Key Dates in Ap U.S. History

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Key Dates in Ap U.S. History


1492 – Christopher Columbus arrives in the New 1803 – Judicial review is established in Marbury v. World Madison 1565 – The Spanish establish St. Augustine in 1807 – The Embargo Act Florida 1807 – Robert Fulton invents the steamship 1598 – Spain establishes first missions in New 1812-1814 – The War of 1812 Mexico 1814-1815 – The Hartford Convention 1607 – The settlement of Jamestown 1816 – The American Colonization Society is 1612 – John Rolfe cultivates the first commercial established tobacco crop in Virginia 1819 – The Second Bank of the U.S. is found 1619 – Arrival of the first African slaves in Virginia constitutional in McCullough v. Maryland 1620 – The Pilgrims settle Plymouth 1820 – The Missouri Compromise 1629 – The Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay 1823 – The first Lowell textile factory opens 1642-1698 – Beaver Wars between French and 1823 – The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed Iroquois 1825-1880 – The Hudson River School of painting 1651 – Great Britain passes the first Navigation Act 1825 – The Erie Canal is completed 1675 – King Philip’s War 1825 – Utopian socialist Robert Owen founds New 1676 – Bacon’s Rebellion Harmony, Indiana 1680 – Pope’s Rebellion in New Mexico 1828 – The first railroad line is established in the 1681 – Pennsylvania is founded U.S. 1686-1689 – The Dominion of New England 1829 – David Walker’s Appeal is published 1733 – Great Britain passes the Molasses Act 1830 – The Indian Removal Act 1733 – Georgia, the last of the thirteen colonies, is 1831 – Cyrus McCormick invents the mechanical founded reaper 1739 – The First Great Awakening 1831 – The first issue of William Lloyd Garrison’s 1739 – The Stono Rebellion The Liberator appears 1754-1763 – The French & Indian War 1831 – Nat Turner’s slave rebellion takes place in 1763 – Pontiac’s Rebellion Virginia 1763 – The Paxton Boys revolt in Pennsylvania 1832-1833 – The Nullification Crisis 1763 – The Proclamation of 1763 1845 – Texas is annexed by joint resolution 1765 – The Stamp Act 1846-1848 – The Mexican-American War 1774 – The Intolerable Acts 1846 – Oregon is acquired in negotiations with Great 1775-1783 – The American Revolution Britain 1776 – The Declaration of Independence 1848 – Female suffragists hold the Seneca Falls 1778 – Franco-American Treaty of Alliance Convention 1780 – Pennsylvania Gradual Emancipation Law 1849 – The California gold rush 1781 – The Articles of Confederation are ratified 1850 – The Compromise of 1850 1786-1787 – Shay’s Rebellion 1853-1854 – Commodore Matthew Perry opens 1787 – The Constitutional Convention Japan to foreign trade 1787 – The Northwest Ordinance is passed 1854 – The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1790-1830 – The Second Great Awakening 1854 – The Republican Party is created 1791 – The Bill of Rights is ratified 1857 – The Dred Scott case 1791 – Samuel Slater builds first textile factory in 1859 – John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry the U.S. 1860 – The election of Abraham Lincoln 1791 – The First Bank of the United States is created 1861-1865 – The U.S. Civil War 1793 – Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin 1862 – The Homestead Act 1794 – The Battle of Fallen Timbers 1862 – The Morrill Act established land-grant 1794 – Jay’s Treaty colleges 1795 – Pinckney’s Treaty 1863 – The Emancipation Proclamation goes into 1798 – The Alien & Sedition Acts are passed effect 1798 – The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions 1863 – The Battle of Gettysburg 1800 – Thomas Jefferson is peacefully elected 1865-1877 – Reconstruction president 1865-1900 – “The Gilded Age” 1803 – The Louisiana Purchase 1865 – The Thirteenth Amendment is ratified 1867 – The Grange is created to aid farmers 1869 – The transcontinental railroad is completed 1933 – The beginning of the New Deal 1870 – Hiram Rebels of North Carolina becomes 1935 – The Social Security Act is passed first black U.S. senator 1935 – The first Neutrality Act is passed 1874 – The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union 1941-1945 – U.S. participation in World War II (WCTU) is formed 1941 – The Atlantic Charter 1876 – The Battle of Little Big Horn 1942 – Bracero program begins 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone 1945 – U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, 1879 – Thomas Edison invents the light bulb Japan 1882 – The Chinese Exclusion Act 1946-1991 – The Cold War 1883 – The Civil Rights Cases void the Civil Rights 1947 – Full-scale TV broadcasting begins in the U.S. Act of 1875 1949 – The creation of the North Atlantic Treaty 1885 – Louis Sullivan builds the first skyscraper Organization (NATO) 1886 – The Haymarket Square bombing 1949 – The Soviet Union detonates an atomic bomb 1886 – The American Federation of Labor is 1950-1953 – The Korean War founded 1952 – The first hydrogen bomb is detonated 1887 – The Dawes Severalty Act aims to eliminate 1954 – Brown v. Board of Education overturns native cultures Plessy v. Ferguson 1887 – The Interstate Commerce Act 1957 – The Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik begins 1889 – Jane Addams founds Hull House the space race 1889 – Andrew Carnegie writes “The Gospel of 1961-1975 – U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War Wealth” 1962 – The Cuban Missile Crisis 1890 – The Wounded Knee massacre ends the 1962 – Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring Indian Wars 1963 – Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine 1892 – The Populist Party (People’s Party) is created Mystique 1892 – The Sierra Club is founded to protect the 1963 – The March on Washington for civil rights environment 1964 – The Civil Rights Act of 1964 1893 – Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier thesis” 1964 – The beginning of the “Great Society” is published 1965 – The Watts riots 1895 – Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta 1965 – President Lyndon B. Johnson escalates U.S. Compromise” address involvement in Vietnam 1896 – Plessy v. Ferguson establishes “separate but 1966 – Miranda v. Arizona ruling equal” principle 1968 – Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1969 – Apollo 11 goes to the moon 1898 – The U.S. annexes Hawaii 1970 – Clean Air Act is passed 1903 – The Wright Brothers fly the first aircraft 1970 – The personal computer is invented by John 1913 – Henry Ford begins assembly line production Blankenbaker of cars 1973 – The Arab oil crisis 1914 – The Clayton Anti-Trust Act is passed 1973 – Roe v. Wade politicizes the abortion question 1914 – U.S. troops intervene in Mexican Revolution 1974 – Watergate scandal forces President Richard 1915 – The Second Ku Klux Klan is revived Nixon to resign 1916 – The U.S. establishes the National Park 1978 – Bakke v. University of California challenges Service affirmative action 1917-1918 – U.S. participation in World War I 1979-1981 – The Iranian hostage crisis 1919-1920 – The First Red Scare 1980 – The “New Right” becomes ascendant with 1919 – The U.S. rejects joining the League of the election of Ronald Reagan Nations 1986 – The Immigration Reform and Control Act 1919 – Prohibition is established via the 18th tries to deal with illegal immigration Amendment 1993 – The North American Free Trade Agreement 1920 – Women acquire the right to vote with the 19th (NAFTA) is passed Amendment 1994 – Republicans use “The Contract with 1920 – The first radio news broadcast takes place America” to take over Congress 1924 – Immigration Act of 1924 established 2000 – High-speed and wireless Internet become immigration quotas viable 1927 – The Jazz Singer, first “talkie” film, debuts 2001 – The September 11 terrorist attacks 1929 – The stock market crash and onset of the 2008 – Barack Obama is elected as the first black Great Depression president 2010 – The Affordable Care Act is passed

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