Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter

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Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter

Special Education Class Newsletter Morning Edition December 2017

Dates to Remember: Nov. 29 -Dec. 1 Preparing for the holidays Dec. 4-8 The sights and smells of the holidays Dec. 11-15 Reindeer Dec.18-22 Celebrating the holidays Dec. 18 Celebration of learning (each child may bring 1 volunteer-trained adult to join in for class activities from 9:30-11:00) Dec. 23-Jan. 1 Schools closed for Winter Holiday Jan. 2 Return to school

Reminders:  Be sure your child wears appropriate footwear, sneakers are best. We plan to play outside on the tot lot every day as the weather permits.  Read all school correspondence (especially information in the front pocket inside the cover) and respond in a timely manner by placing papers in the pocket of the communication book or paper clip them to the book. Students unpack and pack as independently as possible; we do not check bookbags.  Be sure all clothing and materials from home are marked with your child’s name. This helps us stay organized, insures your personal items get back to you and that there is no confusion with which items belongs to which children. Please send in warmer clothing to swap out in the extra clothes bag. Absences Send a note to school every time your child has missed a day of school explaining the reason for the absence (school requirement), or you may choose to call or email the school at [email protected] instead. Absence notes are included in your school folder. Vocabulary In December, students will be given target-vocabulary words that will help them participate in class activities and connect to activities and objects at home. Building a strong vocabulary is key to helping students be good readers. These pictures are in a book format to encourage concepts of print: holding a book, the front, turning pages, touch a picture, touch a word. Sign language is included to give children with limited language a way to share information and the motor component aids memory and internalization of the word. Some students have been given matching boards to promote matching skills and reinforce vocabulary. If you have questions, send me a note. Literacy Folder Red folders are due every Tuesday and contain the poems, rhymes and songs taught in class and promote reading, listening and rhyme. We have been singing and adding songs and poems to the folder. We encourage you to sing and say them at home. We sing loud, quietly, fast or slow. By varying your volume, speed, or voice, you make it interesting and fun and to sing and will keep your child’s attention longer. Keep it interesting by giving your child choices of how to sing/say it. “Do you want to sing it loud or soft, fast or slow, or use a silly voice?” Repetition helps in memorizing but doing the entry the same way gets boring. Spice it up. As your child learns the entry, leave off the last words for him/her to complete the rhymes.

Rotations On Mondays, students enter, do their jobs and then spend time in play and therapy rotations. Each week a typed note explaining the target of our rotation activities will be sent home. Please be sure to review work sent home to reinforce concepts. Special Education Class Newsletter Morning Edition December 2017

Letter Rings We use letter rings as a practice tool for home. Both the upper and lowercase letters will be shown with a picture prompt. The picture is to help students listen for and remember the beginning sounds. As we teach the letters and sounds, a card will be added to the red folder for you to place on the ring. We are beginning with the early developmental sounds and those connected to classmate names. Theme This month we will focus on the objects and actions of preparing for the holidays. We will make and decorate our classroom and tree. Our activities will include counting and quantity words (more/less/just 1), sound play, shapes and colors. We will also focus on position words to review “in” and “out” and to add “on” and “under” to our list. The children will have opportunities to create their own projects in art and use the vocabulary in meaningful ways. We will be learning about concepts of print to find the front and back of the book and touch pictures. As always we will focus on using more words together to comment, answer questions and request and work on sound production with the letter cards and Fundation song and book. Our focus is on beginning sounds and articulation skills. In addition, students are working to extend time in play, focus and attention to following directions at story and work time, and spontaneous talk at snack and play with friends. Extensions This month we’d like you to focus on reading each night for at least 10 minutes and completing the December calendar of activities. The activities can be switched around or changed to fit your holiday preparation and opportunities that come up. We are looking for your child to be an active participant in helping with holiday activities. Your child can help with cookie baking, decorating, wrapping, and holiday cards. Children learn best through hands-on experiences and with the model of an adult or sibling. Have fun this season and stay safe. While reading, pause and ask some “wh” questions. Who is the story about? What just happened? What will happen next? Why do you think so? At the end, talk about the story and identify the characters and setting. Have your child tell his/her favorite part and why. Make connections to personal experiences. Check out for rhymes, songs, and letter activities. DID YOU KNOW? A sharing of developmental information and ideas to promote learning at home. *Development of fine motor skills requires repeated practice. *Eye-hand coordination improves steadily with practice. *Development of mature gross motor patterns requires repeated practice. *Most preschoolers spontaneously use large motions and involve their whole body when playing.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!

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