mum works for an airline. We …………………………… (not get) a discount on tickets if she …………………………… (not work) for them.

2 Write sentences with the words below according to the meaning of the original sentence. Use the first or second conditional. Make any necessary changes. 1. Jonathan has been working hard. 17 1 More Practice Name in the exam / not do well / be upset / he / if / he ...... 2. Your ear has been hurting for three days. I / if / I / be / a doctor / you / see ...... 3. I didn’t realise so many people were coming to the meeting. unless / we / bring more chairs / stand / some people / have to ...... 4. I think you’ll like their latest CD. not recommend / I / it / I / not know / you / like jazz ...... 5. No, thanks. I don’t want any more dessert. I / if / be sick / I / eat more now ......

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3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the third conditional. take • not help • know • pass • not go • not finish

1. If Robert …………………………………… that they needed a lift to the party, he …………………………………… them. 2. I …………………………………… painting my room in one day if Ellen …………………………………… . 3. She …………………………………… her driving test if she …………………………………… over the speed limit.

4 Complete the letter with the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional. To the Local Council: Last year, nearly 20 small family-owned shops closed in the town of Coburn. That 1. …………………………… (not happen) if the huge new Coburn Shopping Centre 2. …………………………… (not open). Sadly, the same thing 3. …………………… soon …………………………… (happen) here in Wilton unless you 4. …………………………… (prevent) the building of the Wilton Shopping Centre. We believe that it will harm local business and that traffic 5. …………………………… (increase) unless the developers also 6. …………………………… (build) a new road. We urge you to vote against the new centre. If you 7. …………………………… (do), you 8. …………………………… (make) Wilton residents very happy. Sincerely, John and Annie Smith for the Wilton Residents’ Committee

5 Rewrite the sentences correctly. Pay attention to the errors in bold. 1. If Jack feels better tomorrow, he comes to school...... 2. Would you miss me if I move to New York? ...... 3. You would like my grandfather if you had met him...... 4. Unless she really needed money, she won’t ask to borrow some...... 5. If you buy a new scooter, would you give me a ride on it? ...... Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. John … home from school because he felt ill.

19 1 More Practice Name a. sent b. was sent 2. The tables … by the students. a. are being set up b. are setting up 3. Everyone … at once because there is a fire. a. must leave b. must be left 4. … Kim … her purse again? a. Has … been forgotten b. Has … forgotten 5. The tickets … for by my boyfriend. a. will pay b. will be paid 6. The dog … that mess on the floor. a. may have made b. may have been made

2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The students complained because they …………………………………… (give) just ten minutes to complete the exercise. 2. Bart’s car …………………………………… (fix) by the mechanic right now. 3. …………………… the window …………………… (break) by the boy next door yesterday? 4. Your homework …………………………………… (should finish) before you go to bed. 5. The toys …………………………………… (put away) before the guests arrived.

3 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible. 1. Has he told Emily the reason for the argument? ...... 2. Someone put the photos on Facebook...... 3. She won’t teach Chapter 4 in class next week...... 4. These men didn’t steal the jewels...... 5. Our chef makes delicious meals......

20 1 More Practice Name

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the causative form. 1. We don’t have time to paint the room. We …………………………… it …………………………… (decorate) by professionals. 2. I …………………………… the shopping …………………………… (deliver) because it was very heavy. 3. Robert can’t answer the phone now. He …………………………… his hair …………………………… (cut). 4. Debra was unhappy with the skirt she bought, so she …………………………… her money …………………………… (refunded). 5. My friends are staying with me this week because they …………………………… their house …………………………… (paint).

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive. 1. The airport …………………………… (close) because of the snowstorm. People …………………………… (wait) in the terminal for hours. 2. Ron always …………………………… (lose) three or four umbrellas every winter. Last week, his umbrella …………………………… (leave) on the train. 3. The girls …………………………… (not understand) why the shop …………………………… (not open) at nine o’clock. 4. Your seats at the restaurant …………………………… (save) until eight o’clock. After that, anyone …………………………… (can take) them. 5. How …………………………… Jason …………………………… (pay) his rent now that he is out of work? His rent …………………………… (pay) by his parents. 6. Janet …………………………… (study) Chinese at college this year. Chinese …………………………… (teach) all over the world now. 7. The protesters …………………………… (stand) in the middle of the road when they …………………………… (attack) by police dogs. 8. I …………………………… (collect) money for charity next week. It …………………………… (give) to the poor the following week. Grammar

1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible. 1. My grandmother grew vegetables in the garden...... 2. Do they deliver the groceries from the supermarket? ...... 3. He was hanging out the clothes when it started to rain...... 21 1 More Practice Name 4. Someone hasn’t closed the door...... 5. When will the waiter bring the food? ...... 6. They should start the project soon......

