Withernsea Town Council s2
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The minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting held on Monday 8th May 2017, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.
Present: Deputy Mayor Councillor T. Dagnall (TD) and Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), E. Saxby (ES), P Wilkinson (PW), F. Walmsley (FW), D. Hillman-Barnett (DHB), K. Hardcastle (KH), S. Winters (SaW), D. Edwards (DE) and L. Carter (LC). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLD). Public: 6 Press: 3 Police: 1.
Minute Points raised or agreed Action By The Deputy Chairman, Councillor Terry Dagnall welcomed everyone to the meeting and addressed the recording policy of meetings and fire evacuation procedure.
6136. Part I.
6137. 1. Election of Town Mayor. 2. Cllr TD unanimously elected. The Town Clerk presented the Mayors chains and congratulated TD who introduced the Mayoress Mrs Sally Dagnall. Chains presented. 3. 6138. 4. To accept apologies for absence and reasons if given. 5. No apologies. 6. 6139. 7. To receive resignation from Cllr Matthew Lloyd. Resignation received and accepted. Electoral office informed and vacancy advertised as JM advised.
6140. Election of Deputy Mayor. 8. Cllr PW unanimously elected. Chains were presented by the Mayor Cllr TD and the deputy Mayors seat was taken. Photos by Terry Bearpark. 9. 6141. To receive the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s declaration of acceptance of office. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor both signed their declaration of acceptance of office. JM
6142. All members to review their Register of Members Interest form (as held in the office). All All Councillors were reminded to amend or renew their own register of interest form. Cllrs
6143. Declarations of Interest. a. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllrs BC and KH declared an interest in 10a of the agenda as both Trustees of the JM Millennium Green Trust. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None.
6144. 8. Public Participation including Police report: To receive the police report and agree to adjourn the meeting for both police and public participation. AGREED. a. Police report circulated and addressed by PC M. Ainley. There is an increase in both reported crime and offenders been processed and investigated including arrests for caravan burglaries. The police await the decision regarding a detainee held in custody for carrying an offensive weapon. Affray, assaults, commercial and allotment burglaries, briefed. CCTV continues to be used. The new cameras are linked in. A public police meeting will be held on 1st June in the Meridian Centre at 7pm. b. A member of the public thanked the WTC for their efforts over the past year and wished them well for the year ahead.
6145. Confirmation of standing committees and groups and to re-affirm powers as per Standing Orders. The Mayor reminded all Cllrs that attendance at all meetings is essential. a. Christmas Lights and Tourism Committee (min’ 4). Powers as per Standing Orders read and AGREED subject to the amalgamation of Tourism and Christmas Lights being included, with meetings held throughout the year. JM Members confirmed as: DE, LC, TD, ES, DBH. b. Withernsea Festivals – Music and Bike Fest (min’ 4). Powers as per Standing Orders read and AGREED. Members confirmed as LC and FW. c. Emergency Plan Group. All Cllrs will be called out as per the contents of the plan if required. Cllrs should make themselves familiar with the contents of the plan. d. Newsletter Working Group. Members confirmed as: SaW, DE, BC, KH and FW. e. Property Officers. Officers confirmed as: DE and SaW with Mr T. Grinney. f. Safety Officer. Officer confirmed as: TD. g. Memorial Gardens Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. WTC is the Trustee. All Cllrs apart from SaW elected. h. Town War Memorial Clock Trust – The Town Council is the Trustee. WTC is the Trustee. Meetings to be held in May of each year, or as required. i. Finance Committee (min’ 4). To be added into Standing Orders as per the original terms of reference. AGREED. Members confirmed as: SaW, BC, PW and TD. JM j. Personnel Committee (min’ 4). To be added into Standing Orders as per the original terms of reference. AGREED. JM Members confirmed as: TD, BC, DE and ES. k. Allotment Officer. Officer confirmed as DE. l. Bank account signatories: They Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk. As per financial regulations the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Clerk will be bank JM signatories. 6146. To elect representatives to the following:-
a. Millennium Green Trust (1). KH elected. AGREED.
b. Millennium Play Park (1). DE elected. AGREED.
c. ERNLLCA District Committee (2). TD and PW elected as voting members with DHB included as an attendee. AGREED.
