U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus
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Coronado High School U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus
Mrs. McGuan Email: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: 2:15 PM-2:45 PM every day or as otherwise noted.
This eleventh-grade course is a study of American History with an emphasis on the Modern World from 1900 to the present day. Students explore and evaluate the significant historical events and the consequences. This course provides an examination of historical themes to analyze how new events continue to shape our nation and society today.
Course Scope: This one-year course is designed for the junior student. This course provides an examination, synthesis and evaluation of the historical themes from 1492 to present day. A careful balance of historiography, analytical skills, and factual knowledge will be used throughout the course. This course will fulfill one country-region place United States history credit required for high school graduation.
1st Semester: Age of Discovery through Industrial Development: Pre-1492 to Reconstruction 2nd Semester: Responses to Industrial Development until the Present: The Gilded Age to Present
The areas of concentration include social, political, and economic history coupled with study of cultural and intellectual institutions and their development. Most high school courses stress "what happened", intending to provide enough background to ensure good citizenship. This class emphasizes not only what happened, but the why and how as well as the consequences of the actions.
To analyze, synthesize and evaluate United States history. To assess historical materials and their relevance to a given problem. To evaluate historical chronology, economic, cultural, intellectual and social history To evaluate political, constitutional and diplomatic history. To understand and interpret United States history through the use of primary and secondary sources. To develop strong historical theses based on a variety of historical source material.
Primary Texts: Danzer, Gerald, and Wilson, Louis The Americans. Illinois: McDougal Littell a Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. − Students should maintain an organized collection of their chapter outlines, packets, terms and objective questions and any other assignments for the entire year.
-Students will be expected to come to class each day with a binder, and black or blue pens only. Assignments may NOT be written in pencil. In case of computer assignments at school students should have a way to save these assignments to continue working on them at home such as a USB drive or an account with Google Docs.
CHS | Mrs. McGuan’s U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus – Revised 08/17/16 1 Coronado High School Semester: The quarter grades will each count toward 40% of your semester grade. The semester finals will count toward 20% of your grade. The semester exams are in the multiple-choice and essay format.
Quarter: Test related grades are 50% of the quarter grade, and include quizzing, testing, and any writing exercises. Homework and classwork is 40% and participation is 10%. Short answer and essay based reading quizzes are included in the test component of grading. Chapter tests are comprised of both multiple choice and essay questions. Homework and class activities include lectures, chapter outlines, packets, terms and objective questions, writing or other exercises, and class discussions.
Participation or “professional decorum” comprises 10% of the course grade. Students may lose 2 points per day for tardy arrivals, cell phone use, disruptions, lack of preparation and so forth. Participation in weekly discussions is required in this class.
Students may earn the following grades:
A = 90 -100 D = 60-69.9 B = 80-89.9 F = 59.9 and below C = 70-79.9
Grade reports are posted on Infinite Campus. Students requiring a written report of their grades should pick up a weekly progress report from the guidance office.
US History Syllabus – 2015-2016
Test dates are approximate
Unit 1 Colonization Chapters 2- 3 Growth of the Colonies Quiz on Chap. 2 – 9/7/16 Road to Independence Unit 1 Test - 09/15/16
Unit 2 Chapters 4-5 The Constitution Quiz – Chap. 4 – 9/26/16 The Origins of American Politics Unit 2 Test (DBQ)- 10/17/16
Unit 3 Chap. 6 Quiz – 10/26/16 Chapters 6-8 A New Nation Chap. 7 Quiz - 11/07/16 The Growth of Nationalism/Andrew Unit 3 test - 11/30/16 Jackson Unit 4 Chapters 9 (Sec. 2, Abolitionism Unit 4 Test - 12/15/16 3, 4)-10 The Coming of War
Unit 5 Chapters 11-12 The Civil War Unit 5 - 01/10/16 – this Reconstruction information will be included in the semester exam.