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive form. 1. The roof …………………………… (damage) in the storm last night. My father …………………………… (go up) to the roof to check the damage in a few minutes. 2. Tony …………………………… (not eat) fish because he …………………………… (tell) by the doctor that he is allergic to it. 3. Your shirt …………………………… (must wash) because you …………………………… (get) tomato sauce on it. 4. Owen …………………………… (borrow) money from Alex last month. Do you think the money …………………………… (repay)?

22 1 More Practice Name

3 Write answers to the questions using the words below. Use the passive form of the verbs. 1. Why are you staying after school? I / punish / for copying / in a test ...... 2. When did the letter arrive? It / receive / two days ago ...... 3. What should we do with the suitcases when we land? They / load / into the car ...... 4. Who prepared this? All the work / do / by volunteers ...... 5. Why is everyone standing in the corridor? We / not allow / into the room ......

4 Write questions for the answers using the words below. Use the active or passive form. 1. A: ...... the restaurant / crowd / last night B: No, there weren’t many people there. 2. A: ...... How often / the bus / pass / here B: Every half an hour. 3. A: ...... What / use / to decorate / the room B: There were balloons and colourful posters. 4. A: ...... How / you / find / the tourist sites / in Rome B: We looked in a guidebook. 5. A: ...... the library book / return B: Sorry, I forgot to do it.

23 1 More Practice Name

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use active, passive and causative forms. 1. The children 1. …………………………… (give) too many sweets by their grandmother and now they 2. …………………………… (feel) ill. I 3. …………………………… the doctor …………………………… (check) them tomorrow. 2. Ten people 1. …………………………… (invite) to the meeting, but twelve people 2. …………………………… (come). We must 3. …………………………… (bring) two more chairs to the conference room. 3. It’s time that the boys 1. …………………………… their hair …………………………… (cut). The teachers always 2. …………………………… (complain) that their hair 3. …………………………… (wear) so long. 4. Cathy 1. …………………………… (study) French last year because her company 2. …………………………… (begin) to do business in France. Now, her boss can 3. …………………………… his letters …………………………… (translate) into French. 5. Mike’s wife 1. …………………………… (love) to shop at all the sales. Her wardrobes 2. …………………………… (fill) with her clothes and shoes. Now Mike 3. …………………………… a big new wardrobe …………………………… (build) for her future purchases! Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer in reported speech. 1. “Cindy took the baby to the doctor yesterday.” a. He said that Cindy had taken the baby to the doctor the day before. b. He said that Cindy took the baby to the doctor the day before. 2. “The game will be over soon.” a. The coach said that the game would be over soon. b. The coach said that the game will be over soon. 3. “I don’t want your help.” a. Tom said that he doesn’t want my help. b. Tom said that he didn’t want my help. 4. “Were they sleeping during the film?” a. My boyfriend asked if they had been sleeping during the film. b. My boyfriend asked if they were sleeping during the film.

2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1. “Jim hasn’t visited me for a long time.” Tony said that ...... 2. “The party will begin at eight o’clock.” The girls said that ...... 3. “Open your books, please!” The teacher told the students ...... 4. “The biscuits are baking in the oven.”

24 1 More Practice Name Mum said that ...... 5. “Let’s ask Matt to bring a pizza.” Karen suggested ...... 6. “My family has already been to Paris.” The man told the travel agent that ......

25 1 More Practice Name

3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb and reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1. “I’m the best student in the class,” Bob said. Bob boasted / reminded ...... 2. “The neighbours made a lot of noise,” Janice said. Janice complained / admitted ...... 3. “Don’t use my computer!” the boss said to her secretary. The boss warned / suggested ...... 4. “Please buy a newspaper,” Guy said to Daniel. Guy told / threatened ...... 5. “I will punish you the next time you are late.” Dad threatened / ordered ...... 6. “We didn’t invite Larry to the meeting.” The girls boasted / admitted ......

4 Rewrite the questions in reported speech. 1. “Is Mark buying a new car?” Sara asked...... 2. “Has the water boiled?” Clive asked...... 3. “What do you want to order?” the waitress enquired...... 4. “Why must they go to bed so early?” Aunt Ruby asked...... 5. “Will the concert start on time?” Peter wanted to know......