d. Hidden Holderness (1). DE elected. AGREED.
e. Youth Service and Youth Coalition (1). PW elected. AGREED.
f. Big Local Steering Group representative (1). DHB elected. AGREED.
g. Police and Partners Community Forum) (2). BC and DE elected. AGREED.
h. Citizens Advice Bureau (1). TD elected as watching brief. AGREED.
i. Withernsea & District Health Forum (2). BC and DE elected. AGREED.
j. East Yorkshire Local Council Network (Chairman and Clerk). TD and JM elected. AGREED.
k. The Hut Friends/Steering Group. DE elected. AGREED.
l. Le Maistre Trust (1). KH elected. AGREED.
m. SHORES Management Group (1). DE elected. AGREED.
n. Meridian Centre Friends. FW elected. AGREED.
o. WTC representation on Meridian Centre CIO. LC elected. AGREED.
p. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership Board. (W&SEHRP) (2). BC and DHB elected. AGREED.
q. (W&SEHRP) – Business Sub Group (2). Item deferred.
r. (W&SEHRP) – Seafront and Promenade Sub Group (2). BC and TD elected. AGREED. s. SHAPE. BC and DE elected. AGREED.
t. Holderness Play Action/ Children and Family Action/Skate park representative. KH elected. AGREED.
u. Public transport champion. PW elected. AGREED.
v. City of Culture 2017. BC and PW elected. AGREED.
w. FLAG and commercial fishing compound representative. TD and BC elected. AGREED.
x. Neighbourhood Watch representative. DE elected. AGREED.
y. Defibrillator guardian. KLD elected. AGREED.
4147. To confirm appointment and role of internal auditor. Mr A. Johnson unanimously CONFIRMED, with role agreed as per letter of appointment/audit regulations.
4148. Minutes: To confirm (or receive) minutes are a true and correct record of the meetings that took place: a. To confirm Town Council minutes – 10th April 2017. The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 10.4.17 were CONFIRMED as a true KLD record and signed by the Mayor. b. To receive draft Annual Parish Meeting minutes 24.4.17. RECEIVED. c. To receive Withernsea Festival minutes 26.4.17. RECEIVED. d. To receive Personnel Committee minutes 2.5.17. RECEIVED.
4149. Town Clerks report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. Update letters from Yorkshire Water are being circulated regarding the waste water plant at Hollym. Clarification regarding pipe work in Withernsea still awaited. b. A Town and Parish Council Liaison meeting re: Planning is being held in Hedon on SaW Wednesday. Cllrs BC, DE and SaW are attending. BC DE c. A public meeting with the Police is being held on Thursday 1st June in the Meridian Centre at 7pm. All welcome. d. A briefing session for prospective election candidates has been circulated. e. The Withernsea Pirates have volunteered to tend to the neglected garden area located behind the bus garage as identified at the APM. Ownership of the land is not clear. f. Councillor’s bulletin circulated with posters to be displayed. All g. Cllr PW elected as transport champion. ERYC to be informed. JM h. The CIO has replied to a letter from ERYC re: mobility scooter access in the Meridian Centre lift.
4150.14. Reports by Ward Councillors. To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Ward Cllr L Healing firstly congratulated the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor and bid farewell to former Mayor Matthew Lloyd whom she stated did a fantastic job as Chairman. b. Promenade lifebelts are now in situ. c. There are ongoing negotiations re: the need for local key holders for the floodgates. The Coastguards are willing to be key holders. d. The Withernsea Lions are considering the adoption of the former water fountain as mentioned at the APM. Costs and usage are under consideration. e. A site visit to the top end of Chestnut Avenue due to obstructive parking has been made. Obstruction is a police matter. Parking restriction Orders cost £3,500 and are usually put in place when there’s a history / accidents and safety issues to consider. f. Grass verges on North Road have already been included for a scheme put forward in 2015 and was costed out then as £350k. No funds have been allocated. Some minor works may be considered but honeycomb matting is also expensive. ERYC are site visiting this week. g. Anti Social Behaviour must be reported to the police and the ERYC Anti Social Behaviour Team, otherwise, no action can be taken. h. The full Minor Injuries Report has been compiled and sent to the Secretary of State. The report is worth reading. LH has sent a letter of thanks to Gareth Naidoo and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and asked if WTC would do the same.