Semester Exam January 20th Unit 6 Chapters 13-14 Industrialism Chap.13 Quiz – 1/ 31/17 (Sec. 1, 2, 4) Moving West/Native Americans/Populism Unit 6 Test - 2/10/17
CHS | Mrs. McGuan’s U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus – Revised 08/17/16 2 Coronado High School Unit 7 Chapters 15 (Sec. 1, Politics and Immigration Chap. 15 Quiz – 2/17/17 3, 4) -16 (1, 3, 4) Jim Crow and the Changing Role of Unit 6 Test - 3/3/17 Women
Unit 8 Chapters 17 (Sec. 1. Becoming a World Power Unit 8 Quiz - 03/10/17 2, 3) The Progressive Era
Unit 9 Chapter 19 WWI Unit 9 Test - 03/22/17
Chapters 20-21 Postwar Social Change Just discussion of these issues Politics and Prosperity for a couple of days
Unit 10 Chapters 22-23 Crash and Depression Worksheets due 3/28/17 The New Deal Unit 10 Quiz on Chapters 20, 21, 22, & 23 – 4/4/17
Unit 11 Chapters 24-25 WWII: the Road to War Unit 11 Test - 04/26/17 WWII: Americans at War
Unit 12 Chapters 28-29 The Cold War Quiz Chap. 28 – 5/8/17 The Postwar Years at Home Unit 12 Test - 5/16/17 The Civil Rights Movement Unit 13 Chapters 32-34 Nixon, Ford, Carter Unit 13 Test – 06/01/17 The Conservative Revolution Entering a New Era
Semester Exam June 7th
The policies and attendant regulations regarding attendance may be found in the student handbook. For the record, my classes start on time and I tend not to repeat information for those who are late. Being on time is an important skill for the future. Neither college professors nor employers are tolerant of late arrivals.
− Make-up work: Make up work due to absence is permitted in accordance with the CCSD three-day policy if the assignment is given the day you are absent. If you knew about the assignment before your absence then the assignment is due when you return. Be advised that any make-up work due to absence, regardless of cause of absence, may be different in content than that originally assigned. Any tests or quizzes that are missed may be made up without penalty up to three days from when you return to school. You need to discuss with me the date you will make up your test or quiz.
CHS | Mrs. McGuan’s U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus – Revised 08/17/16 3 Coronado High School
Preparing students envisions more than understanding course content and process. It includes a fundamental respect for personal achievement and accomplishment. Cheating in any form, plagiarism, falsifying or inventing any information, data or citation, or aiding others academic dishonesty is intolerable. Students that engage in any academic dishonesty will receive a 0% grade for the assignment, examination or other work product, and no make up will be permitted. Parents will be contacted on the day the infraction occurs. Citizenship grades for the quarter and semester will be reduced to Unsatisfactory. A Request for a parent conference may be filed, and further action may be taken in accordance with PVHS and/or CCSD policy.
There are very few guidelines in my class, but those that exist I do expect to be followed.
− Everyone is expected to participate positively. Your opinions matter and your comments are expected. We do not discuss anyone in a negative fashion if they are not in the room to defend themselves. This includes students, teachers and administration.
− Everyone is to be treated with courtesy and respect.
− Please do not interrupt me, or anyone speaking, and please be quiet during lectures, media presentations, films and documentaries, or discussion, unless it is for a question or your turn to speak.
− Cell phones must be turned off and I do not want to see them. I will take them if I see them. There is no question they get in the way of you understanding the lesson of the day.
− You may be excused for the restroom on a very limited basis. Please do not interrupt me, or the class, to get permission to leave. Finishing a test or watching a video does not constitute an emergency bathroom break.
Students who continuously disregard any of these basic policies will receive a U in citizenship and I will follow the school’s recommended discipline policy. 1st disruption – I will speak with you privately 2nd disruption – I will contact your parents 3rd disruption – I will request a Parent/Teacher/Counselor/Administrator meeting 4TH disruption and higher – You will be removed from the classroom.
Please make sure you understand these Course Expectations. Complete the acknowledgement form and return with the appropriate signatures immediately.
CHS | Mrs. McGuan’s U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus – Revised 08/17/16 4 Coronado High School
Mrs. McGuan, Department of Social Studies U.S. History Course Expectations Acknowledgement
Course activities and assignments are designed to prepare students for college level work. The objective is to develop critical thinkers capable of solving problems and adapting to a variety of situations. Students are responsible for reading, understanding and complying with the Course Expectations. Student and parents please confirm your acceptance of the conditions set out in the Course Expectations by signing below.
I, ______, have read and understood the Course (student name – please print) Expectations.
Signed on this date: ______Class Period: ______
Student: ______
Print Name: ______
Parent: ______
Print Name: ______
Parent E-mail:______e-mail is the best way for me to contact you and vice-versa.
Parent Phone Number: ______Best time for you to be reached
between 6:30 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. ______
CHS | Mrs. McGuan’s U.S. History Course Expectations and Syllabus – Revised 08/17/16 5