5 Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given. Make any necessary changes. 1. The hotel clerk / say / the bellboy / take / suitcases / later ...... 2. The officer / order / the people / leave / the building / immediately ...... 3. William / suggest / try / the new Chinese restaurant ...... Grammar

1 Choose the correct relative pronoun. 1. They chose the ice cream … had nuts in it. a. who b. which c. where 2. That’s the house … I grew up. 26 1 More Practice Name a. where b. that c. when 3. The reporter … wrote this article is Chinese. a. whose b. who c. which 4. Did you see a film … had a happy ending? a. who b. whose c. that 5. That’s the man … son won the race. a. whose b. where c. which 6. I don’t remember the days … the Internet didn’t exist. a. which b. when c. where

2 Add a relative pronoun and match A to B to make sentences. There may be more than one possible answer. A 1. Do you remember the night …………………… 2. The postman is looking for a family …………………… 3. The girl …………………… 4. I finally bought a car …………………… 5. The phone book is on the shelf …………………… 6. The box …………………… B …… a. the telephone is. …… b. was large enough for the whole family. …… c. contains the glasses is very heavy. …… d. we went on our first date? …… e. left early didn’t feel well. …… f. last name is Baxter.

27 1 More Practice Name

3 Complete each sentence with a suitable relative pronoun. There may be more than one possible answer. Tick the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted. …… 1. The cake …………………… Paula baked is delicious. …… 2. The only time she asked for help was …………………… she didn’t do her homework. …… 3. I don’t like the neighbours …………………… dogs make a noise all night. …… 4. The bus stop …………………… I wait every morning is at the corner. …… 5. Look for the note …………………… Mum left us. …… 6. The man …………………… Chris introduced to us is a professor at my university.

4 Combine the sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 1. Amy wants to see the photo album. It has pictures of our trip to France. (which) ...... 2. This is my friend Sam. He knows how to windsurf. (who) ...... 3. Have you been to the restaurant? The waiters sing there. (where) ...... 4. Jim is good at maths. His father is an engineer. (whose) ...... 5. The test was on Tuesday. I was ill that day. (when) ......

5 Combine the sentences with non-defining relative clauses. Use the relative pronoun in brackets and add any necessary commas. 1. Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world. It is in Japan. (which) ...... 2. The head teacher is popular with the students. He visited my class last week. (who) ...... 3. Jack is still in hospital after the accident. His car was hit. (whose) ...... 4. My computer isn’t new. It’s been fixed twice. (which) ......

28 1 More Practice Name

6 Combine the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes. 1. The photos were put in an album. You sent them to me...... 2. Our tour guide is very knowledgeable. He is taking us to the Acropolis...... 3. Easter is a special time. We have a big family meal then...... 4. The driver drove fast on the motorway. He had just got his licence...... 5. This part of the city is dangerous at night. I never go there...... Grammar

1 Choose the correct answer. 1. Mark always … his answers before handing in his test. a. checked b. checks c. is checking 2. By the time the waiter came to the table, Jean … to order steak. a. decided b. has decided c. had decided 3. I … a much larger salary this time next year. a. will have made b. will make c. will be making 4. … many people …. about the job offer yet? a. Have … called b. Did … call c. Were … calling 5. She … a story to her son at the moment. a. reads b. is reading c. has read

2 Match A to B to form sentences. A 1. If the flat weren’t so small, 2. Someone will steal your purse 3. Karen won’t be able to buy a new car 4. If you had read the instructions, 5. How will they find the house 6. I wouldn’t bother Dad B …… a. if I were you. …… b. Beth and Sam would rent it. …… c. you would have known how to use the new washing machine. …… d. unless the salesman gives her a discount.

29 1 More Practice Name …… e. if you leave your bag open. …… f. if they don’t know the address?

3 Complete the sentences with the modals and modal perfects below. have to • could have • may • should have • can’t • should 1. You …………………………… go in to see the doctor now. 2. I’m sorry, but I …………………………… leave now. Bye! 3. Mum’s nervous. She thinks that we …………………………… leave early tomorrow morning. 4. It’s already six o’clock. Ian …………………………… arrived by now. 5. Tim hurt his leg and he …………………………… take part in the race today. 6. Why didn’t you tell us you had a problem? We …………………………… helped you.

30 1 More Practice Name

4 Complete the sentences without changing their original meaning. 1. Someone gave me an invitation to the party. I ...... 2. Jack will bring the latest report to the meeting. The latest report ...... 3. They haven’t prepared dinner. Dinner ...... 4. A technician can fix the fridge. The fridge ...... 5. The hairdresser is cutting Linda’s hair. Linda’s hair ......

5 Write the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1. “I have eaten all the chocolate cake,” Bob admitted. Bob admitted ...... 2. “When are you going to finish?” Carol wanted to know. Carol wanted to know ...... 3. “Cover the baby with the blanket,” Mum told me. Mum told me ...... 4. “The heater doesn’t work,” the girls complained. The girls complained ...... 5. “Let’s surprise Julia with flowers,” suggested Nick. Nick suggested ......

6 Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. Paula asked for help from the salesgirl …………………………… was organising the shelves. 2. They’ll never forget the summer …………………………… they learned to surf. 3. The books …………………………… are on sale are in the front of the shop. 4. You should talk to the student …………………………… brother took this course last year. 5. Why did you put the papers in a place …………………………… they would get wet?


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