4151. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Regeneration/Carnegie Trust exchange visits with Newbiggin-by-the-Sea. BC gave an overview of the twinning project and the successful exchange visits. FW, LC and JM attended the visit there and spoke briefly of their findings and the next stage. Further funding is available to implement things further. Former Cllr S. Lister was part of the Newbiggin hosting party. b. Community Transport re: Asda Bus. Asda has ceased its 100% funding for the free Wednesday service from Withernsea. Cllr PW has organised a meeting in May with the director of EYMS, Cllr DE and Ward PW Cllr LH to see if the service can be retained by them as a service bus. Outcome awaited. c. ERNLLCA District Committee meeting18.4.17. Mr A. Barker will be in attendance at the AGM only as attendance overall is poor. Discussion was held at the recent meeting in Bilton on how planning committees tend to work. d. Withernsea 17 held a sell out concert on 4th May making a profit to put towards future events. The EYMS brass band has confirmed their attendance for the Last Night of the Proms on 23rd September either at the lighthouse or St Matthews Church.
4152. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. Discuss recent hike in business rates- Cllr P. Wilkinson. Estimated reviews have seen several local businesses business rates greatly increase. It was AGREED a letter be sent to the business rates department of ERYC and Alan JM Menzies – Economic Development, ERYC raising concern on behalf of our local businesses trying to invest and improve our town. After an adjournment to allow Cllr LH to speak it was AGREED a meeting be arranged between local businesses, WTC, ERYC and our Ward Cllr LH. b. To consider sending a letter to Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health re: M.I.U Review. Cllr BC advised the 13 page case and 90 page appendices from ERYC to the Secretary JM of State was very well done. The suggestion to write a letter to Mr Hunt was withdrawn but a letter of appreciation to Gareth Naidoo and the ERYC Overview and Scrutiny was AGREED to. c. Elect councillor to take over care of War Memorial Clock. Item deferred for the next clock trust meeting. JM d. To consider councillors to attend ERNLLCA course ‘Being a Good Councillor’. Cllrs Cllrs FW, LC, DHB and ES will confirm which dates they can attend. e. To agree arrangements for the 2017 garden competition. It was AGREED to hold the competition again this year. Cllrs TD and SaW will assist KLD with the judging. Mr M, Burnhill to be invited. f. To consider application to Commuted Sums for lighting on Hull Road Playing Fields footpath (scheme to be agreed). Discussion held as to cost and the fact that it is not an official pathway – just a short cut used by residents. It is the pedestrian’s choice to use that route rather than the main footway. Lighting may attract trouble. The pathway was laid as the field was getting JM worn. It was AGREED with 7 in favour not to proceed with the application. g. To agree date for Town War Memorial Clock committee meeting in May. The next meeting will be held on 5th June after the WTC meeting. AGREED. JM
4153. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made: a. The application 17/01237/PLF for the erection of a conservatory to the rear at 33 JM Seathorne, Withernsea was APPROVED. b. NOD for outline – residential development (access to be considered) at land east of Greythorn, Hull Road, Withernsea for A.J. Stephenson & Sons. Granted. Noted. c. NOD for erection of a dwelling east of 72 Hull Road, Withernsea for Mr and Mrs Bristow. Granted. Noted.
4154. 1 Financial matters: a. To approve payment schedule for March 2017 £13381.20. Payment schedule APPROVED and signed. b. To receive bank reconciliation 31.3.17. Bank reconciliation RECEIVED and signed. 4154. 1 Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. A Walking Tour of Withernsea takes place on 13th May starting at Route 1033 at 2pm. All All welcome. b. Cllr Saw’s comments re: Hull Road roundabout will be passed onto M.Peeke when site PW visiting.
Part II. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
4155.20. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. AGREED.
4156.21. In Camera. a. To consider recommendations from the Personnel Committee re: staff vacancy. Confidential notes circulated. The post for a part time receptionist/admin operative was discussed and AGREED. JM to arrange advertising. JM The recommendation for the Deputy Clerks 2 scale point increase from 1st June was AGREED.